13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

I don't know about these thirteen points but with the pussification of America over the last few decades, I have to say it is refreshing.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

Funny, sad and true. We are evidently now entering a political age distinguished by the persuasion of self promotion and the power of salesmanship........no actual skill or qualifications needed.
I like #8 the best. He is not going to work for his party...he is going to work for the people. And I believe that. The Republican party believes that. That is why they don't want him in the job. They won't be able to control him, as the parties have been controling their politicians for years

Name any other candidate that cannot be bought or controlled. You can't. I can't Trump just may be the real deal.

Trump is bought and controlled by his own self-interests.
Now, read that three times and decipher what that meant.

It's easily understood to the unretarded.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

I don't know about these thirteen points but with the pussification of America over the last few decades, I have to say it is refreshing.

Trump is the pinnacle of American pussification. The fact that so many people think his antics amount to a "courageous stand" is a sad, sad joke.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

I don't know about these thirteen points but with the pussification of America over the last few decades, I have to say it is refreshing.

Your desire is to see more Americans die needlessly in places like the Middle East (at no cost to you)

so you can wave your tiny flag and brag about how tough 'we' are.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

I don't know about these thirteen points but with the pussification of America over the last few decades, I have to say it is refreshing.

Trump is the pinnacle of American pussification. The fact that so many people think his antics amount to a "courageous stand" is a sad, sad joke.

Trump's reaction to criticism is invariably a personal irrelevant attack on the person criticizing him.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“


Hilarious satirical post.

That's awesome.
Yo.....Jackson.....where is your link?
Whoops, sorry! I just put it in another post. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.

That is not where you got it. Why must you be dishonest about such trivial matters?

And.......have you grasped the fact that you have been played by a parody piece?

Go ahead and check the entire "article" at your link above. It's not what you pasted. What you posted was lifted by the "Free Republic" ( where you got it ) with some of the text omitted. Even so....if you had a brain, you'd know that the author was mocking you for supporting Trump.

Now....why not admit that you are a gullible fool and begin your journey toward becoming a more informed consumer of news. It is possible to learn how to be a critical thinker. I can help you if you like.
Sorry, but that is exactly where I got it. I just looked at the first three points and they are as I remember.

Call it a mockery of you wish. Everyone will have to make up their mind, just as you and I both did.

Almost everyone agrees country going in the wrong direction. That tells anyone with any sense that a "status quo" candidate is not going to be elected if the people have a choice in the general election.

Forget policies, just put up life accomplishments for Hillary and Trump, and see how each got there. If that doesn't explain it all, then I do not know what will.

Trump if the nominee, has plenty of time to change his public persona, the issues will not change though, and that is the death knell for Hillary unless she can make herself seem much more likable then Trump. Good luck with that, as Hillary is one of the most untrusted political figures in America.

coming from the party goers who trusted a born again moron gwb that's funny
Let's hope this gets rid of the GOP establishment(wishful thinking) forever, there is nothing more symbolic to the pussyfication of this country.
12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

how? a liberturd might ask, this is how.., 2016AD $142,000,000 is planned to give to mexico in foreign aid, 2015AD $165,500,000, 2014AD $207AD, $207,000,000.., want more info? go here: Explore | ForeignAssistance.gov
That is the United States paying for a wall. Pulling foreign aid isn't exactly a new idea and would only help destabilize the country.
Here is an accounting who we give to and how much. Just as we are not supposed to be the world's police dog, the same goes for being each country's fairy godmother. We have heard how we give to countries and it goes into the accounts of its leaders, never to be used for their citizens. Even if we cut that amount in half for one year,
105,870.000,000,000.6 we could pay down our debt and then start making plans about taking care of our country again.
[CAPTION]Foreign aid received in millions of US dollars[6][/CAPTION]
[THEAD][TR][TH="bgcolor: rgb(242, 242, 242)"][/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: rgb(242, 242, 242)"][/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: rgb(242, 242, 242)"][/TH][/TR][/THEAD]
[TBODY][TR][TD]WORLD[/TD][TD][TOTAL][/TD][TD="align: right"]
[/TD][TD="align: right"]
[FONT=Linux Libertine, Georgia, Times, serif]List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/FONT]
Let's hope this gets rid of the GOP establishment(wishful thinking) forever, there is nothing more symbolic to the pussyfication of this country.
Donald Trump is very embodiment of the pussification of America. Imagine a draft dodging dilettante like Trump denigrating the service of men who have served in combat. We don't want to forget how POWs are losers......because Donald says so.
Carson is still my first pick, but Trump's biggest appeal for me is his obvious expertise in business and finance. He has a degree in economics and graduated from the prestigious Wharton School of Business. He probably knows more about the economy and international business and finance than all the other candidates combined.

