15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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You make two very good points, here.
First, that Abu constantly makes threads on this science and technology forum which are nothing more than attempts to jam his atheist religious believes down the throats of non-believers. He never provides a single bit of Evidence for non-guided evolution, he just bolds and all-caps hoping people will somehow be afraid of that...
He Flops again.
I "Never provide a single bit of evidence for non-guided evolution"?
You didn't see it? Post in it?

Evidence of Common Descent (LOTS, across the sciences)​


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Here's another article by Scientific American which sexual pervert abu afak claims is scientific.

Out of context, many of our behaviors—if limited to the mere veneer of plain description—would raise many an eyebrow. The most innocent of things can sound tawdry and bizarre when certain facts and details are omitted. Here’s a perfect example: I accidentally bit my dog Gulliver’s tongue recently.

Now you may be asking yourself what I was doing with his tongue in my mouth to begin with. But I would submit that that is perhaps a better question for Gulliver, since he’s the one that violated my busily masticating maw by inserting that long, thin, delicatessen-slice muscle of his while I was simply enjoying a bite of a very banal bagel. Shocked by the feel of human teeth chomping down on his tongue, he yelped—then scampered off. Fortunately, Gulliver showed no signs of lasting trauma and I was saved from having to explain to the vet how it came to be that I bit off my dog’s tongue; but for days after the “incident” Gulliver kept his prized possession sealed behind the vault of his own clamped jaw. This gave my partner, Juan, and me at least a temporary reprieve from Gulliver’s normally overindulgent use of that particular organ on our faces. The story was strange enough for me to share with friends, and this particular tale of man-bites-dog unleashed the predictable onslaught of humorous bestiality innuendos. And that, ladies and gentleman, is where the real story begins."

Now, we know abu afak is a sex pervert into beastiality. It's no wonder he didn't volunteer answers to my questions of what he read in the latest issue of SA. The things you learn about liberals and their infatuation with a science magazine.


Bestiality: The best kept secret in America​

Zoosexuality (also referred to as “bestiality” and “zoophilia”) is the sexual orientation of a human to an animal. For most individuals, the concept of humans having sex with animals is abhorrent or taboo. As a result, the topic is seldom researched, studied, or openly discussed. Abundant historical and anthropological evidence, however, suggests that such relationships have existed for millennia, and some studies estimate that zoosexuals comprise 3-8% of the general population. Bestiality is illegal throughout most of the United States and is considered a paraphilia, or sexual perversity, by the American Psychiatric Association. Each year an unknown number of animals and humans are traumatized, injured, or killed after aggressive or repeated sexual acts. Animals are frequently solicited, traded or sold specifically for sex. They are filmed having intercourse with their own species as well as with human partners. Far too often, they are found in pornography videos where children or adult couples are involved. While there are known links between animal cruelty and human violence, few studies have examined the link between bestiality and other forms of criminal behavior, including trespass, substance abuse, or sexual assault and exploitation of children and adults. The reported incidence of animal sexual abuse is growing at an alarming rate, presenting practical challenges for animal welfare, legal, medical, law enforcement, mental health and veterinary professionals. This presentation will highlight the spectrum of behavior exhibited by humans with a sexual attraction to non-human animals by using case examples, and preliminary results of a study of court cases in the US over a twenty-year period will be presented. This presentation discusses the rise in of zoosexualism in the United States, and its significance to the fields of criminology, law, social work, and medicine. Case examples of the link between human and animal cruelty are presented as well as preliminary results of a longitudinal study covering twenty-years of legal cases involving sexual contact between humans and animals. Understanding Zoosexuality: Prevalence, Impact, and Links to Criminal Behavior"

I can't make this stuff up. I would not trust a liberal atheist with any type of animals.


Atheism and bestiality​

The atheist philosopher Peter Singer defends the practice of bestiality (as well as abortion, infanticide and euthanasia).[1]

Despite holding these immoral views, Princeton University rewarded him with a bioethics chair.[2]

Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual relations with an animal. In addition to being repulsive and being a sexual taboo in societies, bestiality can cause harm to both animals and humans.[3]

Vice News, a global news channel which broadcasts documentaries about current topics, reported in 2014 about secular Europe: "Bestiality is having a weird renaissance in Europe. Perhaps ironically, it kicked off when activists succeeded in banning the practice in places like Germany and Norway. In the background, something else emerged simultaneously: an animal-sex-tourism industry, which has been blossoming in Denmark."[4]

A 2015 Jerusalem Post article indicates "Copenhagen has for long been the bestiality capital of Europe and has attracted many tourists mainly visiting to have sex with animals. Legislation against this practice was only enacted this year."[5]

See also: Bestiality and secular Europe and Bestiality and various geographic areas

The atheist philosopher Peter Singer defends the practice of bestiality (as well as abortion, infanticide and euthanasia). Despite holding these immoral views the liberal and pro-evolution academic establishment rewarded his views with a bioethics chair at Princeton University.[6] Peter Singer was installed as the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University in 1999 and in 2006 it was reported that he still worked part-time in that capacity.[7] In 2006, it was also reported that Singer worked part-time as Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne in the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics since 2005.[8]

