13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.


I just posted a topic yesterday about the super volcano in Europe...

The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe’s Neanderthals is stirring again
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events

The global warmers will still have faith the next time Key West and the Bahamas get a dusting of Snow. Last time was during the Reagan administration, if memory serves.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.


I just posted a topic yesterday about the super volcano in Europe...

The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe’s Neanderthals is stirring again

Never saw it ( your article) maybe the mods can or will merge them. Mine will go to yours since yours was posted first I'm guessing.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events


His signing it no it's not a good thing , it will control us in more ways than you are realizing.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events


Are they finally going to faraday cage our power grids against this?!? It's about freaking time, our biggest threat to national security is an EMP naturally or man made, and cost pennies on the 100,000s of dollars to protect against. What the hell have these idiots in power been doing this whole time.
I'll be off to the Philippines in a month, there's a chance to go to one volcano 8hours from Manila that is showing signs of activity. I'll keep a look out and see whether to change my plans and go there instead of the Taal volcano which is still active but hasn't done anything for 3 years.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events


His signing it no it's not a good thing , it will control us in more ways than you are realizing.

Do you have enough hard data on that to make the case for it. It's one of my areas of interest.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events


Are they finally going to faraday cage our power grids against this?!? It's about freaking time, our biggest threat to national security is an EMP naturally or man made, and cost pennies on the 100,000s of dollars to protect against. What the hell have these idiots in power been doing this whole time.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events


Are they finally going to faraday cage our power grids against this?!? It's about freaking time, our biggest threat to national security is an EMP naturally or man made, and cost pennies on the 100,000s of dollars to protect against. What the hell have these idiots in power been doing this whole time.
DEVELOPING: 13 volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world. And it’s not near to an end! Each week, new volcanic peaks are entering an enhanced volcanic
Original Source :
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting – And it’s not near to an end
13 different volcanoes are currently erupting around the world - Strange Sounds
View attachment 103870

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

There is certainly more activity going on than normal. A lot of people watch these quake maps faithfully and on a daily basis. We still have the threat of a solar storm headed this way which there is a possible disturbance with power. It is due to hit anywhere from tonight until possibly 27th or 28th. That might be why we are seeing a lot of distrubances on earth.

That stupid solar flare warning has been fear mongering by the same site since September..

But something I didn't know till this thread, Obama signed an EO about solar flares and the nation's power grid.. About time

Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events


Are they finally going to faraday cage our power grids against this?!? It's about freaking time, our biggest threat to national security is an EMP naturally or man made, and cost pennies on the 100,000s of dollars to protect against. What the hell have these idiots in power been doing this whole time.
True the Gingrich scandal distracted them the last time this was big news.
Well if the worlds ending, might as well go spend my savings on some hookers and a few weeks in Belize.
Lava rock should be plentiful next spring then eh?

Or is this where I'm supposed to be in a liberal panic for the earth?

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