12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

Yeah after Trump put so much pressure on him to change the outcome in the electoral college vote and referred to republicans as weak. I wonder if Trump sent Mike and his family a Christmas greeting.

I guess Pence is looking to get back into politics

Pence is a religious nut and world class ass kisser. He's no better than Trump in his own way.
I am wondering with Trumps statement to be peaceful to the crowd, then that does indicated that he did expect or his lawyer expected that things could get out of hand.
I am wondering with Trumps statement to be peaceful to the crowd, then that does indicated that he did expect or his lawyer expected that things could get out of hand.

Trump wanted it to get out of hand. Hope Hicks and others have confirmed that. I doubt that Trump's mafia-style nods and winks will fly with the DOJ.
There's no right of cross-examination in Congressional hearings ... DoJ ain't so lucky ... it takes balls to lie to Congress, but you go to prison for lying in court ...
There was a day when Congress actually enforced its own authority and ran its own jail manned by the capital police.
And The sergeant at arms in both houses were considered federal law enforcement officers and had arrest authority.

Last time Congress actually had someone arrested for contempt and held them in jail with the teapot dome scandal in the 1930s.
Still Waiting for the path to over throw the government by occupying the Capital building.
Have you ever taken a history class in your life? Take a look at the coups over the last century and what happened. A group of insurrectionist takes over the key government buildings.
The Trump cult members are some of the most stupid people in the world.
What do we do with them. They need help but more help than we can give them.
Have you ever taken a history class in your life? Take a look at the coups over the last century and what happened. A group of insurrectionist takes over the key government buildings.
The Trump cult members are some of the most stupid people in the world.
What do we do with them. They need help but more help than we can give them.
What to do with them? How about release them back to their families and arrest the Gestapo Capitol Police.
Communists like ElmerMudd ,Lakhota and others would love nothing more than to completely kill any and all opposition to their failed, sick ideology. The want a permanent far Left one party country where any dissent will be met with severe punishment, just like in all of the Communist failures they want us to emulate.
The DOJ cannot do anything to a private citizen?
You cannot be that stupid. You think DOJ only deals with people in government.
Oh my, beyond stupid. You could not pass a 5th grade government class
That is one of the dumbest comments I have seen on this site.
Let us know when the DOJ charges Trump with something. He hasn't broken any laws. You can't charge someone for being mouthy. Fucking moron.
Dear Dumbass: Fighting for racial equality and justice is not the same as an insurrection to overthrow the government. Christ, where do you retards come from!?

It was Seattle Washington, you fucking idiot. One of the most woke states in the country.

Where was all this "racial injustice" in Seattle? A criminal doper negro named "George Floyd" gets croaked in Minneapolis and you leftard morons burn down cities that had nothing to do with it.

Gawd, you people are so stupid. :laughing0301:
If only one party existed, there would be no "right" or "left" of it, only it. That, in fact, is what is going on with the duopoly; it contains and constrains all.
I've read any number of posts and threads on this venue since I started coming here in 2020. The above observation by the poster 'skews13' is absolutely one of the best commentary I have read.

Of course, skews is right.
ANY....President of the United States of America, ANY elected leader......need be held to a higher standard that Joe-the-Plumber.

Skews articulated it very very well. Thank you.

So did I.
That group of people, Republicans and Democrats, were disciplined and, from what I could tell, quite thorough. I liked it that there was no leaking by them or their staff. They conducted the hearings with respectful demeanor, an image of probity, and seriousness of purpose. America is better for this Committee's efforts. It was historic. And it will have an impact beyond what we may anticipate today. A good impact. IMHO


He did.
And for that, patriotic Americas who love America can be grateful.

No, he has not been charged.
Most of the people in the world are morons who just want to kill you and take your country away from you.

And other morons like yourself are far too eager to help them accomplish that.

Trump tried to take the country away from us more than any other country. He's getting what he deserves.

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