15 year old points BB gun at San Diego police officer, gets shot & killed after refusing to drop it

It was dark. They were told he was "unarmed". Suddenly he pulls "a gun" and points it at them? Nothing seems easy about that.
did he really have to shoot to KILL the boy with the BB gun? REALLY??

Was he able to tell it was a BB gun?

On the real: They both should have been.

A 6'2" guy tried to rob me with a bb pistol before, I laughed and picked up a shovel.

He ran. Good thing for him, because there was a lot of clanging in his near future.

How far was the cop from the kid?

Of that I have no idea.
did he really have to shoot to KILL the boy with the BB gun? REALLY??

Was he able to tell it was a BB gun?

On the real: They both should have been.

A 6'2" guy tried to rob me with a bb pistol before, I laughed and picked up a shovel.

He ran. Good thing for him, because there was a lot of clanging in his near future.

How far was the cop from the kid?

From the placement of the evidence markers in the pictures, it looks like under 20 feet. Looks like the cops fired from behind the car doors, as the brass landed in the windshield tray:

San Diego police killed boy aged 15 in school parking lot | Daily Mail Online
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.

TBH, It's easy for me to spot the difference between a fake and real gun.

Maybe those cops don't have that ability.

Maybe they should.

It stopped me from getting robbed.
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That's ridiculous, I would have said: "Go ahead" and let him shoot me with it, then tazed and cuffed and stuffed him.

Then again, I can tell the difference in guns by eyesight.

Sorry but you poubt somethibg at a cop, you need to die. I don't care if its a purple water gun in broad daylight. Point it at a cop, you need to leave the scene in a plastic bag.

Really? :uhh: So a 3-year old points a cap gun at a cop and deserves to die? A red water gun?

When did this lunar way of thinking come about?
since when does an airsoft gun look like a red water gun?

which one of these is the "real" gun and remember you're at least 20 feet away and have about 2 seconds to decide



Top one is the toy. How do I know? Because the barrel has a nipple pointing out of it on the BB gun.

The real one doesn't have a nipple on it, and is flat faced on the barrel.
and handgun that accepts a suppressor will have the protrusion on the end of the barrel
Yes you are right and I know some that have a extended barrel
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.
Don You have not time to examine a gun looking object at any distance due to the time factor. I could have been any Make, Mod, or caliber from 22 to 45 and you would not have time to react. Things happen very fast and the outcomes are many in variation and I included lighting, time of day, distance and eye sight. Bottom line is stupid people do stupid stuff, and it ends in most cases becomes a bad incident. No one has said just how bad the LEO is going to feel or how bad this incident is going to make his performance in the future. Many time they quit the department never to return to duty.....Some people are messed up by the incident.
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.
Don You have not time to examine a gun looking object at any distance due to the time factor. I could have been any Make, Mod, or caliber from 22 to 45 and you would not have time to react. Things happen very fast and the outcomes are many in variation and I included lighting, time of day, distance and eye sight. Bottom line is stupid people do stupid stuff, and it ends in most cases becomes a bad incident. No one has said just how bad the LEO is going to feel or how bad this incident is going to make his performance in the future. Many time they quit the department never to return to duty.....Some people are messed up by the incident.

It should mess them up, they took a life unnecessarily.
did he really have to shoot to KILL the boy with the BB gun? REALLY??
How long does a LEO have to identify a gun and decide if its a BB gun, Cap gun, paint ball gun It takes less time than writing this post, and finding out if its loadedl;l;Think about it. Time to get shot and die take 2 sec....Most Progressive's think LEO should get shot first and then taze the fool.

There is a drill that we do in concealed carry training that demonstrates how quickly an assailant can close the distance with a knife before you can draw and defend yourself. 21 feet is considered to be inside the lethal zone with a knife, and it happens literally in a split second. It's even faster with the perp having a gun in his hand already.

