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15,000 empty apartments in Manhattan.

Has the mayor figured out how to blame Trump yet ?

The number of empty rental apartments in Manhattan nearly tripled compared with last year, as more New Yorkers fled the city and prices declined.

There were more than 15,000 empty rental apartments in Manhattan in August, up from 5,600 a year ago, according to a report from Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel. The inventory of empty units is the largest ever recorded since data started being collected 14 years ago, the report said.

Some people in Manhattan can afford multiple houses. It's an unfamiliar concept for most red states....unless the houses have wheels.
When the city locks down, there is little reason to continue living there and paying rent on an apartment. Once it opens back up completely, the city will once again be the envy of every red state low-life.
You mistakenly think that most Red State residents want what New York City has, Candy. They don't. They like living where they do. You know what they don't like? When liberals from places like New York and California move to a Red State and set about trying to destroy their new homes like they did their old ones.

Sure they do. We need to enlighten them.

That kind of cracks me up a bit. I'm more than willing to argue the facts, or discuss the topic with you, and yet dozens of times you have resorted to nothing more than name calling.

Now you want to enlighten me? Your current claims, are contradicted by your prior actions.

Enlighten? Might be too punitive a word. How about expose or increase awareness.

It should crack you up that one doofus on a message board pretends to know what "most Red State residents" want.

I personally think that the revolving door of poverty in most red states is there for the same reason that there is a revolving door of poverty in the urban ghettos in blue states if you want to have a serious discussion about it. And that reason is (in part) that a white youth in Slidell LA and a Black Youth in South Central have the same outlook on life. It is the 20 square blocks around your house and little else. So you set your sights on what works for those 20 square blocks. You're not exposed to other ideas; you're not exposed to other cultures; you're not exposed to the possibilities that exist. You're beaten down by your surroundings before you have a chance. Large cities like NY, LA, Miami, Philly, Chicago offer that exposure. Politics has little to do with it. I certainly don't expect red state losers to understand that not everything has a political bend to it--it is true that I went for a cheap laugh at the OP's expense because he is the epitome of a red state loser who thinks 9/11, OKC, JFK, Covid are all massive conspiracies.

I would agree with that actually to some extent. But... it would seem as though your side... maybe not you personally, but your ideology, is what promotes such thing.

Even Thomas Sowell, to some extent, has researched and documented, pretty much what you just said.

He research black men and some women (of which there is a surprising number), who were stationed in Germany, and ended up marrying Germans and living in Germany.

Now Germany is far more "white" than America is. By wide margin too. To black kids growing up in Germany, there is no counter culture. There is no black culture. There is no black history month, nothing like any of that.

And what they find from these black kids growing up in an almost pure white culture is....... they do almost as well as any white German.

Why is that? No gangster rap. No defeatism. No "you can't succeed because you are black" mentality. They were not insulted for "acting white" because they had high grades, and were succeeding.

So what can we do about that?

Well there are a couple of things we can do about that.

First, we need to stop rewarding failure. What does that mean? It means if you don't pass the test, you fail the grade, and are kicked out of school.

We are likely the only country in the world, that actually believes you are "entitled" to an education. No one else believes that. Most of Europe doesn't believe that, and certainly no Asian countries believe that.

You fail... you leave. That's how that works. You go home. Good luck. In fact, in many countries like Finland and Japan, if you do not pass the entrance exam for high school, you don't go to high school.

You start kicking the kids out of school, who don't put in the effort to be there... people will start putting in the effort to be there.

Second, you need to end welfare and food stamps. One of the reasons people believe they can coast through life, and do as little as possible, is because we pay them to not work. We need to end that.

Again, you don't see that in most of the world. Denmark, Sweden, and so on, they don't have welfare. You don't work, you don't eat. You starve.

And what will this do? It will force people to work, and advance themselves. And when they start seeing that they can advance themselves, they'll make better choices, and see a better future.

