14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

Texas has a law against HOAX bombs. So yes anyone who looked at at that closely realized it wasn't a bomb, that was never the question.

But he never claimed or even suggested it was a bomb. OTHER people did that.

Should not the school authorities who detained and suspended him even after establishing it's not an explosive device and chose to continue with the ruse anyway, be the ones charged with a bomb hoax?

NO ONE actually thought there was a bomb. NO ONE.

Not the teachers... not the police.

It was OBVIOUS to all of them that is was NOT a bomb.
Whether or not anyone did believe the wired attache case contained explosives or was capable of facilitating a timed explosion is not relevant. What is relevant is the fact that he is a Muslim and non-Muslim Americans have good cause to be suspicious of Muslims, especially those who present or exhibit items which appear to have a sinister potential -- such as a wired attache case.

That kid is well aware of what I've said above. What he did is play a joke on his teachers, a joke that only he and probably his Muslim friends might think is funny. But it isn't.

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Not sure we know enough about his history to conclude that but let's entertain that for the moment. You suppose he was doing essentially the same thing this student was doing in a story from the same week, i.e. setting up a situation to see how people would react? Hand them the rope and see if they hang themselves?

Re-quoting above:
What is relevant is the fact that he is a Muslim and non-Muslim Americans have good cause to be suspicious of Muslims, especially those who present or exhibit items which appear to have a sinister potential -- such as a wired attache case.​

What goes along with that thought is --- whose fault is that? Is it the fault of a billion and a half Muslims? Or is it the fault of knee-jerk Composition Fallacists as run rampant on this board, the ones who can't be bothered to discern the distinction between religious acts and political acts, or between Sufi and Wahabbi? Is it possible the kid was trying to make an astute social point? To embarrass these Composition Fallacists? In effect setting them up to make his point for him about bigotry and stereotypes? :eusa_think:

If so he may be way smarter than the electronic whiz he's been described as.

Sarah Palin checks in (link in previous post) -- "If that's a clock I'm the Queen of England". Working with the theory above it sure sounds like Sarah resents such fallacist exposure and would prefer to get on with the business of bigotry without the bother of having its fallacies pointed out.

NO ONE claimed it was a bomb, or tried to make anyone think it was a bomb, that's why no charges were filed.

It was entirely about indulging their irrational hysteria, and bullying a black boy over his religion.
No thought it was a bomb.

No one said it was a bomb.

It was not presented as a bomb.

Yet, it was a device which was comprised of 4 of the 5 essential elements of an Improvised Explosive Device, absent only the explosives, to make it a bomb.

The "Incident" set a Young Muslim Male carrying an Improvised Explosive Device into a US Public School; which on any street in any US Combat zone would have set any US Operator as justified in popping his Young Muslim Male cork.

The expected result of the exercise was to set the under-dog black teen as the perennial victim of the overbearing "RIGHT WING!".

The actual result is that it has set the Ideological Left as defending Young Muslim Males bringing IEDs INTO US PUBLIC SCHOOLS!

And Reader, there is absolutely NO POTENTIAL DOWNSIDE TO THAT! As, it is only a matter of time before Islam is in the US using IEDs... and when that happens, we; the Americans, will simply turn to this incident and set it up as evidence that there is no distinction between the Ideological Left and Islam and having established such, the justification that is used to remove Islam from the US will be the same one to remove the Ideological Left from the US.
No thought it was a bomb.

No one said it was a bomb.

It was not presented as a bomb.

Yet, it was a device which was comprised of 4 of the 5 essential elements of an Improvised Explosive Device, absent only the explosives, to make it a bomb.

The "Incident" set a Young Muslim Male carrying an Improvised Explosive Device into a US Public School; which on any street in any US Combat zone would have set any US Operator as justified in popping his Young Muslim Male cork.

The expected result of the exercise was to set the under-dog black teen as the perennial victim of the overbearing "RIGHT WING!".

The actual result is that it has set the Ideological Left as defending Young Muslim Males bringing IEDs INTO US PUBLIC SCHOOLS!

And Reader, there is absolutely NO POTENTIAL DOWNSIDE TO THAT! As, it is only a matter of time before Islam is in the US using IEDs... and when that happens, we; the Americans, will simply turn to this incident and set it up as evidence that there is no distinction between the Ideological Left and Islam and having established such, the justification that is used to remove Islam from the US will be the same one to remove the Ideological Left from the US.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

For obviously UNSTATED reasons. And the reason that they're unstated is that the reason(s) are UNSUSTAINABLE... .

