12 yrs olds can now have safe sex 7 times out of 10 because...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Children as young as 12 in California are able to get free condoms delivered to their doors by simply clicking a computer mouse — and the initiative is reportedly funded partly by federal tax dollars. The Condom Access Project, a state-run program launched in February 2012, provides free condoms at “teen-friendly” locations but also delivers to residents in seven designated “STD hot-spot” counties.

Anyone between the ages of 12 and 19 living in those areas can request a 10-pack of free condoms online each month and have them confidentially shipped. Recipients also get personal lubricants and a packet of educational information.

The program, which has shipped 30,000 condoms since it began, expanded the delivery service last month to include San Diego and Fresno counties.
Tax dollars at work: Calif. kids get free condoms by mail - Washington Times

Combining the ideal and the use-effectiveness rates, condoms are listed at 90-70 percent, which translates to a failure rate of 10-30 percent.

So just as manufacturers entice consumers with Free coupons... here we have a state encouraging 12 yr olds to have safe sex now!
How smart! I wouldn't be surprised Planned Parenthood isn't funding this exercise!
Oh the above send out an educational package... convincing kids not to have sex BUT if you must you must be safe!!!
12 yrs olds can now have safe sex 7 times out of 10 because...

Children as young as 12 in California are able to get free condoms delivered to their doors by simply clicking a computer mouse — and the initiative is reportedly funded partly by federal tax dollars. The Condom Access Project, a state-run program launched in February 2012, provides free condoms at “teen-friendly” locations but also delivers to residents in seven designated “STD hot-spot” counties.

They're much-too-young to patronize your for-profit-hu$tle, anyhow....


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