12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

Secure ????? As in immune from violence based on probability or ability ?

The probabilities are actually pretty low. And I'm a pretty capable guy, even without a weapon.

Lead tipped cane eh?
Glad it worked out for her, she got lucky. I wonder if she identified the person opening the door before she fired. It would have sucked if a cop or one of her parents had opend the door and got shot instead.

This is not a victory for or against gun laws, it is a little girl getting lucky defending herself. I support guns for home protection, and I still support gun locks so twelve year olds can't kill themselves on accident. There are too many problems with this story to tout as a gun rights victory. Be happy she made it and leave it at that.

You mean the gun lock that would have guaranteed that this little girl was raped and maybe killed? See, I prefer education, you know, teaching my kids the safe and proper way to handle and shoot a firearm and twelve years old is way old enough to be a responsible firearms handler. You do know that twelve year olds in just this nation used firearms to fill the family pantries for generations? That in almost every war and campaign fought on this soil children in that age group used firearms to defend this nation, their homes and their families? My sons starting shooting at 6yrs old and I would trust them with a firearm under any conditions by the time they were 12yrs old. Locks can be gotten around by children and kids, some younger than 12, are exposed to guns outside the home on a regular basis so a lock on your gun worthless if that is your idea of keeping your kids safe. If you want to keep your kids as safe as possible, teaching them the safe and proper way to handle a firearm, and just as importanty when NOT to hanlde a firearm or be around others that do, is the ONLY way to go. Before my sons where 12 they could hit in the 9 and 10 rings with an AK-47, and SKS, an M-1 Carbine, a Mini-14, an AR-15, a .410, a 20GA some of which where full auto, and numerous types of pistols and revolvers, not to mention the fact that they could break down, clean and re-assemble EVERY weapon I owned or that my friends owned and came to my home to fire. THAT is the proper way to keep you kids safe around firearms, not locking them away or hiding them from your kids.

Really can't say much about that, as I too agree with as much training as possible to teach kids. Here is my problem and I'm sure you would agree. Not all parents are responsible enough to teach their kids about guns. It will be the untrained 12 yr old who's parents didn't teach them anything about guns, who shows up at school or the playground and accidently shoots the 12 yr old trained kid. Like I said in my previous post, this worked out well, but it could have went very bad also.

Depending on someone else to teach their kids the proper gun handling skills isn't going to work for me. I would like them to lock their guns up, only because I don't trust them.

Back before the libs took over education they had gun clubs at schools, kids took guns to school on the bus and no one thought a thing about it. Now they discipline kids for even drawing a gun, how pathetic is that?
Who the fuk cares about what you have, want or already got.
And as to whether or not I have guns, like the one guy said earlier; stop on by, don't knock.
Life is full of surprises.

I have no desire to enter another's home without being invited in, and would not enter a jackass's home like yours even if invited, and just because you "have guns" doesn't mean you have either the ability or the guts to put a bullet in a person's chest.

LOL....there you have it. Another George Zimmerman set and ready and full of guts and able to shoot down an innocent teen on his way home from a shopping at the local convenient mart.

There you have it. Another person who doesn't have nearly all the facts trying to play judge and jury. What happened to the presumption of innocence?
Um - who is trying to take your guns away? Certainly not the current president. Your right to protect yourself with a gun is not being taken away - in fact it has only become better under this administration.

Gun industry thrives under Obama administration despite warnings - NY Daily News

In fact he has so far only passed one piece of gun legislation.

"Despite the perception is that Mr. Obama is anti-gun rights (gun shop owners say fear of his policies drives strong gun sales), he has repeatedly reaffirmed the right to bear arms. Indeed, the only gun-control laws he has signed as president have been to expand gun rights – allowing guns on national park lands and Amtrak trains. He also said this year that “hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage.”

