12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

We're supposed to just throw our hands in the air and say "ok criminals, it's all good. Open season on us"...
All you Ameri-CANs don't need guns, trust in your government officials, it is difficult for them to exercise control of you when you have guns, GIVE EM UP !!!!!!

Yep, the police are only minutes away, when seconds count. Like I've said before, they have an unlimited supply of chalk and crime scene tape to put around your body. The government is there to do things we can't do better on our own, when it comes to my personal protection, I can do it better than any police officer that happens to be 15 miles away.
More people die slipping in their bathtubs each year than the number of people (including kids) who die in gun accidents.
That 500 kids figure counts kids up to 20 years old And includes those shot by police officers in the commission of a crime AND soldiers killed in action under the age of 21. The last time I checked you stopped being a kid when you turned 18 or if you are 16 and older commiting felonies.
There are darn few accidents that don't kill more people every year than guns.

On the whole registration process: we already have to register the guns we buy. If the damn criminals would hand their guns in or at least let the police know where they were then they MIGHT be able to disarm them. You see the criminals don't register their guns because they don't obey the laws - thats what makes them criminals.
A door to door search? So, we just throw the 4th amendment out to see if you own any "illegal" guns. All my guns are legal but how are the police going to determine if they are? Its not the guns that are bad or criminal, it is the people who use them to commit crimes.
Crimes are already against the law - all you have to do is catch and prosecute the criminals. Sell the guns to law abiding citizens to pay for some of the costs.

Having a 12 year old with a gun is bad? I have had a gun resting on the same table in the same spot for over 25 years, it has never jumped up and shot anyone. The twelve year old was instructed by her mother to get the gun for protection when she was on the phone. She called the police but as is too often the case when seconds count they are just minutes away.

That is not a slam on LEOs, it is just fact. Cops can't be evrywhere at once. They usually try to get to the scene as fast as they can. When confronted with a stranger in my house I assume the same thing that the police do: He is there to cause harm. If a homeless man knocks on my door and tells me he is hungry then I will offer him some food - outside. If he comes into my house by breaking in and goes to the kitchen and starts fixing himself a sandwich then I will let him eat until the police arrive. If he checks the whole house out, including the bedrooms upstairs then he will be shot. The only thing he is hungry for is trouble and I can supply that in spades.
Yes I will try to hold him for police but if I feel threatened in any way I will immobilize him and then hold him for the police. If that means two shots mid-chest then the police may need to call the corroner to pick him up. It is the intruders choice. He removes options from my list the more he steps away from the law.

Even animals have the right to defend themselves and their property (or turf). How are you going to defend yourself from an attacker?
That's just it guys.....I'm looking for an alternative solution, rather than the choices of Gun control laws that are only effective in restricting the rights of good citizens to own guns and turning our beloved country into a fully automatic version the old west.

I mean some of you guys took my suggestion as a personal affront.....I'm just trying to look at the situation.....as in why all these calls for more of the same ineffective gun control are happening, and how to find a reasonable and effective way of cleansing our country of the main reason for these demands....violence by organized crime and the gang situation....which is a pariah in our country....while trying to maintain the second amendment rights of law abiding citizens.
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we don't need a cure. Remove the gun restrictions and then go after the criminals. You can't prevent crime. It even happens in prison! So, even if you take away all the rights of the citizens there will still be crime because criminals don't follow the law. No law that you pass affects criminals. England has the strictest gun control in the free world. They have an absolute ban on handguns and rifles and shotguns are strictly controlled and not allowed to be stored in homes. Yet they have a very high (and rising) violent crime rate. They still have gun crimes! Police officers are getting shot and they are only allowed to carry guns under very special training and in specific permitted situations. They have effectively removed the right to defend yourself and the criminals are taking advantage of it. In Japan they have violent and gun crimes. When it is illegal to own guns the outlaws have a license to operate without fear. "Gun free" zones are places where criminals know they can get away with whatever they want to do because nobody can carry a gun. The criminal still carries a gun into the gun free zone.

If you want to cleanse the country of the crime then go for it. Prosecute every crime to the fullest extent of the law and when perps have three strikes put them away for good. Arm everybody and then the criminals will have something to fear! An armed society is a polite society. If you walk into a quicky mart to rob them and every customer in the store is wearing a gun are you going to try to rob the place or are you going to leave?
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we don't need a cure. Remove the gun restrictions and then go after the criminals. You can't prevent crime. It even happens in prison! So, even if you take away all the rights of the citizens there will still be crime because criminals don't follow the law. No law that you pass affects criminals. England has the strictest gun control in the free world. They have an absolute ban on handguns and rifles and shotguns are strictly controlled and not allowed to be stored in homes. Yet they have a very high (and rising) violent crime rate. They still have gun crimes! Police officers are getting shot and they are only allowed to carry guns under very special training and in specific permitted situations. They have effectively removed the right to defend yourself and the criminals are taking advantage of it. In Japan they have violent and gun crimes. When it is illegal to own guns the outlaws have a license to operate without fear. "Gun free" zones are places where criminals know they can get away with whatever they want to do because nobody can carry a gun. The criminal still carries a gun into the gun free zone.

