12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

So the rantings of a few delusional morons were the great "threat to democracy" ? That's what we are hanging all this on? Really? That's what equates to the darkest day in US history? Worse than 9/11 which was the original claim that started all this (not by you but Lakhota)

I already spelled out the threat to our democracy. If you still can't understand it, that's now on you.
Probably never. He is an old ass man. I think the DOJ and judges will be content just making him a convicted federal felon who cannot hold office ever again. Then he can spend his remaining days getting fatter at Mar a Lago and grifting your retirement savings.
Trump isn't going to be be convicted of a felony. You're nuts.
Damaging the business of innocent fellow citizens has absolutely nothing to do with police misconduct, you nasty ignorant stooge.

Except it is the businesses that support the cops, isn't it? Now, let's get a couple things straight.

93% of BLM Protests were in fact- peaceful.

BLM had been asking for police reform since 2012, when Trayvon Martin was murdered by a cop-wannabe and the real cops treated it like it was no big thing.

Colin took a knee and lost his job.
Prosecutors kept letting rogue cops off the hook, or the few times when you had them dead to rights, giving them minimal sentences.

We refused to fix the problem. In fact, Trump undid most of the progress that Obama managed to eke out through consent decrees with the worst offending cities.

And after four years of a racist president encouraging police misconduct, all it took was an inciting incident.

It wasn't like we weren't warned.
Except it is the businesses that support the cops, isn't it? Now, let's get a couple things straight.

93% of BLM Protests were in fact- peaceful.

BLM had been asking for police reform since 2012, when Trayvon Martin was murdered by a cop-wannabe and the real cops treated it like it was no big thing.

Colin took a knee and lost his job.
Prosecutors kept letting rogue cops off the hook, or the few times when you had them dead to rights, giving them minimal sentences.

We refused to fix the problem. In fact, Trump undid most of the progress that Obama managed to eke out through consent decrees with the worst offending cities.

And after four years of a racist president encouraging police misconduct, all it took was an inciting incident.

It wasn't like we weren't warned.
You really need your head adjusted. Now you're blaming the people who own businesses. You are really one sick fucking piece of trash.
Embarrassing? You're the sick fucks who ignore hundreds of small businesses damaged or destroyed by your blm/antifa brats, then go crying over your politician stooges who were frightened by some protesters. Go fuck yourself.

You pussies broke into, smashed windows out, shit all over the Capitol all while looking for people to hang. I know you are proud of yourself even though embarrassing is what it really is.
Noyou go fuck yourself pussy!
You pussies broke into, smashed windows out, shit all over the Capitol all while looking for people to hang. I know you are proud of yourself even though embarrassing is what it really is.
Noyou go fuck yourself pussy!
I didn't support that. However, the democrat party did support the riots. You're one confused drippy doo.
You really need your head adjusted. Now you're blaming the people who own businesses. You are really one sick fucking piece of trash.

Sure I do. WHy do you think those businesses were targeted?

Could it be because they routinely exploit the community? So when the community got angry, they took out the sleazy used car dealer selling lemons to poor people.
I didn't support that. However, the democrat party did support the riots. You're one confused drippy doo.

Lying, traitorous prick...



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