12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

The vast majority of Republicans and conservatives would have thoroughly embraced that. And it would not have led to insurrection, it would have led to civil war between those who opposed such a maneuver and those who love it and welcome it. And I didn't say the morons who stormed the Capitol were willing participants of that plan. I believe Trump called them to the Capitol to help support it had Pence gone along with it. I don't agree with Pence's politics at any level but that man is a hero who deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom for saving this nation.
That's conjecture on your part. Conjecture I completely disagree with. Very few people would have been ok with that.
It was a request for someone to compile basic facts and lay them at your feet. A request that nobody is going to meet. Sorry. Sit there and be ignorant and blame everyone else else for it. Enjoy.
No just a simple what you think the path for the occupy the Capital crowd over throwing the government is. You can’t articulate one because one doesn’t exist.
The reaction by that violent mob of domestic terrorists to Pence denying Trump's request crushes your hollow denial.
600 morons Is Not a significant number of people in a country of 330 million. There are more people who believe Mr Spock is real than that.
No just a simple what you think the path for the occupy the Capital crowd over throwing the government is. You can’t articulate one because one doesn’t exist.
Sorry, irrelevant and and ignored. Go read the words of the criminals who plotted to overturn the election. They laid out their plans quite clearly.
600 morons Is Not a significant number of people in a country of 330 million. There are more people who believe Mr Spock is real than that.

Speaks far louder than your 1 person denial. Not to mention all the support the right has given those assholes, downplaying their crimes.
Hope Hicks testified that Trump refused to issue an order to ask the mob to be nonviolent.

Hope Hicks Reveals Ominous Trump Claim: ‘The Only Thing That Matters Is Winning’

The repubs are using his statements "to be peaceful" but with his obsession with how the election was stolen and no evidence has been found that Trump lost because of a stolen election 2 years ago this statement does not matter in inciting a riot when crimes were committed including starting a riot. IT matters what happen next after you say it.

His early statement of peaceful demonstration is similar to the question of if you yell fire in a crowded location. You can say fire and please exit in an orderly fashion. Yet if this is a false claim of fire and if people panic or start looting then if crimes are being committed thus it falls into the parameters of a crime or any legal laws that being broken by the crowd.

The supreme court as well as local state rules of law does not protect false statements that lead to crimes or being people getting hurt.

Trump is in trouble despite the political nature of this. He is finished but hey he still has his supporters.
Do you mean like with the J6 rioters already prosecuted and serving their jail sentences? Do you mean like that?
Yeah, you be sure and let us know when they put Trump in jail. You're gonna be waiting a very long long time.
Speaks far louder than your 1 person denial. Not to mention all the support the right has given those assholes, downplaying their crimes.
Denial of what exactly? The only thing I am "denying" is that there was an actual path for these 600 idiots to overthrow the Government. So prove me wrong what was that path? Let's assume they were wildly successful and took over the Capital building. Now what?
This baby trolling tactic won't help you. And your mommy doesn't work here. If you want to know how the criminals thought they could succeed, then go read their words all by your big boy self. They spelled it out, like all very smart criminals do.
In the time it has taken you to type of these non answers you could have proved my wrong by explaining what you believe is the path for the 600 morons who broke into the Capital to over throw the Government. I dont even want proof that what you believe would actually work. Just tell me what you think that path is.
In the time it has taken you to type of these non answers you could have proved my wrong by explaining what you believe is the path for the 600 morons who broke into the Capital to over throw the Government. I dont even want proof that what you believe would actually work. Just tell me what you think that path is.
I don't care about proving you wrong. Like, not even one iota. I also have explained that the don't get a pass for being delusional failures. Then I have ignored the rest of your trolling. Simple as that.
Denial of what exactly? The only thing I am "denying" is that there was an actual path for these 600 idiots to overthrow the Government. So prove me wrong what was that path? Let's assume they were wildly successful and took over the Capital building. Now what?

Already showed you the path. Not my problem you're stuck in denial and still can't see it.
Already showed you the path. Not my problem you're stuck in denial and still can't see it.

You are correct that I don't believe that was an actual path, in addition to the fact that anything Pence might have done had nothing to do with the riot. Didnt Pence say long before that session that he wasn't going to just declare Trump President? That was the whole onus for hanging him in effigy, wasn't it?

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