If you want to cleanse the country of the crime then go for it. Prosecute every crime to the fullest extent of the law and when perps have three strikes put them away for good. Arm everybody and then the criminals will have something to fear! An armed society is a polite society. If you walk into a quicky mart to rob them and every customer in the store is wearing a gun are you going to try to rob the place or are you going to leave?

you don't get it....this isn't just crime.....this is Elliot Ness's worst nightmare kind of shit. It's not the stray act of desperation we should be worried about. If a liquor store robbery is the worst we had to worry about, I wouldn't even be thinking about this.

Edit: And for the last time.....I'm not banning anything.....just registration.....Like I said....you want a .50 caliber machine gun? great...if you've got the money, go get one.....just register it as a legally owned weapon.

That way when the National Guard comes knocking at your door, you show them your registration papers and they move along.

I'm not saying that it's a definitive solution.....but I think.it's better than gun bans and the government dictating what kind of guns you can.own.
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I can do it better than any police officer that happens to be 15 miles away.

But what if it is the police that need to move you to a camp or something like that, they wont be able to because you Ameri-CANs have guns, thus the government don't have control, GIVE EM UP, so the government can function and control you as it should.
I can do it better than any police officer that happens to be 15 miles away.

But what if it is the police that need to move you to a camp or something like that, they wont be able to because you Ameri-CANs have guns, thus the government don't have control, GIVE EM UP, so the government can function and control you as it should.

Dude....you are a paranoid Fuckwad. I know that the voices on AM radio.tell you that Obama is out to get you and that Democrats are Commies.....and that your just dumb enough to accept that bullshit at face value.....

But you're wrong.
Dude....you are a paranoid Fuckwad. I know that the voices on AM radio.tell you that Obama is out to get you and that Democrats are Commies.....and that your just dumb enough to accept that bullshit at face value.....

But you're wrong.

I guess we will need to wait until my hommie Obama remove the first and second amendment, and implements Sharia Law, for you to SHUT THE FUCKK UP.
12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment - Celia Bigelow - Page 1

12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun

As the left continues to advocate for further restrictions on the Second Amendment, others are using it to save their lives.

This past Wednesday a young 12-year old girl in Bryan County, Oklahoma was able to protect her life when an intruder kicked in her back door and entered her house. Frantically, she called her mother who advised her to grab their household gun, hide in the closet, and call 911.

The intruder made his way through the house, and as he was opening the door of the closet, the young girl shot him through the closet door. The intruder left the house and the girl was found unharmed. The police arrived and took the man into custody.

What would have happened had the girl not been armed? We can’t be sure, but there are far too many stories of young girls being kidnapped, murdered, and raped.

Now explain to me again why we need more restrictive gun laws?

Which one of you libs would prefer that this little girl be UNARMED?

How many 12 year old and younger boys and girls were killled by a handgun in 2011?
That's just it guys.....I'm looking for an alternative solution, rather than the choices of Gun control laws that are only effective in restricting the rights of good citizens to own guns and turning our beloved country into a fully automatic version the old west.

I mean some of you guys took my suggestion as a personal affront.....I'm just trying to look at the situation.....as in why all these calls for more of the same ineffective gun control are happening, and how to find a reasonable and effective way of cleansing our country of the main reason for these demands....violence by organized crime and the gang situation....which is a pariah in our country....while trying to maintain the second amendment rights of law abiding citizens.

I've told you, if they can't live by the rules, you simply kill the bastards. Problem solved.
Dude....you are a paranoid Fuckwad. I know that the voices on AM radio.tell you that Obama is out to get you and that Democrats are Commies.....and that your just dumb enough to accept that bullshit at face value.....

But you're wrong.

I guess we will need to wait until my hommie Obama remove the first and second amendment, and implements Sharia Law, for you to SHUT THE FUCKK UP.

Who the hell do you think you are, newbie, to come here and order everyone around?
Go back to where you came from.
I say good for her.
When I first heard of and read this story, I immediately thought of my own daughters...and can only hope that if either of them were forced to defend themselves that they too, could only be so brave.
12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment - Celia Bigelow - Page 1

12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun

As the left continues to advocate for further restrictions on the Second Amendment, others are using it to save their lives.

This past Wednesday a young 12-year old girl in Bryan County, Oklahoma was able to protect her life when an intruder kicked in her back door and entered her house. Frantically, she called her mother who advised her to grab their household gun, hide in the closet, and call 911.

The intruder made his way through the house, and as he was opening the door of the closet, the young girl shot him through the closet door. The intruder left the house and the girl was found unharmed. The police arrived and took the man into custody.

