14 y.o. black intrudor shot and killed in Louisiana, white home owner arrested.

Its an opinion piece, so I would like a better source.

Also, the boy does appear to have broken into the property, by scaling the fence, however, he wasn't inside the residence when he was shot. All the man needed to do was to keep an eye on the rear door and phone the police. He could have shot the boy if, and only if, he entered the property.

He is being charged because his life was not threatened. Someone comes onto your property, your life is not in danger until the assailant comes face to face with you.

That's not true. If the assailant has a weapon and he gets out of your sight or makes a move that bewilders you, your life is in danger. Without more compelling evidence, I see these charges being dropped.
^ Who said the gravity is going to change? Gravity is constant and its value is 9.8m/S^2.

How quickly a body reaches its terminal velocity and the value of its terminal velocity when it is travelling through fluid, is dependent on the aerodynamics of the body, density of the body and density of the fluid. Actually, there is one more factor but that will further complicate it for you. My suggestion for you would be to try to understand the law of physics relating to free fall in the vacuum first because it is much simpler.

A feather will reach the terminal velocity much faster than a bullet because density of the bullet is much higher, which means a bullet will continue to accelerate for much longer period of time than a feather. Given the proper density of the falling body and height from which it is falling, it is quite possible that the given body may hit the ground before it reaches the terminal velocity. It all depends on the variables.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the density of the body. If it did skydivers would fall at the same speed regardless of their orientation when falling because their density does not change.

density in figuring terminal velocity has to do with the density the object is passing through
^ Who said the gravity is going to change? Gravity is constant and its value is 9.8m/S^2.

How quickly a body reaches its terminal velocity and the value of its terminal velocity when it is travelling through fluid, is dependent on the aerodynamics of the body, density of the body and density of the fluid. Actually, there is one more factor but that will further complicate it for you. My suggestion for you would be to try to understand the law of physics relating to free fall in the vacuum first because it is much simpler.

A feather will reach the terminal velocity much faster than a bullet because density of the bullet is much higher, which means a bullet will continue to accelerate for much longer period of time than a feather. Given the proper density of the falling body and height from which it is falling, it is quite possible that the given body may hit the ground before it reaches the terminal velocity. It all depends on the variables.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the density of the body. If it did skydivers would fall at the same speed regardless of their orientation when falling because their density does not change.

Yep. It's one of the main reasons that when someone does a tandem jump, they throw out a small drogue chute. Why? Because the weight of 2 bodies falling with the same amount of drag surface will fall faster than a single body in the same configuration. If you jump by yourself? You'll hit terminal velocity somewhere around 120 mph. If you do a tandem jump? Terminal velocity is around 160 to 170 mph. The drogue chute is there to slow you down enough (to 120 mph) so that you don't overstress the parachute and cause it to malfunction.

Had all that explained to me by the skydiver I did a tandem with when I was stationed up in Newport RI.

And.................they Mythbusters showed on one of their shows that if you fall headfirst and streamline yourself, you can catch up with someone who jumped out of the plane before you if they keep the spread eagle stance. They got the idea from seeing the stunt that was done on the movie Point Break.

objects in free fall are considered weightless

Are you saying that a falling bullet has more velocity then one shot at say a 20 degree angle at point of impact?
Velocity at which the bullet will fall is higher when the gun is shot straight up as opposed to when shot at even a slight inclination.

No it isn't, it will fall at the same speed either way.

It is not an automatic thing that they will fall at the same speed.

In the vacuum, it will depend on the height alone.

It will depend on the aerodynamics, height and the density when there is resistance.

Terminal velocity does not come into play in the vacuum that is why a feather will fall with the same velocity as iron 10kg ball when dropped from the same height. It is the height which determines the final velocity.

Terminal velocity comes into play when there is resistance. Each object has potential for different terminal velocity based on its density, aerodynamics and the height it could attain.

Things fall at a finite speed no matter how high they are.

The US military says a straight up shot 30.06 falls at 205/mph. German scientist track nearly straight up shot 9mm pistol bullet & it fell at lethal rates.


At 300 fps I wouldnt think it would be lethal. Thats paintball speeds.
And again they have been clocked at 120 mph as well.
As I said earlier,our neighbor was hit in the head with a .22 LR while sitting on the back porch. Since she was sitting on a covered porch the round had to have arched in.
All she got was a knot on here head.

What color was the .22 bullet that hit your neighbor?

Standard .22 LR Slug. With no deformities.
At 300 fps I wouldnt think it would be lethal. Thats paintball speeds.
And again they have been clocked at 120 mph as well.
As I said earlier,our neighbor was hit in the head with a .22 LR while sitting on the back porch. Since she was sitting on a covered porch the round had to have arched in.
All she got was a knot on here head.

What color was the .22 bullet that hit your neighbor?

