1500 year old bible found in Turkey


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity

Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.
Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

Typical ignorant mackerel snapper
The gospel of barnabas is an attempted synthesis of elements from both Christianity and Islam
Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

Typical ignorant mackerel snapper

Please quote the scripture before giving it and stop editing

And most importantly, cite your sources Joe Biden!!

Verse 6

"Cursed be the Typical ignorant mackerel snapper who is a right winged doubting extremist."
The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity


Political propaganda of fanatic Muslims against Christians. The so called "gospel of Barnabas" is a fake, nothing else.

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - The fake "Gospel of Barnabas", also passed off by the international media as a document found, is "a book full of also historical and geographical errors, the work of a forger", and has no value and no useful advice for life today. These are the considerations expressed by Patriarch Tawadros II on the volume that was found in May 2012 in the building of Justice in Ankara. The harsh criticism without appeal was pronounced by the Primate of the Orthodox Coptic Church during his catechesis on Wednesday 24 June, dedicated to the figure of St. Barnabas, the disciple who became a Christian after Pentecost.
In the manuscript, with pages in leather and gold letters, which the Turkish authorities presented to the world and apparently written 1500-2000 years ago, some pages written in Syriac were presented as a new Gospel attributed to the apostle Barnabas. In those pages, among other things, we read that Jesus was not Crucified, who ascended to heaven alive as a prophet and not as the Son of God, that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place, and above all, that Jesus predicted the coming of Muhammad. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 25/06/2015)
source: Coptic Patriarch Tawadros the so-called Gospel of Barnabas is a fake - Fides News Agency

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Mysteriously, the enigmatic document reveals a prophecy of Jesus, about the coming of Muhammad, founder of Islam, and a prediction of the arrival of the last Messiah which has still not occurred.

Wow....and here I thought the Messiah had occurred and resides in the White House...
Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

Global warming is not able to be stopped any longer. We have to start to minimize the negative effects. The process of global warming is unfortunatelly not intuitive understandable. The Pope of the Catholic Church calls everyone - not only Catholics - to help to save the life of our planet. Everyone should fight against global warming and for the creation of god.

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Luke said some of the same things Thomas said in admiting Jesus wasn't who they expected him to be when he failed liberating them. You wouldn't know that because it's conveniently removed from later copies.

Regarding the text found it's the same historical innacuracies as the NT therefore borrowed from the same play or just rehashed, which just fools people who are to lazy to research history.

Examples: Joesph and Mary are the 100bc story in the time of king Jannaeus not Herod, which is why the NT talks about the widows mite (Jannaeus coin).
Herod did not seek out killing babies, that's Rome's way of demonizing Herod and the Jews. Yeshu son of Mary 100bc fled towards Egypt with his Rabbi mentor to avoid the Pharisee revolt and persecution of the Pharisee by Jannaeus.
If Christians were to learn their history they just might understand that they were tools and fools for Romes tactics to control cultures and kingdoms through their religious devotions.
There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas
Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

bible speaks of the use of birth control and abortions. It is not prohibiting them, nor does the bible call it life till a month after birth.

go trot back to your bible

Women might have been slaves in the bible, but we don't have slavery of them any more.

Women have a legal right to choose and to donate tissue to research.

“I confess before heaven, and call to witness everything that dwells upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to with, that I am more than man. For I am a man, born of a woman, subject to the judgment of God; that live here like as other men, subject to the common miseries.” -Gospel of Barnabas, 94:1.

something isn't right here ... why again was Jesus being tried by Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who gave the final order for the crucifixion. According to the gospels, he actually believed that Jesus was innocent, and wanted to save him, but was pressured into ordering his death by the Jewish religious leaders ...

either J did not say the above as there would have not been a trial, or just the blood thirsty jews ignored the pleas of an innocent man and murder him for their own pleasure.

Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

Global warming is not able to be stopped any longer. We have to start to minimize the negative effects. The process of global warming is unfortunatelly not intuitive understandable. The Pope of the Catholic Church calls everyone - not only Catholics - to help to save the life of our planet. Everyone should fight against global warming and for the creation of god.

Yes brother, preach the gospel of climate change.

Carbon taxes save!!!!
Why don't you tell all the victims of the modern slave trade that women aren't slaves anymore?

And who is leading the fight against it? Christians.

Btw guno are you ready to admit there are Christian libraries yet?

“I confess before heaven, and call to witness everything that dwells upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to with, that I am more than man. For I am a man, born of a woman, subject to the judgment of God; that live here like as other men, subject to the common miseries.” -Gospel of Barnabas, 94:1.

something isn't right here ... why again was Jesus being tried by Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who gave the final order for the crucifixion. According to the gospels, he actually believed that Jesus was innocent, and wanted to save him, but was pressured into ordering his death by the Jewish religious leaders ...

either J did not say the above as there would have not been a trial, or just the blood thirsty jews ignored the pleas of an innocent man and murder him for their own pleasure.


Jesus as 'king of the jews' was a threat to roman authority. Jesus was just one of some 250,000 jews crucified by the romans
Don't forget Thomas describing our age now where people like Caitlen Jenner & Chaz Bonno will be adding body parts and male will become female and female becoming male.
Maybe Jesus had a gender identity crisis?
*in my best Seinfeld voice*
"Not that there's anything wrong with that".

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