Obama vs. Romney 101: 4 ways they compare on gun control - Second Amendment - CSMonitor.com

Guess your unaware of Moabama assuring Sarah Brady the he was working on gun control using back channels, or the UN treaty he is supporting on small arms. You might want to do a little research on that, before opening you mouth.
You mean the gun lock that would have guaranteed that this little girl was raped and maybe killed? See, I prefer education, you know, teaching my kids the safe and proper way to handle and shoot a firearm and twelve years old is way old enough to be a responsible firearms handler. You do know that twelve year olds in just this nation used firearms to fill the family pantries for generations? That in almost every war and campaign fought on this soil children in that age group used firearms to defend this nation, their homes and their families? My sons starting shooting at 6yrs old and I would trust them with a firearm under any conditions by the time they were 12yrs old. Locks can be gotten around by children and kids, some younger than 12, are exposed to guns outside the home on a regular basis so a lock on your gun worthless if that is your idea of keeping your kids safe. If you want to keep your kids as safe as possible, teaching them the safe and proper way to handle a firearm, and just as importanty when NOT to hanlde a firearm or be around others that do, is the ONLY way to go. Before my sons where 12 they could hit in the 9 and 10 rings with an AK-47, and SKS, an M-1 Carbine, a Mini-14, an AR-15, a .410, a 20GA some of which where full auto, and numerous types of pistols and revolvers, not to mention the fact that they could break down, clean and re-assemble EVERY weapon I owned or that my friends owned and came to my home to fire. THAT is the proper way to keep you kids safe around firearms, not locking them away or hiding them from your kids.

Really can't say much about that, as I too agree with as much training as possible to teach kids. Here is my problem and I'm sure you would agree. Not all parents are responsible enough to teach their kids about guns. It will be the untrained 12 yr old who's parents didn't teach them anything about guns, who shows up at school or the playground and accidently shoots the 12 yr old trained kid. Like I said in my previous post, this worked out well, but it could have went very bad also.

Depending on someone else to teach their kids the proper gun handling skills isn't going to work for me. I would like them to lock their guns up, only because I don't trust them.

Back before the libs took over education they had gun clubs at schools, kids took guns to school on the bus and no one thought a thing about it. Now they discipline kids for even drawing a gun, how pathetic is that?

Your post accomplished stupid before the end of the first sentence.
Hey should 12 year olds be able to buy their own weapons? You know, just walk in to the local gun store, plop down their piggy bank and say; gimme a glock with the big clip. I got some problems to resolve.

That should be legal. Right gun lovers. I mean, many of you on here have been handling weapons since you were in diapers. Why not have kids be able to arm themselves? Carry concealed to school?

When I was 11 I walked into a Western Auto store in Mannford, OK and bought a 20ga shotgun along with a box of ammo, for my dad for Christmas and carried them home. I would have never thought of using them for something inapropriate. Of cousre I was properly educated on firearms and was taught to respect other people, two things lacking in todays society. Thanks libtards.
We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Maybe locking people up isn't the answer... just saying.
Wrong. Breaking the law isn't the answer...but that never occurred to you, did it?


Not saying it was an "answer".

It's a PROBLEM. We have a subset of people in this country who are so desperate they break laws.

Not a problem thos SOOOOOOOOOCIALIST countries have. They take care of people.

Which is why we lock up 2 million and Germany only locks up 78,000.


I wonder what the Germans are doing right?

Letting Uncle Sam pay for their national defense, for one.

Collecting a billion a year in 'militarized welfare' from the paychecks all the AMERICAN servicemen and women spend there.

For starters...
How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.
Letting Uncle Sam pay for their national defense, for one.

Collecting a billion a year in 'militarized welfare' from the paychecks all the AMERICAN servicemen and women spend there.

For starters...

While I wouldn't have a problem with reducing or commitment to NATO (no longer needed, really), that hardly accounts for what I point out.

Germany does have a strong welfare state, to be sure, and strong unions and the put the emphasis on employment over profit for corporations, to start with.

‘Capitalist’ US vs ‘Socialist’ Germany « Marmalade

Most Americans, I suspect, believe we’re losing manufacturing because we can’t compete against cheap Chinese labor. But Germany has remained a manufacturing giant notwithstanding the rise of East Asia, making high-end products with a workforce that is more unionized and better paid than ours. German exports came to $1.1 trillion in 2009 — roughly $125 billion more than we exported, though there are just 82 million Germans to our 310 million Americans. Germany’s yearly trade balance went from a deficit of $6 billion in 1998 to a surplus of $267 billion in 2008 — the same year the United States ran a trade deficit of $569 billion. Over those same 10 years, Germany’s annual growth rate per capita exceeded ours.

Germany has increased its edge in world-class manufacturing even as we have squandered ours because its model of capitalism is superior to our own. For one thing, its financial sector serves the larger economy, not just itself. The typical German company has a long-term relationship with a single bank — and for the smaller manufacturers that are the backbone of the German economy, those relationships are likely with one of Germany’s 431 savings banks, each of them a local institution with a municipally appointed board, that shun capital markets and invest their depositors’ savings in upgrading local enterprises. By American banking standards, the savings banks are incredibly dull. But they didn’t lose money in the financial panic of 2008 and have financed an industrial sector that makes ours look anemic by comparison.
I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.
Or he might have been a child molester. It seems there is good reason to suspect he may have abducted the girl had she not fired.

