13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

Funny, sad and true. We are evidently now entering a political age distinguished by the persuasion of self promotion and the power of salesmanship........no actual skill or qualifications needed.
The other end of that spectrum is politicians have their own personal traits. They have to live by their party's platform and ideology or experience the wrath of the party, affecting their future funding expectations. In addition to that, they are all frequently seduced by lobbyists, special interests with full pockets to illegally ensure their own "retirement fund"

That's why I selected number 8 as my most important reason to vote for Trump. Without the pitfalls of strong party strings and the temptation of getting the ever popular gifts for influence, I feel Trump is his own man. No one is going to tell him or bribe him to sway against his own personal ideology.

As for qualifications and skills, Trump is way ahead of other politicians when it comes to negotiating deals and trade pacts.

Liminal, it is sad but true that we cannot depend on our politicians to work on our own behalf. This year is hard to select your candidate. I wish you well in your contemplation and all of us can agree that our next president, who ever it might be, has their hand on their pulse of the nation and does what was best for it.
So if we follow your logic: Trump isn't an integral part of our corrupt political system because he's one of the buyers instead being one of the bought.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

Funny, sad and true. We are evidently now entering a political age distinguished by the persuasion of self promotion and the power of salesmanship........no actual skill or qualifications needed.
The other end of that spectrum is politicians have their own personal traits. They have to live by their party's platform and ideology or experience the wrath of the party, affecting their future funding expectations. In addition to that, they are all frequently seduced by lobbyists, special interests with full pockets to illegally ensure their own "retirement fund"

That's why I selected number 8 as my most important reason to vote for Trump. Without the pitfalls of strong party strings and the temptation of getting the ever popular gifts for influence, I feel Trump is his own man. No one is going to tell him or bribe him to sway against his own personal ideology.

As for qualifications and skills, Trump is way ahead of other politicians when it comes to negotiating deals and trade pacts.

Liminal, it is sad but true that we cannot depend on our politicians to work on our own behalf. This year is hard to select your candidate. I wish you well in your contemplation and all of us can agree that our next president, who ever it might be, has their hand on their pulse of the nation and does what was best for it.

You make the same mistake as the other naïve 'anti-government' nitwits: believing that 'change' can come from the top.

It can't.

The fault with everything you whine about concerning 'the government' lies solely with each and every voter, the people alone are responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

And everything 'wrong' with 'the government' can't be fixed by the likes of Trump or any other 'outsider.'
How will Mexico pay for this wall? Is the Mexican government also required to pay for its maintenance?

Trump has explained this many times. He will "get Mexico to pay for the wall" by getting better trade terms with Mexico so that the money we save from better trade terms with Mexico will more than pay for the cost of the wall. He has joked about having the Mexican government write him a check, but when he has spoken seriously about it, he has explained that the money we would save by making better trade arrangements with Mexico would more than pay for the wall.
Complete and utter nonsense, Trump has yet to explain anything about anything in anything but the vaguest, most generic, superficial rhetorical terms possible.

No, it happens to be fact.

Given the extreme bias you seem to have against Trump, I don't know that it would do much good to point out that Trump has gone into great detail--in writing--about a number of his positions, such as his economic plan, which even CNBC's Larry Kudlow has praised. Here is Trump's economic plan:

Tax Reform
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
Trump has explained this many times. He will "get Mexico to pay for the wall" by getting better trade terms with Mexico so that the money we save from better trade terms with Mexico will more than pay for the cost of the wall. He has joked about having the Mexican government write him a check, but when he has spoken seriously about it, he has explained that the money we would save by making better trade arrangements with Mexico would more than pay for the wall.
Complete and utter nonsense, Trump has yet to explain anything about anything in anything but the vaguest, most generic, superficial rhetorical terms possible.

No, it happens to be fact.

Given the extreme bias you seem to have against Trump, I don't know that it would do much good to point out that Trump has gone into great detail--in writing--about a number of his positions, such as his economic plan, which even CNBC's Larry Kudlow has praised. Here is Trump's economic plan:

Tax Reform
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??
I want to hear his exact plan on what he is going to do about Starbucks leaving snowflakes off of their Christmas cups.
Complete and utter nonsense, Trump has yet to explain anything about anything in anything but the vaguest, most generic, superficial rhetorical terms possible.