This one specifically, is the most obvious to me of any concept. Because how can you expect a child to come the conclusion that working hard, and getting an education is important, when their parents are being paid to sit on the butt, at home, and do nothing?

Same by the way is true in red states, in poverty ridden areas. Same exact problem.

Cancel the welfare and food stamps. Cut the Medicaid illegal drug market.

The reason they see no hope and no future, and stay in poverty, is because they can. You love on welfare and food stamps, and never leave your home town that is dead..... yeah.... the future will look hopeless to you.

That's why we need to cut those handouts.... which will force them to move to where the work is, and get a job. And when they do that, things will start to look better.

I'd rather have the problems associated with welfare than people dying in the streets because they couldn't cut it myself. That's just me.

Denmark doesn't have welfare. They don't have people dying in the streets.

In the 1990s, we cut welfare and food stamp roles by 3/4ths, and we didn't have people dying in the streets.

They got jobs, and worked. One of the reasons the 1990s economy was good.

Your system, has people dying in the streets. Because you put them in a hopeless situation, they turn to gangs and drugs, and they over dose and kill each other.

Welfare is in fact, killing people. Not me doing that. Your ideology that is killing people.

There's a reason why every section 8 housing, consistently, 100% of the time, results in high crime and murder, and drug use.

A number of sources on line I found in just a cursory search say the exact opposite is true:

What makes life so worth living in Denmark are the country's strong social policies, say experts. From cradle to grave, the Danish state knows how to help its people: maternity or paternity leave — parents can decide to split it up — is a full year. Nurseries and then schools are both guaranteed and paid for by the municipality. University education is tuition free and students can apply for living expenses. Families with children receive a generous allowance, regardless of income level. Even elderly care, such as senior centers, adapted transport and meals-on-wheels programs are paid for the by the state.

Sure, and there are tons on tons of sites that make the socialist claim. Ironically few, very few, that are actually from Denmark, or written by Danish citizens.

Contrary to popular belief, the grass isn't always greener outside your marriage, or outside your country.

The reality is, the government is running out of money. They are cutting back all of their endless social spending... because there simply isn't the money for it.

All socialism seems great, while you are spending other people's money.... and then it sucks when the money runs out.

This is true all over Europe.

Moreover, you would be surprised how many Danish are living in the US. I have several Danish friends that live here in the US, and one of the primary reasons, is that living here, basically doubles your income.

You talk about how great all those social programs are, but when you earn $50,000 (equivalent) in Denmark, and come to the US and Earn $100,000.... you can afford an awful lot of child care for an additional $50,000 a year.

You might thing that's an exaggeration, but it's not. I know of an engineer that moved here from Denmark, and was shocked by the wages they were paying. Almost double. And unlike living in Denmark, you keep a much larger amount of the money.

Yeah, there are tons of social programs in Denmark.... and people live much more poorly, to pay for it.

Now I will say, and left-wingers always point this out "They love their system".

That's what they all say. All of them do.... even the ones that come to American, and don't want to go back.

It's one of the odd aspects of socialist ideology, that people who intentionally leave the left-wing system they created, still claim to like it, even if they won't go back to it.

I was talking with this one lady specifically who moved here from Sweden over 10 years ago.

She talked about how she thought the Swedish welfare system was better. So I asked her directly, why don't you move back to Sweden if it is so much better?

Her response was.... well because she'd lose more than half her income.

Everyone loves the government hand outs.... but everyone INCLUDING left-wingers, doesn't want the taxes.

Well... sorry but if you want government handouts, then the poor and middle class have to pay the taxes. That's how that works.

So you stick by your "Denmark doesn't have welfare"? Or do you now say they have welfare but it ain't so great?

So, huge difference in definitions.

Denmark does not have "Welfare", like we have welfare. There is no you just get money, for doing nothing.

Yes you can get help if you worked. They have unemployment compensation. They have paid leave for being a parent.

But that involves you working. You don't work... you don't get unemployment compensation. You don't work, you don't get parental leave.

