151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

The KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. The pseudocons refuse to call it a Christian terrorist organization, even though they demand ISIS be called a Muslim terrorist organization.

You have the stench of hypocrisy all over you, tards.
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The KKK was a significant part of both parties. Now it is mostly a Republican thing.

Because it is a RIGHT WING organization.
It is astonishing to me how willfully uninformed you tards are about American history. Your propaganda mills absolutely depend on your willing stupidity and ignorance.

Hooded Americanism


...the Klan faction took control of the Republican county...

"With the Democrats running on a straight anti-Klan issue..."
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.


We're Republicans now.
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


And I like to start topics proving those good old boys were racists and slave owners! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!
democruds, were they US citizens or confederates? hmmmmmmm seems you guys want it every way you can. That is not unusual for a libturd. I know, I know. hang in there libturd bubba. the wrongs of the past are lingering today in the inner cities which........wait for it.......still vote democruds. I wish I understood why a populace wants to be held in squaller, but such is the path of true libturd to hold back the black.
You mean like Apalachia?
like chicago
Racist GOPers hold back the blacks DUH. Like all the KKKers NOW. 150 years ago is just brainwashed stupidity.
you should get out then and clean your stupid! Cause kkk is yours bubba. you have to live with it. I personally will keep telling you how bad people demturds are. The majority are the scum of society and unfit to be included in human kind. What's funny is they think they are the footprint for man. When in reality they are the kumquat of life.

Dude, BTW, you can call me racist all day long. It isn't close to correct, cause we have your parties history and facts support you as the true racist kumquats.
Did I call you that? But they're mainly GOPers DUHHHHHHH. We're talking 21st century, not 150 years ago. That's for brainwashed functional morons like YOU.
you have no fking evidence and babbling on like we care about your rants. white supremacy and all that garbage out of the mouths of those that bred it, libturds. funny shit to say the least.
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.


We're Republicans now.
The KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. The pseudocons refuse to call it a Christian terrorist organization, even though they demand ISIS be called a Muslim terrorist organization.

You have the stench of hypocrisy all over you, tards.
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.


We're Republicans now.

Tell us about KKK Robert Byrd and Hildabeast saying he was her mentor. Go ahead Snowflake [emoji300]️
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.

The average democrat and black person do not know about the history of the democratic party, or their opposition to the efforts of Abraham Lincoln and the Republican party to end slavery!

KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.


We're Republicans now.

Tell us about KKK Robert Byrd and Hildabeast saying he was her mentor. Go ahead Snowflake [emoji300]️
you meant that for g5000 you missed.
The tards attempt to make "KKK" and "Democrat" synonymous. As if the KKK supports affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, and all the other Democratic planks.

You have to be more than stupid. You have to be WILLFULLY stupid. You have to actually work at it.

The KKK endorsed the Republican this year, not a Democrat.


And as I just showed, the KKK had deeply infected both parties by the 1920s.

You can try to "prove" there were Democratic KKK members all day long, tards. Here's what you don't get: No one denies there were Democratic KKK member, you fucking morons.

It is YOU who are the ones in denial. It is YOU who are in denial the KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. It is YOU who are in denial that the KKK infected the Republican Party, too.

All you are doing is broadcasting your utter ignorance of American history, and showing off your willful stupidity in public. You are showing the whole world you are a useful idiot. A tool of your propaganda mills. A disseminator of half-truths.

The KKK is, and always has been, a right wing Christian extremist organization. Back in your political ancestors' day, Southern Democrats were right wing, and that is why the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic Party in the South.

As the Democratic Party shifted left after LBJ, and the GOP embarked on a strategy to capture the alienated right wing white voters of the Deep South, a great conservative migration occurred from one party to the other through attrition.

A conservative in the South in 1950 was likely to be a Democrat. A conservative in the South in 2016 is likely to be a Republican.


Unfortunately, all the bigots came along for the ride.

And that is why the KKK of today endorses Republicans like Judge Moore.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."
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