13 best zingers from Hillary's speech on foreign policy, diplomacy, and the big orange idiot.

Hm nothing about when your ambassador asks WEEKS before an attack for extra security just ignore him then blame a video or when in a war zone LIE about coming under sniper fire.
love it
Yes. She gave what was billed as an important speech on her foreign relations positions, and spent the time babbling about Trump.

How typical. She has nothing.

I just turned MSNBC off because the host said Hilly baby gave a detailed comprehensive speech
about her foreign policy....

I sat through a lot of that speech today....
It was mostly.....

Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Blah blah blah, ISIS something something...
Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Great speech by Hillary

She needs to keep it up. Never allow Trump or his positions to be taken seriously
Yes. She gave what was billed as an important speech on her foreign relations positions, and spent the time babbling about Trump.

How typical. She has nothing.
You're a fucking idiot. Every time she direct quoted Trump, it was self explanatory why she held the opposite position. Does your kind really think it's OK to kill the families of terrorists? What about Timothy McVeigh? Should his family had been killed?
You feel Arabia should have nuclear weapons? Nearly all the 9/11 terrorists were from Arabia, but they should have nuclear weapons.
Her position was so obvious, you would have to be a complete idiot and lobotomized and drooling tard not to get it.

Sometimes bitch slappy is the only way to get through.

franco reads Cosmopolitan online
Google News duh. Try it sometime, dupe.

9. "A Trump presidency would embolden ISIS. We cannot take that risk. This isn't reality television — this is actual reality."

10. "So it really matters that Donald Trump says things that go against our deepest-held values. It matters when he says he'll order our military to murder the families of suspected terrorists. During the raid to kill bin Laden, when every second counted, our SEALs took the time to move the women and children in the compound to safety. Donald Trump may not get it, but that's what honor looks like. And it also matters when he makes fun of disabled people, calls women 'pigs,' proposes banning an entire religion from our country, or plays coy with white supremacists. America stands up to countries that treat women like animals, or people of different races, religions, or ethnicities as less human."

11. "What happens to the moral example we set — for the world and for our own children — if our president engages in bigotry? And by the way, Mr. Trump — every time you insult American Muslims or Mexican immigrants, remember that plenty of Muslims and immigrants serve and fight in our armed forces. Donald Trump could learn something from them."

12. "Now imagine Donald Trump sitting in the Situation Room, making life-or-death decisions on behalf of the United States. Imagine him deciding whether to send your spouses or children into battle. Imagine if he had not just his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but America's entire arsenal. Do we want him making those calls — someone thin-skinned and quick to anger, who lashes out at the smallest criticism? Do we want his finger anywhere near the button?"

13. "This election is a choice between two very different visions of America. One that's angry, afraid, and based on the idea that America is fundamentally weak and in decline. The other is hopeful, generous, and confident in the knowledge that America is great — just like we always have been."

I clicked on your link, it took me to Cosmopolitan.

And it's not surprising that a womans magazine would back a woman.

Tho I find it surprising that a womans magazine would back THAT womam
Chances are you know nothing factual about her, dupe. The whole article is quotes.

Right, I've been locked in a basement with a bunch of mushrooms for the last 35 years.


I know her 'vaunted' experience boils down to 18 years of being First Lady, 10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC

I know she carpet bagged from Arkansas to NY to win a Senate seat. (took no chances there, did she)

I know that as First Lady she had far more name recognition and free advertising than any opponent Republicans could have brought against her.

I know the same held true for her second 'election' to the Senate.

I know that she could beat a first time senator in her first run for the presidency, and she's have a bitch of a time beating an independent for the nomination this time.

I know she pulled her SoS position out of a Cracker Jacks box that Obama gave her as a consolation prize.

I know she blew her first SoS trip with a reset button.

Need I go on about what I 'don't know' about her?

You also know all the claims made about Trump in today's speech are backed up with recordings of him saying them. Trump is unfit for the job he wants and you know that too.
Hillary is setting the tone for the campaign

Keep the spotlight on Trump and hold him accountable
Hm nothing about when your ambassador asks WEEKS before an attack for extra security just ignore him then blame a video or when in a war zone LIE about coming under sniper fire.
GOP cut State security, Mr. BS Monday Morning QB dupe- probably WAS triggered by the video, hater dupe. First lady 22 years ago, brainwashed functional moron- that was hardly a normal welcoming ceremony, twit.
Yes. She gave what was billed as an important speech on her foreign relations positions, and spent the time babbling about Trump.