Denmark is very very much about you working for what you have. You don't get to live off the tax payers. You work, and pay tax, and you get back some of the money you yourself pay in taxes.

They have welfare only in the sense that the rich, the poor, the middle class, will all get back a fraction of the taxes they pay in social services.

But they do not have, by any stretch, the kind of welfare we are talking about here in the US. We have unemployment compensation here in the US.... right? Do you ever hear of anyone calling it "Welfare"?

That is my point. You are conflating the meanings of the word, which is used differently here, than there.

Unemployment compensation is not welfare. Denmark does not have welfare. You don't get a check for just existing and sucking oxygen.

If you don’t work here, you don’t get unemployment.

If you don’t work, you don’t get paid family leave here either.
Has the mayor figured out how to blame Trump yet ?

The number of empty rental apartments in Manhattan nearly tripled compared with last year, as more New Yorkers fled the city and prices declined.

There were more than 15,000 empty rental apartments in Manhattan in August, up from 5,600 a year ago, according to a report from Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel. The inventory of empty units is the largest ever recorded since data started being collected 14 years ago, the report said.

Some people in Manhattan can afford multiple houses. It's an unfamiliar concept for most red states....unless the houses have wheels.
When the city locks down, there is little reason to continue living there and paying rent on an apartment. Once it opens back up completely, the city will once again be the envy of every red state low-life.
You mistakenly think that most Red State residents want what New York City has, Candy. They don't. They like living where they do. You know what they don't like? When liberals from places like New York and California move to a Red State and set about trying to destroy their new homes like they did their old ones.

Sure they do. We need to enlighten them.

That kind of cracks me up a bit. I'm more than willing to argue the facts, or discuss the topic with you, and yet dozens of times you have resorted to nothing more than name calling.

Now you want to enlighten me? Your current claims, are contradicted by your prior actions.

Enlighten? Might be too punitive a word. How about expose or increase awareness.

It should crack you up that one doofus on a message board pretends to know what "most Red State residents" want.

I personally think that the revolving door of poverty in most red states is there for the same reason that there is a revolving door of poverty in the urban ghettos in blue states if you want to have a serious discussion about it. And that reason is (in part) that a white youth in Slidell LA and a Black Youth in South Central have the same outlook on life. It is the 20 square blocks around your house and little else. So you set your sights on what works for those 20 square blocks. You're not exposed to other ideas; you're not exposed to other cultures; you're not exposed to the possibilities that exist. You're beaten down by your surroundings before you have a chance. Large cities like NY, LA, Miami, Philly, Chicago offer that exposure. Politics has little to do with it. I certainly don't expect red state losers to understand that not everything has a political bend to it--it is true that I went for a cheap laugh at the OP's expense because he is the epitome of a red state loser who thinks 9/11, OKC, JFK, Covid are all massive conspiracies.

I would agree with that actually to some extent. But... it would seem as though your side... maybe not you personally, but your ideology, is what promotes such thing.

Even Thomas Sowell, to some extent, has researched and documented, pretty much what you just said.

He research black men and some women (of which there is a surprising number), who were stationed in Germany, and ended up marrying Germans and living in Germany.

Now Germany is far more "white" than America is. By wide margin too. To black kids growing up in Germany, there is no counter culture. There is no black culture. There is no black history month, nothing like any of that.

And what they find from these black kids growing up in an almost pure white culture is....... they do almost as well as any white German.

Why is that? No gangster rap. No defeatism. No "you can't succeed because you are black" mentality. They were not insulted for "acting white" because they had high grades, and were succeeding.

So what can we do about that?

Well there are a couple of things we can do about that.

First, we need to stop rewarding failure. What does that mean? It means if you don't pass the test, you fail the grade, and are kicked out of school.

We are likely the only country in the world, that actually believes you are "entitled" to an education. No one else believes that. Most of Europe doesn't believe that, and certainly no Asian countries believe that.

