13 Democrats Including Rev. Wright's Daughter Charged

Hanging around stockyards to procure sex was bound to affect you. Living in a shit hole is just not an excuse.

Yeah, guy, please stay in your ex-communist bordello, where you never have to encounter people of color, you racist prick.

What an angry loser!!

Racist prick!

You and Meathead need to go back to Stormfront where you came from.

And take Daveman with you, he'd be happier there.
What an angry loser!!

Racist prick!

You and Meathead need to go back to Stormfront where you came from.

And take Daveman with you, he'd be happier there.
Never heard of it, no, I have, a computer store in the kingsgate center in Huddersfield!!
Walked past it. But I stay loyal to my preferred computer supplier.

Now enough with changing the subject.

Just because the criminal liberals in this case were black does not make the disgust I feel racist.
It is a disgust exacerbated by the fact that they are VILE MEMBERS OF YOUR CULT.

Never have you seen racism posted by my fair and unbiased hand.

Corruption, criminal corruption, it's a fanatical liberal thing.

You racist prick.

If race wasn't a big deal to you, why did you bring up the fact they were black?
I did. get over it.

George Ryan. Betty Lauren Maltese. Scott Fawell- All Republicans.
Hanging around stockyards to procure sex was bound to affect you. Living in a shit hole is just not an excuse.

Yeah, guy, please stay in your ex-communist bordello, where you never have to encounter people of color, you racist prick.
I just don't think humans, regardless of color, should have sex with livestock. that's hardly racist.
Dark ages is what they bring to this country. How many times have I asked USMB Republicans to name something, anything good they have done for the US in the last 20 years. They want me banned for daring to ask that question.


And this is relevent, how?

Frankly, I consider the very existence of charity to be a black mark on this country. It just demonstrates the wealth is unevenly distributed, and people have to give a little bit back to feel better about themselves? Really?

"I'm a die hard NY Yankees fan." < that was the dumbest thing I ever heard.

"I consider the very existence of charity to be a black mark on this country." < That is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

And speaks volumes to how much hate is in liberals.
Actually, I voted for Republicans most of my adult life.

Until the Plutocrats and Religous WHACKJOBS took over the party.

Thanks for confirming that you would never vote for anyone but a Democrat, just like I said.

You're part of the problem.

No, the real problem is the GOP c hanged, not me.

Ike, Nixon, Ford and I would even go so far to say Reagan, got the middle class, got that religious assholes weren't to be trusted.

When the GOP rejects science because Science contradicts religion, than, shit, man, that's like shit they did in the fuckin' Dark Ages.

Explain how the GOP changed.

I've been a conservative my entire life and the GOP has always been for limited government, individual responsibility, strong national security... etc.

Explain how the GOP changed.

I've been a conservative my entire life and the GOP has always been for limited government, individual responsibility, strong national security... etc.

Okay, let's look at some top examples.

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. - Barry Goldwater, 1984.

Today in America, unions have a secure place in our industrial life. Only a handful of reactionaries harbor the ugly thought of breaking unions and depriving working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice. I have no use for those -- regardless of their political party -- who hold some vain and foolish dream of spinning the clock back to days when organized labor was huddled, almost as a hapless mass. Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice.—Dwight D. Eisenhower

If any man tells you he loves America, yet hates labor, he is a liar. If any man tells you he trusts America, yet fears labor, he is a fool.—Abraham Lincoln

Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.—Abraham Lincoln
I did. get over it.

George Ryan. Betty Lauren Maltese. Scott Fawell- All Republicans.
I must have missed the link you cited.

Look, Skippy, you don't really expect normal people to just take your word for it, do you?

Because that would be laughable. :lmao:

I live here. You don't.

We ran the republicans out of town because they were so incompetent and corrupt.

Again, here's the thing. Most people forgive corruption because they know politicians are all crooks.

But incomptence isn't tolerated.
And yet you keep mindlessly voting for Democrat who are too incompetent to avoid getting caught being corrupt.