Standard .22 LR Slug. With no deformities.

when i was a kid a gal i knew got hit with a 22 slug

that came out of nowhere

it bounced off her jacket

and landed at our feet
objects in free fall are considered weightless

They are not weightless if friction is limiting them. I am a certified sky diver. People who spread out can control terminal velocity between 90-135/mph. If you head down position has a terminal speed around 150–180/mph. Further minimization of drag (physics) by streamlining the body allows for speeds in the vicinity 300 mph. Sky divers have collided in mid air cutting their bodies & limbs in half.
At 300 fps I wouldnt think it would be lethal. Thats paintball speeds.
And again they have been clocked at 120 mph as well.
As I said earlier,our neighbor was hit in the head with a .22 LR while sitting on the back porch. Since she was sitting on a covered porch the round had to have arched in.
All she got was a knot on here head.

What color was the .22 bullet that hit your neighbor?

Standard .22 LR Slug. With no deformities.

Was it lead color, copper, black or silver?
Do police warn people that they are armed? If they yell freeze and you move you get shot, the same rules should apply to everyone.

End of discussion.

Typically they say something to the effect of, "Police freeze!". I have to say that the word "Police" tells me that the SOB (no disrespect intended) telling me to "freeze" is armed. I'm gonna freeze.


Typically, they claim they identified themselves. They also tend to tell people to stop resisting when they are beating on them even though they are unconscious.

I missed this until I checked "My quotes". I think you watch "Cops" on TV too. I have often wondered why they keep screaming, "stop resisting" when their victim has been beaten senseless and never gave a doggone bit of resistance in the first place.

^ Who said the gravity is going to change? Gravity is constant and its value is 9.8m/S^2.

How quickly a body reaches its terminal velocity and the value of its terminal velocity when it is travelling through fluid, is dependent on the aerodynamics of the body, density of the body and density of the fluid. Actually, there is one more factor but that will further complicate it for you. My suggestion for you would be to try to understand the law of physics relating to free fall in the vacuum first because it is much simpler.

A feather will reach the terminal velocity much faster than a bullet because density of the bullet is much higher, which means a bullet will continue to accelerate for much longer period of time than a feather. Given the proper density of the falling body and height from which it is falling, it is quite possible that the given body may hit the ground before it reaches the terminal velocity. It all depends on the variables.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the density of the body. If it did skydivers would fall at the same speed regardless of their orientation when falling because their density does not change.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ~ Dr Martin Luther King (Jr)
Typically they say something to the effect of, "Police freeze!". I have to say that the word "Police" tells me that the SOB (no disrespect intended) telling me to "freeze" is armed. I'm gonna freeze.


Typically, they claim they identified themselves. They also tend to tell people to stop resisting when they are beating on them even though they are unconscious.

I missed this until I checked "My quotes". I think you watch "Cops" on TV too. I have often wondered why they keep screaming, "stop resisting" when their victim has been beaten senseless and never gave a doggone bit of resistance in the first place.


I think they learn it in the academy under "How to get away with beating the crap out of an unconscious person."
objects in free fall are considered weightless

They are not weightless if friction is limiting them. I am a certified sky diver. People who spread out can control terminal velocity between 90-135/mph. If you head down position has a terminal speed around 150–180/mph. Further minimization of drag (physics) by streamlining the body allows for speeds in the vicinity 300 mph. Sky divers have collided in mid air cutting their bodies & limbs in half.

i dont think anyone is contesting that reducing drag allows for a faster free fall

however drag increase as velocity increases

have any links on skydivers getting cut in half after crashing into one another

sounds interesting to read up on
Typically they say something to the effect of, "Police freeze!". I have to say that the word "Police" tells me that the SOB (no disrespect intended) telling me to "freeze" is armed. I'm gonna freeze.


Typically, they claim they identified themselves. They also tend to tell people to stop resisting when they are beating on them even though they are unconscious.

I missed this until I checked "My quotes". I think you watch "Cops" on TV too. I have often wondered why they keep screaming, "stop resisting" when their victim has been beaten senseless and never gave a doggone bit of resistance in the first place.


A modern mystery alongside why Walmart install 18 registers but never has more than 4 open at a time and usually only two.
Typically, they claim they identified themselves. They also tend to tell people to stop resisting when they are beating on them even though they are unconscious.

I missed this until I checked "My quotes". I think you watch "Cops" on TV too. I have often wondered why they keep screaming, "stop resisting" when their victim has been beaten senseless and never gave a doggone bit of resistance in the first place.


A modern mystery alongside why Walmart install 18 registers but never has more than 4 open at a time and usually only two.

No shit! It is especially irritating around Christmas time... oh who am I kidding? I make very few trips to any store throughout the year. I hate shopping! Thank God for the internet and online shopping! But the few times I do go to Walmart I have to wonder WTF do they bother putting all these registers in when there are only three of them open at any given time. At the Walmart in my neighborhood they have 30 registers but the most I have ever seen open is three!

One less criminal to lock up for the next 60 years! Nice shot home owner...little thug was trespassing and on private property with intent to harm the man and his property so he was in the right. Hope he gets off

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