What would have happened had the girl not been armed? We can’t be sure, but there are far too many stories of young girls being kidnapped, murdered, and raped.

Now explain to me again why we need more restrictive gun laws?

Which one of you libs would prefer that this little girl be UNARMED?

Because fucking 12 year olds with guns will kill children you fucking moron.

god bless.

Can you get any more reactionary? This 12 year old kept herself from being the victim of a crime. ANY 12 year old raised with the knowledge of firearms and their proper care and use can do the same. The only 12 year olds killing other kids are the ones whose parents haven't cared enough to educate them.

That's on their ignorant parents. You know, people like YOU.

Fucking Moron!
A death penalty that takes decades to carry out is not a deterent, and most of the 9 million in your example are multiple offenders, why would you have a problem with putting them our of our misery? And don't give me that crap they these poor souls didn't have the advantages we did. I've worked since age 13 and never considered stealing to get what I needed. I lived away from my parent when I graduated from HS, but I made it a priority to get my diploma, these people could have done the same.

The death penalty isn't a deterrent because most people either aren't thinking that far ahead or they think they can get away with it.

Death Penalty states have higher murder rates than non-dp states. And countries like Germany have lower murder rates than we do.

The fact that you made it doesn't make up for the fact that some don't.
Frankly I suspect we're ALL going to have to arm ourselves for home protection sooner or later.

I think allowing (encouraging, creating?) something like low level anarchy (like already exists in most urban ghettos) is all part of the greater scheme of the MASTERS.

No doubt by the time those guns are necessary all over America, most of us won't be allowed to own one based on some trumped up criminal charge, some psych profile, or based on some dubious assessment from HOMELAND SECURITY (supported overwhemlingly by the GOP, I remind you ALL) that many of us are potential LONE WOLF terrorists.

So if you're worried about the government taking away your guns?

Don't look to the GOP to protect your rights, folks.

And don't look to the DNC, either.
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All these Ameri-CAN bitches need to be silent, they must prepair for the future.

Dude....you are a paranoid Fuckwad. I know that the voices on AM radio.tell you that Obama is out to get you and that Democrats are Commies.....and that your just dumb enough to accept that bullshit at face value.....

But you're wrong.

I guess we will need to wait until my hommie Obama remove the first and second amendment, and implements Sharia Law, for you to SHUT THE FUCKK UP.

Yep.....Steelplate must've hit the nail on the head....all the AM radio talking points, no rationality.....You're brainwashed, buddy.
That's just it guys.....I'm looking for an alternative solution, rather than the choices of Gun control laws that are only effective in restricting the rights of good citizens to own guns and turning our beloved country into a fully automatic version the old west.

I mean some of you guys took my suggestion as a personal affront.....I'm just trying to look at the situation.....as in why all these calls for more of the same ineffective gun control are happening, and how to find a reasonable and effective way of cleansing our country of the main reason for these demands....violence by organized crime and the gang situation....which is a pariah in our country....while trying to maintain the second amendment rights of law abiding citizens.

I've told you, if they can't live by the rules, you simply kill the bastards. Problem solved.

and little brother gets bequeathed his arsenal that didn't get found when he was arrested on the charge that ended his life. Do you know anything about the level of organization and the complexity of gangs these days? These guys aren't simple street thugs....at least not once you get above the street level.

There's enough desperation on the mean streets of our cities to have plenty of recruits to take the executed's place. Do you really want a perpetual war inside our own borders? Because that's what it is and what it will be.

We are already trying to take these people off the street.....they out number and many times outgun police officers. It's a battle we are losing.....why?

Why are we allowing this shit to go on? Do we have to wait until they "expand their enterprises" to us folk in white suburbia? Do we have to wait until we fall asleep to the restful sounds of gunfire, screams and police sirens? Do we have to wait until one of our kids gets killed by a stray bullet?

This is our country damn it. The FBI estimates that there are 1.4 Million people in this country that are ACTIVE gang members....that's from a quick Google search and the report was from 2011.....in 2009? There were about 400k less.

If you think this problem is going to go away with a "three strikes and you're dead" law, I think you're mistaken.
Ok, fine dickhead....let the gun control assholes run the show. because eventually, when enough of our citizens get killed or terrorized by the criminal element in our country....they will get their way. I'd much rather have the focus on the PROBLEM than the weapons. Suit yourself.

You'll have to declare martial law first you dumshit or the Constitution will get in your way.

God help us, you people are hopeless.

Really? we'd have to declare martial law to go after domestic terrorists?

Domestic Terrorists....and this is what passes for intelligence on the Left.

Look kid, life isn't fair.
You can't make it "safe" for everybody, it doesn't work that way.
You cannot get guns out of the hands of bad guys, THEY DON'T OBEY LAWS, god help me I have no use for stupid people.

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