My favorite part of the liberal narrative when it comes to self defense?
Why cant you shoot to wound?......:lmao:
They've obviously watched too many spaghetti westerns.
Shoot the gun out of his hand it works on television.
Why don't we just Taze the hell out of him.....That works sometime if his gun jambs./ LOL

Fuck that!! Thats the equivlent of bringing a knife to a gunfight!
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.
Don You have not time to examine a gun looking object at any distance due to the time factor. I could have been any Make, Mod, or caliber from 22 to 45 and you would not have time to react. Things happen very fast and the outcomes are many in variation and I included lighting, time of day, distance and eye sight. Bottom line is stupid people do stupid stuff, and it ends in most cases becomes a bad incident. No one has said just how bad the LEO is going to feel or how bad this incident is going to make his performance in the future. Many time they quit the department never to return to duty.....Some people are messed up by the incident.

It should mess them up, they took a life unnecessarily.
Yes LEO s are just like real people and shooting hits you low in the gut, dealing with it take someone that is different and has the ability to justify it. Ran special courses for LEO s who had shot someone and most said it help more than they thought it would.
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.

TBH, It's easy for me to spot the difference between a fake and real gun.

Maybe those cops don't have that ability.

Maybe they should.

It stopped me from getting robbed.

You got lucky. I often carry an FN Five-Seven, which is 5.7mm and all polymer. It actually looks like a toy, but I can absolutely assure you that you do not want to get hit with what is essentially a short 5.56 cartridge at rifle velocity. Judging that by the hole in the barrel gets you dumped in a hole.
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.
Don You have not time to examine a gun looking object at any distance due to the time factor. I could have been any Make, Mod, or caliber from 22 to 45 and you would not have time to react. Things happen very fast and the outcomes are many in variation and I included lighting, time of day, distance and eye sight. Bottom line is stupid people do stupid stuff, and it ends in most cases becomes a bad incident. No one has said just how bad the LEO is going to feel or how bad this incident is going to make his performance in the future. Many time they quit the department never to return to duty.....Some people are messed up by the incident.

It should mess them up, they took a life unnecessarily.

The only thing unnecessary was that a 15-year old made the life decision to pull a gun on a couple of cops and point it at them. If someone pulls a weapon on me, I am not going to take time to determine whether it's a BB / pellet gun, an Airsoft, or a firearm.
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.

TBH, It's easy for me to spot the difference between a fake and real gun.

Maybe those cops don't have that ability.

Maybe they should.

It stopped me from getting robbed.

You got lucky. I often carry an FN Five-Seven, which is 5.7mm and all polymer. It actually looks like a toy, but I can absolutely assure you that you do not want to get hit with what is essentially a short 5.56 cartridge at rifle velocity. Judging that by the hole in the barrel gets you dumped in a hole.

5.5mm is bigger than .177.
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.
Don You have not time to examine a gun looking object at any distance due to the time factor. I could have been any Make, Mod, or caliber from 22 to 45 and you would not have time to react. Things happen very fast and the outcomes are many in variation and I included lighting, time of day, distance and eye sight. Bottom line is stupid people do stupid stuff, and it ends in most cases becomes a bad incident. No one has said just how bad the LEO is going to feel or how bad this incident is going to make his performance in the future. Many time they quit the department never to return to duty.....Some people are messed up by the incident.

It should mess them up, they took a life unnecessarily.

The only thing unnecessary was that a 15-year old made the life decision to pull a gun on a couple of cops and point it at them. If someone pulls a weapon on me, I am not going to take time to determine whether it's a BB / pellet gun, an Airsoft, or a firearm.

Marion is right but that cop had no choice.

Those who do the most swaggering and posturing are those who have never had to deal with the reality of taking a life. Until you do, you have no right to judge. More than that, you don't have the knowledge or experience to say either what you would do or how you would feel about doing it.

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I probably would hesitate unless I heard a pop.

I take taking a life very seriously.

The thing is, it seems some police of today do not.
I probably would hesitate unless I heard a pop.

I take taking a life very seriously.

The thing is, it seems some police of today do not.

Not just law enforcement.

I remember when when was valued more highly that the damn TV set. Now, people say and believe they have the right and would kill for their TV.

Years ago, a gun shop in Tucson shot and killed 1-2 (white) teenagers who shoplifted. Honestly, I thought the city would rise up as one and say the store was wrong. Instead, the paper published letters from people in support of killing kids for stealing.