How typical. She has nothing.

I just turned MSNBC off because the host said Hilly baby gave a detailed comprehensive speech
about her foreign policy....

I sat through a lot of that speech today....
It was mostly.....

Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Blah blah blah, ISIS something something...
Trump bad
Trump bad
Trump bad
Oh fuck, another tard. She didn't clown. She didn't "Trump bad". She merely quoted Trump with a straight face and without histrionics.
I have a good brain.
Dismantle NATO
Give Putin an "A"
Spread around nuclear weapons
People laughed because his direct quotes were so over the top batshit crazy. He made Michelle Bachmann look like an intellectual. Fuck. He even makes Sarah Palin look normal.

franco reads Cosmopolitan online
Google News duh. Try it sometime, dupe.

9. "A Trump presidency would embolden ISIS. We cannot take that risk. This isn't reality television — this is actual reality."

10. "So it really matters that Donald Trump says things that go against our deepest-held values. It matters when he says he'll order our military to murder the families of suspected terrorists. During the raid to kill bin Laden, when every second counted, our SEALs took the time to move the women and children in the compound to safety. Donald Trump may not get it, but that's what honor looks like. And it also matters when he makes fun of disabled people, calls women 'pigs,' proposes banning an entire religion from our country, or plays coy with white supremacists. America stands up to countries that treat women like animals, or people of different races, religions, or ethnicities as less human."

11. "What happens to the moral example we set — for the world and for our own children — if our president engages in bigotry? And by the way, Mr. Trump — every time you insult American Muslims or Mexican immigrants, remember that plenty of Muslims and immigrants serve and fight in our armed forces. Donald Trump could learn something from them."

12. "Now imagine Donald Trump sitting in the Situation Room, making life-or-death decisions on behalf of the United States. Imagine him deciding whether to send your spouses or children into battle. Imagine if he had not just his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but America's entire arsenal. Do we want him making those calls — someone thin-skinned and quick to anger, who lashes out at the smallest criticism? Do we want his finger anywhere near the button?"

13. "This election is a choice between two very different visions of America. One that's angry, afraid, and based on the idea that America is fundamentally weak and in decline. The other is hopeful, generous, and confident in the knowledge that America is great — just like we always have been."

I clicked on your link, it took me to Cosmopolitan.

And it's not surprising that a womans magazine would back a woman.

Tho I find it surprising that a womans magazine would back THAT womam
Chances are you know nothing factual about her, dupe. The whole article is quotes.

Right, I've been locked in a basement with a bunch of mushrooms for the last 35 years.


I know her 'vaunted' experience boils down to 18 years of being First Lady, 10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC

I know she carpet bagged from Arkansas to NY to win a Senate seat. (took no chances there, did she)

I know that as First Lady she had far more name recognition and free advertising than any opponent Republicans could have brought against her.

I know the same held true for her second 'election' to the Senate.

I know that she could beat a first time senator in her first run for the presidency, and she's have a bitch of a time beating an independent for the nomination this time.

I know she pulled her SoS position out of a Cracker Jacks box that Obama gave her as a consolation prize.

I know she blew her first SoS trip with a reset button.

Need I go on about what I 'don't know' about her?

You also know all the claims made about Trump in today's speech are backed up with recordings of him saying them. Trump is unfit for the job he wants and you know that too.

Which is why you couldn't pay me to vote for either.
Yes. She gave what was billed as an important speech on her foreign relations positions, and spent the time babbling about Trump.

How typical. She has nothing.
You're a fucking idiot. Every time she direct quoted Trump, it was self explanatory why she held the opposite position. Does your kind really think it's OK to kill the families of terrorists?

What do little terrorists grow up to do?

What about Timothy McVeigh?

Nothing could be more irrelevant to the issue of Islamist terrorism than McVeigh.

You feel Arabia should have nuclear weapons?

I believe no one should have nuclear weapons but the United States. Since that is impossible, I believe we should have more than anyone else.
Hm nothing about when your ambassador asks WEEKS before an attack for extra security just ignore him then blame a video or when in a war zone LIE about coming under sniper fire.
Told him it was too dangerous. He insisted. A tragedy. Change the channel. duh
Google News duh. Try it sometime, dupe.

9. "A Trump presidency would embolden ISIS. We cannot take that risk. This isn't reality television — this is actual reality."

