13 ways for active LDS to show their Christian love for LGBT peoples


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I know the poster of this message. She is a wonderful Christian Mormon.

"We have all read in recent weeks about Mormons who have resigned their membership in the Mormon church over the recent policy change declaring Mormons living in same-sex relationships to be "apostate" and subject to immediate excommunication proceedings, and to the consequences on their children--refusal to bless, baptize, ordain, or send them on missions. If you are one of the many Mormons who has a strong testimony of The Book of Mormon, who believes in modern prophecy and in the divine calling of the First Presidency and the Twelve, but still does not accept this new policy change as coming from God, there are, I believe, other ways that you can express your disagreement with the church besides resigning your membership. Here are some:

1. Direct your charitable giving this year to help Mormon LGBT teens who have been kicked out of their homes after coming out, like the Utah Pride Center.
2. Write a letter directly to the Presidency of the Church to express your love for LGBT people and your concern about the deleterious effects of this policy on them and their children.
3. Call out friends, family members, and ward members when they post homophobic things on facebook or other social media.
4. Wear black to church every day until this policy changes, and be vocal about why you are doing it if people ask.
5. Set an appointment with your bishop and/or stake president to discuss your concerns honestly and faithfully about the new policy.
6. When called on to pray in church, pray for love for all, for LGBT people in particular, and for the minds and hearts of church leaders to be changed.
7. Talk openly and tearfully about your opposition to this policy in church meetings, particularly those about eternal families, about repentance, about the worth of souls, and about the sins of the fathers not being on the heads of the children. Refuse to allow the controversy to die down."

Follow Mette Ivie Harrison on Twitter: www.twitter.com/metteharrison
"8. Talk honestly about the risk of suicide to LGBT Mormons who feel unloved and unwanted by the church.
9. Tell LGBT friends directly and repeatedly that you are on their side, that your love for them is unconditional.
10. Find an on-line or IRL group to join that supports LGBT Mormons and attend rallies or march with them (Affirmation, Mormons Building Bridges, etc.)
11. Wear rainbow socks, ties, tights, or an armband to church to mark your position.
12. Insist that people do not forget the many years when the LDS Church recommended various reparative therapies to LGBT people, including mixed orientation marriages, which have produced the very children the church is now disavowing.
13. If you are in the leadership of the church, refuse to follow this policy. If this means being released, accept this as a consequence. The more this happens, the more the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve may be forced to pay attention to this issue.

Whether or not the Mormon church sees enough reaction from its membership to go to God about changing this policy, I do not feel I can in good conscience do nothing. The God I know loves all and I believe that He is the head of the Mormon church. I also believe that the prophets of the Mormon church are men of God, that they sincerely try to do what is right and to listen to God's voice--and that they get it wrong sometimes, just like the rest of us.

I have friends who have formally resigned their membership in the church because of this policy and I honor their choice. You can certainly speak with your feet on your way out the door. If that is what your conscience tells you to do, then you must follow your own sense of right and wrong. But for now, I feel that those who remain within the church can respectfully protest this policy and in doing so, can help LGBT members who are still in the pews, some of them out and some of them not. In particular, I am concerned about LGBT teens who are terrified to tell the truth about themselves to parents who do not realize yet that their own children are suffering because of this policy. Those are the ones who are at greatest risk of suicide and it is to them I feel I am speaking when I protest in the ways listed above."
One can not be a good Christian if one practices sin. Homosexual activities ARE in fact practicing sin. Jesus would NOT condone the active practice of SIN and neither should the Church. Homosexuals that WANT to be members of Christian churches need to stop practicing sin or they are liars and not actually wanting to practice Christian beliefs.
Hey, Sarge. I'm mobile and tagging members sucks this way. Can you tag Avatar? I'd love to get his take
7. Talk openly and tearfully about your opposition to this policy in church meetings, particularly those about eternal families, about repentance, about the worth of souls, and about the sins of the fathers not being on the heads of the children. Refuse to allow the controversy to die down."
Tearfully?? C'mon let's get real. Guys who b******k each other acquire some awful diseases.

Homosexuals are a small percentage of the population, yet

Many teens get AIDS from homosexuals: CDC VitalSigns - HIV Among Youth in the US

So those who think the LGBT lifestyle is not so great have a point. How about we care about homosexual men by being honest about the problems associated with this lifestyle.

That would do a lot more good than wearing rainbow socks.
11. Wear rainbow socks, ties, tights, or an armband to church to mark your position.
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Consider the men and boys victimized.

CDC: 94 to 95 percent of HIV cases among young men linked to gay sex

And here's noted gay activist Larry Kramer being honest about the lifestyle:

Does it occur to you that we brought this plague of aids upon ourselves? I know I am getting into dangerous waters here but it is time. With the cabal breathing even more murderously down our backs it is time. And you are still doing it. You are still murdering each other. Please stop with all the generalizations and avoidance excuses gays have used since the beginning to ditch this responsibility for this fact. From the very first moment we were told in 1981 that the suspected cause was a virus, gay men have refused to accept our responsibility for choosing not to listen, and, starting in 1984, when we were told it definitely was a virus, this behavior turned murderous. Make whatever excuses you can to carry on living in your state of denial but this is the fact of the matter. I wish we could understand and take some responsibility for the fact that for some 30 years we have been murdering each other with great facility and that down deep inside of us, we knew what we were doing. Don’t tell me you have never had sex without thinking down deep that there was more involved in what you were doing than just maintaining a hard-on.

