13 Democrats Including Rev. Wright's Daughter Charged

Nobody here endorsed the communist manifesto.

You know, Corporatism and Communism are not the only choices on the menu.

It's a big wide world, maybe you get to go see some of it.
I have. It's a remarkable place...except for all the shitholes that tried what you advocate.

That's what made them shitholes.

You mean England and Canada and France and Germany and Japan?

Because I've been to those places, and they are kind of nice. Okay, the Japanese were a little strange, but nice clean cities where women could walk around at night...

Oh, wait. When you are a conservatard, you pretend that the rest of the industrialized world that doesn't have our mutant form of Corporatism doesn't exist, and universal health care doesn't work.

And Snakes can talk.
No, I'm talking about your ideological home: The USSR. China. Cambodia. North Korea. Cuba.

All those places you'd love to turn the US into, but are too chickenshit to move to.
I have. It's a remarkable place...except for all the shitholes that tried what you advocate.

That's what made them shitholes.

You mean England and Canada and France and Germany and Japan?

Because I've been to those places, and they are kind of nice. Okay, the Japanese were a little strange, but nice clean cities where women could walk around at night...

Oh, wait. When you are a conservatard, you pretend that the rest of the industrialized world that doesn't have our mutant form of Corporatism doesn't exist, and universal health care doesn't work.

And Snakes can talk.
No, I'm talking about your ideological home: The USSR. China. Cambodia. North Korea. Cuba.

All those places you'd love to turn the US into, but are too chickenshit to move to.

Really? You've been to North Korea? Really? Or Cuba? REally?

So why do you keep pretending the other G-7 Countries with universal Health Care, high taxes on the wealthy and a strong social welfare state don't exist?

Oh, because that fucks up your "Greed is Good" narrative. got it.
You mean England and Canada and France and Germany and Japan?

Because I've been to those places, and they are kind of nice. Okay, the Japanese were a little strange, but nice clean cities where women could walk around at night...

Oh, wait. When you are a conservatard, you pretend that the rest of the industrialized world that doesn't have our mutant form of Corporatism doesn't exist, and universal health care doesn't work.

And Snakes can talk.
No, I'm talking about your ideological home: The USSR. China. Cambodia. North Korea. Cuba.

All those places you'd love to turn the US into, but are too chickenshit to move to.

Really? You've been to North Korea? Really? Or Cuba? REally?

So why do you keep pretending the other G-7 Countries with universal Health Care, high taxes on the wealthy and a strong social welfare state don't exist?

Oh, because that fucks up your "Greed is Good" narrative. got it.
As Europe is proving, what you want is simply unsustainable.

What happens when you run out of other people's money to confiscate, Skippy?
No, I'm talking about your ideological home: The USSR. China. Cambodia. North Korea. Cuba.

All those places you'd love to turn the US into, but are too chickenshit to move to.

Really? You've been to North Korea? Really? Or Cuba? REally?

So why do you keep pretending the other G-7 Countries with universal Health Care, high taxes on the wealthy and a strong social welfare state don't exist?

Oh, because that fucks up your "Greed is Good" narrative. got it.
As Europe is proving, what you want is simply unsustainable.

What happens when you run out of other people's money to confiscate, Skippy?

I'm sorry, is the money being tossed into an incinerator?

Or does the money you pay to a worker go to another worker and then to another.

Europe is proving that you can make it work and they do. Oh, you have problems like Greece, which never should have joined the EU and let the Germans fuck them...

(Pssst. There's more to Europe than Greece!)

Japan does have nice clean cities.
The people are treated like cattle by their governments employees, did you get on a commuter train whilst in Japan?
The two guys at each door pushing, shoving, dragging and packing people into the carriages?

What a great place. Taxes there are wonderful.
Can you afford $19. For a cheeseburger?
I can, but unlike you, I'm not a loser who works 3 jobs.

You really are a waster, aren't you!

Guy, I've been to Canada, a couple of times, hamburgers cost what they cost here. (Of course, I went when the exchange rate was nearly 1-1.)

But you're a loser who is living in a double wide on disability, hoping the gummit don't take your gun.
Correct, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Eire, Iceland.

All pretty much bankrupt, none were screwed by Germany.
They spent more than they had.
Then Germany refused to bail them out.
That's all.
But to a socialist, those who fuck up are worthy.
The motivated and responsible must pay.

Ireland and Spain did exactly what you Austerity types said. They cut spending down to the bone, and they are STILL in trouble.

In fact, Europe's initial response was to listen to the Austerity crowd that saw spending as the problem. Everyone now agrees that this was a complete failure. (Dr. Krugman goes into great detail about this in his columns.)

The reality is that no country has ever gotten out of a recession without a HUGE influx of government spending.

It just has never happened. Not once.
Really? You've been to North Korea? Really? Or Cuba? REally?

So why do you keep pretending the other G-7 Countries with universal Health Care, high taxes on the wealthy and a strong social welfare state don't exist?

Oh, because that fucks up your "Greed is Good" narrative. got it.
As Europe is proving, what you want is simply unsustainable.

What happens when you run out of other people's money to confiscate, Skippy?

I'm sorry, is the money being tossed into an incinerator?

Or does the money you pay to a worker go to another worker and then to another.

Europe is proving that you can make it work and they do. Oh, you have problems like Greece, which never should have joined the EU and let the Germans fuck them...

(Pssst. There's more to Europe than Greece!)
It'd be great if it were going to workers.

But drawing welfare when you're able to work but won't...not so great.

But, hey, it ensures a steady stream of loyal Democrat voters, so who cares if we're teaching people the only way to live is off the sweat of others?

P.S.: The people who are being sponged off are the middle class, Pinkie. Workers. The people you claim to care about.
Seriously, when I see a guy brag on the internet about all the shit he owns, I think, 15 year old claiming he has a 12 inch male member.

