12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

That is not what you said. You said the DOJ and FBI couldn't touch tRump because he was a private citizen. Simply pointing out that you misspoke. Many private citizens have been indicted, tried and convicted do to J6. And they should have been.
We don't prosecute former Presidents in this country.
We don't prosecute former Presidents in this country.

So then you agree ByeDon should be able to do whatever he wants in office like tRump? Cool I agree, but once again that has nothing to do with the original statement you made that started or conversation. Keep deflecting though because it is getting embarrassing for you.
I didn't say they could have been successful. I pointed out what some did in their attempts to overthrow the election. They weren't planning on just the riot which did occur to trigger martial law. Their plan, exposed by intercepted messages, was to engage Antifa in a gun fight at, or in, the Capitol to provide Trump cover to declare martial law. Their plans failed as Antifa never showed up for them to fight. Now they're facing up to 20 years in prison for seditious conspiracy.
So the rantings of a few delusional morons were the great "threat to democracy" ? That's what we are hanging all this on? Really? That's what equates to the darkest day in US history? Worse than 9/11 which was the original claim that started all this (not by you but Lakhota)
So then you agree ByeDon should be able to do whatever he wants in office like tRump? Cool I agree, but once again that has nothing to do with the original statement you made that started or conversation. Keep deflecting though because it is getting embarrassing for you.
Embarrassing? You're the sick fucks who ignore hundreds of small businesses damaged or destroyed by your blm/antifa brats, then go crying over your politician stooges who were frightened by some protesters. Go fuck yourself.
If Trump had any plans to declare martial law wouldn't the riot alone have given him the pretense to attempt to do so? But lets play that out. Let's say he declares martial law and because of the riot everyone accepts that, doubtful but let's just assume that happens. So then the riot is gotten under control, what would then be the pretense to continue under martial law and not certify the vote? At best the certification is delayed a week? President Biden is still sworn in the same day as if nothing happened.

Gee, you mean after he unleashes the military and suspends constitutional government, I'm sure he would have pinky swore to return power to Congress.. pinky-swear!

Come on, get real. The only reason this coup didn't come off was because his own people stopped it.
Embarrassing? You're the sick fucks who ignore hundreds of small businesses damaged or destroyed by your blm/antifa brats, then go crying over your politician stooges who were frightened by some protesters. Go fuck yourself.

Let's get real... given how badly most businesses were screwed by TRUMP PLAGUE< they were probably happy when they got burned out during TRUMP RIOTS.
What's really stupid and embarrassing is you twats ignoring the damage done to your fellow citizens from the riots in 2020.
We begged your side for a decade to clean up police misconduct and brutality.
You can't whine about the riots after you ignore the guy who peacefully took a knee and lost his job for his troubles.
We begged your side for a decade to clean up police misconduct and brutality.
You can't whine about the riots after you ignore the guy who peacefully took a knee and lost his job for his troubles.
Damaging the business of innocent fellow citizens has absolutely nothing to do with police misconduct, you nasty ignorant stooge.
its not a matter of not succeeding. Me attempting to rob a bank and failing because I was shot by a police officer or was caught on a surveillance camera is different than me failing because I tried to rob a bank by running around naked in my back yard. In the first scenario I just didnt succeed but there was a path for me to rob the bank. In the second scenario there was no possible way for me to rob the bank ever by doing what I was doing. The idiots who rioted at the Capital were just like the second scenario. What they were doing was never going to overthrow the Government because regardless of how "successful" they were what they were doing does lead to overthrowing the Government.
The dishonest, reprehensible right attempting to defend the indefensible.

Trump knew and admitted that they had weapons!
So proud of yourself, huh. Thousands of citizens with businesses damaged or destroyed by your blm/abtifa brats in 2020 and you sick fucks ignore them. What a bunch of phoney nasty politician kiss asses.
Crybaby whatabout post. Go post in one of the 1000 white winger threads on that topic.

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