'That said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
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So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

For obvious UNSTATED reasons. And the reason that they're unstated is that the reason(s) are UNSUSTAINABLE... .

'That said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your bullshit slippery slopism and farcical non-sequiturs don't require explanation... because they're OBVIOUS!

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.

Indeed... but the proverbial cat is now out of the bag, isn't it?

And a Young Muslim Male has shown the way for others to follow. And by others, I am of course speaking of the MILLIONS of fellow 'victims', not the least pitiful of which are the little LGBT, ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD... chirrups of the Prog-"We Special and no one cares" brigade, seeking their 15 minutes of Million hit fame... .

And with so many of them already frequenting Jihadi websites and flying off to Pakistan is getting harder, it is a certainty that this ass-hat will 'inspire' the homegrown Leftists to grab their own attention... through superior Jihadi-technology.

So... we've got that to look forward to. And when it comes, we can thank these Leftist cranks for their support of Lil' Ahmed Clock transferrer... the trod upon Muslim male who only wanted to show kids how easy it is to build an IED and bring it to school.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

For obvious UNSTATED reasons. And the reason that they're unstated is that the reason(s) are UNSUSTAINABLE... .

'That said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your bullshit slippery slopism and farcical non-sequiturs don't require explanation... because they're OBVIOUS!

OH! A Re-Concession... how positively sweet.

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Reader... do you see how easy this is?

Remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

#1 - Find a Leftist.
#2 - Get them to speak.

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.
There is no Islam that does not harbor murderous intent to non-believers. Islam teaches that ultimately there can only be Muslims in the world. The moderates and extremists simply disagree on how quickly to push the point. Islam is always a slope from moderate to extreme.
MIKEK, This is also why you will not find a single Muslim saying ISIS is wrong. (If you do let me know because I have not found any.) If you listen closely you will here Muslims disagreeing with ISIS's tactics and strategy but ISIS is the ultimate expression of Islam and for a Muslim to speak against ISIS is for a Muslim to speak against their own religion. 'Even the worst Muslim is better the the most pure non-believer.'

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.
There is no Islam that does not harbor murderous intent to non-believers. Islam teaches that ultimately there can only be Muslims in the world. The moderates and extremists simply disagree on how quickly to push the point. Islam is always a slope from moderate to extreme.


The kid's family are Sufis, which are as much targeted by radical terrorists as "westerners" are. There's the pitfall of not doing one's homework. That's not a secret, so anyone at the school who had such a concern could have found that out long before this.

Terrorists don't work for a religion. Not Muslim ones, not Christian ones like Rudolph, not atheist ones like McVeigh. They work for an ideology.

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.
There is no Islam that does not harbor murderous intent to non-believers. Islam teaches that ultimately there can only be Muslims in the world. The moderates and extremists simply disagree on how quickly to push the point. Islam is always a slope from moderate to extreme.


The kid's family are Sufis, which are as much targeted by radical terrorists as "westerners" are. There's the pitfall of not doing one's homework. That's not a secret, so anyone at the school who had such a concern could have found that out long before this.

Terrorists don't work for a religion. Not Muslim ones, not Christian ones like Rudolph, not atheist ones like McVeigh. They work for an ideology.

Islam is NOT a religion, it is a political cult.

And Sufi, Sunni, or Shiite, a Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim... and a Muslim, like their Prog cousins, are simply Evil.

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.
There is no Islam that does not harbor murderous intent to non-believers. Islam teaches that ultimately there can only be Muslims in the world. The moderates and extremists simply disagree on how quickly to push the point. Islam is always a slope from moderate to extreme.


The kid's family are Sufis, which are as much targeted by radical terrorists as "westerners" are. There's the pitfall of not doing one's homework. That's not a secret, so anyone at the school who had such a concern could have found that out long before this.

Terrorists don't work for a religion. Not Muslim ones, not Christian ones like Rudolph, not atheist ones like McVeigh. They work for an ideology.
Do you believe in God?

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.

Continuing to presume this theory that this was the kid's design then ---- did it not then create a "teachable moment"? That is, a point to reflect on the irrationality of said suspicions? And to the extent it did, does that not serve to undermine this Monsters on Maple Street mentality? (< Rod Serling reference)

Of course we're speculating on his intent, not knowing much about his previous projects or his level of awareness of global politics. But if this was his design, did it not at least present a door of perception and perspective, whether we choose to investigate what's behind that door or to ignore it?

