12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. You shouldnt be using a pump action shotgun unless you are defending your home.

The pump action shotgun is an actual, current War weapon...... used by our military all over the world......the AR-15 has never been used in a war....
Thats why a pump action shotgun should never be carried in public. The AR-15 looks just like the M16A! rifle so that should be banned.
I don't care if it's pink and wears panties. Regardless of what it looks like, its function makes it totally inappropriate for civilian ownership. We are NOT at war; the AR was modeled directly on the M16 (which is why it looks like one) and has one purpose. People don't use it to hunt; they use it play Rambo.

You still don't know what you are talking about...but you still insist on talking about it...

The AR-15 is the exact same semi automatic rifle as all the other semi automatics that civilians own...it is no different in any way. The AR-15 was never used by the military, it has never been to war..... the M16 is a select fire weapon, unlike the AR-15....that means the M16 can be fired on fully automatic, the AR-15 can't.....

And yes...people use the AR-15 to hunt...all the time.... you don't know what you are talking about.

The pump action shotgun is an actual military weapon...it is currently used all over the world for military purposes.....two weeks ago a pump action shotgun was used by a shooter in Crimea to murder 21 people, not 12, so again...it isn't the weapon, it is the gun free zone target that piles up the bodies....and the pump action shotgun the killer in Crimea used? ONly holds for shells........ and he murdered 21 college students.....
:blahblah: :th_believecrap:

You really need to actually understand what you are posting about...... what I posted is true and factual.....
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

I agree. When law enforcement comes across a person who is obviously in mental distress, that person should be involuntarily committed until he/she can be evaluated to not be a danger to themselves or others. Nothing else is going to work.

That would empty 90% of the homeless problem too. A Win-Win. I called for Tent cities (forced lockup) and lambasted by commee-stay-at-home-leftist-loons.

And I call for dumbasses to stop trying to behaving as fascists and instead realize that this nation is NOT treating the mentally ill in a humane way and instead are letting them wander around untreated to fend for themselves. These are our neighbors, our relatives and they do not receive treatment and are forced to live on the streets, under bridges and in alleys. Why is that preferable to getting them into hospital and treating them? Why is it better to glare at them through your windshields as you drive by instead of getting them help? Do you feel virtuous as you look away from them as they struggle with their mental illness?

Forced incarceration in Military policed Tent cities (men's -women separate) with 90 days re-evaluation. Far from population centers. Release good ones to 1 year free FEMA housing anywhere in USA to work. They are a public danger as-is. To themselves also.

For those that "refuse" and remain junkies on the streets? Allow shooters to pop them in drive-bys. Problem solved. Shooters will get their fix.
So I'm a 5'8" 135# 45 year old woman. I can lift two gallons of milk with effort. Why should /I/ be denied the right and ability to defend myself, and my household and family, from criminals with bad intentions - possibly even intent to rape or kill me? Can any one of you anti 2nd amendment folks give me a single decent reason that /I/ should be disarmed and put at the mercy of criminals? Because I am the only kind of person that all your stupid gun laws disarm - not the criminals, not the rapists, not the murderers and mass shooters - but innocent, largely defenseless, people like me.

Of course, I'm quite sure not one of you virtue signaling shit posters have a reason, it's all a game to you idiots. What shit hole kind of life you folks want for American's when you literally take away their means and right to defend themselves from murderers? While also barking for open boarders and unlimited unvetted immigration from criminally destroyed nations. While opening the jail cell doors to let repeat criminals roam the streets. While breaking down the fucking doors of media personalities, beating people with bike locks, breaking car and store windows, and calling everyone you disagree with Nazi's. Trying to ban any alternate opinions or beliefs. Someday you fuckers will realize that you are everything you pretend to hate...
No one is suggesting you be disarmed. Unless you are a loony bird.

Do you think those that become loony birds are going to walk in and self identify? Who decides? What degree of loony gets rounded up? j
Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

Make that a law and watch the definition of irresponsible be changed to include not flossing every day
I acknowledge it's going to be hard to define that. But just having a NICS system that has updated and complete data for a background check would be a start. And much better reporting on people with mental illness that includes violent tendencies, and full reporting on DV convictions from the military. That would be a start. But you are right it won't be easy. Could we start with the above without hurting your feelings?

Can you stop Illegals from working? They have some sort of failed E-Verify. Or the ObamaCare website very costly debacle? We can't afford any programs.....that usually don't work anyways?