No, it happens to be fact.

Given the extreme bias you seem to have against Trump, I don't know that it would do much good to point out that Trump has gone into great detail--in writing--about a number of his positions, such as his economic plan, which even CNBC's Larry Kudlow has praised. Here is Trump's economic plan:

Tax Reform
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??

As I said, look to nuclear engineers and peanut farmers for solutions to America's problems! It worked so well for us in the past!
No, it happens to be fact.

Given the extreme bias you seem to have against Trump, I don't know that it would do much good to point out that Trump has gone into great detail--in writing--about a number of his positions, such as his economic plan, which even CNBC's Larry Kudlow has praised. Here is Trump's economic plan:

Tax Reform
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??

As I said, look to nuclear engineers and peanut farmers for solutions to America's problems! It worked so well for us in the past!
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

Funny, sad and true. We are evidently now entering a political age distinguished by the persuasion of self promotion and the power of salesmanship........no actual skill or qualifications needed.
The other end of that spectrum is politicians have their own personal traits. They have to live by their party's platform and ideology or experience the wrath of the party, affecting their future funding expectations. In addition to that, they are all frequently seduced by lobbyists, special interests with full pockets to illegally ensure their own "retirement fund"

That's why I selected number 8 as my most important reason to vote for Trump. Without the pitfalls of strong party strings and the temptation of getting the ever popular gifts for influence, I feel Trump is his own man. No one is going to tell him or bribe him to sway against his own personal ideology.

As for qualifications and skills, Trump is way ahead of other politicians when it comes to negotiating deals and trade pacts.

Liminal, it is sad but true that we cannot depend on our politicians to work on our own behalf. This year is hard to select your candidate. I wish you well in your contemplation and all of us can agree that our next president, who ever it might be, has their hand on their pulse of the nation and does what was best for it.
So if we follow your logic: Trump isn't an integral part of our corrupt political system because he's one of the buyers instead being one of the bought.
That is the truth, except change the tense in your statement. He used the system to his own personal advantage. Is that so bad? Of course not. We all do that. We don't have a natural instinct to be altruistic. But his focus has now changed.

Trump's main focus is now the country. And I hope he uses every negotiating skill he has to create a country with a low actual unemployment rate and making this country a proud leader of the world.
Complete and utter nonsense, Trump has yet to explain anything about anything in anything but the vaguest, most generic, superficial rhetorical terms possible.

No, it happens to be fact.

Given the extreme bias you seem to have against Trump, I don't know that it would do much good to point out that Trump has gone into great detail--in writing--about a number of his positions, such as his economic plan, which even CNBC's Larry Kudlow has praised. Here is Trump's economic plan:

Tax Reform
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??
Have they? I was under the impression that our entire political process had for some time been completely undermined by the legalization of big money influence and the rule of special interest lobbies.
Donald Trump is a Democrat running as a republican. He is there to try and stop real conservatives from getting the nomination. Only fucking retards would support trump

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

Funny, sad and true. We are evidently now entering a political age distinguished by the persuasion of self promotion and the power of salesmanship........no actual skill or qualifications needed.
The other end of that spectrum is politicians have their own personal traits. They have to live by their party's platform and ideology or experience the wrath of the party, affecting their future funding expectations. In addition to that, they are all frequently seduced by lobbyists, special interests with full pockets to illegally ensure their own "retirement fund"

That's why I selected number 8 as my most important reason to vote for Trump. Without the pitfalls of strong party strings and the temptation of getting the ever popular gifts for influence, I feel Trump is his own man. No one is going to tell him or bribe him to sway against his own personal ideology.

As for qualifications and skills, Trump is way ahead of other politicians when it comes to negotiating deals and trade pacts.

Liminal, it is sad but true that we cannot depend on our politicians to work on our own behalf. This year is hard to select your candidate. I wish you well in your contemplation and all of us can agree that our next president, who ever it might be, has their hand on their pulse of the nation and does what was best for it.
So if we follow your logic: Trump isn't an integral part of our corrupt political system because he's one of the buyers instead being one of the bought.
That is the truth, except change the tense in your statement. He used the system to his own personal advantage. Is that so bad? Of course not. We all do that. We don't have a natural instinct to be altruistic. But his focus has now changed.

