13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall

How will Mexico pay for this wall? Is the Mexican government also required to pay for its maintenance?
All I can tell you is that we gave almost $1B in aid to Mexico last year. In 2013, it was $417.8 million. Why would we want to continue giving that country that aid when they are doing their level best to destroy ours? That annual savings would make a beautiful wall.

Mexico[/TD][TD="align: right"]
[/TD][TD="align: right"]
List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yo.....Jackson.....where is your link?
Whoops, sorry! I just put it in another post. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.

That is not where you got it. Why must you be dishonest about such trivial matters?

And.......have you grasped the fact that you have been played by a parody piece?

Go ahead and check the entire "article" at your link above. It's not what you pasted. What you posted was lifted by the "Free Republic" ( where you got it ) with some of the text omitted. Even so....if you had a brain, you'd know that the author was mocking you for supporting Trump.

Now....why not admit that you are a gullible fool and begin your journey toward becoming a more informed consumer of news. It is possible to learn how to be a critical thinker. I can help you if you like.
Sorry, but that is exactly where I got it. I just looked at the first three points and they are as I remember.

Call it a mockery of you wish. Everyone will have to make up their mind, just as you and I both did.
Yo.....Jackson.....where is your link?
Whoops, sorry! I just put it in another post. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.

That is not where you got it. Why must you be dishonest about such trivial matters?

And.......have you grasped the fact that you have been played by a parody piece?

Go ahead and check the entire "article" at your link above. It's not what you pasted. What you posted was lifted by the "Free Republic" ( where you got it ) with some of the text omitted. Even so....if you had a brain, you'd know that the author was mocking you for supporting Trump.

Now....why not admit that you are a gullible fool and begin your journey toward becoming a more informed consumer of news. It is possible to learn how to be a critical thinker. I can help you if you like.
Sorry, but that is exactly where I got it. I just looked at the first three points and they are as I remember.

Call it a mockery of you wish. Everyone will have to make up their mind, just as you and I both did.

They are as you remember? What an odd way to put it.

No. You did not get it from that link. That link requires that you change pages for every point and has content that is not included in what you pasted.

Jackson, you are talking to a person who does his research before making a claim or calling someone out. I am a bit confused as to why you haven't figured this out already as I've demonstrated this trait several times in discussions with you.

Now....why not turn over a new leaf? Resolve to refrain from being dishonest about trivial matters and to do a better job of checking the validity of your sources. I'm here to help.
12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall

How will Mexico pay for this wall? Is the Mexican government also required to pay for its maintenance?
All I can tell you is that we gave almost $1B in aid to Mexico last year. In 2013, it was $417.8 million. Why would we want to continue giving that country that aid when they are doing their level best to destroy ours? That annual savings would make a beautiful wall.

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But that isn't Mexico paying for the wall. Cutting their aid would most likely result in conditions in the country worsening, leading to more people fleeing.
THIS to me is what wins it....

^ I see this, I hear this and I agree with everything he is saying. I WANT to believe. However . . ..

Five years ago Trump was for gun control, single payer medical system, taxes on the rich, and government bailouts.
WHat makes anyone think he is committed to the shit he says today?

then I remember and I find it quite difficult to place my trust in him.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall

How will Mexico pay for this wall? Is the Mexican government also required to pay for its maintenance?
All I can tell you is that we gave almost $1B in aid to Mexico last year. In 2013, it was $417.8 million. Why would we want to continue giving that country that aid when they are doing their level best to destroy ours? That annual savings would make a beautiful wall.

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Um, that's not the same thing as 'having Mexico pay for it'. That's like saying 'we want to increase taxes by 10% but we'll agree to only increase them 8% thus that's a savings of 2%'. Know what that is? Leftist math.
12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

how? a liberturd might ask, this is how.., 2016AD $142,000,000 is planned to give to mexico in foreign aid, 2015AD $165,500,000, 2014AD $207AD, $207,000,000.., want more info? go here: Explore | ForeignAssistance.gov
best thing also, Trump could choose either Cruz/Rubio for VP and it will be a blow-out.

IF he pulled in one of these two, or Fiorina, I might, MIGHT consider voting for him. I am having a very difficult time trusting his words due to his lifetime of political leanings.
best thing also, Trump could choose either Cruz/Rubio for VP and it will be a blow-out.

IF he pulled in one of these two, or Fiorina, I might, MIGHT consider voting for him. I am having a very difficult time trusting his words due to his lifetime of political leanings.
the right will need Rubio on the ticket to insure us Florida and any other state that has a lot of hispanics
I feel like I fell asleep, and when I woke up, American politics had been taken over by WWF.
I like #8 the best. He is not going to work for his party...he is going to work for the people. And I believe that. The Republican party believes that. That is why they don't want him in the job. They won't be able to control him, as the parties have been controling their politicians for years

Name any other candidate that cannot be bought or controlled. You can't. I can't Trump just may be the real deal.