I return to my original thought, unfortunately edited out above: WHO created the atmosphere of suspicion surrounding the body of humans called "Muslims" -- as if that's some kind of monolith? The millions of Muslims themselves? Or a few wags on the internet entertaining Composition Fallacies as in post 452 above? It matters.

I guess in sum my question settles to this:
-- Who's more in the wrong... the Composition Fallacists who concoct these blanket bigot statements in the first place.... or the kid who (we speculate) called them out to mock those fallacies? For if our speculation is sound, the latter would not have existed without the former preceding it.
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So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.
There is no Islam that does not harbor murderous intent to non-believers. Islam teaches that ultimately there can only be Muslims in the world. The moderates and extremists simply disagree on how quickly to push the point. Islam is always a slope from moderate to extreme.


The kid's family are Sufis, which are as much targeted by radical terrorists as "westerners" are. There's the pitfall of not doing one's homework. That's not a secret, so anyone at the school who had such a concern could have found that out long before this.

Terrorists don't work for a religion. Not Muslim ones, not Christian ones like Rudolph, not atheist ones like McVeigh. They work for an ideology.

Islam is NOT a religion, it is a political cult.

And Sufi, Sunni, or Shiite, a Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim... and a Muslim, like their Prog cousins, are simply Evil.
Mohammed taught that man must cleanse earth of sin. Jesus taught God would cleanse earth of sin. There is a fundamental difference.

So you're saying he designed a device suggestively as bait?

Yes. That's the impression I have. And I believe he achieved exactly the kind of response he wanted and expected.

I don't believe he's a budding jihadist or that he has any insidious intentions. But I do believe he's acutely aware of the latent suspicion which has attached to Muslims because of the recent progression of terrorist activity here in the U.S. and elsewhere and that his supposed "clock" is a ploy intended to exploit that suspicion.

The average non-Muslim American, including me, is unaware of the variations which distinguish one category of Islamist from another, with specific reference to which category harbors murderous hatred for non-Muslims ("infidels") and which does not. And even if we did know the difference there is no way to be sure which is which and who is who until it's too late.

That is the situation Muslims who choose to live among non-Muslims need to understand and get used to. Until the terrorism is ended the situation will not change but will get worse.

Continuing to presume this theory that this was the kid's design then ---- did it not then create a "teachable moment"? That is, a point to reflect on the irrationality of said suspicions? And to the extent it did, does that not serve to undermine this Monsters on Maple Street mentality? (< Rod Serling reference)

Of course we're speculating on his intent, not knowing much about his previous projects or his level of awareness of global politics. But if this was his design, did it not at least present a door of perception and perspective, whether we choose to investigate what's behind that door or to ignore it?

I return to my original thought, unfortunately edited out above: WHO created the atmosphere of suspicion surrounding the body of humans called "Muslims" -- as if that's some kind of monolith? The millions of Muslims themselves? Or a few wags on the internet entertaining Composition Fallacies as in post 452 above? It matters.

Well, it's a start. More than the mainstream media has yet done.
Islam is NOT a religion, it is a political cult.

And Sufi, Sunni, or Shiite, a Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim... and a Muslim, like their Prog cousins, are simply Evil.

I return to my original thought, unfortunately edited out above: WHO created the atmosphere of suspicion surrounding the body of humans called "Muslims" --

Muslims. And that is not even a debatable point.

See what I mean?

Thanks. If there was any doubt I was on the right track you've buried it by displaying exactly what I'm talking about.

How's the line go? "Your confirmation of my exposure of your fallacy is summarily accepted and appreciated". Doesn't get much clearer than this.
Islam is NOT a religion, it is a political cult.

And Sufi, Sunni, or Shiite, a Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim... and a Muslim, like their Prog cousins, are simply Evil.

I return to my original thought, unfortunately edited out above: WHO created the atmosphere of suspicion surrounding the body of humans called "Muslims" --

Muslims. And that is not even a debatable point.

See what I mean?

Thanks. If there was any doubt I was on the right track you've buried it by displaying exactly what I'm talking about.

How's the line go? "Your confirmation of my exposure of your fallacy is summarily accepted and appreciated". Doesn't get much clearer than this.
Keys probably overstated things a bit about it being non-debatable, this is a message board after all, but it does not take much research at all to learn Islam has lived by the sword when the sword has become advantageous. Muslims are waiting for the twelfth imam. Find out what happened to the first eleven.

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