151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

Nobody anywhere claimed Republicans founded the Klan, Asswiper. The OP tried to sell the one that "Democrats" did --- while then posting a link that directly contradicts his own claim. And you did too. Wana see? Let's have a look at YOUR OWN LINK here, Bubbles.

>> The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former officers of the Confederate army[22] as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta, from which parts of the initiation ceremony were borrowed, with the same purpose: "ludicrous initiations, the baffling of public curiosity, and the amusement for members were the only objects of the Klan."[23] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle;[24] the word had previously been used for other fraternal organizations in the South such as Kuklos Adelphon. The manual of rituals was printed by Laps D. McCord of Pulaski.[25]

According to The Cyclopædia of Fraternities (1907) "Beginning in April, 1867, there was a gradual transformation ... The members had conjured up a veritable Frankenstein. They had played with an engine of power and mystery, though organized on entirely innocent lines, and found themselves overcome by a belief that something must lie behind it all—that there was, after all, a serious purpose, a work for the Klan to do."[23]

Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[26] <<

---- which is precisely what I've been laying out here, Stupid. Did I mention that's from YOUR OWN LINK?

Want some more?

>> The KKK's is a white supremacist group. It holds that only white, heterosexual Christians deserve civil rights. Its original mandate, to reverse the equality granted African -Americans after the Civil War has expanded as the social demographics of the United States have changed. It also opposes civil rights for Jews, gays, Catholics, and other ethnic and religious groups. Today, the various local groups that make up the Klan often focus their hate speech on immigrants.
Organization and Membership:

The first Klan was created by six men from Pulaski Tennessee, in the image of other secret societies of the day. The hierarchical organization with local chapters housed under a national umbressa structure. The officer structure was accompanied by an elaborate title structure, as laid out in the 1868 document, Organization and Priniciples of the Ku Klux Klan:...

History and context:

The first KKK was formed in the American South at the end of the civil war, when the victorious Union government imposed a version of martial law on the south and began to enforce laws designed to end segregation against black citizens. When a constitutional amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870, the group turned to intimidation and violence to try to halt de-segregation.--- About: Terrorism

Can I get you another plate?

>> The original Ku Klux Klan was organized by ex-Confederate elements to oppose the Reconstruction policies of the radical Republican Congress and to maintain "white supremacy." After the Civil War, when local government in the South was weak or nonexistent and there were fears of black outrages and even of an insurrection, informal vigilante organizations or armed patrols were formed in almost all communities. These were linked together in societies, such as the Men of Justice, the Pale Faces, the Constitutional Union Guards, the White Brotherhood, and the Order of the White Rose. The Ku Klux Klan was the best known of these, and in time it absorbed many of the smaller organizations.

It was organized at Pulaski, Tenn., in May, 1866. Its strange disguises, its silent parades, its midnight rides, its mysterious language and commands, were found to be most effective in playing upon fears and superstitions. The riders muffled their horses' feet and cofvered the horses with white robes. They themselves, dressed in flowing white sheets, their faces covered with white masks, and with skulls at their saddle horns, posed as spirits of the Confederate dead returned from the battlefields. Although the Klan was often able to achieve its aims by terror alone, whippings and lynchings were also used, not only against blacks but also against the so-called carpetbaggers and scalawags. << -- Infoplease
Refresh your glass?

>> The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867. << ---- Encyclopaedia Brittanica
Bonus track?

>> The original Ku Klux Klan was created in an 1865 meeting in a law office by six Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee. It was, at first, a humorous social club centering on practical jokes and hazing rituals. From 1866 to 1867, various local units began breaking up black prayer meetings and invading black homes at night to steal firearms. Some of these activities may have been modeled on previous Tennessee vigilante groups such as the Yellow Jackets and Redcaps. In an 1867 convention held in Nashville, the Klan was formalized as a national organization under a Prescript written by George Gordon, a former Confederate brigadier general.