Might have. Would have. Should have.

Kind of still goes back to why parents would leave a 12 year old in the house by herself, though, doesn't it.

Wassamatter Joe, did you not stop getting your diaper changed until you were 12?
I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.
Well that's a start to admit you're crazy
I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

Great rebuttal and alternative solution, I guess your one of the folks that think we can turn career criminals around by just being nicer to them. People tend to change that attitude when one of them puts a gun in your face. We don't need more gun laws we need fewer criminals, because they don't give a shit about laws.
You mean the gun lock that would have guaranteed that this little girl was raped and maybe killed? See, I prefer education, you know, teaching my kids the safe and proper way to handle and shoot a firearm and twelve years old is way old enough to be a responsible firearms handler. You do know that twelve year olds in just this nation used firearms to fill the family pantries for generations? That in almost every war and campaign fought on this soil children in that age group used firearms to defend this nation, their homes and their families? My sons starting shooting at 6yrs old and I would trust them with a firearm under any conditions by the time they were 12yrs old. Locks can be gotten around by children and kids, some younger than 12, are exposed to guns outside the home on a regular basis so a lock on your gun worthless if that is your idea of keeping your kids safe. If you want to keep your kids as safe as possible, teaching them the safe and proper way to handle a firearm, and just as importanty when NOT to hanlde a firearm or be around others that do, is the ONLY way to go. Before my sons where 12 they could hit in the 9 and 10 rings with an AK-47, and SKS, an M-1 Carbine, a Mini-14, an AR-15, a .410, a 20GA some of which where full auto, and numerous types of pistols and revolvers, not to mention the fact that they could break down, clean and re-assemble EVERY weapon I owned or that my friends owned and came to my home to fire. THAT is the proper way to keep you kids safe around firearms, not locking them away or hiding them from your kids.

Really can't say much about that, as I too agree with as much training as possible to teach kids. Here is my problem and I'm sure you would agree. Not all parents are responsible enough to teach their kids about guns. It will be the untrained 12 yr old who's parents didn't teach them anything about guns, who shows up at school or the playground and accidently shoots the 12 yr old trained kid. Like I said in my previous post, this worked out well, but it could have went very bad also.

Depending on someone else to teach their kids the proper gun handling skills isn't going to work for me. I would like them to lock their guns up, only because I don't trust them.

Back before the libs took over education they had gun clubs at schools, kids took guns to school on the bus and no one thought a thing about it. Now they discipline kids for even drawing a gun, how pathetic is that?
The leftist goal of making all Americans pathetic sissy bedwetters continues apace.
I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

Great rebuttal and alternative solution, I guess your one of the folks that think we can turn career criminals around by just being nicer to them. People tend to change that attitude when one of them puts a gun in your face. We don't need more gun laws we need fewer criminals, because they don't give a shit about laws.
There's a history behind Joe not to long ago he was a professing Republicans now he supports obama, he's a fucking troll .
I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

You of all people would know THAT!
How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

There's no such thing as gun rights. It Is The Right To Bear Arms.
Actually, it is. Liberals have made it very hard for honest people to arm themselves, making them victims. And now your idea of fixing it? You may want to read that to yourself again, then ask yourself; Do I actually understand freedom and liberty?
b/c you have made it impossible to own arms legally. seriously, most cries come from people like you.
I got a better idea, how about we use the three strike rule, with one little twist. Third felony conviction, your dead with 3 days. If your going to appeal it better be successful on one of the first two, won't be one available on the third. Revolving jail house doors are the problem. If a person can't live by the rules, they can die by them.

I love gun threads... they bring out all the crazy people.

Great rebuttal and alternative solution, I guess your one of the folks that think we can turn career criminals around by just being nicer to them. People tend to change that attitude when one of them puts a gun in your face. We don't need more gun laws we need fewer criminals, because they don't give a shit about laws.

Hey....I gave an alternate solution that allows you as a law abiding citizen to own any weapon you want and take illegal guns away from the hands of criminals.....The people to the right of me don't like it because it would require us gun owners to register their weapons to establish a hard line between legal and illegal weapons. The people to the left of me haven't really commented on the proposal.

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