12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

This is not right, what if the government needs to lay down the law, and move undesirables to a concentration camp, this would be impossible if the Ameri-CANs are armed, the first and second amendments need to be removed as this prevents the government from gaining more power to control the people.

And NO, Ameri-CANs don't need guns, if you are getting raped, then the bitch should be forced to take on that dick, JUST LIKE THE USA HAS BEEN GIVING THE DICK TO non-Americans FOR THE LAST 100 YEARS.
I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

Great rebuttal and alternative solution, I guess your one of the folks that think we can turn career criminals around by just being nicer to them. People tend to change that attitude when one of them puts a gun in your face. We don't need more gun laws we need fewer criminals, because they don't give a shit about laws.

The fact is, we've tried it your way.

We are one of the last countries with a Death Penalty, putting us in such heady company as China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation and parole. Obviously, the "being mean to them" isn't helping much.

No one started out as a "career criminal". They don't cover that on "vocation day" in school. Most are guys who just didn't have oppurtunities you and I had, and went down a wrong path.

A death penalty that takes decades to carry out is not a deterent, and most of the 9 million in your example are multiple offenders, why would you have a problem with putting them our of our misery? And don't give me that crap they these poor souls didn't have the advantages we did. I've worked since age 13 and never considered stealing to get what I needed. I lived away from my parent when I graduated from HS, but I made it a priority to get my diploma, these people could have done the same.
You dumbshit, how do you track illegal guns?

ummm...real simple READ MY FUCKING POST ASSHOLE.

I'm not looking for it kid, you ain't smart enough....post it Ill look at it.

Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.
How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

There's no such thing as gun rights. It Is The Right To Bear Arms.
Actually, it is. Liberals have made it very hard for honest people to arm themselves, making them victims. And now your idea of fixing it? You may want to read that to yourself again, then ask yourself; Do I actually understand freedom and liberty?
b/c you have made it impossible to own arms legally. seriously, most cries come from people like you.

Bullshit.....I'm cutting through all of those things you blame liberals for and going straight to the source of our "gun woes".

I'm saying you can have fully automatic .50 caliber machine guns if you want....just register them to make them legal.....then go after the illegal ones. Why would a law abiding gun owner have an issue with that?

How, exactly, would that work? Are legally registered weapons going to look different than illegal ones? Is the government going to have the power to go into homes that do not register weapons to make sure they aren't hiding them?

Only an idiot would think that is a solution instead of an invitation to more problems.
There's no such thing as gun rights. It Is The Right To Bear Arms.
Actually, it is. Liberals have made it very hard for honest people to arm themselves, making them victims. And now your idea of fixing it? You may want to read that to yourself again, then ask yourself; Do I actually understand freedom and liberty?
b/c you have made it impossible to own arms legally. seriously, most cries come from people like you.

Bullshit.....I'm cutting through all of those things you blame liberals for and going straight to the source of our "gun woes".

I'm saying you can have fully automatic .50 caliber machine guns if you want....just register them to make them legal.....then go after the illegal ones. Why would a law abiding gun owner have an issue with that?

How, exactly, would that work? Are legally registered weapons going to look different than illegal ones? Is the government going to have the power to go into homes that do not register weapons to make sure they aren't hiding them?

Only an idiot would think that is a solution instead of an invitation to more problems.

It's all right there in my quoted original post.
I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

You of all people would know THAT!

I'm not the one who is getting all happy a child shot some homeless person. She'll have psychological problems for the rest of her life, probably.

She didn't shoot a homeless person, she shot a burglar who is claiming he is homeless to get sympathy from idiots. I am sure that she will be fine as long as we can keep the idiots like you away from her so you can't make her feel guilty.
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ummm...real simple READ MY FUCKING POST ASSHOLE.

I'm not looking for it kid, you ain't smart enough....post it Ill look at it.

Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

You act like a kid kid.

So you are advocating a house to house search for illegal weapons by active duty military personnel.

Sorry....let's move on to the NEXT stupid suggestion.
12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment - Celia Bigelow - Page 1

12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun

As the left continues to advocate for further restrictions on the Second Amendment, others are using it to save their lives.

This past Wednesday a young 12-year old girl in Bryan County, Oklahoma was able to protect her life when an intruder kicked in her back door and entered her house. Frantically, she called her mother who advised her to grab their household gun, hide in the closet, and call 911.

