13 reasons why....biden is hilary 2.0.....but in all the bad ways...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
These are the reasons biden is likely not going to get out of the primary and will be removed by the democrats..

Nolte: 13 Reasons Creepy Joe Biden Is Just Hillary 2.0

The Old and Tired Disappear to Rest

Just like Hillary in 2016, who was obviously old and unwell, Biden is running a part-time political campaign.

Rather than earn the nomination, he is sitting on his lead, on what he believes is a sure thing; popping up here and there to give a speech, but probably spending most of his days at home watching reruns of Matlock — or as he calls them: his stories.

Flip-Flops to Appease the Left

Biden has no idea what he believes in, he just wants to win.

Hillary had no idea what she believed in, she just wanted to win.

You cannot get a bead on what either of them intend to do, other than to cave to media and left-wing pressure at every turn.

Say what you want about Trump, he is what he is, he does what he says, and he stands his ground. His vision and ideas are clear, and you do not have to agree with him to see that.

  1. Two Massive Scandals the Corrupt Media Cannot Hide
Hillary was burdened by the massive scandals surrounding the Clinton Foundation and the secret server she set up in the bathroom of her private home while serving as Secretary of State.

Creepy Joe is dealing with two massive scandals involving his son Hunter’s shady business dealings in China and Ukraine.

In the past, as recently as 2008 — as we saw with the scandals surrounding Obama’s racist church, his unforgivable relationships with a domestic terrorist and Louis Farrakhan, and the shady deal to purchase his Chicago home — the establishment media were able to bury Democrat scandals to get their guy over the finish line.

Thankfully, the media landscape has shifted considerably over the last 11 years and there is no way New Media (or Trump) will allow the corrupt media to wish Biden’s scandals into a cornfield.

Biden will have to answer for these scandals and so far his answers stink.

  1. All that Family Baggage
Corrupt Hillary had Rapey Bill.

Creepy Joe has MoneyHungry Hunter.

Biden is hardly Clinton 2.0.

Hillary Clinton's negatives were nearly as high as Trump. Biden's negatives are much lower.

There are no scandals involved with Biden. This stuff with Hunter is made up stuff. There is absolutely no evidence supporting this and even reformers in Ukraine are pushing back.

Trump is the one turning this country into Hell.
Biden's big selling point was his alleged appeal to moderates who voted for Trump in 2016, but he blew that with his flop on abortion to pander to his Party's freaks and sociopaths, so now he's nothing, and the obvious conflicts of interests with his son following Daddy on his world tour of criminal labor racketeering states and assorted police states and cutting billion dollar deals with vermin is also a big negative for Crazy Uncle Joe.

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