... As historian Elaine Frantz Parsons discovered [Parsons p 816]:

"Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << -- PreachTheCross.net

Whatcha got Wimp? Once again (this time Extremism in America):
>> Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord <<
---- once again you've got full names even including middle initials. You've got a date and a place. Your job is to go find where any of these six guys ------------- any one of them at all ------------- had any political affiliations or activities. Open book test. Use Google. Use Bing. Use fucking AskJeeves if you want. Use your local public library if it ain't too much 'socialism' for ya. Use the US Gummint printing office. I've got some right here --- wanna borrow mine? Here, leave me read it to ya ---

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. << The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Come on wid it. Whatcha got? Prove all these sources wrong in one fell swoop.
I got more too.

NOR did anyone anywhere conclude that everything that happens to everybody everywhere is either a "Democrat" or a "Republican" thing, hopeless binary-bot.
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

Nobody anywhere claimed Republicans founded the Klan, Asswiper. The OP tried to sell the one that "Democrats" did --- while then posting a link that directly contradicts his own claim. And you did too. Wana see? Let's have a look at YOUR OWN LINK here, Bubbles.

>> The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former officers of the Confederate army[22] as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta, from which parts of the initiation ceremony were borrowed, with the same purpose: "ludicrous initiations, the baffling of public curiosity, and the amusement for members were the only objects of the Klan."[23] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle;[24] the word had previously been used for other fraternal organizations in the South such as Kuklos Adelphon. The manual of rituals was printed by Laps D. McCord of Pulaski.[25]

According to The Cyclopædia of Fraternities (1907) "Beginning in April, 1867, there was a gradual transformation ... The members had conjured up a veritable Frankenstein. They had played with an engine of power and mystery, though organized on entirely innocent lines, and found themselves overcome by a belief that something must lie behind it all—that there was, after all, a serious purpose, a work for the Klan to do."[23]

Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[26] <<

---- which is precisely what I've been laying out here, Stupid. Did I mention that's from YOUR OWN LINK?

Want some more?

>> The KKK's is a white supremacist group. It holds that only white, heterosexual Christians deserve civil rights. Its original mandate, to reverse the equality granted African -Americans after the Civil War has expanded as the social demographics of the United States have changed. It also opposes civil rights for Jews, gays, Catholics, and other ethnic and religious groups. Today, the various local groups that make up the Klan often focus their hate speech on immigrants.
Organization and Membership:

The first Klan was created by six men from Pulaski Tennessee, in the image of other secret societies of the day. The hierarchical organization with local chapters housed under a national umbressa structure. The officer structure was accompanied by an elaborate title structure, as laid out in the 1868 document, Organization and Priniciples of the Ku Klux Klan:...

History and context:

The first KKK was formed in the American South at the end of the civil war, when the victorious Union government imposed a version of martial law on the south and began to enforce laws designed to end segregation against black citizens. When a constitutional amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870, the group turned to intimidation and violence to try to halt de-segregation.--- About: Terrorism

Can I get you another plate?

>> The original Ku Klux Klan was organized by ex-Confederate elements to oppose the Reconstruction policies of the radical Republican Congress and to maintain "white supremacy." After the Civil War, when local government in the South was weak or nonexistent and there were fears of black outrages and even of an insurrection, informal vigilante organizations or armed patrols were formed in almost all communities. These were linked together in societies, such as the Men of Justice, the Pale Faces, the Constitutional Union Guards, the White Brotherhood, and the Order of the White Rose. The Ku Klux Klan was the best known of these, and in time it absorbed many of the smaller organizations.

It was organized at Pulaski, Tenn., in May, 1866. Its strange disguises, its silent parades, its midnight rides, its mysterious language and commands, were found to be most effective in playing upon fears and superstitions. The riders muffled their horses' feet and cofvered the horses with white robes. They themselves, dressed in flowing white sheets, their faces covered with white masks, and with skulls at their saddle horns, posed as spirits of the Confederate dead returned from the battlefields. Although the Klan was often able to achieve its aims by terror alone, whippings and lynchings were also used, not only against blacks but also against the so-called carpetbaggers and scalawags. << -- Infoplease
Refresh your glass?

>> The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867. << ---- Encyclopaedia Brittanica
Bonus track?

