12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

I don't care about proving you wrong. Like, not even one iota. I also have explained that the don't get a pass for being delusional failures. Then I have ignored the rest of your trolling. Simple as that.

So, if some idiot thinks that dancing a jig on the Whitehouse lawn will somehow make him leader of the country, he's guilty of insurrection?
You are correct that I don't believe that was an actual path, in addition to the fact that anything Pence might have done had nothing to do with the riot. Didnt Pence say long before that session that he wasn't going to just declare Trump President? That was the whole onus for hanging him in effigy, wasn't it?

No, Pence never said that publicly. It wasn't until 1pm EST on 1.6.2021 that Pence read a prepared statement to that matter at the opening of the joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 election.
That's what you're basically saying. That if a group of people think what they are doing is going to overthrow the government they are guilty of insurrection regardless of whether what they were doing would actually overthrow the Government.
It is not what I am saying. Sorry. And if you think "the had no chance of succeeding" is a valid defense, then they should be thanking their gods you are nowhere near their courtrooms.
That's what you're basically saying. That if a group of people think what they are doing is going to overthrow the government they are guilty of insurrection regardless of whether what they were doing would actually overthrow the Government.

Some there that day were hoping to be the catalyst to open the door for Trump to declare martial law.
Some there that day were hoping to be the catalyst to open the door for Trump to declare martial law.
He should have but the military was not on his side. That in itself is a violation of the law.
Some there that day were hoping to be the catalyst to open the door for Trump to declare martial law.
If Trump had any plans to declare martial law wouldn't the riot alone have given him the pretense to attempt to do so? But lets play that out. Let's say he declares martial law and because of the riot everyone accepts that, doubtful but let's just assume that happens. So then the riot is gotten under control, what would then be the pretense to continue under martial law and not certify the vote? At best the certification is delayed a week? President Biden is still sworn in the same day as if nothing happened.
Across the entire country? Of course not. How ridiculous.
No it would have only been in the disputed swing states. The voting machines would have been seized and forensically audited. The traitors in the military knew they could not allow that to happen. So they refused to side with their commander in chief. They should all face court martial. Maybe one day they will.
It is not what I am saying. Sorry. And if you think "the had no chance of succeeding" is a valid defense, then they should be thanking their gods you are nowhere near their courtrooms.
its not a matter of not succeeding. Me attempting to rob a bank and failing because I was shot by a police officer or was caught on a surveillance camera is different than me failing because I tried to rob a bank by running around naked in my back yard. In the first scenario I just didnt succeed but there was a path for me to rob the bank. In the second scenario there was no possible way for me to rob the bank ever by doing what I was doing. The idiots who rioted at the Capital were just like the second scenario. What they were doing was never going to overthrow the Government because regardless of how "successful" they were what they were doing does lead to overthrowing the Government.

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