11 year old thug arrested after threatening teacher,principal and resisting arrest in school

This is what you get in an area where there is a high percentage of foreigners. They hate this country and its people. They just want money. They have no emotional ties. No one in their family ever fought for this country. Pack up the kid and his family and send them to whatever homeland they choose.
We need to stop immigration for 75 years and kick any naturalized bastards out if they show hatred of our Country. They are reneging on their compact with the natural born citizens of America.
Enforced patriotism really isn't.
Kids are smarter these days , and I would guess, smarter than you.

Any kid that considers the Flag racist, is not smart. He is an anti-American piece of shit.
Calm the fuck down and get focused ? The point is not whether or not he is right about the flag or how he feels about America. The point is that he has a right to express his views in anyway he sees fit short of threats or violence. It appears that you don't have a very high regard for our constitutional republic. That does not make you a very good patriot? In fact that kid is more of a patriot than you. He want America to be a better place.

We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

That is not a society that is "becoming a better place".
That is a society in a death spiral.
Yes , a death spiral , because of people like you who don't understand or support freedom of speech and expression

We as a society can't agree to teach our children the virtue of Unity.

A society that can't teach it's children to have loyalty to the society and to each other, is doomed.

Identity politics, in the absences of any unifying force, will lead to ever increasing division, and conflict.

Future historians will point to views like yours, as a mortal wound in our civilization.
Forced patriotism and loyalty is neither.

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!

11 year old refuses to stand.

which is a right and a privilege in a free country!

teacher tries to FORCE kid to stand (only a fascist nazi would FORCE anyone to stand for a pledge)

kid STANDS HIS GROUND...... CONSERVATIVE ADULTS and POLICE use FORCE on an 11 year old boy to FORCE him to stand. 11 year old continues to stand his ground against ADULT CONSERVATIVE FASCIST NAZI BULLIES and gets arrested.

At least THAT is how I see it.

Because the education industry is dominated by conservatives?
. The problem is that we can't teach the children civics. But it's okay to teach them they don't have to be the gender they were born as. This is why they think they shouldn't recite the pledge. They aren't doing it because they think they have a right to. That is a liberal excuse.
Kids are smarter these days , and I would guess, smarter than you.

Any kid that considers the Flag racist, is not smart. He is an anti-American piece of shit.
Calm the fuck down and get focused ? The point is not whether or not he is right about the flag or how he feels about America. The point is that he has a right to express his views in anyway he sees fit short of threats or violence. It appears that you don't have a very high regard for our constitutional republic. That does not make you a very good patriot? In fact that kid is more of a patriot than you. He want America to be a better place.

We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

That is not a society that is "becoming a better place".
That is a society in a death spiral.
Yes , a death spiral , because of people like you who don't understand or support freedom of speech and expression

We as a society can't agree to teach our children the virtue of Unity.

A society that can't teach it's children to have loyalty to the society and to each other, is doomed.

Identity politics, in the absences of any unifying force, will lead to ever increasing division, and conflict.

Future historians will point to views like yours, as a mortal wound in our civilization.
. Fucking nailed it man!
If you hate America and think it's racist, there are plenty of other countries in the world you can go live in.

I say, buy this kid a one-way ticket to the international destination of his choice, and take away his U.S. passport.

Naw, I believe only a small percentage of America is racist. It's a problem that the rest of us will deal with.
1. An ELEVEN YEAR old in a school setting, does not have the right to Freedom of Speech. He is there to be TAUGHT, and being taught to respect the Flag and the Nation it stands for is completely right and proper.
Where in the constitution does it specify the age at which we are granted freedom of speech?
Any kid that considers the Flag racist, is not smart. He is an anti-American piece of shit.
Calm the fuck down and get focused ? The point is not whether or not he is right about the flag or how he feels about America. The point is that he has a right to express his views in anyway he sees fit short of threats or violence. It appears that you don't have a very high regard for our constitutional republic. That does not make you a very good patriot? In fact that kid is more of a patriot than you. He want America to be a better place.

We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

That is not a society that is "becoming a better place".

That is a society in a death spiral.
You just don't get the constitution thing. Sad !!

We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

That is not a society that is "becoming a better place".

That is a society in a death spiral.
We can most certainly ASK. But that is not the same as DEMAND, is it now? :26:

We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

That is not a society that is "becoming a better place".

That is a society in a death spiral.
Any kid that considers the Flag racist, is not smart. He is an anti-American piece of shit.
Calm the fuck down and get focused ? The point is not whether or not he is right about the flag or how he feels about America. The point is that he has a right to express his views in anyway he sees fit short of threats or violence. It appears that you don't have a very high regard for our constitutional republic. That does not make you a very good patriot? In fact that kid is more of a patriot than you. He want America to be a better place.

We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

That is not a society that is "becoming a better place".
That is a society in a death spiral.
Yes , a death spiral , because of people like you who don't understand or support freedom of speech and expression

We as a society can't agree to teach our children the virtue of Unity.

A society that can't teach it's children to have loyalty to the society and to each other, is doomed.

Identity politics, in the absences of any unifying force, will lead to ever increasing division, and conflict.

Future historians will point to views like yours, as a mortal wound in our civilization.
Forced patriotism and loyalty is neither.

Your inability to understand how a healthy society would teach it's young to have pride in their society and to be loyal to their society and fellow citizens,

is really just a slightly different way of demonstrating that we are a dying society.

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!

11 year old refuses to stand.

which is a right and a privilege in a free country!

teacher tries to FORCE kid to stand (only a fascist nazi would FORCE anyone to stand for a pledge)

kid STANDS HIS GROUND...... CONSERVATIVE ADULTS and POLICE use FORCE on an 11 year old boy to FORCE him to stand. 11 year old continues to stand his ground against ADULT CONSERVATIVE FASCIST NAZI BULLIES and gets arrested.

At least THAT is how I see it.

Because the education industry is dominated by conservatives?
. The problem is that we can't teach the children civics. But it's okay to teach them they don't have to be the gender they were born as. This is why they think they shouldn't recite the pledge. They aren't doing it because they think they have a right to. That is a liberal excuse.

They are doing it, because they are being raised to be anti-American.
3. The history of racism is no excuse to be hostile to his fellow citizens. If it is, then Diversity and Multiculturalism were not only lies, but deadly poisons to our nation.
He was not being hostile to his fellow citizens. He was expressing his c=views about racism and the flag. Diversity and Multiculturalism are lies, and deadly poisons to our nation- only according to bigots and xenophobes .

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!

I made a thread on this a couple days ago, but it's a damn shame.

He espouses leftist ideals and then ends up trapped and arrested b their version of school discipline.

Sucks all the way around.

He should have had some timeout or a paddling in the office, but noooo. Now he he's been "resisting arrest w/o violence" and arrested. 11 years old. I say that's a damn shame and a glorious example of a leftist future plan for America.
1. An ELEVEN YEAR old in a school setting, does not have the right to Freedom of Speech. He is there to be TAUGHT, and being taught to respect the Flag and the Nation it stands for is completely right and proper.
Where in the constitution does it specify the age at which we are granted freedom of speech?

Don't know, don't care.

My point rests on it's obvious logic. Yours is nothing but the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Thus, your point is invalid and you lose.
've never been into flag worship either
Respect isn't worship.


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