>> The original Ku Klux Klan was created in an 1865 meeting in a law office by six Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee. It was, at first, a humorous social club centering on practical jokes and hazing rituals. From 1866 to 1867, various local units began breaking up black prayer meetings and invading black homes at night to steal firearms. Some of these activities may have been modeled on previous Tennessee vigilante groups such as the Yellow Jackets and Redcaps. In an 1867 convention held in Nashville, the Klan was formalized as a national organization under a Prescript written by George Gordon, a former Confederate brigadier general.

... As historian Elaine Frantz Parsons discovered [Parsons p 816]:

"Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << -- PreachTheCross.net

Whatcha got Wimp? Once again (this time Extremism in America):
>> Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord <<
---- once again you've got full names even including middle initials. You've got a date and a place. Your job is to go find where any of these six guys ------------- any one of them at all ------------- had any political affiliations or activities. Open book test. Use Google. Use Bing. Use fucking AskJeeves if you want. Use your local public library if it ain't too much 'socialism' for ya. Use the US Gummint printing office. I've got some right here --- wanna borrow mine? Here, leave me read it to ya ---

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. << The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Come on wid it. Whatcha got? Prove all these sources wrong in one fell swoop.
I got more too.

NOR did anyone anywhere conclude that everything that happens to everybody everywhere is either a "Democrat" or a "Republican" thing, hopeless binary-bot.
so you think my links were irrelevant or something? What is it you're trying to say with this post exactly? I posted the history already democruds were kkk originators, as ashamed as you are that that is fact.
So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

Nobody anywhere claimed Republicans founded the Klan, Asswiper. The OP tried to sell the one that "Democrats" did --- while then posting a link that directly contradicts his own claim. And you did too. Wana see? Let's have a look at YOUR OWN LINK here, Bubbles.

>> The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former officers of the Confederate army[22] as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta, from which parts of the initiation ceremony were borrowed, with the same purpose: "ludicrous initiations, the baffling of public curiosity, and the amusement for members were the only objects of the Klan."[23] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle;[24] the word had previously been used for other fraternal organizations in the South such as Kuklos Adelphon. The manual of rituals was printed by Laps D. McCord of Pulaski.[25]

According to The Cyclopædia of Fraternities (1907) "Beginning in April, 1867, there was a gradual transformation ... The members had conjured up a veritable Frankenstein. They had played with an engine of power and mystery, though organized on entirely innocent lines, and found themselves overcome by a belief that something must lie behind it all—that there was, after all, a serious purpose, a work for the Klan to do."[23]

Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[26] <<

---- which is precisely what I've been laying out here, Stupid. Did I mention that's from YOUR OWN LINK?

Want some more?

>> The KKK's is a white supremacist group. It holds that only white, heterosexual Christians deserve civil rights. Its original mandate, to reverse the equality granted African -Americans after the Civil War has expanded as the social demographics of the United States have changed. It also opposes civil rights for Jews, gays, Catholics, and other ethnic and religious groups. Today, the various local groups that make up the Klan often focus their hate speech on immigrants.
Organization and Membership:

The first Klan was created by six men from Pulaski Tennessee, in the image of other secret societies of the day. The hierarchical organization with local chapters housed under a national umbressa structure. The officer structure was accompanied by an elaborate title structure, as laid out in the 1868 document, Organization and Priniciples of the Ku Klux Klan:...

History and context:

The first KKK was formed in the American South at the end of the civil war, when the victorious Union government imposed a version of martial law on the south and began to enforce laws designed to end segregation against black citizens. When a constitutional amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870, the group turned to intimidation and violence to try to halt de-segregation.--- About: Terrorism

Can I get you another plate?

>> The original Ku Klux Klan was organized by ex-Confederate elements to oppose the Reconstruction policies of the radical Republican Congress and to maintain "white supremacy." After the Civil War, when local government in the South was weak or nonexistent and there were fears of black outrages and even of an insurrection, informal vigilante organizations or armed patrols were formed in almost all communities. These were linked together in societies, such as the Men of Justice, the Pale Faces, the Constitutional Union Guards, the White Brotherhood, and the Order of the White Rose. The Ku Klux Klan was the best known of these, and in time it absorbed many of the smaller organizations.