And frankly, when your understanding of science involves talking snakes, you aren't going to have a lot of the competence going on.
When your understanding of politics includes the endorsement of the Communist Manifesto, you're not mentally competent enough to be trusted to vote.
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That's right, folks: The only TRUE generosity comes as a result of the threat of government force, supported by those who profit by it, to punish those who committed no crime other than success.

"Success" usually defined by a Republitard as "Profitting off the labor of others".

The rest of the world has already figured this out, guy. The rich pay their fair share and no one makes 8 figures for fucking up.
I'll thank you to not dictate what I think, especially considering you can't think for yourself.

I'm curious, though -- how much money were you cheated out of when someone else got rich? And how, exactly, were you cheated out of it?
That's right, folks: The only TRUE generosity comes as a result of the threat of government force, supported by those who profit by it, to punish those who committed no crime other than success.

"Success" usually defined by a Republitard as "Profitting off the labor of others".

The rest of the world has already figured this out, guy. The rich pay their fair share and no one makes 8 figures for fucking up.
I'll thank you to not dictate what I think, especially considering you can't think for yourself.

I'm curious, though -- how much money were you cheated out of when someone else got rich? And how, exactly, were you cheated out of it?

At the job where they screwed me over, they had a 20 Million dollar account that I handled the purchasing for that had a 30% profitability rate.

I was the one who did the work making sure that customer was kept happy. The folks at the home office were the ones who collected the profits and eventually fucked it up.
Yeah, guy, please stay in your ex-communist bordello, where you never have to encounter people of color, you racist prick.

What an angry loser!!

Racist prick!

You and Meathead need to go back to Stormfront where you came from.

And take Daveman with you, he'd be happier there.
I keep challenging you to provide one single post of mine expressing a racist view.

Unsurprisingly, you never have.

But that's only because you're using the progressive definition of the word: "Something a progressive doesn't like, but can't formulate an intelligent rebuttal against".

In other words, you're admitting you're a vacuous, emotional moron.
Nobody here endorsed the communist manifesto.

You know, Corporatism and Communism are not the only choices on the menu.

It's a big wide world, maybe you get to go see some of it.
I have. It's a remarkable place...except for all the shitholes that tried what you advocate.

That's what made them shitholes.
Just as many corrupt Republicans as Corrupt Democrats in IL.

Ever hear of George Ryan. Sold CDL's to guys who couldn't speak English for cash and they ran people off the roads.

If that's true, then prove it. Look up all convictions over the past 10 years and see what the percentages are. You think you'll find an equal number? Don't be ridiculous.

Actually, a whole bunch of people got convicted along side Ryan. Probably Republicans are in the lead.

So no facts?
Nobody here endorsed the communist manifesto.

You know, Corporatism and Communism are not the only choices on the menu.

It's a big wide world, maybe you get to go see some of it.
I have. It's a remarkable place...except for all the shitholes that tried what you advocate.

That's what made them shitholes.

You mean England and Canada and France and Germany and Japan?

Because I've been to those places, and they are kind of nice. Okay, the Japanese were a little strange, but nice clean cities where women could walk around at night...

Oh, wait. When you are a conservatard, you pretend that the rest of the industrialized world that doesn't have our mutant form of Corporatism doesn't exist, and universal health care doesn't work.

And Snakes can talk.
"Success" usually defined by a Republitard as "Profitting off the labor of others".

The rest of the world has already figured this out, guy. The rich pay their fair share and no one makes 8 figures for fucking up.
I'll thank you to not dictate what I think, especially considering you can't think for yourself.

I'm curious, though -- how much money were you cheated out of when someone else got rich? And how, exactly, were you cheated out of it?

At the job where they screwed me over, they had a 20 Million dollar account that I handled the purchasing for that had a 30% profitability rate.
So? How much of that came out of your pocket?

And you got a paycheck. What makes you think you were worth more than that?

Personally, I expect you were worth far less...all your incessant whining was probably putting everybody off.

No one like a whiner, Skippy. Just sayin'.
I was the one who did the work making sure that customer was kept happy. The folks at the home office were the ones who collected the profits and eventually fucked it up.
You said you had a case against them, but didn't file. We've already established that what happened to you was YOUR fault.

You want to blame somebody, put it where it belongs -- on you.

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