12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

How stupid does America look on the world stage, now that the Justice Department of a sitting president tries to forcefully block a political opponent from running?
It doesn't. This improves America's standing, among the intelligent people of the world.

Most of the people in the world are morons who just want to kill you and take your country away from you.

And other morons like yourself are far too eager to help them accomplish that.
Most of the people in the world are morons who just want to kill you and take your country away from you.

And other morons like yourself are far too eager to help them accomplish that.
Not among first world coutries. This definitely improves our standing with the world. They want us to excise the tumor that is the trump cult.
Trump needs to take their so called "criminal referral" and shove it, oh wait uhhhh ummmm better yet take it before the federal court system to finally be heard in it's entirety after the referral is made... He should demand a full blown trial that will include all evidence and testimony from the campaign of 2016, all the way up to or through the alledged coup that was formed against him by the Democrat's, who were also joined alledgedly by the leftist that were active all the way up to the 2020 election in hopes to alledgedly frame Trump somehow someway..

I say bring on the trial of the century, just bring it on already.

Now Trump will get a rebuttal with his team found hopefully in a full blown court trial that will be the greatest trial the nation has ever witnessed.
I said ONE of the darkest days. However, it was darker than 9/11 - and had the potential to be much, much darker.
How? There was no way 2k people were going to die, no buildings were going to be blown up and there was no path to actually overthrow the government.
1. Is Garland going to finally put an end to Democrats' / Snowflales' 'We've got him THIS time' misery / losing streak?

2. If Garland chooses to indict and the trial is held in DC Trump will be found guilty, even if the charges are 'Grand Theft UFO' for stealing a flying saucer, as DC has been proven to be the most partisan place on earth, where Democrats are never found guilty and Conservatives have already been found guilty before they walk through the court room doors.

3. Do Democrats / snowflakes REALLY want to make Trump a MARTYR? Have they really thought this through?
It was it was their intent. Their goal. They failed. No pass for failure, sorry.
What’s the path? Let’s assume they are wildly successful. How do they overthrow the government by occupying the Capitol building. Explain it to me. They are in the Capital building, now whats next, what are the steps that lead them to over throwing The government.

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