You fail... you leave. That's how that works. You go home. Good luck. In fact, in many countries like Finland and Japan, if you do not pass the entrance exam for high school, you don't go to high school.

You start kicking the kids out of school, who don't put in the effort to be there... people will start putting in the effort to be there.

Second, you need to end welfare and food stamps. One of the reasons people believe they can coast through life, and do as little as possible, is because we pay them to not work. We need to end that.

Again, you don't see that in most of the world. Denmark, Sweden, and so on, they don't have welfare. You don't work, you don't eat. You starve.

And what will this do? It will force people to work, and advance themselves. And when they start seeing that they can advance themselves, they'll make better choices, and see a better future.

This one specifically, is the most obvious to me of any concept. Because how can you expect a child to come the conclusion that working hard, and getting an education is important, when their parents are being paid to sit on the butt, at home, and do nothing?

Same by the way is true in red states, in poverty ridden areas. Same exact problem.

Cancel the welfare and food stamps. Cut the Medicaid illegal drug market.

The reason they see no hope and no future, and stay in poverty, is because they can. You love on welfare and food stamps, and never leave your home town that is dead..... yeah.... the future will look hopeless to you.

That's why we need to cut those handouts.... which will force them to move to where the work is, and get a job. And when they do that, things will start to look better.

I'd rather have the problems associated with welfare than people dying in the streets because they couldn't cut it myself. That's just me.

Denmark doesn't have welfare. They don't have people dying in the streets.

In the 1990s, we cut welfare and food stamp roles by 3/4ths, and we didn't have people dying in the streets.

They got jobs, and worked. One of the reasons the 1990s economy was good.

Your system, has people dying in the streets. Because you put them in a hopeless situation, they turn to gangs and drugs, and they over dose and kill each other.

Welfare is in fact, killing people. Not me doing that. Your ideology that is killing people.

There's a reason why every section 8 housing, consistently, 100% of the time, results in high crime and murder, and drug use.

A number of sources on line I found in just a cursory search say the exact opposite is true:

What makes life so worth living in Denmark are the country's strong social policies, say experts. From cradle to grave, the Danish state knows how to help its people: maternity or paternity leave — parents can decide to split it up — is a full year. Nurseries and then schools are both guaranteed and paid for by the municipality. University education is tuition free and students can apply for living expenses. Families with children receive a generous allowance, regardless of income level. Even elderly care, such as senior centers, adapted transport and meals-on-wheels programs are paid for the by the state.

Sure, and there are tons on tons of sites that make the socialist claim. Ironically few, very few, that are actually from Denmark, or written by Danish citizens.

Contrary to popular belief, the grass isn't always greener outside your marriage, or outside your country.

The reality is, the government is running out of money. They are cutting back all of their endless social spending... because there simply isn't the money for it.

All socialism seems great, while you are spending other people's money.... and then it sucks when the money runs out.

This is true all over Europe.

Moreover, you would be surprised how many Danish are living in the US. I have several Danish friends that live here in the US, and one of the primary reasons, is that living here, basically doubles your income.

You talk about how great all those social programs are, but when you earn $50,000 (equivalent) in Denmark, and come to the US and Earn $100,000.... you can afford an awful lot of child care for an additional $50,000 a year.

You might thing that's an exaggeration, but it's not. I know of an engineer that moved here from Denmark, and was shocked by the wages they were paying. Almost double. And unlike living in Denmark, you keep a much larger amount of the money.

Yeah, there are tons of social programs in Denmark.... and people live much more poorly, to pay for it.

Now I will say, and left-wingers always point this out "They love their system".

That's what they all say. All of them do.... even the ones that come to American, and don't want to go back.

It's one of the odd aspects of socialist ideology, that people who intentionally leave the left-wing system they created, still claim to like it, even if they won't go back to it.

I was talking with this one lady specifically who moved here from Sweden over 10 years ago.

