12 states to sue Trump admin. over citizenship census question

because everyone tells the truth to the census.

Then the illegals could just simply Lie on it then now couldn't they..............

But the new question has Blue States Panties in a Wad.................

Our districts are figured via the Census................and these districts are only supposed to be proportioned based on citizens able to vote to determine representation...............

For over the first half of the 20th Century the question was used........The world didn't end.......

they stopped after 1950, so no, they didn't

i assume they're asking about non-citizens because trump wants to remarry
1960 if I remember correctly..............and the rest of your post isn't worth a response.
because everyone tells the truth to the census.


$5000 fine. Don't do it. Moreover -- if you are a STATE who is resisting compliance with MANY Federal rules and regs --- don't do it..

Which brings up the point, Congress needs to clarify the ENFORCEMENT of this requirement as well. They haven't done this in 200 years?
because everyone tells the truth to the census.


$5000 fine. Don't do it. Moreover -- if you are a STATE who is resisting compliance with MANY Federal rules and regs --- don't do it..

Which brings up the point, Congress needs to clarify the ENFORCEMENT of this requirement as well. They haven't done this in 200 years?

yeah, whatever, dude

people lie on the census all the time

it's called self identifying

use more caps :thup:
How about we send 14 million of you commiecrat "dreamers" wandering into Mehico, raping and robbing their people and demanding free shit and the right to vote....sound good? I'm all for it. :113:

I am for securing the borders and focusing on what is best for U.S citizens. I also happen to recognize that the desperate people trying to sneak in are not disgusting savages for doing so.
I am for securing the borders and focusing on what is best for U.S citizens. I also happen to recognize that the desperate people trying to sneak in are not disgusting savages for doing so.

Oh yes illegals are disgusting savages and hideous creatures and criminal invaders. Stop defending them. They are as evil as bank robbers or any other thief. THINK
The illegal immigration issue has made it very clear that the Democratic Party regards White Voters as its opposition.
Oh yes illegals are disgusting savages and hideous creatures and criminal invaders. Stop defending them. They are as evil as bank robbers or any other thief. THINK

No, they're desperate and have families to support. Things are a mess south of the border, in large part thanks to our war on drugs that has empowered the cartels that wreak havoc across Mexico and the countries south of it. If there were decent paying jobs available to them there they would take them, but there's not so they come here as an alternative to homelessness and starvation. As I suggested earlier we have way too many of our own problems to save the world, but to not at least recognize the desperation that drives these people and instead label them as disgusting savages is the only true evil I can see.
Constitution mentioned that the census will be conducted in a manner that is specified by Congress. Excludes Indians and contains the 3/5ths clause later amended. Only says "free persons". To be rigid about this, Congress needs to make a law that the Census will collect the citizenship of each respondent.

They ask how many bathrooms you have and how long your commute is. And we CANNOT ASK if you are a citizen? That's bovine excrement.
Read the 14th it specifically says that any male 21 and older unable to vote shall not count toward the numbers used to determine representatives.
The press won't tell you this but it's a fact that illegal invaders count same as citizens in determining how many representatives a state has in Congress.!! Illegals also mean more money back from the Feds. No wonder sanctuary states want these hideous creatures counted.

Twelve states to sue Trump over Census citizenship question | Daily Mail Online

march 28 2018 New York State attorney general Eric T. Schneiderman said on Tuesday he was leading a multi-state lawsuit over the Census citizenship question

Trump administration said on Monday it would reintroduce a question about citizenship status in the 2020 US Census

Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington plan to join the lawsuit
California already announced on Monday that it would sue

Critics fear that asking people if they are US citizens could discourage some minorities from taking part in the census

They'll lose, citizenship is questioned for all facets of life, to buy a gun, get a government job, security clearance, to run for office ect ect. Not a damn thing illegal or unconstitutional about asking on the census.

The press won't tell you this but it's a fact that illegal invaders count same as citizens in determining how many representatives a state has in Congress.!! Illegals also mean more money back from the Feds. No wonder sanctuary states want these hideous creatures counted.

Twelve states to sue Trump over Census citizenship question | Daily Mail Online

march 28 2018 New York State attorney general Eric T. Schneiderman said on Tuesday he was leading a multi-state lawsuit over the Census citizenship question

Trump administration said on Monday it would reintroduce a question about citizenship status in the 2020 US Census

Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington plan to join the lawsuit
California already announced on Monday that it would sue

Critics fear that asking people if they are US citizens could discourage some minorities from taking part in the census

Every illegal in this country should be booted back to whatever shithole they crawled out of. Every. Single. One.

They have no rights in this country and anyone who tries to give them rights is a back stabbing son of a bitch who couldn't care less about the taxpayers of this country,.
Oh yes illegals are disgusting savages and hideous creatures and criminal invaders. Stop defending them. They are as evil as bank robbers or any other thief. THINK

No, they're desperate and have families to support. Things are a mess south of the border, in large part thanks to our war on drugs that has empowered the cartels that wreak havoc across Mexico and the countries south of it.

Mexico's problem is that half the country are indians. Imagine if america had 160 million injuns all of them drunk and on welfare. Fortunately we just have a few million but mexico is buried in them.
The Left is robbing The Elderly, Children, The Poor, and Veterans of the Social Safety Net Dollars meant for Citizens and giving it to Illegals for the sole purposed of rigging our system of representation so that they are given an unfair advantage over other states who follow Federal Law with regards to Illegals.
Read the 14th it specifically says that any male 21 and older unable to vote shall not count toward the numbers used to determine representatives.

As i pointed out yesterday, the 14A specifically says that applies to CITIZENS who are male and 21+ and illegals are not of course citizens.
It is just as I said. This last election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

However, I have no problem with census takers asking the citizenship status of a household's members.
because everyone tells the truth to the census.

Then the illegals could just simply Lie on it then now couldn't they..............

But the new question has Blue States Panties in a Wad.................

Our districts are figured via the Census................and these districts are only supposed to be proportioned based on citizens able to vote to determine representation...............

For over the first half of the 20th Century the question was used........The world didn't end.......

No, it didn't. But California has 53 Congress critters because of their population. If we had the truth on how many were legal residents, they would probably end up with around 25 Congressmen.
because everyone tells the truth to the census.


They might start lying now. Hell.....when I heard about this, I was thinking about putting down that I'm not a legal citizen. i live in a Democrat district and why give them any power?
Count the illegals.................get more people in the district..................get more representation................

Most high population areas, aka large cities............vote Democratic......

Go figure they would defend this tooth and nail............

For the same reason they don't want a wall and ignore our immigration laws.

The guesstimate on illegals is around 11 to 14 million depending on who you ask. They get some support from Americans particularly leftist. Maybe if Americans knew the real number which is probably around 35 million, they would be less supportive of policies that favor illegals.

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