15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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Oh by the way: When you will destroy the pipeline Nord Stream 2 and as a reaction we will destroy all other pipelines which transport natural gas from Russia to Europe - is this okay for "you" (=your "we") or do you nuke middle Europe in this case and end 50,000 years history of human beings here in Germany, chimp, US-American one?

Man, Krauts sure are nowhere for being around for 50,000 years. And buying gas from Russia is part of the problem. The Hun are just too stupid.
There are plenty of common ancestors, but you'd have to believe in evolution, which you probably don't.

Personally, I think that around a few of hundred thousand years ago, aliens upgraded our DNA, which made us the only species that have our level of intelligence. But that I don't pretend to be proven, just speculation on my part... for now.
Your first sentence still has no evidence to present. You couldn't even answer why apes and monkeys are still around if there was an ape-human ancestor. Usually, the ancestors die off and you get the better species. It's "survival of the fittest," but you don't get this. This goes to show me and others here that you're not a smart science person.

You're not the one who presented Homo Naledi. I can't argue against it because people with those types of skeletal features still live today. They were humans from the get go. Apes and humans are separate species despite their similarities. That fact already destroys evolution.

Bottom line is that I showed there were or are no common ape-human ancestor. You nor anyone else was able to come up with what I was asking for. Otherwise, they would still be around since we still have the previous ancestors.
Personally, I think that around a few of hundred thousand years ago, aliens upgraded our DNA, which made us the only species that have our level of intelligence. But that I don't pretend to be proven, just speculation on my part... for now.
Bwahahahahahahahahahaha. Case closed on your science credibility.
Much more worse and much more concrete: You and the blade of gras here with the name "Mathilda" have a common ancestor.
So you think gorilla hands are evidence of apes to humans. My explaining the differences did not dissuade you.

"Darwin contended that in nature the weaker varieties of animals and plants are ‘killed off’ by the stronger varieties due to their better ability to compete for food or withstand environmental change. This is what is referred to today as survival of the fittest or natural selection."


"Natural selection acts as a breeder and eliminates all the dark haired bears from the Artic environment; we are left with only white haired bears. Still, we are left with bears and only bears. No new species, no new animals. Bears are still bears and the white haired varieties are called polar bears, which apart from the color of their hair are almost identical to their brown haired brethren."

Then, please explain why gorillas, others apes and monkeys are still living? We have established a history of common ancestors die off with natural selection and survival of the fittest.
Your first sentence still has no evidence to present. You couldn't even answer why apes and monkeys are still around if there was an ape-human ancestor. Usually, the ancestors die off and you get the better species. It's "survival of the fittest," but you don't get this. This goes to show me and others here that you're not a smart science person.

You're not the one who presented Homo Naledi. I can't argue against it because people with those types of skeletal features still live today. They were humans from the get go. Apes and humans are separate species despite their similarities. That fact already destroys evolution.

Bottom line is that I showed there were or are no common ape-human ancestor. You nor anyone else was able to come up with what I was asking for. Otherwise, they would still be around since we still have the previous ancestors.
The evolutionary tree branches off into new species. Apes and humans have a common ancestor that doesn’t exist any more. Humans evolved into the different races, otherwise, where do all the races come from?
So you think gorilla hands are evidence of apes to humans. My explaining the differences did not dissuade you.

"Darwin contended that in nature the weaker varieties of animals and plants are ‘killed off’ by the stronger varieties due to their better ability to compete for food or withstand environmental change. This is what is referred to today as survival of the fittest or natural selection."


"Natural selection acts as a breeder and eliminates all the dark haired bears from the Artic environment; we are left with only white haired bears. Still, we are left with bears and only bears. No new species, no new animals. Bears are still bears and the white haired varieties are called polar bears, which apart from the color of their hair are almost identical to their brown haired brethren."

Then, please explain why gorillas, others apes and monkeys are still living? We have established a history of common ancestors die off with natural selection and survival of the fittest.

Getting your science from charlatans at fundamentalist ministries is the reason for your profound ignorance of science matters.

''Creation studies institute''

Is that a subsidiary of the Harun Yahya institute of silliness?
The evolutionary tree branches off into new species. Apes and humans have a common ancestor that doesn’t exist any more. Humans evolved into the different races, otherwise, where do all the races come from?
LMAO:laughing0301:, Joe because you believe in fairy tales of atheism. Yours is not a true religion, but a delusion.