Step 1: end gun free zones perhaps? Let folks try to shoot back? Works in the hood EH?
The people that decide now if youre suffering from some psychotic episode should make the decision. The process is already there and family members and close friends should be able to report these people and have their weapons removed and a flag put on their ID that says they cannot purchase any weapons.

They had this guy? Fort Hood....FLA school shooter, Pulse shooter......on and on. But they did nothing.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

I agree. When law enforcement comes across a person who is obviously in mental distress, that person should be involuntarily committed until he/she can be evaluated to not be a danger to themselves or others. Nothing else is going to work.

That would empty 90% of the homeless problem too. A Win-Win. I called for Tent cities (forced lockup) and lambasted by commee-stay-at-home-leftist-loons.

And I call for dumbasses to stop trying to behaving as fascists and instead realize that this nation is NOT treating the mentally ill in a humane way and instead are letting them wander around untreated to fend for themselves. These are our neighbors, our relatives and they do not receive treatment and are forced to live on the streets, under bridges and in alleys. Why is that preferable to getting them into hospital and treating them? Why is it better to glare at them through your windshields as you drive by instead of getting them help? Do you feel virtuous as you look away from them as they struggle with their mental illness?

Forced incarceration in Military policed Tent cities (men's -women separate) with 90 days re-evaluation. Far from population centers. Release good ones to 1 year free FEMA housing anywhere in USA to work. They are a public danger as-is. To themselves also.

For those that "refuse" and remain junkies on the streets? Allow shooters to pop them in drive-bys. Problem solved. Shooters will get their fix.

You must be a paid poster because no one is naturally as big an ass as you appear to be. Enjoy ignore.
^^^^^^ your ways are not working. The problem is increasing day by day. There are no funds for Motel rooms or free houses.

These people in CA are a danger to themselves and others.

I offer a solution. You and your ilk don't take them into your homes. Yet you want the rest of us to pay for them or continue to live with them on the street.

Thanks for reading this far
--- just heard on FOX that the 'uk' has had 39 thousand stabbings so far this year . Just saying , interesting info is all it is to me .

the UK is great for RETROSPECTIVE studies in Medicine. ----it's that
centralized system. Stabbing is "reportable" in the USA-----but some
people try to lie about the incident so that it is not recorded as such.----
as in "a knife slipped while I was cutting potatoes"
YEah people often get accidentally stabbed in the belly or the back while peeling potatoes with a 10 inch knife
You don't know my cousin.... she is not allowed in the kitchen, except to sit safely at the table and chat. No sharp objects for her.
What started out as a shooter thread as digressed into homeless I know more about silicone homeless and probably anyone on the board so kiss my sugared butt.

I’ve seen the campfires along Highway 101 680. The mountains of debris up high on the east side of 101 very airport the garbage pile behind the business is on Holly Road trust me I know long line at the Gilroy Shelter at that each day in the winter closed in the summer where are those people go? I have pictures from somebody I am forced to help open three girl that just recently had her car parked in the fire and smoke raging towards him from the paradise fire luckily the wind will die down and I dodged a bullet I have been telling them to do it out of there get out of California since about 2002 people become entrenched they can afford it no work expect others to care for them what you do with you being brought to you from an iPhone using voice text but it doesn’t seem to work very well I’m not crazy about it but I’m not gonna type this much you want your pompous prick will continue song and dance about how evil conservatives do you realize how many people in California are on $10,000 a month pension at age 50 my eyes glazed over and I haven’t even got halfway through Riverside County welcome to reality and welcome to my reality I love it I know it is sharing that much of it for now let me see how this post don’t you attack me again because I will come back if you tenfold
As we say in basketball, you need multiple efforts. In order to stop this gun violence we need to curtail certain things regarding guns. You shouldnt be carrying in a gun in public if you are a male. You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. There is no need other than psychological impulse for any non military person to have one.

A pump action shotgun is an actual War Weapon....currently used by militaries around the world....the lever action rifle was an actual war weapon, as was the revolver...the AR-15 semi automatic rifle was never a War weapon...

You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. You shouldnt be using a pump action shotgun unless you are defending your home.