Trump's country-first-party-second approach also greatly appeals to me. But Carson has the same mindset.

I just have a hard time getting past Trump's egotistical and abrasive personality, not to mention his penchant for making incorrect statements. I'm not saying that he always makes erroneous statements, but he does seem to have a habit of exaggerating and stretching the truth at times, and sometimes he gets his facts a bit mixed up, though he's certainly not as bad as Hillary in these areas.
Yo.....Jackson.....where is your link?
Whoops, sorry! I just put it in another post. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.

That is not where you got it. Why must you be dishonest about such trivial matters?

And.......have you grasped the fact that you have been played by a parody piece?

Go ahead and check the entire "article" at your link above. It's not what you pasted. What you posted was lifted by the "Free Republic" ( where you got it ) with some of the text omitted. Even so....if you had a brain, you'd know that the author was mocking you for supporting Trump.

Now....why not admit that you are a gullible fool and begin your journey toward becoming a more informed consumer of news. It is possible to learn how to be a critical thinker. I can help you if you like.
Sorry, but that is exactly where I got it. I just looked at the first three points and they are as I remember.

Call it a mockery of you wish. Everyone will have to make up their mind, just as you and I both did.

Almost everyone agrees country going in the wrong direction. That tells anyone with any sense that a "status quo" candidate is not going to be elected if the people have a choice in the general election.

Forget policies, just put up life accomplishments for Hillary and Trump, and see how each got there. If that doesn't explain it all, then I do not know what will.

Trump if the nominee, has plenty of time to change his public persona, the issues will not change though, and that is the death knell for Hillary unless she can make herself seem much more likable then Trump. Good luck with that, as Hillary is one of the most untrusted political figures in America.

So your argument is that Trump has more accomplishments than every other Republican in the race?

What are his accomplishments in government? He is applying for a government job, afterall.

See NY, here is the thing......does anyone believe when all these pollsters ask the questions they are, they are just asking GOP people what they think? Of course not, and almost 7 out of 10 think we are going in the wrong direction.

When Obama got elected, you must know that many republicans voted for him especially the 1st time.

His biggest campaign promise? Hope and change. Biggest issue by polls besides economy? Country going in wrong direction.

Similarities are striking, just reverse this time on which party has the entrenched establishment, candidate.

If you were aware of 2008 election, then you should see clearly how strong such a coalition for change can be.
Sorry, Jack, but you have just made a complete fool of yourself. As Lone said, this is a PARODY piece. For crying out loud, they are making fun and Trump and his supporters, and you did not even catch on that you were buying in to it! Really, 'nuff said.
Let's hope this gets rid of the GOP establishment(wishful thinking) forever, there is nothing more symbolic to the pussyfication of this country.
Donald Trump is very embodiment of the pussification of America. Imagine a draft dodging dilettante like Trump denigrating the service of men who have served in combat. We don't want to forget how POWs are losers......because Donald says so.
Your missing the point, trump is pointing out the absolute hypocrisy of career politicians no matter the side of isle they are on.
Current politicians never work for the people it's always the other way around.
Let's hope this gets rid of the GOP establishment(wishful thinking) forever, there is nothing more symbolic to the pussyfication of this country.
Donald Trump is very embodiment of the pussification of America. Imagine a draft dodging dilettante like Trump denigrating the service of men who have served in combat. We don't want to forget how POWs are losers......because Donald says so.
Your missing the point, trump is pointing out the absolute hypocrisy of career politicians no matter the side of isle they are on.
Current politicians never work for the people it's always the other way around.
There are many obvious reasons to reject Trump, but his comments about John McCain alone are more than enough reasons for me.

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