13-Year-Old "Boy" Apparently Stabbed the Barnard Chick

....and the blacks get upset when thugs like these get shot???!!!! these sympathizers are enablers---and they say TRUMP is promoting hate!!!!!!!!!! IDIOCY/Stupidity
..I say SHOOT them --in the back--in the head--ANYWHERE
....the 13 year old is just covering for the older animals......he's a juvenile and won't get life

What will probably happen is these teenagers will get 15 or 20 years. At the end of their terms, their Poverty Pimp lawyers will find someone to confess- probably someone in prison for life already.

Then they will make these guys millionaires, as they'll say they were framed.

We've already seen the way they operate with the Central Park Five case.
You couldn't pay me enough to live or visit anywhere near that area.

It is a very tough area, no doubt about it.

I remember an interview from former wrestler Bad News Brown who came from Harlem. His fights just to make it from Harlem to Madison Square Garden warmed him up for the matches.

If a big, tough guy like Brown has to fight, what chance does a small young lady from the South have?

The area is right by Columbia and is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. 99% of NYC is safe during the day.

Nighttime is another matter.

There was a time this park was considered the most dangerous one in NYC.
Poor college girl symbolic of white privilege.
Diblasio will give the perp a medal.

The girl was a honky from the South colonizing an area of color. She'll be demonized just like Kate Steinle was on the other coast.

Zarate was exonerated, so will this young un sooner or later.
Likely yet another black on white homicide. It’s becoming the new Holocaust that no one dares speak of.
Likely yet another black on white homicide. It’s becoming the new Holocaust that no one dares speak of.
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 65%--yet:
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders- 500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

The reason why is obvious. Black youths are considered Literal Sacred Cows here in America.

Honkies know if they touch these icons, they will be crucified in the media, and are rightfully afraid to whack them, even when they would have no problem whacking someone of a different race.
Let’s see JZ has been promoted to NFL influencer, whe he rapped about robbing and killing people, it’s like democrats love this shit , promote it ..
Here is the uncle of the 13 year old murderer.

I wonder will Ears says, “if I had an uncle, he would look like Roosevelt Davis?”


Likely yet another black on white homicide. It’s becoming the new Holocaust that no one dares speak of.
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 65%--yet:
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders- 500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

The reason why is obvious. Black youths are considered Literal Sacred Cows here in America.

Honkies know if they touch these icons, they will be crucified in the media, and are rightfully afraid to whack them, even when they would have no problem whacking someone of a different race.
..the MSM goes apeshit whenever a white DEFENDS themselves from a black criminal...but if a black murders a white--no big deal
We will get photos of the killers at 9 years old playing tag under the headlines "Just Like Central Park". A relative acting as spokesman will claim "she hit dat boy. She didn't have to hit the chile. Jest han ober de money. Dey gotta buy school clothes. She be doin chile abuse."

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