128 Votes Against The United States Jerusalem Decision

We have Nikki Joseph Goebbels Haley threatening every other country in the world as if the US is a mobster threatening the local mom and pop store if they don't accept protection. Nikki Haley has shown herself to be as soulless as her orange turd boss, her career is over once Lying Trump is gone.

But how disgusting for the rest of the world to watch America slide so quickly into this sewer. Thankfully the rest of the world told Nikki Goebbels and Lying Donald to shut the fuck up.
I had always respected Nikki Haley as a level minded conservative. I was pleased she was chosen to represent us

Her performance was a disgrace. Rather than try to convince other nations we were right....she resorted to petty threats against other nations if they vote against us

They rightfully, told her and Trump to fuck off

What threats?
If you vote against me, I will pull UN funding

I will take my ball and go home

We fund them out of the goodness of our national heart. We owe no one regarding this issue. There is no threat because we have never been obligated.

When your kid misbehaves, you slash his allowance.
We are a founding member of the UN and member of the Security Council

We used to lead other nations in condemning those who had taken damaging actions........now we are on the receiving end

Not exactly making America great

The world and the UN have changed. Four globalist presidents attempted to bring America into subservience with that change.

We've decided to have none of it, and it's time to reassess all things, including our self-destructive allies.
We have Nikki Joseph Goebbels Haley threatening every other country in the world as if the US is a mobster threatening the local mom and pop store if they don't accept protection. Nikki Haley has shown herself to be as soulless as her orange turd boss, her career is over once Lying Trump is gone.

But how disgusting for the rest of the world to watch America slide so quickly into this sewer. Thankfully the rest of the world told Nikki Goebbels and Lying Donald to shut the fuck up.
I had always respected Nikki Haley as a level minded conservative. I was pleased she was chosen to represent us

Her performance was a disgrace. Rather than try to convince other nations we were right....she resorted to petty threats against other nations if they vote against us

They rightfully, told her and Trump to fuck off

What threats?
If you vote against me, I will pull UN funding

I will take my ball and go home

We fund them out of the goodness of our national heart. We owe no one regarding this issue. There is no threat because we have never been obligated.

When your kid misbehaves, you slash his allowance.
We are a founding member of the UN and member of the Security Council

We used to lead other nations in condemning those who had taken damaging actions........now we are on the receiving end

Not exactly making America great

And in the next breath the US is asking the UN for tougher sanctions on North Korea. So where's Nikki Goebbels to threaten the UN on this?

I'm so glad the UN told the US to go fuck itself on Jerusalem. It shines a bright light on how corrupt Nikki Joseph Goebbels Haley is and the orange turd she dances for.
I had always respected Nikki Haley as a level minded conservative. I was pleased she was chosen to represent us

Her performance was a disgrace. Rather than try to convince other nations we were right....she resorted to petty threats against other nations if they vote against us

They rightfully, told her and Trump to fuck off

What threats?
If you vote against me, I will pull UN funding

I will take my ball and go home

We fund them out of the goodness of our national heart. We owe no one regarding this issue. There is no threat because we have never been obligated.

When your kid misbehaves, you slash his allowance.
We are a founding member of the UN and member of the Security Council

We used to lead other nations in condemning those who had taken damaging actions........now we are on the receiving end

Not exactly making America great

The world and the UN have changed. Four globalist presidents attempted to bring America into subservience with that change.

We've decided to have none of it, and it's time to reassess all things, including our self-destructive allies.
The UN is more important than ever

Trump is resorting to isolationism and Putin is the one best able to exploit the power void
The United States is a pariah in the world now and it is only getting worse by the day. This is what happens when an ignorant child pretending to be an adults is given power.

America's image is torn to shreds and Russia and China are stepping into the void created in all the places America is now missing. That is how the world works and once the orange turd leaves office these foreign relation disasters will continue for decades. Our relationship with some of our staunches allies is now permanently changed. Lying Trump and his sycophant followers are like a march of White Surpremacists claiming the entire community is with them.

Nobody is.

Yes, because doing it the way we've been doing it the past 50 years has led to peace.....

Read Clauswitz sometime.

Clauswitz, bugwit number two.

The false equivalent, one of three favorite fallacies that conservative cling to like a fatman hanging over the side of a hotair balloon that is going through a hurricane. Cons you view world affairs as a 6 year old views an internal combustion engine. You have absolutely no idea how it works but you tell your friends that you do. And then the adults pat you on the head and say go play with your Wii Willy.

As usual you don't get it. We don't have peace in the Middle East, and will not have it until the roots of the conflict are solved. What we have is an armistice.

The roots of the issue will only be solved if either the Arab States give up on their desire to eradicate Israel, or they accomplish their goal.

Pussyfooting around with those idiots hasn't worked, so Trump is trying something else.

We never had an armistice. There was never a cease fire. There is the space between one pally attack and another pally attack. The muzz intend for Israel to be eradicated. Recognizing and legitimizing the capital of the country is an impediment to that goal. Trump did the right thing. Europe is slipping into islam and needs to right itself while it still can.

The current situation is a suspension of hostilities, in a Clauswitzian sense, as there is currently no declared war, but still no real peace. Peace cannot happen until the root of the conflict is eliminated.
Just now at the UN. I guess we'll be saving some money down the road.

Frankly, we could dump the whole thing as far as I'm concerned.

128 votes identifying all of the balless, back-stabbing nations who haven't been real friends of ours in a very long time and don't deserve another nickel from us.
Just now at the UN. I guess we'll be saving some money down the road.

Frankly, we could dump the whole thing as far as I'm concerned.

128 votes identifying all of the balless, back-stabbing nations who haven't been real friends of ours in a very long time and don't deserve another nickel from us.
It actually represents the rest of the world

The rest of the world slapped down Trumps decision

All that means is we won't be slapping down the cash for them any longer.
We are talking the whole world

Not that it matters, but no. You're talking 128 countries, many of them no better than open sewers.

They will start screaming when the ATM is removed.
Togo supported us

All Trump has left

Some leader

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