12 Year-Old Rape Victim Says Hillary Lied on Affidavit to Set Free Client She Knew Was Guilty

I smarter than to believe a lying left wing rag like snopes.
Find an article they got wrong...?
I note the lack of a response from tyroneweaver
When you say jump I don't say how high.
No worries. You can keep running all you want but be aware, your non-answer answers for you.
So you're conclusion is Snopes is politically neutral and always tells the truth.
My conclusion is you can't prove they've ever told a falsehood.

If you could have, you would have.
Find an article they got wrong...?
I note the lack of a response from tyroneweaver
When you say jump I don't say how high.
No worries. You can keep running all you want but be aware, your non-answer answers for you.
So you're conclusion is Snopes is politically neutral and always tells the truth.
My conclusion is you can't prove they've ever told a falsehood.

If you could have, you would have.
Oh they're out there. Just google it.
I note the lack of a response from tyroneweaver
When you say jump I don't say how high.
No worries. You can keep running all you want but be aware, your non-answer answers for you.
So you're conclusion is Snopes is politically neutral and always tells the truth.
My conclusion is you can't prove they've ever told a falsehood.

If you could have, you would have.
Oh they're out there. Just google it.
That's what losers say when they can't prove their claims.

Again ... and I can't stress this enough ... if you could have proven your claim, ya would have.
When you say jump I don't say how high.
No worries. You can keep running all you want but be aware, your non-answer answers for you.
So you're conclusion is Snopes is politically neutral and always tells the truth.
My conclusion is you can't prove they've ever told a falsehood.

If you could have, you would have.
Oh they're out there. Just google it.
That's what losers say when they can't prove their claims.

Again ... and I can't stress this enough ... if you could have proven your claim, ya would have.
Well stress then.
More right wing lies.

Lawyers don't testify . How can she file a false affidavit?

By the way, ya know this 53 year old lady is a convicted felon .

Another conspiracy theory. The Republican party has turned into a book of conspiracy theories for DUMMIES. This is why for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
Trump Is Losing to Hillary Among One Crucial Group of White Voters

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is now the party of TRUMP.
Stuffed full of ignorance, anger, fear, bigotry, misogyny and extremism and it couldn't be better stated than in a 3 minute video from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

It's also well stated in this article:

"In fact, a list of what “Republicans” now stand for has nothing at all to do with policy or principle, but rather is filled with beliefs about very specific concepts. For instance, being a member of the current GOP pretty much requires you to pledge allegiance to most, if not all, of the following views:

  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).
  • Hillary Clinton is hiding a severe illness which makes her incapable of holding office and which will soon cause her death (well, at least we might not have to worry about her serving two full terms!).
  • President Obama is easily the worst president in history, a Muslim terrorist sympathizer, the founder of ISIS, and likely wasn’t really born in the United States.
  • The Republican “establishment” is a bunch of impotent losers because they lost two elections to a media darling and can’t override vetoes without a super majority, but a guy who has never been truly leading a candidate like Hillary in the polls is a sure winner.
  • Conservative writers at the National Review and Weekly Standard along with Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Brit Hume are all out-of-touch wimps who can’t be trusted to tell us the truth, but Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones would never lie to us for profit (expect for maybe that whole Alex Jones “9/11 Truther” thing, which we’ll sort of pretend didn’t happen).
  • When in doubt, Trump is always right, no matter what he has said in the past, even when it has directly contradicted his previous statement, and even if that happens on the same day, or in the same interview.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants and building a huge wall on our Mexican border is the most important thing we must do, unless Trump changes his mind.
  • There is nothing more significant (especially now that we’ve forgotten about that whole illegal immigration thing) than making sure that the person who picks the next Supreme Court justice is the same guy who was recently favors eminent domain and curtailing the First Amendment, and who picked Arsenio Hall and Piers Morgan as the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
  • The news media has never been more biased than they are against Trump, which is why they gave him two billion dollars in free advertising in the primaries and why he just hired the head of a major conservative “news” outlet to head his campaign while using Sean Hannity and Roger Ailes as advisors.
  • The background of a potential First Lady and her ability to properly represent the country no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Experience in public office no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Using a Teleprompter is good, unless it is bad (that’s so 2008!).
  • Flip-flopping means nothing (so 2004!).
  • Releasing your tax returns (even when you entire campaign is based on your wealth) means nothing.
  • Words mean nothing.
  • Having class or decency means nothing.
  • Limited government means nothing.
  • Fiscal responsibility means nothing.
  • Cozying up to Vladimir Putin is numerous bizarre ways means nothing.
  • Campaigning as an amazing manager of people but running a campaign that is in constant chaos and disarray means nothing.
  • Lying is a total disqualifier for Hillary, but when Trump lies it is simply part of the “Art of the Deal.”
  • Polls are either wrong or part of a massive nonsensical conspiracy, unless Trump is winning.
    Facts mean nothing (unless they are sanctified by Matt Drudge, in which case they are then gospel).
  • Stories from “mainstream” media sources are inherently wrong, even if all they are doing is reporting Trump’s actual words.
  • Hillary is the worst person who has ever lived and would be such a dangerous president that we must do everything possible to defeat her, except actually bother to consider electability when it comes to picking our nominee."
So it is now all so clear to me. It’s not that Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a Republican. It’s that I’m not.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