The pump action shotgun is an actual, current War weapon...... used by our military all over the world......the AR-15 has never been used in a war....
Thats why a pump action shotgun should never be carried in public. The AR-15 looks just like the M16A! rifle so that should be banned.
I don't care if it's pink and wears panties. Regardless of what it looks like, its function makes it totally inappropriate for civilian ownership. We are NOT at war; the AR was modeled directly on the M16 (which is why it looks like one) and has one purpose. People don't use it to hunt; they use it play Rambo.

Other way around. The M-16 was modeled from the AR-15 Model 601 originally purchased by many third world countries and the USAF. The Army bought it but cheapened it up a bit to save money, used their own garbage dirty powder, didn't buy the cleaning kits that is supposed to be held in the stock but added a rail for the M-203 and the ability to use a Bayonet. Then they had Colt stamp M-16 on it instead of AR-15 Model 601. Believe it or not, the AR-15 semi auto predates the M-16 by about 5 years. The AR-15 Model 601 full auto predates the M-16 by almost 10 years. Outside of only a handful of parts, both the M-16, AR-15, and the AR-15 Model 601 is identical. And all three have seen combat.
From Chico last week car packed they ready to run as Paradie to East burned down! Trust me I know I am the answer man
--- just heard on FOX that the 'uk' has had 39 thousand stabbings so far this year . Just saying , interesting info is all it is to me .

the UK is great for RETROSPECTIVE studies in Medicine. ----it's that
centralized system. Stabbing is "reportable" in the USA-----but some
people try to lie about the incident so that it is not recorded as such.----
as in "a knife slipped while I was cutting potatoes"
YEah people often get accidentally stabbed in the belly or the back while peeling potatoes with a 10 inch knife
You don't know my cousin.... she is not allowed in the kitchen, except to sit safely at the table and chat. No sharp objects for her.

try again. A STAB WOUND on a human body is not at all impressive.
All one SEES is a little slit. If you have never spent time in an emergency room------and heard the stories and explanations furnished
by the arrivals in the wee hours of the night-------you just do not know.
On demonstrating a little cut on the abdomen, the patient explains---
"I was taking out the garbage and slipped on some broken glass.
HIM? oh that's my friendly neighbor---he drove me here" It takes
an experienced trauma doc to be suspicious that the little cut may be
a stab wound from a ten inch knife that TOUCHED upon this or that vital
organ. -----the "I slipped on some broken glass-----just a cut---needs a
stitch" story can cost a life
All these California fires me up a limo won’t ever say how they started 01 Salado say it was a lightning strike and then John 3 to 3 but we know a lot of them are homeless camp cook out bark she passed generator is gasoline and chemicals in the world California home and a lot of it to do a human

No I haven’t gone any more crazy than I was already the phone voice to text converter have a Denteley only work for a little bit just not working for me very well either get the plot by Apple limit my character count
I'm quite sure you are just another scientismist, and are yourself, unaware of it.
Well I've spent a few years teching in a lab dealing with air and water pollution so you're probably right. After all, Dale can't explain any of the technical matters to do with chemtrail deposits except to exclaim he knows more than everyone. In that respect you two are identical.
Has he ever posted the meeting minutes or the videos where they admit to doing it?
thanks for putting the 'BULL ZHIT'ers ' in their place with your fine article Hunacrcy . -------------------------- --- Here Are 7 Animals Hunters Kill Using an AR-15 --- the board liars and 'bull zhiters' lie , lie and lie some more and i am happy to point that out to the boards readers with your link Hunarcy ,
Seems the NRA can be blamed for these deaths as well.
The Gun Nutter NRA Killer crew blocked what CA. voted to remove.
Like really 98% of people dying by guns really in what the NRA sponsors.

The pump action shotgun is an actual, current War weapon...... used by our military all over the world......the AR-15 has never been used in a war....
Thats why a pump action shotgun should never be carried in public. The AR-15 looks just like the M16A! rifle so that should be banned.
I don't care if it's pink and wears panties. Regardless of what it looks like, its function makes it totally inappropriate for civilian ownership. We are NOT at war; the AR was modeled directly on the M16 (which is why it looks like one) and has one purpose. People don't use it to hunt; they use it play Rambo.
-------------------------------- of course they use the AR to hunt , shoot varmints and self defense in the home . Its a very versatile , effective and efficient gun and Americans have the RIGHT to own them . By the way , the AR15 is referred to as Americas Modern Musket OldLady .

I used my .223 to shoot a rabid skunk a few weeks ago

Who knows how many animals and people I saved from getting rabies

A real man would have used a baseball bat.
and would have smelled like a skunk for 2 weeks

But maybe that would be an improvement for you
You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. You shouldnt be using a pump action shotgun unless you are defending your home.