10. "So it really matters that Donald Trump says things that go against our deepest-held values. It matters when he says he'll order our military to murder the families of suspected terrorists. During the raid to kill bin Laden, when every second counted, our SEALs took the time to move the women and children in the compound to safety. Donald Trump may not get it, but that's what honor looks like. And it also matters when he makes fun of disabled people, calls women 'pigs,' proposes banning an entire religion from our country, or plays coy with white supremacists. America stands up to countries that treat women like animals, or people of different races, religions, or ethnicities as less human."

11. "What happens to the moral example we set — for the world and for our own children — if our president engages in bigotry? And by the way, Mr. Trump — every time you insult American Muslims or Mexican immigrants, remember that plenty of Muslims and immigrants serve and fight in our armed forces. Donald Trump could learn something from them."

12. "Now imagine Donald Trump sitting in the Situation Room, making life-or-death decisions on behalf of the United States. Imagine him deciding whether to send your spouses or children into battle. Imagine if he had not just his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but America's entire arsenal. Do we want him making those calls — someone thin-skinned and quick to anger, who lashes out at the smallest criticism? Do we want his finger anywhere near the button?"

13. "This election is a choice between two very different visions of America. One that's angry, afraid, and based on the idea that America is fundamentally weak and in decline. The other is hopeful, generous, and confident in the knowledge that America is great — just like we always have been."

I clicked on your link, it took me to Cosmopolitan.

And it's not surprising that a womans magazine would back a woman.

Tho I find it surprising that a womans magazine would back THAT womam
Chances are you know nothing factual about her, dupe. The whole article is quotes.

Right, I've been locked in a basement with a bunch of mushrooms for the last 35 years.


I know her 'vaunted' experience boils down to 18 years of being First Lady, 10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC

I know she carpet bagged from Arkansas to NY to win a Senate seat. (took no chances there, did she)

I know that as First Lady she had far more name recognition and free advertising than any opponent Republicans could have brought against her.

I know the same held true for her second 'election' to the Senate.

I know that she could beat a first time senator in her first run for the presidency, and she's have a bitch of a time beating an independent for the nomination this time.

I know she pulled her SoS position out of a Cracker Jacks box that Obama gave her as a consolation prize.

I know she blew her first SoS trip with a reset button.

Need I go on about what I 'don't know' about her?

You also know all the claims made about Trump in today's speech are backed up with recordings of him saying them. Trump is unfit for the job he wants and you know that too.

Which is why you couldn't pay me to vote for either.
You seem to accept a lot of bs innuendo and gossip/propaganda. Sorry about her being a (VERY active) (ridiculously attacked) First Lady.
Hm nothing about when your ambassador asks WEEKS before an attack for extra security just ignore him then blame a video or when in a war zone LIE about coming under sniper fire.
GOP cut State security, Mr. BS Monday Morning QB dupe- probably WAS triggered by the video, hater dupe. First lady 22 years ago, brainwashed functional moron- that was hardly a normal welcoming ceremony, twit.
You are STILL claiming it was the video? ROFLMAO SHE was SOS it was HER job to give them more security not say WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE afterwords.
Hillary has already done what the whole Republican field couldn't do. She's gotten the media to ignore Trump's whining for attention and free air time, and has them laughing at him instead.
I clicked on your link, it took me to Cosmopolitan.

And it's not surprising that a womans magazine would back a woman.

Tho I find it surprising that a womans magazine would back THAT womam
Chances are you know nothing factual about her, dupe. The whole article is quotes.

Right, I've been locked in a basement with a bunch of mushrooms for the last 35 years.


I know her 'vaunted' experience boils down to 18 years of being First Lady, 10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC

I know she carpet bagged from Arkansas to NY to win a Senate seat. (took no chances there, did she)

I know that as First Lady she had far more name recognition and free advertising than any opponent Republicans could have brought against her.

I know the same held true for her second 'election' to the Senate.

I know that she could beat a first time senator in her first run for the presidency, and she's have a bitch of a time beating an independent for the nomination this time.

I know she pulled her SoS position out of a Cracker Jacks box that Obama gave her as a consolation prize.

I know she blew her first SoS trip with a reset button.

Need I go on about what I 'don't know' about her?

You also know all the claims made about Trump in today's speech are backed up with recordings of him saying them. Trump is unfit for the job he wants and you know that too.

Which is why you couldn't pay me to vote for either.
You seem to accept a lot of bs innuendo and gossip/propaganda. Sorry about her being a (VERY active) (ridiculously attacked) First Lady.

Which of it was bs?

Which was innuendo?

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