The common ancestor NEVER existed because no one has ever seen it, those people never wrote down any history such as their names, where they lived and who they were related to. They do not have a history of what they did and what kind of civilization they built and lived under. Thus, anyone who describes evolution is a BIG FAT LIAR. Your atheist scientists are LIARS! Otherwise, they would have the hard evidence and we'd see the actual evidence in museums. Mostly, it's made up exhibits. I wouldn't pay money to see that.
Getting your science from charlatans at fundamentalist ministries is the reason for your profound ignorance of science matters.

''Creation studies institute''

Is that a subsidiary of the Harun Yahya institute of silliness?
You do not read nor visit these websites, so how can you know? It isn't I who is ignorant, but you as science backs up God, creation and the Bible. It is you who subscribes to the fairy tales of atheist evolutionists who wanted to get fame and funding by writing these papers and articles on evolution. They didn't actually observe anything real. Moreover, I destroyed birds from dinosaurs macroevolution by showing birds lived at the same time as dinosaurs. There were many fossils found to back this up. There was footprint and cultural evidence, too, of humans and dinosaurs living together. Thus, I am 2/3 of the way of destroying evolution forever. Maybe I'll be famous one day.
You do not read nor visit these websites, so how can you know? It isn't I who is ignorant, but you as science backs up God, creation and the Bible. It is you who subscribes to the fairy tales of atheist evolutionists who wanted to get fame and funding by writing these papers and articles on evolution. They didn't actually observe anything real. Moreover, I destroyed birds from dinosaurs macroevolution by showing birds lived at the same time as dinosaurs. There were many fossils found to back this up. There was footprint and cultural evidence, too, of humans and dinosaurs living together. Thus, I am 2/3 of the way of destroying evolution forever. Maybe I'll be famous one day.

Why would I read or visit extremist websites? The ''cretin studies 'tutes'' is just another extremist Christian website where charlatans find a small, but winning audience of the weak and gullible.

Yes. You and a cabal of Flat Earthers are going to destroy evolution. You can be famous like Jim Jones.
Why would I read or visit extremist websites? The ''cretin studies 'tutes'' is just another extremist Christian website where charlatans find a small, but winning audience of the weak and gullible.

Yes. You and a cabal of Flat Earthers are going to destroy evolution. You can be famous like Jim Jones.
All I can do is present the creation science, how science backs it up, what the Bible says and God's warnings. God warns us in a sin-filled world while Satan tempts. I don't think you understand creation science from the weirdo comments you like to make.
All I can do is present the creation science, how science backs it up, what the Bible says and God's warnings. God warns us in a sin-filled world while Satan tempts. I don't think you understand creation science from the weirdo comments you like to make.
You Flat Earthers are funny.
Now, you're back to talking about and promoting your Flat Earth friends and needs. It really is strange what atheists are attracted to such as beastiality.

Be sure to cc us when you destroy evilutionist atheist science. I'll skip the ceremony where you and your Flat Earth cabal pass around the Kool-Aid.
Man, Krauts sure are nowhere for being around for 50,000 years. ,,,,

What's totally wrong, uneducated idiot. Here in the near for example live some people nearly in the same place where their biological ancestors had lived here 20,000 years ago too - and in general human beings live in central Europe since about 52-58 thousand years - a long time they lived together with the homo neanderthaliensis. The same had been for example in Bohemia where "you" (=your "we" including your allies of world war 2) murdered and displaced nearly all Germans - except of the Germans who "you" forced to be slaves of the reason of state of the Czechs. And the worst absurdity in this context: Never Germany had done anything bad to the USA what's the main reason why learned hate on Germany is very popular in the USA. What do you hate when you hate Germany? - Your own evil deeds? - Your own war crimes? - Yout own genocides or fratricides?

Tell me why you hate Germans including whole Europe and what are the US-American plans in the East of Europe - if anyone here will survive the military nonsense which you and the Russians are doing in the moment.
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Be sure to cc us when you destroy evilutionist atheist science. I'll skip the ceremony where you and your Flat Earth cabal pass around the Kool-Aid.
You can continue to call it evilution and evilutionists for the atheists who believe in it. That sounds too right for some reason.

Have you heard this riddle:
What was Hitler's favorite drink?
Concentrated Jews.

Ah yes. You forgot to bring the Kool-Aid. That is necessary to have a great party isn't it.
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