12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

Hope Hicks testified that Trump refused to issue an order to ask the mob to be nonviolent.

Hope Hicks Reveals Ominous Trump Claim: ‘The Only Thing That Matters Is Winning’

"The mob", LOL!

the demafasict continue to make history with their inability to accept the fact they lost the 2016 election and make a mockery of the US Congress

Pence is a no good double talking rat bastard who will never get the stink of Trump's ass off his face. Monsiegnor Pence is a "God loving" hypocrite who will do anything to run interference to the asshole who owns him, Trump. Pence is a liar who won't come clean on why Trump's asseaters weren't allowed on that committee. He knows why but won't admit it.

He appears on Fox because he knows he can get away with the shit that comes out of his piehole.

Monseignor Pence made sure he got a plug in more then once for that rag he authored.
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Apparently a criminal referral from the J6 Committee won't carry much, if any, weight with the DOJ - so the experts say. However, I think it will carry some weight. Regardless, it serves as a great historical document on one of the darkest days in American history.

Yeah, pure political propaganda. That's all you commies have.

USA Today published a timeline of the Capitol riot that showed the grounds had already been breached before Trump issued his tweets to be "peaceful." In fact, after the grounds had been breached, Trump first tweeted, "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"
This is fucking nuts.

Anyone who puts 911 up with Jan 6 is not to be taken seriously.

You, and probably others, fail to grasp the CONTEXT. Maybe I should have said it better. J6 could have ended our democracy. 9/11 was not a direct threat to our Constitution and democracy - even though that day was pure hell and many people died (including the two wars that followed).
You, and probably others, fail to grasp the CONTEXT. Maybe I should have said it better. J6 could have ended our democracy. 9/11 was not a direct threat to our Constitution and democracy - even though that day was pure hell and many people died (including the two wars that followed).
You're stupid.

Viking hat guy didn't almost take America over.

Americans don't care about joke 6.
"Trump occupies a peculiar place in our history, one that should by any reasonable measure hold him to a higher standard of behavior. That is an implicit bargain that an elected official submits to — willingly or not — when he is placed in an office of public trust. The fact that Trump refuses to accept that precept doesn’t negate it; rather, it makes its enforcement all the more critical."
I've read any number of posts and threads on this venue since I started coming here in 2020. The above observation by the poster 'skews13' is absolutely one of the best commentary I have read.

Of course, skews is right.
ANY....President of the United States of America, ANY elected leader......need be held to a higher standard that Joe-the-Plumber.

Skews articulated it very very well. Thank you.

"Personally, I thought the J6 Committee did an excellent job over the past several months! Now it's up to the DOJ."
So did I.
That group of people, Republicans and Democrats, were disciplined and, from what I could tell, quite thorough. I liked it that there was no leaking by them or their staff. They conducted the hearings with respectful demeanor, an image of probity, and seriousness of purpose. America is better for this Committee's efforts. It was historic. And it will have an impact beyond what we may anticipate today. A good impact. IMHO


"I hope he gets charged for that. And for trying to send fake electors to Congress."
He did.
And for that, patriotic Americas who love America can be grateful.
Trump will probably die of old age before he's ever indicted and convicted. I'm 76 - so I probably won't live to see it.

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