I just can't decide where he is coming from. all those sound good but he has a Congress to go through. and You know BOTH parties will be out for vengeance if he wins President. I will vote for him if he make its. Ted Cruz is who I like
Maybe I am a Negative Nilly, but I think this country needs something different. Not politics as Usual. I could be all wrong about him, but I see other candidates as being puppets controlled by the party, lobbyists and influencial people. I want someone who is thinking of this country first. I need honesty and integrity! (That's not say Cruz isn't honest, tho...) :)
You could be right on. He can't do any worse that that guy Obama. He didn't have ANY experience in anything. I don't know if he ever worked a real job.

He has had more experience in gov't than any republican I can think of An expert on constitutional law

what jobs did the moron bush have that didn't ended up bankrupt......the set up job as gov in texas??
I feel like I fell asleep, and when I woke up, American politics had been taken over by WWF.
The ANGER against our own Gov't has brought us to this place...................
republicans angry??? Same ol same ol Thay wet themselves over Bill now Obama and next Hill any dem gets them angry The boys who cried wolf,,,,predicting doom only to see america running in first place in the world
I feel like I fell asleep, and when I woke up, American politics had been taken over by WWF.
The ANGER against our own Gov't has brought us to this place...................
republicans angry??? Same ol same ol Thay wet themselves over Bill now Obama and next Hill any dem gets them angry The boys who cried wolf,,,,predicting doom only to see america running in first place in the world
Wake up and smell what you are shoveling.................people are angry at both sides.....
Yo.....Jackson.....where is your link?
Whoops, sorry! I just put it in another post. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.

That is not where you got it. Why must you be dishonest about such trivial matters?

And.......have you grasped the fact that you have been played by a parody piece?

Go ahead and check the entire "article" at your link above. It's not what you pasted. What you posted was lifted by the "Free Republic" ( where you got it ) with some of the text omitted. Even so....if you had a brain, you'd know that the author was mocking you for supporting Trump.

Now....why not admit that you are a gullible fool and begin your journey toward becoming a more informed consumer of news. It is possible to learn how to be a critical thinker. I can help you if you like.
Sorry, but that is exactly where I got it. I just looked at the first three points and they are as I remember.

Call it a mockery of you wish. Everyone will have to make up their mind, just as you and I both did.

Almost everyone agrees country going in the wrong direction. That tells anyone with any sense that a "status quo" candidate is not going to be elected if the people have a choice in the general election.

Forget policies, just put up life accomplishments for Hillary and Trump, and see how each got there. If that doesn't explain it all, then I do not know what will.

Trump if the nominee, has plenty of time to change his public persona, the issues will not change though, and that is the death knell for Hillary unless she can make herself seem much more likable then Trump. Good luck with that, as Hillary is one of the most untrusted political figures in America.
I like #8 the best. He is not going to work for his party...he is going to work for the people. And I believe that. The Republican party believes that. That is why they don't want him in the job. They won't be able to control him, as the parties have been controling their politicians for years

Name any other candidate that cannot be bought or controlled. You can't. I can't Trump just may be the real deal.

Trump is bought and controlled by his own self-interests.
Yo.....Jackson.....where is your link?
Whoops, sorry! I just put it in another post. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.

That is not where you got it. Why must you be dishonest about such trivial matters?

And.......have you grasped the fact that you have been played by a parody piece?

Go ahead and check the entire "article" at your link above. It's not what you pasted. What you posted was lifted by the "Free Republic" ( where you got it ) with some of the text omitted. Even so....if you had a brain, you'd know that the author was mocking you for supporting Trump.

Now....why not admit that you are a gullible fool and begin your journey toward becoming a more informed consumer of news. It is possible to learn how to be a critical thinker. I can help you if you like.
Sorry, but that is exactly where I got it. I just looked at the first three points and they are as I remember.

Call it a mockery of you wish. Everyone will have to make up their mind, just as you and I both did.

Almost everyone agrees country going in the wrong direction. That tells anyone with any sense that a "status quo" candidate is not going to be elected if the people have a choice in the general election.

Forget policies, just put up life accomplishments for Hillary and Trump, and see how each got there. If that doesn't explain it all, then I do not know what will.

Trump if the nominee, has plenty of time to change his public persona, the issues will not change though, and that is the death knell for Hillary unless she can make herself seem much more likable then Trump. Good luck with that, as Hillary is one of the most untrusted political figures in America.

So your argument is that Trump has more accomplishments than every other Republican in the race?

What are his accomplishments in government? He is applying for a government job, afterall.
I like #8 the best. He is not going to work for his party...he is going to work for the people. And I believe that. The Republican party believes that. That is why they don't want him in the job. They won't be able to control him, as the parties have been controling their politicians for years

Name any other candidate that cannot be bought or controlled. You can't. I can't Trump just may be the real deal.

Trump is bought and controlled by his own self-interests.
Now, read that three times and decipher what that meant.
12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

how? a liberturd might ask, this is how.., 2016AD $142,000,000 is planned to give to mexico in foreign aid, 2015AD $165,500,000, 2014AD $207AD, $207,000,000.., want more info? go here: Explore | ForeignAssistance.gov
That is the United States paying for a wall. Pulling foreign aid isn't exactly a new idea and would only help destabilize the country.

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