14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

Let's look at whose son this is, Imam Mohamed Elhassan-
Muslim at Koran ‘trial’ says he didn’t know the holy book would be burned
Irving resident makes his second bid for election as President of Sudan
Bashir Seen Winning Sudan Re-Election as Opposition Split
Mohammed al-Hassan, a businessman who represents the National Reform Party, has the most ambitious agenda of al-Bashir’s competitors. A dual U.S.-Sudanese national, he’s pledged that within 100 days of being elected he’ll negotiate the lifting of sanctions the U.S. imposed in the late 1990s because of alleged sponsorship of terrorism.

appears to me, to be a setup.

Funny....Hockmeds dad want to be president of that African shit hole....but refuses to LIVE there. Wonder why he brought his son from that wonderful continent to mean ole racist bigoted Texas??
Here's the problem: no one thought it was a bomb. You can tell by the lack of a bomb squad or the evacuation of the school. I can wrap my head around the clock being confiscated. But the kid being arrested? That was a big bucket of 'what the actual fuck'?
You're right. It was not a bomb and no knowledgeable individual thought it was because it contained no explosive material. But its appearance can easily, and correctly, be perceived as one primary component of a timed explosive device.

If Ahmed had shown this device to his teachers fifteen years ago he would have been complimented and patted on the head. But then came 9/11/01, et al, and life in America has changed. When I come in contact with Muslims today my perception of them is different from what it was. If I were seated on a plane waiting for take-off and an obvious Muslim boarded I would not take my eyes off him for two seconds. And I'm not the only one who feels this way.

These are the same points being rehashed over and over. I keep coming back to -- (a) where does that suspicious atmosphere come from, and (b) is it not valid to challenge it as specious?

Not that that's what Achmed was doing here, we're still speculating on that motive.

The fact remains that in order to come up with "bomb", somebody externally had to plug in an element that isn't there. The question comes down to-- are they justified in plugging that element in? Do they have sufficient grounds to run around hair-on-fire when they already know full well that it ain't a bomb?

I say they do not.
Here's the problem: no one thought it was a bomb. You can tell by the lack of a bomb squad or the evacuation of the school. I can wrap my head around the clock being confiscated. But the kid being arrested? That was a big bucket of 'what the actual fuck'?
You're right. It was not a bomb and no knowledgeable individual thought it was because it contained no explosive material. But its appearance can easily, and correctly, be perceived as one primary component of a timed explosive device.

If Ahmed had shown this device to his teachers fifteen years ago he would have been complimented and patted on the head. But then came 9/11/01, et al, and life in America has changed. When I come in contact with Muslims today my perception of them is different from what it was. If I were seated on a plane waiting for take-off and an obvious Muslim boarded I would not take my eyes off him for two seconds. And I'm not the only one who feels this way.

These are the same points being rehashed over and over. I keep coming back to -- (a) where does that suspicious atmosphere come from, and (b) is it not valid to challenge it as specious?

Not that that's what Achmed was doing here, we're still speculating on that motive.

The fact remains that in order to come up with "bomb", somebody externally had to plug in an element that isn't there. The question comes down to-- are they justified in plugging that element in? Do they have sufficient grounds to run around hair-on-fire when they already know full well that it ain't a bomb?

I say they do not.

By that logic....it's ok to bring a gun to school as long as it doesn't have bullets. It's just a paper weight!!!
I guess in sum my question settles to this:

-- Who's more in the wrong... the Composition Fallacists who concoct these blanket bigot statements in the first place.... or the kid who (we speculate) called them out to mock those fallacies? For if our speculation is sound, the latter would not have existed without the former preceding it.
It appears you are having difficulty with accepting a certain reality, which is this:
The emergence of openly pronounced murderous hatred of "infidels" (non-Muslims) by radical Islamic jihadists, affirmed by numerous terrorist acts beginning with the 9/11 attack, has understandably imparted an atmosphere of latent suspicion where Muslims are concerned. This dormant suspicion is awakened by actions or circumstances such as this boy's creation, which is easily perceived as the component of a timed explosive device.
The device was NOT PERCEIVED to be any component of ANY KIND of explosive device.

The whole bomb thing was a fabrication to rationalize their abusive behavior toward that kid.

There is no question that if this boy were not a Muslim that suspicion would not have been awakened. But to regard this suspicion as a form of ethnic prejudice is a nonsensical refusal to accept an unfortunate reality.