It's not hard to see why moderate Republicans are leaving the party in hoards. They've had enough.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

They wanted Trump now they own it and everything that comes with it.

You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator
No worries. You can keep running all you want but be aware, your non-answer answers for you.
So you're conclusion is Snopes is politically neutral and always tells the truth.
My conclusion is you can't prove they've ever told a falsehood.

If you could have, you would have.
Oh they're out there. Just google it.
That's what losers say when they can't prove their claims.

Again ... and I can't stress this enough ... if you could have proven your claim, ya would have.
Well stress then.
Why on Earth would I stress over your failure to prove your claims?? :cuckoo:
the Defense hired a Detective...the detective is who made the claim from his gum shoeing...

the girl was never disparaged in Public, her reputation was not smeared....the case never went to trial.

The Judge DENIED the request to have a psychological exam...

the victim lied about having to go through horrible Psychological exam, there WAS NO Psychological exam....it was denied by the judge.

The facts about Hillary Clinton and the Kathy Shelton rape case

From your link:

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing,” Clinton said. “I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

Clinton offered no source for the claims."

That is the issue, thanks for putting it to rest.:thup:
not really...from the article also...this detective is who told Clinton such...she didn't make it up out of the clear blue as YOU are falsely claiming.

Newsday also quoted a retired detective on the case as saying that Shelton’s “ ‘infatuation’ with the teenage boy, which she refused to admit,” led to “serious inconsistencies in her statements about the incident.” The detective also said Shelton’s mother “was so eager to end the ordeal she coached her daughter’s statements and interrupted interviews with police.”
Hillary submitted the affidavit, no one else did.
I must say I find it fascinating that no Clinton supporters ever want to address what was in that false affidavit.

That Clinton was blaming the victim for her own rape. Interesting.
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.
I must say I find it fascinating that no Clinton supporters ever want to address what was in that false affidavit.

That Clinton was blaming the victim for her own rape. Interesting.
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
I must say I find it fascinating that no Clinton supporters ever want to address what was in that false affidavit.

That Clinton was blaming the victim for her own rape. Interesting.
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
"There are no "legal mechanics" involved"

are you an attorney, legal scholar etc?
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
"There are no "legal mechanics" involved"

are you an attorney, legal scholar etc?
What difference does that make?

The trial is long over. There are no "legal mechanics" involved. There's only politics involved at this point.
No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
"There are no "legal mechanics" involved"

are you an attorney, legal scholar etc?
What difference does that make?

The trial is long over. There are no "legal mechanics" involved. There's only politics involved at this point.
You are a fool, get lost.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
"There are no "legal mechanics" involved"

are you an attorney, legal scholar etc?
What difference does that make?

The trial is long over. There are no "legal mechanics" involved. There's only politics involved at this point.
You are a fool, get lost.

Too bad I will not comply with that. Meanwhile, back on the topic of this thread, you can't prove Hillary lied in that affidavit.
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
"There are no "legal mechanics" involved"

are you an attorney, legal scholar etc?
What difference does that make?

The trial is long over. There are no "legal mechanics" involved. There's only politics involved at this point.
You are a fool, get lost.

Too bad I will not comply with that. Meanwhile, back on the topic of this thread, you can't prove Hillary lied in that affidavit.

