14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
These are the same points being rehashed over and over. I keep coming back to -- (a) where does that suspicious atmosphere come from,
Apologies for the repetitive mention, but are you consciously ignoring the 9/11 attack and what ethnic category was responsible for it?
I don't think anyone is ignoring it, they're just no validating it.

That bullshit necessarily leads to suspecting all white men of being serial killers and/or pedophiles.

That bullshit dog just don't hunt, Pumpkin.

and (b) is it not valid to challenge it as specious?
Reference to 9/11, the Tsarnaev (pressure cooker) brothers, the televised beheadings and the vows of numerous shahids to kill all infidels is specious? It would be specious if none of it ever happened. But it did happen and there is no reason to think it won't continue.
It certainly will NEVER stop as long as we treat every Muslim with an alarm clock or a crock pot like Osama Bin Laden.

I can't believe you can't see that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! You're just as bigoted, and retarded, and hysterical as the asshats you're suspicious of. And it leads you to the same retarded behavior.

You all are retarded participants in a retarded nihilistic circle-jerk.

Not that that's what Achmed was doing here, we're still speculating on that motive.
What Achmed did provoked exceptional suspicion, which prompted an investigation.
No one objects to an "investigation". What's objectionable is what happened after the investigation that found the boy's clock to be JUST A CLOCK!

The fact remains that in order to come up with "bomb", somebody externally had to plug in an element that isn't there. The question comes down to-- are they justified in plugging that element in? Do they have sufficient grounds to run around hair-on-fire when they already know full well that it ain't a bomb?
If there was any GENUINE suspicion that the boy's clock was a bomb, they would have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the building and called the bomb squad.

There'd have been no handling and further "investigation" of a potentially deadly explosive device by teachers and administrators while kids were around. COME ON!

They knew IMMEDIATELY that the boy's clock was ENTIRELY HARMLESS.

I say they do not.
It appeared to quite possibly be the primary component of a timed explosive device, which calls for investigation.
NO! It IMMEDIATELY appeared that there was NO POSSIBILITY that it was actually the primary component of a timed explosive device, otherwise they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the building and called the bomb squad to avoid the possibility that the school would blow up while it was occupied with everyone's kids inside.

You are entitled to your opinion. My opinion is Achmed knew exactly what he was doing.
Yeah. He was building a clock.

The teachers, school administrators, and police involved also knew exactly what they were doing--capitalizing on an opportunity to abuse, harass, and bully a 14 year old boy over his skin color and/or religion.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Nonsense. You're just rationalizing their abusive bigotry (and probably your own as well).
Actually, Buc is reasonably deducing intent from the available evidence.

YOU are rationalizing that the evidence is meaningless, advocating that young Muslim Males should be allowed to carry IEDs into U.S. Public Schools.

Demonstrating that YOU are part of THE PROBLEM.
Nonsense. You're just rationalizing their abusive bigotry (and probably your own as well).
Actually, Buc is reasonably deducing intent from the available evidence.

YOU are rationalizing that the evidence is meaningless, advocating that young Muslim Males should be allowed to carry IEDs into U.S. Public Schools.

Demonstrating that YOU are part of THE PROBLEM.
If your strawman was actually made of straw, it'd have the benefit of being made of straw.

As it stands, it's made of nothing.

You serve no meat, Princess; and your sauce is weak.
You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

Yep... Guess where Ahmed would be if he brought a gun without bullets.
1) I didn't say, "An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets."

2) My guess is he'd be in the same place you would be; which makes no meaningful point anyway.
That bullshit necessarily leads to suspecting all white men of being serial killers and/or pedophiles.

White men are serial killers and pedophiles... and the US Federal Government just licensed them for cultural normalization.

But a far lower percentage of White Males are Serial Killers and Pedophiles, than that of Muslims who are actively engaged in Mass-murder as a means to gain political power.

Add to that the percentage of Muslims that approve of such as demonstrated by their taking no action to stop it... and you're standing on the certainty that Muslim = Terrorists and, the fraction that aren't are not worth the risk to public safety to consider them anything else.
That bullshit necessarily leads to suspecting all white men of being serial killers and/or pedophiles.

White men are serial killers and pedophiles... and the US Federal Government just licensed them for cultural normalization.

But a far lower percentage of White Males are Serial Killers and Pedophiles, than that of Muslims who are actively engaged in Mass-murder as a means to gain political power.
Nearly 100% of serial killers and pedophiles are white men. FYI, Princess.

Add to that the percentage of Muslims that approve of such as demonstrated by their taking no action to stop it... and you're standing on the certainty that Muslim = Terrorists and, the fraction that aren't are not worth the risk to public safety to consider them anything else.
Your logical fallacies can't actually support your retarded rationalizations for your bigoted hysteria, Pumpkin.
An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.
And a clock without explosive material is JUST A CLOCK!

Where Ahmed would be, if Ahmed brings a Gun with no Bullets?

Now, YOU ascended to the point that an IED without Explosives is a Gun with no Bullets.

What's our policy on Guns with no Bullets in US Public Schools... We've taken a dim view of such and such is instant expulsion and likely a little jail time.

So this obtuse rant of yours that 4 of 5 essential elements of an IED being assembled and brought to school is no big deal, is just idiocy.
Nearly 100% of serial killers and pedophiles are white men. FYI, Princess.

Thank you. Cupcake.

I'll try to find some time to repeat what you say and pretend that I'm making a valid point.

100% of Muslims are either engaged in the mass-murder as a means to acquire political power, or Moderate Muslims who are either directly or indirectly supporting the other Muslims.
An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.
And a clock without explosive material is JUST A CLOCK!

Where Ahmed would be, if Ahmed brings a Gun with no Bullets?
The same place you would be? What's your retarded point this time?

Now, YOU ascended to the point that an IED without Explosives is a Gun with no Bullets.
You're just making that shit up.

I said a clock without explosives is JUST A CLOCK!


What's our policy on Guns with no Bullets in US Public Schools... We've taken a dim view of such and such is instant expulsion and likely a little jail time.
Which is pretty much bullshit, which I have been crystal clear about.

But not clear enought for retards like you.

So this obtuse rant of yours that 4 of 5 essential elements of an IED being assembled and brought to school is no big deal, is just idiocy.
EVERY clock is "4 of 5 essential elements of an IED" according to your idiocy, Princess.

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