The suspicion affecting Muslims in America is comparable to the suspicion which affected the Irish in England during the IRA bombings. Of course all Muslims are not jihadist terrorists but can you tell us how to know for sure who is and who isn't?
You can't. And that still remains no justification to harass and bully a boy when you have NO EVIDENCE he has done anything wrong, and you have FULLY SATISFIED yourself that the object he is carrying is harmless.
Is it not true, such a device could be used as a detonator, used to trigger explosives elsewhere?

After taking a homemade clock to school, Irving MacArthur High student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention. Police say they may charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Detective Dipshit!

I stand with Ahmed

Heres the best part.....They are STILL INVESTIGATING THE CLOCK!!

So this device was for a class project ?

The kid had been part of an electronics/robotics club in middle school. He was new to the highschool and wanted to show what he could do for his engineering teacher. So he took 20 minutes and put this clock together.

'Hilarity' ensued.

No more so than any wrist watch, cell phone, tablet, electronic device. Actually, less. As this had no battery. It plugged into the wall.

Which is why the IED narrative is so wildly insane. As we'd have to make the same argument about every iPod.

That, plus the simple fact that, if you're going to set up an actual bomb, you uh, don't tell people about it. You hide it. If you tell people, you give them the chance to intercept, disarm, evacuate.

Achmed did the opposite of that.
IEDs require explosive as well.
Where's the explosives imbecile?

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

FACT: In any US Combat Zone... that same "Device" held by the same kid, would provide any US Operator the with sound justification to unzip his head.

Now you feel that despite this, it's perfectly fine for a Young Muslim Male to be carrying one around in a US Public School.

Which is all anyone needs to know about YOU, to know that YOU are part of "THE PROBLEM".

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".

A clock cannot kill somebody. An AR-15 is designed to do just that.

There's just a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiight bit of difference between wanting to kill somebody and wanting to know what time it is. Think about it.
That, plus the simple fact that, if you're going to set up an actual bomb, you uh, don't tell people about it. You hide it. If you tell people, you give them the chance to intercept, disarm, evacuate.

Unless you happen to be an adolescent smart-ass who is looking to call attention to himself by provoking a few ignorant teachers.
IEDs require explosive as well.
Where's the explosives imbecile?

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

FACT: In any US Combat Zone... that same "Device" held by the same kid, would provide any US Operator the with sound justification to unzip his head.

Now you feel that despite this, it's perfectly fine for a Young Muslim Male to be carrying one around in a US Public School.

Which is all anyone needs to know about YOU, to know that YOU are part of "THE PROBLEM".

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.
And a clock without explosive material is JUST A CLOCK!

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?
Well, yes. But that's just beside the point. Because I'd have no problem with Billy Ray bringing his AR-15 to class WITH bullets, as long at it was unloaded in accordance with well established gun safety rules.

I'd even have less of a problem with Billy Ray bringing his hair-dryer to school without bullets, because a hair-dryer without bullets is JUST A FUCKING HAIR-DRYER AND NOTHING ELSE!

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
Fine by me, Chuckle-head.
IEDs require explosive as well.
Where's the explosives imbecile?

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

FACT: In any US Combat Zone... that same "Device" held by the same kid, would provide any US Operator the with sound justification to unzip his head.

Now you feel that despite this, it's perfectly fine for a Young Muslim Male to be carrying one around in a US Public School.

Which is all anyone needs to know about YOU, to know that YOU are part of "THE PROBLEM".

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.
Here's the problem: no one thought it was a bomb. You can tell by the lack of a bomb squad or the evacuation of the school. I can wrap my head around the clock being confiscated. But the kid being arrested? That was a big bucket of 'what the actual fuck'?
You're right. It was not a bomb and no knowledgeable individual thought it was because it contained no explosive material. But its appearance can easily, and correctly, be perceived as one primary component of a timed explosive device.

If Ahmed had shown this device to his teachers fifteen years ago he would have been complimented and patted on the head. But then came 9/11/01, et al, and life in America has changed. When I come in contact with Muslims today my perception of them is different from what it was. If I were seated on a plane waiting for take-off and an obvious Muslim boarded I would not take my eyes off him for two seconds. And I'm not the only one who feels this way.

These are the same points being rehashed over and over. I keep coming back to -- (a) where does that suspicious atmosphere come from, and (b) is it not valid to challenge it as specious?

Not that that's what Achmed was doing here, we're still speculating on that motive.

The fact remains that in order to come up with "bomb", somebody externally had to plug in an element that isn't there. The question comes down to-- are they justified in plugging that element in? Do they have sufficient grounds to run around hair-on-fire when they already know full well that it ain't a bomb?

