14 Million New Jobs - FOR WHOM?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In his State of the Union address, President Obama glorified his record with praise on just about everything. One thing that really struck me though is his claim that >>>

"We're in the middle of the longest streak of private-sector job creation in history. More than 14 million new jobs; the strongest two years of job growth since the '90s; an unemployment rate cut in half. Our auto industry just had its best year ever. Manufacturing has created nearly 900,000 new jobs in the past six years."

Oh, that's just great but Rick Santorum, who has received the highest grade on immigration (A) from numbersUSA, of any presidential candidate, says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas (most H1B). I'd really like to know just how many Americans have actually gotten these new created jobs. I notice that while Obama talks about how many new jobs have been opened up, he doesn't talk about WHO is getting them, and what country they are from.

He also doesn't talk about all the jobs that Americans are LOSING, who have worked in those jobs for years, and are being deliberately dumped, so that employers can bring in lower wage foreign workers to replace them. Forgot about that little slice of the jobs picture, Mr. President ? And how these longtime loyal American workers are being forced to train the incoming foreign workers, under threat of losing their severance packages if they refuse.

I'm not sure about Santorum's claim that all the new jobs are going to foreigners, but I wouldn't doubt if the actual % turned about to a lot closer to 100%, than something much lower than that.
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Obama just flat out lied a lot in his speech last night. Just bald faced, especially about the economy and jobs. He spoke a veiled warning to the industrialists on both sides of the aisle when he talked about automation, offshore labor and foreign bank accounts were the sources of ultimately their own ruing as "trickle-up" economic tragedy keeps eating away at demand from US consumers..
Santorum "says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas".

Well, of course he does, because the thinks he can lie his way through.

He can't.
Just think, when he's out and the dam of truth will crash forth and the next in line will be blamed
Santorum "says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas".

Well, of course he does, because the thinks he can lie his way through.

He can't.
No one can deny that foreigners are scooping up millions of jobs inside the US (many of them illegally), while millions of Americans remain unemployed. This is reason enough to give Democrats the boot this year.
Santorum "says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas".

Well, of course he does, because the thinks he can lie his way through.

He can't.
No one can deny that foreigners are scooping up millions of jobs inside the US (many of them illegally), while millions of Americans remain unemployed. This is reason enough to give Democrats the boot this year.

there are plenty of jobs for the educated and skilled, you rubes should have furthered your education , not too many jobs at cletus's tooth pick factory any more , what happen to pulling yourself up by your own boot straps?
there are plenty of jobs for the educated and skilled, you rubes should have furthered your education , not too many jobs at cletus's tooth pick factory any more , what happen to pulling yourself up by your own boot straps?
Sure there's plenty of jobs for Americans. BUT, you dunce, the employers are giving them to low wage foreigners (including jobs Americans have been in for years). Is there a doctor in the house ? Sheeeesh!
there are plenty of jobs for the educated and skilled, you rubes should have furthered your education , not too many jobs at cletus's tooth pick factory any more , what happen to pulling yourself up by your own boot straps?
Sure there's plenty of jobs for Americans. BUT, you dunce, the employers are giving them to low wage foreigners (including jobs Americans have been in for years). Is there a doctor in the house ? Sheeeesh!

People forget that when they dance they have to pay the fiddler.
Uncle Ferd says dey's prob'ly dem...

... automation jobs robots do...

... he still ain't got his job atta dry cleanery back...

... wringin' farts outta shirt-tails.
for every new job over 300 or 400 i heard on food stamps.
Not sure about your figures, but most of the recipients are children.
1. Whose parents are unemployed , because the jobs they should have, have been swiped by low-wage foreigners (domestic outsourcing).

2. And other children on food stamps are anchor babies, whose moms arrived on this side of the border in their 8th month of pregnancy.
for every new job over 300 or 400 i heard on food stamps.
Not sure about your figures, but most of the recipients are children.
1. Whose parents are unemployed , because the jobs they should have, have been swiped by low-wage foreigners (domestic outsourcing).

2. And other children on food stamps are anchor babies, whose moms arrived on this side of the border in their 8th month of pregnancy.

Tough titty for you, and the far right and libertarians who have not kept up their skills in a changing world are most fortunate to have the safety net.
Yep the man can spin a good one. The only problem is employment participation rates are the lowest they have been for 37 years, food stamp recipients continue to climb,escalate, public sponsored housing requests continue to climb, the number of those who have given up and lost unemployment insurance have been treated as statistical insignificance, the true unemployment level is close to double digit, furthermore manufacturing jobs have continued to decline. If one was to look and base every fact on the lowest point in 2010 then why the hell was he ever reelected? Must have been the "W" factor because his job performance has been abysmal at best. Funny how the progressive liberal media and loyal followers buy into his crap, they diverse an old lying hag or worn out socialist as their standard bearer.
PS Jake, as I understand it children can not apply and receive food stamps, only their parent (s) or legal guardian.
LFPR is determined, to a great part, by the retirement rate, and guess what?

And you fail to report that we have an all time high of workers.

Sux to be you, but there it is.

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