Trump's main focus is now the country. And I hope he uses every negotiating skill he has to create a country with a low actual unemployment rate and making this country a proud leader of the world.
And you know what Trump's real focus is now because of your long personal association.
No, it happens to be fact.

Given the extreme bias you seem to have against Trump, I don't know that it would do much good to point out that Trump has gone into great detail--in writing--about a number of his positions, such as his economic plan, which even CNBC's Larry Kudlow has praised. Here is Trump's economic plan:

Tax Reform
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??
Have they? I was under the impression that our entire political process had for some time been completely undermined by the legalization of big money influence and the rule of special interest lobbies.
The tax, spend and print policy's have destroyed the country decades ago...
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??

As I said, look to nuclear engineers and peanut farmers for solutions to America's problems! It worked so well for us in the past!

I think that you are getting my point. Unfortunately, I have no hope for Jackson.
Donald Trump is a Democrat running as a republican. He is there to try and stop real conservatives from getting the nomination. Only fucking retards would support trump

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There are plenty of reasons to believe theories like that too. This should have been easy election year for Republicans, but Trump fucked up that equation.
I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??

As I said, look to nuclear engineers and peanut farmers for solutions to America's problems! It worked so well for us in the past!

I think that you are getting my point. Unfortunately, I have no hope for Jackson.
Obama already beat carter for the worst president ever. It also proved democrats are idiots

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's nice. I guess it's just unfortunate that he can't find a way verbally articulate what his staff wrote in some intelligible cogent manner.

I think that he is going to rid us of our deficit by lowering taxes. Makes perfect sense to...., well, to Trumpetts.
His most likely solution for the problem would be to tell Congress to read "Art of the Deal".
...and career politicians have been without flaw at running the country??
Have they? I was under the impression that our entire political process had for some time been completely undermined by the legalization of big money influence and the rule of special interest lobbies.
The tax, spend and print policy's have destroyed the country decades ago...
No argument there, this nation's economy has been in decline for the past forty years.

Ahhh, the naïve progressive
This quote proves how utterly stupid progressives are...

Someone should've told Rodney King, getting along is overrated...
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“

Funny, sad and true. We are evidently now entering a political age distinguished by the persuasion of self promotion and the power of salesmanship........no actual skill or qualifications needed.
The other end of that spectrum is politicians have their own personal traits. They have to live by their party's platform and ideology or experience the wrath of the party, affecting their future funding expectations. In addition to that, they are all frequently seduced by lobbyists, special interests with full pockets to illegally ensure their own "retirement fund"

That's why I selected number 8 as my most important reason to vote for Trump. Without the pitfalls of strong party strings and the temptation of getting the ever popular gifts for influence, I feel Trump is his own man. No one is going to tell him or bribe him to sway against his own personal ideology.

As for qualifications and skills, Trump is way ahead of other politicians when it comes to negotiating deals and trade pacts.

Liminal, it is sad but true that we cannot depend on our politicians to work on our own behalf. This year is hard to select your candidate. I wish you well in your contemplation and all of us can agree that our next president, who ever it might be, has their hand on their pulse of the nation and does what was best for it.

You make the same mistake as the other naïve 'anti-government' nitwits: believing that 'change' can come from the top.

It can't.

The fault with everything you whine about concerning 'the government' lies solely with each and every voter, the people alone are responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

And everything 'wrong' with 'the government' can't be fixed by the likes of Trump or any other 'outsider.'
You make the same mistake as the other naïve 'anti-government' nitwits: believing that 'change' can come from the top.

It can't.
Clayton, I know you didn't mean to, but I'll wait until you get your foot out of your mouth

I recall in 2007, the incredible chanting around the nation, "Hope and Change! Hope and Change! Obama Can Do It"

Did you not agree that you and millions of others said the top was exactly where this Hope and Change was going to take pace! And didn't it work out that way? He did it! The Messiah changed the entire nation from the top!
You are not a naive nitwit that believing that change can come from the top!
Or are you?

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