I say they do not.

By that logic....it's ok to bring a gun to school as long as it doesn't have bullets. It's just a paper weight!!!
1) I certainly have no problem with kids bringing their guns to school as long as they abide by the long and well established rules of gun safety.

Your dopey hand wringing has no rational traction; it is just a non-starter.

2) You are wrong in the presumption that this device that the kid brought was anything but a clock to begin with.

By your retarded logic, EVERY CLOCK is a timed explosive device without the explosive.

Another non-starter.
Set up, in your opinion? With all his dad's history... to make such a bold statement he could get US sanctions lifted within 100 days. Wonder who he knows?
Let's look at whose son this is, Imam Mohamed Elhassan-
Muslim at Koran ‘trial’ says he didn’t know the holy book would be burned
Irving resident makes his second bid for election as President of Sudan
Bashir Seen Winning Sudan Re-Election as Opposition Split
Mohammed al-Hassan, a businessman who represents the National Reform Party, has the most ambitious agenda of al-Bashir’s competitors. A dual U.S.-Sudanese national, he’s pledged that within 100 days of being elected he’ll negotiate the lifting of sanctions the U.S. imposed in the late 1990s because of alleged sponsorship of terrorism.

appears to me, to be a setup.

Funny....Hockmeds dad want to be president of that African shit hole....but refuses to LIVE there. Wonder why he brought his son from that wonderful continent to mean ole racist bigoted Texas??
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A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

FACT: In any US Combat Zone... that same "Device" held by the same kid, would provide any US Operator the with sound justification to unzip his head.

Now you feel that despite this, it's perfectly fine for a Young Muslim Male to be carrying one around in a US Public School.

Which is all anyone needs to know about YOU, to know that YOU are part of "THE PROBLEM".

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".

A clock cannot kill somebody. An AR-15 is designed to do just that.

There's just a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiight bit of difference between wanting to kill somebody and wanting to know what time it is. Think about it.

An unloaded AR15 is just a paperweight. What if kids had actual paperweights that were chunks of metal that just sorta resembled pistols?

And....what time did Hockmeds clock display? No one seems to be able to say. He didn't need that device to tell time.

He did it to cause a rise out of people. A mischievous prank...like MANY teens in high school pull and have for decades.
A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

FACT: In any US Combat Zone... that same "Device" held by the same kid, would provide any US Operator the with sound justification to unzip his head.

Now you feel that despite this, it's perfectly fine for a Young Muslim Male to be carrying one around in a US Public School.

Which is all anyone needs to know about YOU, to know that YOU are part of "THE PROBLEM".

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.
And a clock without explosive material is JUST A CLOCK!

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?
Well, yes. But that's just beside the point. Because I'd have no problem with Billy Ray bringing his AR-15 to class WITH bullets, as long at it was unloaded in accordance with well established gun safety rules.

I'd even have less of a problem with Billy Ray bringing his hair-dryer to school without bullets, because a hair-dryer without bullets is JUST A FUCKING HAIR-DRYER AND NOTHING ELSE!

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
Fine by me, Chuckle-head.


You say you'd be fine if a teen brought a fully functioning AR15 to class...with loaded magazines...as long as he didn't chamber a round? What a dumbass.
A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

FACT: In any US Combat Zone... that same "Device" held by the same kid, would provide any US Operator the with sound justification to unzip his head.

Now you feel that despite this, it's perfectly fine for a Young Muslim Male to be carrying one around in a US Public School.

Which is all anyone needs to know about YOU, to know that YOU are part of "THE PROBLEM".

A Improvised Explosive Device, does not become less than an IED, where the device lacks only the explosives, IMBECILE!

The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped. The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".

A clock cannot kill somebody. An AR-15 is designed to do just that.

There's just a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiight bit of difference between wanting to kill somebody and wanting to know what time it is. Think about it.

An unloaded AR15 is just a paperweight. What if kids had actual paperweights that were chunks of metal that just sorta resembled pistols?
AWESOME! I'll buy two!

And....what time did Hockmeds clock display? No one seems to be able to say. He didn't need that device to tell time.
So what? Are you making a point?

He did it to cause a rise out of people. A mischievous prank...like MANY teens in high school pull and have for decades.
Nonsense. You're just rationalizing their abusive bigotry (and probably your own as well).
The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".

A clock cannot kill somebody. An AR-15 is designed to do just that.

There's just a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiight bit of difference between wanting to kill somebody and wanting to know what time it is. Think about it.