The intruder made his way through the house, and as he was opening the door of the closet, the young girl shot him through the closet door. The intruder left the house and the girl was found unharmed. The police arrived and took the man into custody.

What would have happened had the girl not been armed? We can’t be sure, but there are far too many stories of young girls being kidnapped, murdered, and raped.

Now explain to me again why we need more restrictive gun laws?

Which one of you libs would prefer that this little girl be UNARMED?

Good for her.... to bad she didn't kill the bastard.

Because..... it leaves the family open for the fucker to sue the hell out of them.
Bullshit.....I'm cutting through all of those things you blame liberals for and going straight to the source of our "gun woes".

I'm saying you can have fully automatic .50 caliber machine guns if you want....just register them to make them legal.....then go after the illegal ones. Why would a law abiding gun owner have an issue with that?

How, exactly, would that work? Are legally registered weapons going to look different than illegal ones? Is the government going to have the power to go into homes that do not register weapons to make sure they aren't hiding them?

Only an idiot would think that is a solution instead of an invitation to more problems.

It's all right there in my quoted original post.

You explained how the police and military would be able to go into law abiding citizen's homes who do not register weapons to make sure they register them? I must have missed that, could you point it out for me? could you then point out why anyone would go along with that?
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ummm...real simple READ MY FUCKING POST ASSHOLE.

I'm not looking for it kid, you ain't smart enough....post it Ill look at it.

Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

The supremes said registration like you advocate is unconstitutional, the use of federal troops in law enforcement is unconstitutional, so I think the courts would would shoot down your plan in a new yourk second.
I'm not looking for it kid, you ain't smart enough....post it Ill look at it.

Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

You act like a kid kid.

So you are advocating a house to house search for illegal weapons by active duty military personnel.

Sorry....let's move on to the NEXT stupid suggestion.

Ok, fine dickhead....let the gun control assholes run the show. because eventually, when enough of our citizens get killed or terrorized by the criminal element in our country....they will get their way. I'd much rather have the focus on the PROBLEM than the weapons. Suit yourself.
Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

You act like a kid kid.

So you are advocating a house to house search for illegal weapons by active duty military personnel.

Sorry....let's move on to the NEXT stupid suggestion.

Ok, fine dickhead....let the gun control assholes run the show. because eventually, when enough of our citizens get killed or terrorized by the criminal element in our country....they will get their way. I'd much rather have the focus on the PROBLEM than the weapons. Suit yourself.

You'll have to declare martial law first you dumshit or the Constitution will get in your way.

God help us, you people are hopeless.
I'm not looking for it kid, you ain't smart enough....post it Ill look at it.

Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

The supremes said registration like you advocate is unconstitutional, the use of federal troops in law enforcement is unconstitutional, so I think the courts would would shoot down your plan in a new yourk second.

Not if gangs and other organized criminals would be branded Domestic Terrorists. I think that would be enough to get around posse comitatus. Btw,What's wrong with registration if any and all firearms would be declared legal if they are registered?

The bottom line is that you guys.....once again....are unwilling to accept a half of a loaf. Think about it....you want an automatic AK with a 50 round clip? it's yours....just register it. Only people with something to hide would not do it.....oh yeah....and those so brainwashed by the NRA that they can't see the upside.
You act like a kid kid.

So you are advocating a house to house search for illegal weapons by active duty military personnel.

Sorry....let's move on to the NEXT stupid suggestion.

Ok, fine dickhead....let the gun control assholes run the show. because eventually, when enough of our citizens get killed or terrorized by the criminal element in our country....they will get their way. I'd much rather have the focus on the PROBLEM than the weapons. Suit yourself.

You'll have to declare martial law first you dumshit or the Constitution will get in your way.

God help us, you people are hopeless.

Really? we'd have to declare martial law to go after domestic terrorists?
Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

The supremes said registration like you advocate is unconstitutional, the use of federal troops in law enforcement is unconstitutional, so I think the courts would would shoot down your plan in a new yourk second.

Not if gangs and other organized criminals would be branded Domestic Terrorists. I think that would be enough to get around posse comitatus. Btw,What's wrong with registration if any and all firearms would be declared legal if they are registered?

The bottom line is that you guys.....once again....are unwilling to accept a half of a loaf. Think about it....you want an automatic AK with a 50 round clip? it's yours....just register it. Only people with something to hide would not do it.....oh yeah....and those so brainwashed by the NRA that they can't see the upside.