It was organized at Pulaski, Tenn., in May, 1866. Its strange disguises, its silent parades, its midnight rides, its mysterious language and commands, were found to be most effective in playing upon fears and superstitions. The riders muffled their horses' feet and cofvered the horses with white robes. They themselves, dressed in flowing white sheets, their faces covered with white masks, and with skulls at their saddle horns, posed as spirits of the Confederate dead returned from the battlefields. Although the Klan was often able to achieve its aims by terror alone, whippings and lynchings were also used, not only against blacks but also against the so-called carpetbaggers and scalawags. << -- Infoplease
Refresh your glass?

>> The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867. << ---- Encyclopaedia Brittanica
Bonus track?

>> The original Ku Klux Klan was created in an 1865 meeting in a law office by six Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee. It was, at first, a humorous social club centering on practical jokes and hazing rituals. From 1866 to 1867, various local units began breaking up black prayer meetings and invading black homes at night to steal firearms. Some of these activities may have been modeled on previous Tennessee vigilante groups such as the Yellow Jackets and Redcaps. In an 1867 convention held in Nashville, the Klan was formalized as a national organization under a Prescript written by George Gordon, a former Confederate brigadier general.

... As historian Elaine Frantz Parsons discovered [Parsons p 816]:

"Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << -- PreachTheCross.net

Whatcha got Wimp? Once again (this time Extremism in America):
>> Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord <<
---- once again you've got full names even including middle initials. You've got a date and a place. Your job is to go find where any of these six guys ------------- any one of them at all ------------- had any political affiliations or activities. Open book test. Use Google. Use Bing. Use fucking AskJeeves if you want. Use your local public library if it ain't too much 'socialism' for ya. Use the US Gummint printing office. I've got some right here --- wanna borrow mine? Here, leave me read it to ya ---

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. << The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Come on wid it. Whatcha got? Prove all these sources wrong in one fell swoop.
I got more too.

NOR did anyone anywhere conclude that everything that happens to everybody everywhere is either a "Democrat" or a "Republican" thing, hopeless binary-bot.
so you think my links were irrelevant or something? What is it you're trying to say with this post exactly? I posted the history already democruds were kkk originators, as ashamed as you are that that is fact.
About once a week, some retard starts a topic about how some Democrats founded the KKK.


Now some Republicans are carrying on the KKK tradition. Funny how you tards fail to tell the whole truth.

Funny how you work so hard to avoid calling them Christian terrorists.
The KKK was started by former soldiers of the Confederacy,

which is the single most important reason you see so many conservatives so vigorously defend the display of the Confederate Flag.
The Confederate Flag is a symbol of State Rights, which has little to do with Slavery. It honors all of those who fought for their state rights, and apparently offends all of those who don't understand what the Civil War was about. Lots of good reasons to love the Confederate Flag.

The confederate flag is a symbol of slave owners dum dum
You didn't have to remind us you're an ignorant propaganda drone, it's already a well-known fact.
Utter nonsense. The main reason the south seceded was over slavery; and the confederate flag was their symbol.
There was discussion of secession long before Lincoln was even president, Slavery wasn't even a factor until Lincoln tried to free them as a war measure.

Oh no Punkin that's not accurate either. Slavery was a factor in the entire development of this country. From its inception as an independent country ---and certainly before that as colonies --- it was an elephant in the room growing ever larger especially as the rest of the world was growing to reject it while this country was holding on.

Slavery and geography created a division between essentially North and South that wasn't resolved at the Founding and continued to be mostly ignored for the proverbial four score and seven years. Part of that division was an economic engine, part of it was cultural as distrust and suspicion grew the rift wider. It's true that economic measures such as the Nullification Crisis incited calls for secession long before the Civil War, but those rival economies were again, differentiated by the presence of slavery, concentrated in the one area.

Slavery had always been dubious and had its detractors. Bartholomé de las Casas was probably the first critic of the first transAtlantic slaver, Chris Columbus. Abolitionism was always present as a rumbling against the status quo of Slaving but good ole fashioned GREED carried the day until it no longer could.

(Interestingly both slavers and abolitionists used the Holy Bible to justify their diametrially-opposed stances, demonstrating again that rationalization can be applied to any idea no matter how immoral).

But again, technically on the surface the Civil War ignited out of a power struggle based on economics, but it's equally essential that those economics involved were defined directly by Slavery. There's no way to ignore that.