Joe Carter's First Things article entitled The Dangerous Mind declares concerning Peter Singer:

Singer has spent a lifetime justifying the unjustifiable. He is the founding father of the animal liberation movement and advocates ending “the present speciesist bias against taking seriously the interests of nonhuman animals.” He is also a defender of killing the aged (if they have dementia), newborns (for almost any reason until they are two years old), necrophilia (assuming it’s consensual), and bestiality (also assuming it’s consensual).[9]

See also: Atheism and sexuality"

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The Jimmy Swaggert groupies are on a Jihad.
How does it feel to be on the same side as a beastialitist such as abu afak which I just learned about? He could not help revealing himself by supporting Scientific American. It is one of the ultimate eww's of sex perversion.

Here is the liberal atheist scientist with his views on beastiality, abortion and more. Atheism is a mental illness.

Atheism and agnosticism by definition are mutually exclusive.

Atheism is a belief - in this case that god (and not "a god") is not existing. But agnosticism is a philosophy. In context of this philosophy is a sentence like "I believe in god" a true statement if someone believes in god. And agnosticism is also not a scale from 0% - 100% for a chance whether god could exist or not exist. Such a mixed logic is even able to be dangerous because it is able to undermine our logic at all. Who believes for example that god exists with 50% and not exists with 50% believes somehow that god is existing and not existing the same time. No problem for god - he's allmighty - but a problem for us to think so. If we believe god exists and not exists the same time (and again: although this is able to be true) then such a contradiction leads to always only true results. Somehow forces agnosticism to make a choice and/or to be extremely carefully by using logic and god - although god is logos. .

Most who claim to be agnostic are in reality atheists.

Exactly. In the English speaking world agnosticism is often only used in sense of atheism. The winner of the Nobel price for superidiocy - Richard Dawkins - is perhaps a main factor for all this nonsense. If Richard Dawkins had been an agnostics (philosophy) and atheist (belief) then he had said "I believe god not exists". But he never said so as far as I heard. He expects that every scientist has always only to be an atheist as far as I heard. This is a totally wrong interpretation of the paradigma of natural science not to use "god" for any scientific knowledge about the "opus dei", the work of god, the creation, the nature. Short: God is in physics not a constant, not a variable nor any subject or object of physics. But - and this but is a very big "but" - all people from all religions are able to study physics and able to be physicists - or to study any other natural science and to be a natural scientist. And not only "god" should not be used as a paradigma in natural science - also"not-god" should not be used in natural science for explanations - but some exceptions may perhaps also exist and confirm such rules. No one needs scissors in the own thoughts.
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He Flops again.
I "Never provide a single bit of evidence for non-guided evolution"?
You didn't see it? Post in it?

Evidence of Common Descent (LOTS, across the sciences)​


Evidence of common descent =/= evidence for Darwinism.

Evidence of common descent =/= evidence for Darwinism.

Actually, the fail is on the part of ID'iot creationerism. It is obvious that ID'iot creationerism isn't a Theory, doesn’t make predictions and literally offers nothing but vacuous pleading. It doesnt present anything at all i.e. it has no content. In terms of ‘content’ we refer to a rational body of propositions and determinate principles. By ‘principle’ we refer to a proposition of rational, connected ideas central to the theory that follow a rational nexus.

It's comedy gold seeing the ID'iot creationers suggest that ID'iot creationerism is a "theory" when the ID'iot creationers can't begin to describe determinate principles of magic and supernaturalism.
-I wasn't talking to you it was that james bond retard.
Right. I was talking to you because you still don't seem to understand that the building blocks of life are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.
Atheism is a belief - in this case that god (and not "a god") is not existing. But agnosticism is a philosophy. In context of this philosophy is a sentence like "I believe in god" a true statement if someone believes in god. And agnosticism is also not a scale from 0% - 100% for a chance whether god could exist or not exist. Such a mixed logic is even able to be dangerous because it is able to undermine our logic at all. Who believes for example that god exists with 50% and not exists with 50% believes somehow that god is existing and not existing the same time. No problem for god - he's allmighty - but a problem for us to think so. If we believe god exists and not exists the same time (and again: although this is able to be true) then such a contradiction leads to always only true results. Somehow forces agnosticism to make a choice and/or to be extremely carefully by using logic and god - although god is logos. .
I follow your logic, but do not agree because there's no faith in it. Sure, faith is the key part of religion but we realize its truth when we are able to confirm it. Thus, our faith goes deeper. I guess it works for atheism the same way from those who put faith in evolution and then atheism. Or maybe its faith in atheism and then they discovered evolution. Regardless, it doesn't matter.

However, with agnosticism, where is the faith? It doesn't seem to have any. But more to do with rationalization which you think is logic.
Sure, maybug.
Do you know what a gorilla hands are like? I know you said it out of ignorance.

I don't have the fur on my arms and back of hands nor opposable thumbs. My fingers aren't as stout and longer. I also have knuckles and my hands aren't made to walk on like a gorillas. His hands are really black or dark while mine are of flesh color.