We live in a time when things are more valuable than human beings, especially to "christians".

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Okay, here ya go ... Which is the toy?View attachment 125377

Top one. It's a Marksman spring-powered bb pistol. Crappiest one made ever! You pull the back thing back to cock it.

Anybody else wanna vote?

Agree or disagree with the John Wayne wannbe?

(BTW, Wayne beat his wives and kids and was a nasty drunk. Who would want to be like him? Besides Anathema that is.)

Don't cry, you know I'm spot on!

Bottom is a .32 revolver, I'm pretty sure.

Not crying and

not saying you are either right or wrong.

Its just that last time, coward 2aguy first said he could tell any gun from a toy but then wimped out when I posted this. I'm wondering if any other nutters want to chime in but it looks like you're the only one.

Fuck you you lying piece of shit....never said it, never posted it. Are you fucking high?
What a shame. The problem is that even a very young child has no problem getting guns. That's what the nutters want and its sure as hell what the NRA wants for their employers want.

Welcome to the gun culture.


So much bullshit in one meme.

No, those are what are called FACTS. Not surprised you don't recognize that.

OTOH, if you disagree, feel free to post PROOF.



There were around sixty gun murders in Great Britain in 2016.

The same as there were before 1996 when they banned guns....so banning guns for law abiding people did nothing to reduce their gun murder rate....it did, however, increase their gun crime rate......gun crime in London was up 42% last year and never went back down after 1996......and their over all violence rates across Britain are off the charts...

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.
The Met Police's figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offences from 2015 until 2016.
Knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074 recorded offences from 2016 to 2017.

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.


Okay, here ya go ... Which is the toy?View attachment 125377

Top one. It's a Marksman spring-powered bb pistol. Crappiest one made ever! You pull the back thing back to cock it.

Anybody else wanna vote?

Agree or disagree with the John Wayne wannbe?

(BTW, Wayne beat his wives and kids and was a nasty drunk. Who would want to be like him? Besides Anathema that is.)

Don't cry, you know I'm spot on!

Bottom is a .32 revolver, I'm pretty sure.

Not crying and

not saying you are either right or wrong.

Its just that last time, coward 2aguy first said he could tell any gun from a toy but then wimped out when I posted this. I'm wondering if any other nutters want to chime in but it looks like you're the only one.

Fuck you you lying piece of shit....never said it, never posted it. Are you fucking high?

Easy there, big fella.

Put your head between your knees and take some slow deep breaths.

You okay?

Yes, little cupcake, you did.

But if it would you to get through this terribly difficult "unmasking", you feel free to admit you're not an authority on much of anything at all.



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I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.

TBH, It's easy for me to spot the difference between a fake and real gun.

Maybe those cops don't have that ability.

Maybe they should.

It stopped me from getting robbed.

You got lucky. I often carry an FN Five-Seven, which is 5.7mm and all polymer. It actually looks like a toy, but I can absolutely assure you that you do not want to get hit with what is essentially a short 5.56 cartridge at rifle velocity. Judging that by the hole in the barrel gets you dumped in a hole.

5.5mm is bigger than .177.

Yes, it's .224" nominal. At 20 feet, you cannot tell the difference. Even if you could, can you tell the difference between it and a 5mm Sheridan pellet pistol? How about a .22 cal pellet? You can't tell the difference in the barrel hole in that up close and personal.

Considered yourself fortunate you came away unscathed. Things could have gone much worse for you.
I think I could see the size of a barrel hole at that distance, and I'm slightly nearsighted.

TBH, It's easy for me to spot the difference between a fake and real gun.

Maybe those cops don't have that ability.

Maybe they should.

It stopped me from getting robbed.

You got lucky. I often carry an FN Five-Seven, which is 5.7mm and all polymer. It actually looks like a toy, but I can absolutely assure you that you do not want to get hit with what is essentially a short 5.56 cartridge at rifle velocity. Judging that by the hole in the barrel gets you dumped in a hole.

The fort hood shooter liked it as well.

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