151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Never before this board have I seen so many expend so much energy to the cause of defending pig-ignorant mythology that can't be sourced.
ahhhhhhh still complaining about your history I see.

Democrats did not start the KKK ....

Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.

Democrats did not start the KKK ....

Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South."

son, son, son. huh?

Democrats did not start the KKK ....

Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South."

son, son, son. huh?

Again, the racist conservative south was primarily Democrat.

The racist conservative south is now primarily Republican.

Still don't get it? Have a black person explain it to ya... they get it.
Except when it actually is a party like demoturds are founders kkk. Don't be ashamed truth is just the truth

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!
So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
Except when it actually is a party like demoturds are founders kkk. Don't be ashamed truth is just the truth

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
yo, yo, yo be...itch:

Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

"Clearly, the latter half of the 19th Century, and for much of the early half of the 20th Century, it was the Republican Party that was the party of choice for blacks. How can this be? Because the Republican Party was formed in the late 1850s as an oppositional force to the pro-slavery Democratic Party. Republicans wanted to return to the principles that were originally established in the republic’s founding documents and in doing so became the first party to openly advocated strong civil rights legislation. Voters took notice and in 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President along with a Republican Congress. This infuriated the southern Democrats, who soon afterwards left Congress and took their states with them to form what officially became known as The Slaveholding Confederate States of America."
So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

Rice W. Means[edit]
Rice W. Means, a Republican United States Senator from Colorado, was a member of the Klan in Colorado. He served a three-year term in Congress before losing renomination to Republican Charles W. Waterman in the 1926 election.[8][9]

Clarence Morley[edit]
Clarence Morley was a Republican and the governor of Colorado from 1925 to 1927. He was a KKK member and a strong supporter of Prohibition. He tried to ban the Catholic Church from using sacramental wine and attempted to have the University of Colorado fire all Jewish and Catholic professors.[9][10][11][12]

Warren G. Harding[edit]

Warren G. Harding by Harris & Ewing photo studio
One source claims Warren G. Harding, a Republican, was a Ku Klux Klan member while President
I'm not going to post any links here I did all that in other threads. Go look up accurate history fake prop guy!

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

Rice W. Means[edit]
Rice W. Means, a Republican United States Senator from Colorado, was a member of the Klan in Colorado. He served a three-year term in Congress before losing renomination to Republican Charles W. Waterman in the 1926 election.[8][9]

Clarence Morley[edit]
Clarence Morley was a Republican and the governor of Colorado from 1925 to 1927. He was a KKK member and a strong supporter of Prohibition. He tried to ban the Catholic Church from using sacramental wine and attempted to have the University of Colorado fire all Jewish and Catholic professors.[9][10][11][12]

Warren G. Harding[edit]

Warren G. Harding by Harris & Ewing photo studio
One source claims Warren G. Harding, a Republican, was a Ku Klux Klan member while President
and? what's that proof of?

Democrats did not start the KKK ....

Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South."

son, son, son. huh?

It comes down to whether you believe the date on the actual plaque placed on the building where the Klan originated or the History Channel. I tend to believe the people who placed the plaque got it right! They included the month ( December) the day(24th) and the year (1865) while the HC only mentioned the wrong year of 1866.

So you still can't find a link. No evidence, no documentation, no quote, nothing. Six guys, no leads on a one. Nothing at all. Zero. Bupkis. Zip.

Nobody else can find one either.

That's why I keep telling y'all you're full of shit. And y'all just keep proving me right.

And you're a liar too. You posted no such links in any other threads. I already know they don't exist.
Done in other threads not repeating for fools like you history is history bubkis

NOT done in other threads, anywhere, any time. Because there's no such thing. I already know that.

So again --- you're a liar. A liar with by the way ---- no links.

Prove me wrong, wimpy.
here's another link, I felt sorry for ya. i realized I asked you to do something well above your learning ability.

So from wikipedia:
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism,[7][8] anti-Catholicism,[9][10] and antisemitism,[10] historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations.[12][13][14][15]

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[16][17]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It was rooted in local Protestant communities and opposed Catholics and Jews, and stressed its opposition to the Catholic Church.[6] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used code words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[20] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[21]"

Now post any link up that says they are republican. Just one!!