I think the important part is we both exist at the same time as separate species. Thus, he isn't an ancestor from the past like you believe.
Do you know what a gorilla hands are like? I know you said it out of ignorance.

I don't have the fur on my arms and back of hands nor opposable thumbs. My fingers aren't as stout and longer. I also have knuckles and my hands aren't made to walk on like a gorillas. His hands are really black or dark while mine are of flesh color.

I think the important part is we both exist at the same time as separate species. Thus, he isn't an ancestor from the past like you believe.
"We share about 96 percent of our DNA with gorillas". You, maybe more.

How much DNA do humans and gorillas share?

While primitive in some respects, the face, skull, and teeth show enough modern features to justify H. naledi's placement in the genus Homo. Artist Gurche spent some 700 hours reconstructing the head from bone scans, using bear fur for hair.

"...Delezene’s own fossil pile contained 190 teeth—a critical part of any analysis, since teeth alone are often enough to identify a species. But these teeth weren’t like anything the scientists in the “tooth booth” had ever seen. Some features were astonishingly humanlike—the molar crowns were small, for instance, with five cusps like ours. But the premolar roots were weirdly primitive. “We’re not sure what to make of these,” Delezene said. “It’s crazy.”

The same schizoid pattern was popping up at the other tables. A fully modern hand sported wackily curved fingers, fit for a creature climbing trees. The shoulders were apish too, and the widely flaring blades of the pelvis were as primitive as Lucy’s—but the bottom of the same pelvis looked like a modern human’s. The leg bones started out shaped like an australopithecine’s but gathered modernity as they descended toward the ground. The feet were virtually indistinguishable from our own.

“You could almost draw a line through the hips—primitive above, modern below,” said Steve Churchill, a paleontologist from Duke University. “If you’d found the foot by itself, you’d think some Bushman had died.”...


While primitive in some respects, the face, skull, and teeth show enough modern features to justify H. naledi's placement in the genus Homo. Artist Gurche spent some 700 hours reconstructing the head from bone scans, using bear fur for hair.

"...Delezene’s own fossil pile contained 190 teeth—a critical part of any analysis, since teeth alone are often enough to identify a species. But these teeth weren’t like anything the scientists in the “tooth booth” had ever seen. Some features were astonishingly humanlike—the molar crowns were small, for instance, with five cusps like ours. But the premolar roots were weirdly primitive. “We’re not sure what to make of these,” Delezene said. “It’s crazy.”

The same schizoid pattern was popping up at the other tables. A fully modern hand sported wackily curved fingers, fit for a creature climbing trees. The shoulders were apish too, and the widely flaring blades of the pelvis were as primitive as Lucy’s—but the bottom of the same pelvis looked like a modern human’s. The leg bones started out shaped like an australopithecine’s but gathered modernity as they descended toward the ground. The feet were virtually indistinguishable from our own.

“You could almost draw a line through the hips—primitive above, modern below,” said Steve Churchill, a paleontologist from Duke University. “If you’d found the foot by itself, you’d think some Bushman had died.”...

So, where is the living ape-human? We still got all the other ones.

If you can't provide the ape-human, then humans didn't come from apes and its a big blow against evoluton and atheism. Regardless, it doesn't destroy creationism.

You see why you're full of nonsense in order to back evolution and atheism? You got no real evidence. All you have is those atheist scientists' papers that I mentioned. Nothing to see here. Move along folks lol.
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So, where is the living ape-human? We still got all the other ones.

If you can't provide the ape-human, then humans didn't come from apes and its a big blow against evoluton and atheism. Regardless, it doesn't destroy creationism.

You see why you're full of nonsense in order to back evolution and atheism? You got no real evidence. All you have is those atheist scientists' papers that I mentioned. Nothing to see here. Move along folks lol.
Extinct. Out-competed at some point.
Like Neanderthals and Denisovans.
That's why we have/NEED ..... FOSSILS!
Numerous 'tweeners!

and evo was Not a straight line.
There was plethora/WEB of Man/apes, hominids, etc. who, as you know, would Hump/**** anything.
So all manner of results were possible... and we keep finding them.
NO Design obviously, just a trial and error F***-fest for a few million years.
and we are still evolving, our brain cavities getting bigger, and more.

and were it not for modern travel, the human subspecies/races would have gotten more and more distinct and become separate species.
That's how it happens.
And that's what we see on other less mobile species that get truly blocked by rivers, mountains, or oceans.

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Extinct. Out-competed at some point.
Like Neanderthals and Denisovans.
That's why we have/NEED ..... FOSSILS!
Numerous 'tweeners!
Buh, buh, buh we still got those monkeys. It means the ape-human should still be around, but no one is looking for it. They never found its fossils either.

I think you and your scientists have had enough time, so can I just assume the ape-human never existed and that's why you can't find one today even though its other ancestors are living today. Besides, some other people believe that there are prehistoric creatures alive today and have found them. That fits the theory that the fossil layers are the locations of where the poor animals died and not time. The long time was another atheist science paper that someone made up. Can you produce that one?
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