I have recently gone through my diaries of the worst of the plague years. I saw day after day a notation of another friend’s death. I listed all the ones I’d slept with. There were a couple hundred. Was it my sperm that killed them, that did the trick? It is no longer possible for me to avoid this question of myself. Have you ever wondered how many men you killed? I know I murdered some of them. I just know. You know how you sometimes know things? I know. Several hundred over a bunch of years, I have to have murdered some of them, planting in him the original seed. I have put this to several doctors. Mostly they refuse to discuss it, even if they are gay. Most doctors do not like to discuss sex or what we do or did. (I still have not heard a consensus on the true dangers of oral sex, for instance.) They play blind. God knows what they must be thinking when they examine us. Particularly if they aren’t gay. One doctor answered me, it takes two to tango so you cannot take the responsibility alone. But in some cases it isn’t so easy to answer so flippantly. The sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who (*)(*)(*)(*)ed him. I think I murdered him. The old boyfriend who did not want to go to bed with me and I made him. The man I let (*)(*)(*)(*) me because I was trying to make my then boyfriend, now lover, jealous. I know, by the way, that that other one is the one who infected me. You know how you sometime know things? I know he infected me. I tried to murder myself on that one.
I can't help but notice inviting them to come to Christ and repent of their sins is not on that list. How much love can you have for someone if you refuse to share the truth with them?
I can't help but notice inviting them to come to Christ and repent of their sins is not on that list. How much love can you have for someone if you refuse to share the truth with them?
Why would starkey accept as scripture what his mind cannot grasp?
One can not be a good Christian if one practices sin. Homosexual activities ARE in fact practicing sin. Jesus would NOT condone the active practice of SIN and neither should the Church. Homosexuals that WANT to be members of Christian churches need to stop practicing sin or they are liars and not actually wanting to practice Christian beliefs.
What about children members who live in LGBT homes? Are they allowed to participate in every way? What about boys who hold the priesthood?

You people do not know Christ.
I can't help but notice inviting them to come to Christ and repent of their sins is not on that list. How much love can you have for someone if you refuse to share the truth with them?
That Jesus loves and said let the little children come unto them?
One can not be a good Christian if one practices sin. Homosexual activities ARE in fact practicing sin. Jesus would NOT condone the active practice of SIN and neither should the Church. Homosexuals that WANT to be members of Christian churches need to stop practicing sin or they are liars and not actually wanting to practice Christian beliefs.
What about children members who live in LGBT homes? Are they allowed to participate in every way? What about boys who hold the priesthood?

You people do not know Christ.
How could they hold the priesthood if they can't be baptized in the first place.
I mean if you're going to poke fun of Mormons at least try and get the verbiage right
You seem to be slowly behind the rest of us. No one is making fun of Mormonism, only of Mormons who are acting idiotically, such as you.

There are boys who hold the priesthood who live in LGBT homes.

I gather the SP in this area is not going to hinder the development of youth, girls and boys, who live in LGBT homes, in his stake. Dozens, I have heard, of other SPs are in agreement.
You seem to be slowly behind the rest of us. No one is making fun of Mormonism, only of Mormons who are acting idiotically, such as you.

There are boys who hold the priesthood who live in LGBT homes.

I gather the SP in this area is not going to hinder the development of youth, girls and boys, who live in LGBT homes, in his stake. Dozens, I have heard, of other SPs are in agreement.
Being called an idiot from you is a compliment. :)
You seem to be slowly behind the rest of us. No one is making fun of Mormonism, only of Mormons who are acting idiotically, such as you.

There are boys who hold the priesthood who live in LGBT homes.

I gather the SP in this area is not going to hinder the development of youth, girls and boys, who live in LGBT homes, in his stake. Dozens, I have heard, of other SPs are in agreement.
Being called an idiot from you is a compliment. :)
You and the GAs are on the wrong side of this as they are finding out at headquarters.
You seem to be slowly behind the rest of us. No one is making fun of Mormonism, only of Mormons who are acting idiotically, such as you.

There are boys who hold the priesthood who live in LGBT homes.

I gather the SP in this area is not going to hinder the development of youth, girls and boys, who live in LGBT homes, in his stake. Dozens, I have heard, of other SPs are in agreement.
Being called an idiot from you is a compliment. :)
You and the GAs are on the wrong side of this as they are finding out at headquarters.
Once again, to be on the wrong side from you, is a compliment.
Once again for the slow and utterly stupid. One does not belong in the Christian churches if one practices sin. Since Children are in fact influenced and controlled by their parents until such time as they are of legal age they are not free to make decisions. Until those children are free of the active sinner parents they are not free to chose their own path.
But you allow the children of inactive parents, excommunicated parents, felons, killers, and thieves to attend and participate in church.

You are the worst of Pharisees, RGS.

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