An unloaded AR15 is just a paperweight. What if kids had actual paperweights that were chunks of metal that just sorta resembled pistols?

And....what time did Hockmeds clock display? No one seems to be able to say. He didn't need that device to tell time.

He did it to cause a rise out of people. A mischievous prank...like MANY teens in high school pull and have for decades.

That's possible. It's been speculated here.

Assuming that's true, can you figure out what the purpose of getting this rise might have been?
Or are things just done with no context and for no reason?
The absolute dumbest post I have ever seen.

Its just batshit crazy. Quite literally insane.
It require a very special kind of retard to insist that a device ENTIRELY INCAPABLE of exploding--one with NO EXPLOSIVE CAPABILITY what-so-ever--is still some kind of explosive device ... just because it's in the possession of someone who subscribes to the Muslim faith.

You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.
And a clock without explosive material is JUST A CLOCK!

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?
Well, yes. But that's just beside the point. Because I'd have no problem with Billy Ray bringing his AR-15 to class WITH bullets, as long at it was unloaded in accordance with well established gun safety rules.

I'd even have less of a problem with Billy Ray bringing his hair-dryer to school without bullets, because a hair-dryer without bullets is JUST A FUCKING HAIR-DRYER AND NOTHING ELSE!

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
Fine by me, Chuckle-head.


You say you'd be fine if a teen brought a fully functioning AR15 to class...with loaded magazines...as long as he didn't chamber a round? What a dumbass.
Yeah. Absolutely no problem.

Where I went to school, kids brought guns to school all the time--they brought THE SCHOOL'S GUNS to school.

That's right Cupcake, the school owned guns that the kids brought home (on the bus), to practice with; and those kids brought those guns back to school (on the bus) to shoot in the school's indoor rifle range.

No bullshit Princess, I have NO FUCKING PROBLEM with kids bringing their guns to school as long as they abide by the well established rules of gun safety.

Maybe you should STFU until you have some clue regarding what you're talking about--especially before you call a "BULLSHIT ALERT" on a topic you have no fucking concept about.
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That, plus the simple fact that, if you're going to set up an actual bomb, you uh, don't tell people about it. You hide it. If you tell people, you give them the chance to intercept, disarm, evacuate.

Unless you happen to be an adolescent smart-ass who is looking to call attention to himself by provoking a few ignorant teachers.

Same question to you, which you seem to be avoiding and editing out.
WHY would he have engaged in such provocation?

Answer to Bucs above -- NOTHING in this world happens without context. Nobody does something "for no reason". We can speculate on this motive, that's fine --- but it has to be a complete thought. Given the theory that he was making a point that had nothing to do with electronics, you have to define what that point would have been. You can't just go "he was out to provoke teachers". There's no end game in that.
These are the same points being rehashed over and over. I keep coming back to -- (a) where does that suspicious atmosphere come from,
Apologies for the repetitive mention, but are you consciously ignoring the 9/11 attack and what ethnic category was responsible for it?

and (b) is it not valid to challenge it as specious?
Reference to 9/11, the Tsarnaev (pressure cooker) brothers, the televised beheadings and the vows of numerous shahids to kill all infidels is specious? It would be specious if none of it ever happened. But it did happen and there is no reason to think it won't continue.

Not that that's what Achmed was doing here, we're still speculating on that motive.
What Achmed did provoked exceptional suspicion, which prompted an investigation.

The fact remains that in order to come up with "bomb", somebody externally had to plug in an element that isn't there. The question comes down to-- are they justified in plugging that element in? Do they have sufficient grounds to run around hair-on-fire when they already know full well that it ain't a bomb?

I say they do not.
It appeared to quite possibly be the primary component of a timed explosive device, which calls for investigation.

You are entitled to your opinion. My opinion is Achmed knew exactly what he was doing.
Read my post up the page re his father.
That, plus the simple fact that, if you're going to set up an actual bomb, you uh, don't tell people about it. You hide it. If you tell people, you give them the chance to intercept, disarm, evacuate.

Unless you happen to be an adolescent smart-ass who is looking to call attention to himself by provoking a few ignorant teachers.

Same question to you, which you seem to be avoiding and editing out.
WHY would he have engaged in such provocation?

Answer to Bucs above -- NOTHING in this world happens without context. Nobody does something "for no reason". We can speculate on this motive, that's fine --- but it has to be a complete thought. Given the theory that he was making a point that had nothing to do with electronics, you have to define what that point would have been. You can't just go "he was out to provoke teachers". There's no end game in that.

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