The pump action shotgun is an actual, current War weapon...... used by our military all over the world......the AR-15 has never been used in a war....
Thats why a pump action shotgun should never be carried in public. The AR-15 looks just like the M16A! rifle so that should be banned.
I don't care if it's pink and wears panties. Regardless of what it looks like, its function makes it totally inappropriate for civilian ownership. We are NOT at war; the AR was modeled directly on the M16 (which is why it looks like one) and has one purpose. People don't use it to hunt; they use it play Rambo.

I'm sorry, but you are not correct. The AR-15 is an excellent weapon for hunting feral pigs and varmits like coyotes out here on the plains.
I forgot about the pigs. We don't have them up here. We got plenty of coyotes, though, and I hear you can shoot them whenever you want. No one uses AR's on them. I've asked every hunter I know, and after giving me a look like I'm crazy, they all chuckle/snort and say No, I don't hunt with an AR. Although some own one.
A .223 if perfect for small game and varmint killing

But I suppose you don't have a problem with semiautomatic 6.8 mm or 7.62 rifles even though thy do far more damage
The pump action shotgun is an actual, current War weapon...... used by our military all over the world......the AR-15 has never been used in a war....
Thats why a pump action shotgun should never be carried in public. The AR-15 looks just like the M16A! rifle so that should be banned.
I don't care if it's pink and wears panties. Regardless of what it looks like, its function makes it totally inappropriate for civilian ownership. We are NOT at war; the AR was modeled directly on the M16 (which is why it looks like one) and has one purpose. People don't use it to hunt; they use it play Rambo.

I'm sorry, but you are not correct. The AR-15 is an excellent weapon for hunting feral pigs and varmits like coyotes out here on the plains.
I forgot about the pigs. We don't have them up here. We got plenty of coyotes, though, and I hear you can shoot them whenever you want. No one uses AR's on them. I've asked every hunter I know, and after giving me a look like I'm crazy, they all chuckle/snort and say No, I don't hunt with an AR. Although some own one.
A .223 if perfect for small game and varmint killing

But I suppose you don't have a problem with semiautomatic 6.8 mm or 7.62 rifles even though thy do far more damage

.222, .22-250, 243, 6mm just to name a few. I prefer the 243. The .223 is so far down the list it doesn't even get a mention.
A pump action shotgun is an actual War Weapon....currently used by militaries around the world....the lever action rifle was an actual war weapon, as was the revolver...the AR-15 semi automatic rifle was never a War weapon...

You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. You shouldnt be using a pump action shotgun unless you are defending your home.

The pump action shotgun is an actual, current War weapon...... used by our military all over the world......the AR-15 has never been used in a war....
Thats why a pump action shotgun should never be carried in public. The AR-15 looks just like the M16A! rifle so that should be banned.
I don't care if it's pink and wears panties. Regardless of what it looks like, its function makes it totally inappropriate for civilian ownership. We are NOT at war; the AR was modeled directly on the M16 (which is why it looks like one) and has one purpose. People don't use it to hunt; they use it play Rambo.

Other way around. The M-16 was modeled from the AR-15 Model 601 originally purchased by many third world countries and the USAF. The Army bought it but cheapened it up a bit to save money, used their own garbage dirty powder, didn't buy the cleaning kits that is supposed to be held in the stock but added a rail for the M-203 and the ability to use a Bayonet. Then they had Colt stamp M-16 on it instead of AR-15 Model 601. Believe it or not, the AR-15 semi auto predates the M-16 by about 5 years. The AR-15 Model 601 full auto predates the M-16 by almost 10 years. Outside of only a handful of parts, both the M-16, AR-15, and the AR-15 Model 601 is identical. And all three have seen combat.
That's interesting, Daryl. Thank you.
My point was that the AR was a gun designed for combat, modified a wee bit for civilian consumption. Your post underscores that point.

IMO, we have no call to own them.
thanks for putting the 'BULL ZHIT'ers ' in their place with your fine article Hunacrcy . -------------------------- --- Here Are 7 Animals Hunters Kill Using an AR-15 --- the board liars and 'bull zhiters' lie , lie and lie some more and i am happy to point that out to the boards readers with your link Hunarcy ,
Come up here and hunt with an AR-15 and we'll laugh you out of the woods. No kidding.

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