She talked about how she thought the Swedish welfare system was better. So I asked her directly, why don't you move back to Sweden if it is so much better?

Her response was.... well because she'd lose more than half her income.

Everyone loves the government hand outs.... but everyone INCLUDING left-wingers, doesn't want the taxes.

Well... sorry but if you want government handouts, then the poor and middle class have to pay the taxes. That's how that works.

So you stick by your "Denmark doesn't have welfare"? Or do you now say they have welfare but it ain't so great?

So, huge difference in definitions.

Denmark does not have "Welfare", like we have welfare. There is no you just get money, for doing nothing.

Yes you can get help if you worked. They have unemployment compensation. They have paid leave for being a parent.

But that involves you working. You don't work... you don't get unemployment compensation. You don't work, you don't get parental leave.

Denmark is very very much about you working for what you have. You don't get to live off the tax payers. You work, and pay tax, and you get back some of the money you yourself pay in taxes.

They have welfare only in the sense that the rich, the poor, the middle class, will all get back a fraction of the taxes they pay in social services.

But they do not have, by any stretch, the kind of welfare we are talking about here in the US. We have unemployment compensation here in the US.... right? Do you ever hear of anyone calling it "Welfare"?

That is my point. You are conflating the meanings of the word, which is used differently here, than there.

Unemployment compensation is not welfare. Denmark does not have welfare. You don't get a check for just existing and sucking oxygen.

If you don’t work here, you don’t get unemployment.

If you don’t work, you don’t get paid family leave here either.

We have people here, who have not worked at all, and collect welfare, Obama Phones, Food Stamps, and so on.

They do not.
Unions, are not labor. Labor is not Union. I've been a laborer since I was 15 (actually before that if you include me going around mowing laws, and shoveling snow for money). I have never been in a Union, and chances are unlikely I ever will.
People pay other people to do things they won't, can't, or aren't allowed to do by themselves. If you aren't in a labor union, why not collect your check, move on, and enjoy the rest of your day? I'd be much more sympathetic to your point of view if your labor union weren't already lobbying Congress to make it a felony for non-members to possess a snow shovel and implementing reams of new worker safety rules and environmental regulations with carbon credits for sweat equity and all that.
Unions, are not labor. Labor is not Union. I've been a laborer since I was 15 (actually before that if you include me going around mowing laws, and shoveling snow for money). I have never been in a Union, and chances are unlikely I ever will.
People pay other people to do things they won't, can't, or aren't allowed to do by themselves. If you aren't in a labor union, why not collect your check, move on, and enjoy the rest of your day? I'd be much more sympathetic to your point of view if your labor union weren't already lobbying Congress to make it a felony for non-members to possess a snow shovel and implementing reams of new worker safety rules and environmental regulations with carbon credits for sweat equity and all that.

Right, that would be my position. It should be illegal for other people to say you can't work, unless you pay money to a Union.
Has the mayor figured out how to blame Trump yet ?

The number of empty rental apartments in Manhattan nearly tripled compared with last year, as more New Yorkers fled the city and prices declined.

There were more than 15,000 empty rental apartments in Manhattan in August, up from 5,600 a year ago, according to a report from Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel. The inventory of empty units is the largest ever recorded since data started being collected 14 years ago, the report said.
The right loves "trickle down." You'll even claim to love the economic disaster that "trickles down" from the Trumptard war on American cities.
Some people in Manhattan can afford multiple houses. It's an unfamiliar concept for most red states....unless the houses have wheels.
When the city locks down, there is little reason to continue living there and paying rent on an apartment. Once it opens back up completely, the city will once again be the envy of every red state low-life.
Nah...lol....no it won't.

NYC will be the envy of the rat and criminal populations.

Back in the early 80s, my cousin and I had a 2- bedroom apartment in the north Bronx ( around 231st Street) for $350 a month ($175 each ). That same apartment now would be at least a thousand a month .....probably more.

NYC apartment prices are still cratering. I think they have a long way to go...


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