Rice W. Means[edit]
Rice W. Means, a Republican United States Senator from Colorado, was a member of the Klan in Colorado. He served a three-year term in Congress before losing renomination to Republican Charles W. Waterman in the 1926 election.[8][9]

Clarence Morley[edit]
Clarence Morley was a Republican and the governor of Colorado from 1925 to 1927. He was a KKK member and a strong supporter of Prohibition. He tried to ban the Catholic Church from using sacramental wine and attempted to have the University of Colorado fire all Jewish and Catholic professors.[9][10][11][12]

Warren G. Harding[edit]

Warren G. Harding by Harris & Ewing photo studio
One source claims Warren G. Harding, a Republican, was a Ku Klux Klan member while President
and? what's that proof of?
Proof that Republicans were also in the KKK, especially in 1915 and 1950. And they DAMN sure are in the GOP today!
Last edited:

Democrats did not start the KKK ....

Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.
You mean like Apalachia?
I know eventually, someone will take a stab at it and try to answer the question. The REAL question.

This is how it goes so far. The South was mostly Democrat, and the north Republican. The Civil War happened and the Republicans in the north won. Since that time, the south is mostly Republican and the north mostly Democrat. So how did that happen? How did the northern Republicans move south and the southern Democrats move North? And how did the KKK, the Alt Right, the Confederates and the Aryan Nation end up part of the Republican Party?

During the Civil War, the North was mainly the Republican Party. Now, today, the South is the center of the Republican Party. It was in the North. And now it's in the south. How did that happen?

And once you explain that, why does the Alt Right, the KKK, and the American Nazi Party claim to support the Republican President elect? And why have they supported him from nearly the beginning? Those are the questions you need to answer.

But number one? Democrats used to be the majority in the South, now they are the majority in the north. Republicans used to be the majority in the north, now they are the majority in the south. How did that happen?

Democrats did not start the KKK ....

Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.
You mean like Apalachia?
like chicago
I know eventually, someone will take a stab at it and try to answer the question. The REAL question.

This is how it goes so far. The South was mostly Democrat, and the north Republican. The Civil War happened and the Republicans in the north won. Since that time, the south is mostly Republican and the north mostly Democrat. So how did that happen? How did the northern Republicans move south and the southern Democrats move North? And how did the KKK, the Alt Right, the Confederates and the Aryan Nation end up part of the Republican Party?

During the Civil War, the North was mainly the Republican Party. Now, today, the South is the center of the Republican Party. It was in the North. And now it's in the south. How did that happen?

And once you explain that, why does the Alt Right, the KKK, and the American Nazi Party claim to support the Republican President elect? And why have they supported him from nearly the beginning? Those are the questions you need to answer.

But number one? Democrats used to be the majority in the South, now they are the majority in the north. Republicans used to be the majority in the north, now they are the majority in the south. How did that happen?
how? tell us.
Yes they did.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.
You mean like Apalachia?
like chicago
Racist GOPers hold back the blacks DUH. Like all the KKKers NOW. 150 years ago is just brainwashed stupidity.
It's amazing these libturds don't know how to look up history on the internet
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.
You mean like Apalachia?
like chicago
Racist GOPers hold back the blacks DUH. Like all the KKKers NOW. 150 years ago is just brainwashed stupidity.
you should get out then and clean your stupid! Cause kkk is yours bubba. you have to live with it. I personally will keep telling you how bad people demturds are. The majority are the scum of society and unfit to be included in human kind. What's funny is they think they are the footprint for man. When in reality they are the kumquat of life.

Dude, BTW, you can call me racist all day long. It isn't close to correct, cause we have your parties history and facts support you as the true racist kumquats.
The KKK was started by former soldiers of the Confederacy,

which is the single most important reason you see so many conservatives so vigorously defend the display of the Confederate Flag.
The Confederate Flag is a symbol of State Rights, which has little to do with Slavery. It honors all of those who fought for their state rights, and apparently offends all of those who don't understand what the Civil War was about. Lots of good reasons to love the Confederate Flag.

Which states? All of them or just the ones that had slaves picking cotton, you total idiot?
When was the Confederate flag created? Oops! 1861.
Keep trying, Catfish.
Says the bahs-turd who thinks US citizens started the KKK!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.
You mean like Apalachia?
like chicago
Racist GOPers hold back the blacks DUH. Like all the KKKers NOW. 150 years ago is just brainwashed stupidity.
you should get out then and clean your stupid! Cause kkk is yours bubba. you have to live with it. I personally will keep telling you how bad people demturds are. The majority are the scum of society and unfit to be included in human kind. What's funny is they think they are the footprint for man. When in reality they are the kumquat of life.

Dude, BTW, you can call me racist all day long. It isn't close to correct, cause we have your parties history and facts support you as the true racist kumquats.
Did I call you that? But they're mainly GOPers DUHHHHHHH. We're talking 21st century, not 150 years ago. That's for brainwashed functional morons like YOU.

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