The willfully stupid retards think these guys are liberal Democrats.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental. But it required no political party. Were some of the Klan also Democrats? Almost certainly. If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not. Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.

You're wrong, name the Democrats who became Republicans from the 11 Confederate states who switched parties as you claim from 1861 to 2016...
All of them

That moron still looking for switchers -- I told him over and over that didn't happen for 99 years.
But here are a few that happened after the CRA:

Strom Thurmond (the first)
Jesse Helms
Trent Lott
Richard Shelby
Sonny Perdue
Dave Treen
Buddy Roemer
Billy Tauzin
Richard Baker
Woody Jenkins
Rick Perry
Bob Martínez
Bob Barr
Phil Gramm
Condoleeza Rice
even George Wallace Jr.

And oh yeah, David Duke
By some miracle, the South swtiched from Democratic to Republican for the 1964 election.

Indeed --- even though a Texan (a real one) was on the Dem ticket.

The addendum to all this is that George Wallace actually offered to switch parties in order to be Goldwater's running mate. Goldwater declined the offer probably figuring he already had his chances in the South (Alabama KKK endorsed him) and didn't need any further polarization.

So Wallace never did switch, although his son did, and Thurmond became the one to break the 99-year ice.
Not just the KKK was founded by racists, but so was our country. A lot of the Founders were racists slave owners.

Using TardLogic™, that makes the Constitution null and void.
They didn't want to be in the US. Why did the north care?

If they didn't want to be in the US their option was to leave the country, not break up the Union.

Actually they did leave the country. Which act by definition breaks up the Union.


They tried and they failed. Kind of like you do every time you try to pretend you know the first thing about...well, anything.
That was their consequence. They didn't like the direction and fought for what they believed in. They lost. Someone had to right? Doesn't mean the dead are undeserved

There was nothing honorable about fighting to own human beings
And most of the poor slobs in gray doing the fighting didn't even own slaves.The should have called them CONNED-fedrates.
By the exact same criteria used by pseudocon tards for attaching a religious prefix to terrorists, these are CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS:

The Confederate Flag is a symbol of State Rights, which has little to do with Slavery. It honors all of those who fought for their state rights, and apparently offends all of those who don't understand what the Civil War was about. Lots of good reasons to love the Confederate Flag.

The confederate flag is a symbol of slave owners dum dum
You didn't have to remind us you're an ignorant propaganda drone, it's already a well-known fact.
Utter nonsense. The main reason the south seceded was over slavery; and the confederate flag was their symbol.
There was discussion of secession long before Lincoln was even president, Slavery wasn't even a factor until Lincoln tried to free them as a war measure.

When they did secede, they offered declarations of causes. There were several reasons but the leading reason discussed was slavery.


I'd be curious to see those charts on other states. It was instructive to find out that around here when the states held referenda on whether to secede this area of Appalachia (western NC/East Tennessee) voted no, and through the war stayed loyal to the Union. It's interesting because this area was subsistence- and tobacco-farmers and there was no slavery (or wealth) to speak of.

One day I happened upon some radio talk show where the guy was criticizing the Andy Griffith Show for not having black people on it. "No blacks? In the South?" he moaned in his ignorance. The fact is Mt. Airy NC, where Griffith hails from and based his story around, doesn't have a black population and never did, for the same reason (it's not that far from here). So there are entire swaths in "the South" that have no history of either racism or slavery. Blanket-vision wags who like to think of "the South" as some kind of monolith don't get that.

Matter of fact in the election of 1860 when the Southern Democrats bolted from the party convention and ran their own guy (Breckinridge who took most of the deep South) -- this area was won by John Bell, the Constitutional Union Party candidate which were ex-Whigs that took no particular position on Slavery; He won Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky. The Democrat Douglas and the Republican Lincoln were both completely shut out.
Not just the KKK was founded by racists, but so was our country. A lot of the Founders were racists slave owners.

Using TardLogic™, that makes the Constitution null and void.
I don't think your revelation makes the Constitution null and void but it definitely makes me thankful that it can be amended as needed.
Jesus, country, bible, sword. Yep. This photo screams "liberal".


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