You think the president ignoring the law would be enough to get around the law?
I'm supporting Obama because Romney would be a horrible President.


he was a horrible governor, he was a horrible boss.

You support Obama because you are a flaming fucking Liberal, period sissy boy.

No, I support Obama because you idiots are turning MY country over to the evil Mormon Cult.

You either have a vivid imagination or voices in your head.
How, exactly, would that work? Are legally registered weapons going to look different than illegal ones? Is the government going to have the power to go into homes that do not register weapons to make sure they aren't hiding them?

Only an idiot would think that is a solution instead of an invitation to more problems.

It's all right there in my quoted original post.

You explained how the police and military would be able to go into law abiding citizen's homes who do not register weapons to make sure they register them? I must have missed that, could you point it out for me? could you then point out why anyone would go along with that?

If they refuse to register, then they aren't exactly law abiding, are they?

The point of the suggestion is this.

A. we have a huge problem with Organized Crime in this country....gangs control large chunks of our cities. They kill indiscriminantly and intimidate good people on a daily basis. Their numbers are too much for the police to handle. The cries for gun control, as misguided as they are....largely come from the victims and families of these animals. The hard left takes their side and try to get laws passed that are ineffective towards criminals....because they don't give a shit about laws anyway....and directly affect everyday gun owners.....and they aren't going to stop demanding those laws.

B. The act of registering firearms creates a line between legal and illegal guns. The tradeoff of registering them is that you get to own any weapon you fancy...any registered gun becomes legal. Of course....people with violent felony convictions don't get to own....so they won't register....people who have stolen weapons won't register. People who plan to use their weapons in criminal activity won't register.

Are you getting my drift?
Kid? Fuck you. I've been on this planet since '65.

Perhaps you should have wrote...
I'm not looking for it...because I'm too fucking lazy......but anyway.....here ya go ya fuckin' slug.....

How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

The supremes said registration like you advocate is unconstitutional, the use of federal troops in law enforcement is unconstitutional, so I think the courts would would shoot down your plan in a new yourk second.

Not if gangs and other organized criminals would be branded Domestic Terrorists. I think that would be enough to get around posse comitatus. Btw,What's wrong with registration if any and all firearms would be declared legal if they are registered?

The bottom line is that you guys.....once again....are unwilling to accept a half of a loaf. Think about it....you want an automatic AK with a 50 round clip? it's yours....just register it. Only people with something to hide would not do it.....oh yeah....and those so brainwashed by the NRA that they can't see the upside.

You may not think history can teach us anything, but if you look at history, registration has always been a precursor to confiscaton. I will never register my weapons and there is plenty of places to hide them if need be. You don't enforce laws against criminals by taking away the rights of the whole population. That sir would be unamerican, you want to get rid of gangs that's easy, use the rico laws and prosecute them as organized crime. When you start taking everything they have, houses, cars, jewlery as the fruits of illegal activity they will start rethinking things. Of course you can't give the sentences of 10 years and allow them to get out is 10 months and expect them to respect the law. Like I said before, if were up to me, on the third felony conviction, I'd put them down permantely, but most people don't have the balls for that, they'd rather just complain.
Glad it worked out for her, she got lucky. I wonder if she identified the person opening the door before she fired. It would have sucked if a cop or one of her parents had opend the door and got shot instead.

This is not a victory for or against gun laws, it is a little girl getting lucky defending herself. I support guns for home protection, and I still support gun locks so twelve year olds can't kill themselves on accident. There are too many problems with this story to tout as a gun rights victory. Be happy she made it and leave it at that.

Anyone can be trained in the proper use of a firearm.
So, in your scenario, a police officer who makes an unauthorized entry into a home( yes a police officer cannot enter a dwelling without permission unless he or she suspects or has probable cause a crime is taking place inside the home) , does not identify himself as a police officer, gets shot by a scared 12 year old girl who has hidden in a closet because some fucking scum bag broke in, we're supposed to just throw our hands in the air and say "ok criminals, it's all good. Open season on us"..
Tis better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.
We're supposed to just throw our hands in the air and say "ok criminals, it's all good. Open season on us"...
All you Ameri-CANs don't need guns, trust in your government officials, it is difficult for them to exercise control of you when you have guns, GIVE EM UP !!!!!!

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