You do not know what you are talking about.

Just as Hillary used and harmed this 12 year old minor girl to further her own agenda, she has used you and will continue to do so. :itsok:

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.
"There are no "legal mechanics" involved"

are you an attorney, legal scholar etc?
What difference does that make?

The trial is long over. There are no "legal mechanics" involved. There's only politics involved at this point.
You are a fool, get lost.

Too bad I will not comply with that. Meanwhile, back on the topic of this thread, you can't prove Hillary lied in that affidavit.

You do not know what you are talking about.
Again... says who? Who says a 40 year old settled case is still bound by "legal mechanics?"

Just as Hillary used and harmed this 12 year old minor girl to further her own agenda, she has used you and will continue to do so. :itsok:
Utter nonsense. Hillary did not ask to be on that case, and in fact, tried to get out of it. That's your idea of Hillary "furthering her own agenda." Plus, she did not succeed in that case because of the affidavit she filed; but because an inept prosecuting attorney lost the key evidence against Hillary's client.
I must say I find it fascinating that no Clinton supporters ever want to address what was in that false affidavit.

That Clinton was blaming the victim for her own rape. Interesting.
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.

The affidavit was falsified. It was unethical. But that doesn't bother any of you because you are as corrupt and as unethical as the Clintons. Your heart is as black as theirs.

Destroy a child for the win. CHECK

Rip off Haitians for millions of dollars. CHECK

Pay for play. CHECK.

The list corruption is endless and yet you embrace it.
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.

The affidavit was falsified. It was unethical. But that doesn't bother any of you because you are as corrupt and as unethical as the Clintons. Your heart is as black as theirs.

Destroy a child for the win. CHECK

Rip off Haitians for millions of dollars. CHECK

Pay for play. CHECK.

The list corruption is endless and yet you embrace it.
We've already established you're lying about the affidavit being falsified as you have no proof she wasn't informed of the things she claimed.

Show where the affidavit was challenged by the prosecuting attorney if it was false as you claim? You can't. Because you have nothing but partisan rhetoric on your side.
No matter how many times you frame that affidavit as falsified, your lies do not magically become true through repetition. You failed to prove Hillary was not informed of the contents of that affidavit,

No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.


There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.

The affidavit was falsified. It was unethical. But that doesn't bother any of you because you are as corrupt and as unethical as the Clintons. Your heart is as black as theirs.

Destroy a child for the win. CHECK

Rip off Haitians for millions of dollars. CHECK

Pay for play. CHECK.

The list corruption is endless and yet you embrace it.

Unmitigated morons and losers who believe all the BS Hillary can spew. Hillary victimized the child, she has victimized Bill's victims and sexual partners, Hillary been cited as unethical, a liar and dishonest as an attorney*

* Jerry Zeifman, chief counsel of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate inquiry stated the following about Hillary: “She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
No. It's not up to me or anyone else to prove what is in her affidavit. The onus is on Clinton. You know. The person who swore to this under oath.
Alex. wouldn't answer this, maybe I'll have better luck with you .... though I doubt it ....

regarding the highlighted text ...... Says who?
You 1. do not understand the answer or legal mechanics involved; 2. you are a mindless drone who shouts hoping that your voice will be the only one heard.

Hillary victimized a 12 year old girl by submitting an unsubstantiated affidavit casting this poor child in the most negative light without documentation or medical support to further her own career. Just think of what she will do to the US if she is elected, she is a horrible and black hearted human being.

There are no "legal mechanics" involved. The case was settled some 40 years ago. All that remains now are frustrated rightwingers who are trying to score political points off of Shelton's tragedy.

And what she will do for the U.S. is exemplified by what she did in that case ... defend us with rigor and win.

The affidavit was falsified. It was unethical. But that doesn't bother any of you because you are as corrupt and as unethical as the Clintons. Your heart is as black as theirs.

Destroy a child for the win. CHECK

Rip off Haitians for millions of dollars. CHECK

Pay for play. CHECK.

The list corruption is endless and yet you embrace it.
We've already established you're lying about the affidavit being falsified as you have no proof she wasn't informed of the things she claimed.

Show where the affidavit was challenged by the prosecuting attorney if it was false as you claim? You can't. Because you have nothing but partisan rhetoric on your side.
The burden is on the proponent of the affidavit.

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