It's actually kind of sad.

Indeed. Like progressives who have never owned their own business thinking they should be able to tell business owners how to run their businesses.
It'd be great if it were going to workers.

But drawing welfare when you're able to work but won't...not so great.

But, hey, it ensures a steady stream of loyal Democrat voters, so who cares if we're teaching people the only way to live is off the sweat of others?

P.S.: The people who are being sponged off are the middle class, Pinkie. Workers. The people you claim to care about.

Actually, what we are paying them is "Please don't riot" money.

But you do bring up an interesting point. You guys complain about government benefits, but in fact, 40% of families on food stamps have at least one person who has a job.

The same can be said of Section 8 housing or MediCaid. (Keep in mind, ObamaCare works by expanding Medicaid to folks who have jobs but not Health Insurance.)

So while you extol the virtues of work, it's kind of hard to sell it when people who do work have to turn to the government to put food on the table, a roof over their heads or get to see a doctor AFTER they work, isn't it?

Japan does have nice clean cities.
The people are treated like cattle by their governments employees, did you get on a commuter train whilst in Japan?
The two guys at each door pushing, shoving, dragging and packing people into the carriages?

What a great place. Taxes there are wonderful.
Can you afford $19. For a cheeseburger?
I can, but unlike you, I'm not a loser who works 3 jobs.

You really are a waster, aren't you!

Guy, I've been to Canada, a couple of times, hamburgers cost what they cost here. (Of course, I went when the exchange rate was nearly 1-1.)

But you're a loser who is living in a double wide on disability, hoping the gummit don't take your gun.

Food and most everything else cost more in Canada. Especially after tax.
It'd be great if it were going to workers.

But drawing welfare when you're able to work but won't...not so great.

But, hey, it ensures a steady stream of loyal Democrat voters, so who cares if we're teaching people the only way to live is off the sweat of others?

P.S.: The people who are being sponged off are the middle class, Pinkie. Workers. The people you claim to care about.

Actually, what we are paying them is "Please don't riot" money.

But you do bring up an interesting point. You guys complain about government benefits, but in fact, 40% of families on food stamps have at least one person who has a job.

The same can be said of Section 8 housing or MediCaid. (Keep in mind, ObamaCare works by expanding Medicaid to folks who have jobs but not Health Insurance.)

So while you extol the virtues of work, it's kind of hard to sell it when people who do work have to turn to the government to put food on the table, a roof over their heads or get to see a doctor AFTER they work, isn't it?

The progressive solution to that?

Stop working and live completely off the work of others.
It'd be great if it were going to workers.

But drawing welfare when you're able to work but won't...not so great.

But, hey, it ensures a steady stream of loyal Democrat voters, so who cares if we're teaching people the only way to live is off the sweat of others?

P.S.: The people who are being sponged off are the middle class, Pinkie. Workers. The people you claim to care about.

Actually, what we are paying them is "Please don't riot" money.

But you do bring up an interesting point. You guys complain about government benefits, but in fact, 40% of families on food stamps have at least one person who has a job.

The same can be said of Section 8 housing or MediCaid. (Keep in mind, ObamaCare works by expanding Medicaid to folks who have jobs but not Health Insurance.)

So while you extol the virtues of work, it's kind of hard to sell it when people who do work have to turn to the government to put food on the table, a roof over their heads or get to see a doctor AFTER they work, isn't it?

The progressive solution to that?

Stop working and live completely off the work of others.

No, the progressive solution would actually be what FDR proposed in his second bill of rights in 1945. Every American is garunteed a job that pays a renumerative wage.

You see, that's the thing. We had pretty close to full employment during WWII, we had pretty close to full employment under Bill Clinton.

And the wealthy and the REpublicans hated it. Oh, the poor people were pulling their own weight all right, but the wealthy had to pay them a fair wage.

you see, as much as the 1%ers carp and moan about the welfare state, they hate the alternative a lot more.
Actually, what we are paying them is "Please don't riot" money.

But you do bring up an interesting point. You guys complain about government benefits, but in fact, 40% of families on food stamps have at least one person who has a job.

The same can be said of Section 8 housing or MediCaid. (Keep in mind, ObamaCare works by expanding Medicaid to folks who have jobs but not Health Insurance.)

So while you extol the virtues of work, it's kind of hard to sell it when people who do work have to turn to the government to put food on the table, a roof over their heads or get to see a doctor AFTER they work, isn't it?

The progressive solution to that?

Stop working and live completely off the work of others.

No, the progressive solution would actually be what FDR proposed in his second bill of rights in 1945. Every American is garunteed a job that pays a renumerative wage.

You see, that's the thing. We had pretty close to full employment during WWII, we had pretty close to full employment under Bill Clinton.

And the wealthy and the REpublicans hated it. Oh, the poor people were pulling their own weight all right, but the wealthy had to pay them a fair wage.

you see, as much as the 1%ers carp and moan about the welfare state, they hate the alternative a lot more.
Y'know, everything you say I can read here: Home » cpusa
13 Democrats Including Rev. Wright's Daughter Charged

Sun Times:

In all, prosecutors are alleging a total of $16 million in fraud involving state health or commerce department grants and contracts.

Thirteen people have been charged so far, six who have pleaded guilty.

Two of them have ties to President Barack Obama. One is the daughter of his controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Another was chief of staff to Obama’s longtime friend Eric E. Whitaker when Whitaker was Illinois’ public health chief.

oh snap - YouTube

That was quite a reach tying this to the POTUS!
Y'know, everything you say I can read here: Home » cpusa

Which reminds me of the line from A Fish Called Wanda - "An Ape can Read philosophy, he just can't understand it."

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

-- Ronald Reagan

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