151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Will Donald Trump bring back that good old fashioned Southerner past time of lynching?

Actually that wasn't strictly a Southern thing at all.

Illinois... Indiana... Nebraska.... New England...
--- and then there's this (warning -- graphic content follows)


Those are a couple of workers from a traveling circus that were chased and lynched on the basis of, as was the usual case, rumors.

That's Duluth Minnesota, about as far away from the South as you can go without being in Canada.
If it matters ---which it doesn't --- Minnesota was a Republican state then.

Living in that town at the time was a kid named Abraham Zimmerman. Twenty-one years later he had a son, who grew up to write some music. A lot of music. One of those pieces of music described this very event, told to him by his father Abraham. Some may find the lyrics familiar:

They're selling postcards of the hanging
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
--- The circus is in town.

.... And the riot squad, they're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight from
Desolation Row

--- Bob Dylan "Desolation Row", 1965
"selling postcards" of lynchings was a real thing that was done. That and keeping body parts of the victims as souvenirs. And that sort of thing took place from the Gulf of Mexico to the Ontario/Québec border.
Those poor dead republicans....you fucking democrat kkk'ers are evil...
I have forgotten more than you will ever know, move along...

I have said many times you rubes have memories like that of goldfish. So no doubt you have forgotten whole volumes of propaganda which have been shoveled into your head.

That's why they have to keep repeating their bullshit to you tards, and why we get the same old topic like this one at least once a month.

Not to mention needing to have the same points hammered over and over and over within the same thread.

The OP here has reposted his own bogus OP at least three times ---- AFTER already being shown that his own link contradicts his mythology. And he continues to post it with the same debunking link. It truly is a unique degree of Stupid.

Then there's the next degree of übermoron who posts links TO the OP ---of the thread we're already in. See previous post. Wacko.
It does? Point it out! The points from his links

Already did. Every time he repeated it. You're just gonna have to get up off your ass and go look for it. Fortunately there are multiple instances. Just start at post 1. Won't take long.
so you can't show us. ok then, made up bullcrap from you. thanks.
In 1860 states rights and the right to remain a slave state were synonymous. They were equivalent.

Wake up.
Not synonymous, no, but the the right to have slaves did fall under that category.

If slavery had nothing to do with secession, why was it only the major slave states that seceded?

Coincidence? lol
I phrased it wrong, it was a factor, but not the biggest factor. It was only brought to the forefront of issues when Lincoln tried to free them as a war measure, for more man-power and to cripple the southern economy.
It was not just the biggest factor, it was the only factor.
It wasn't the only factor, it wasn't even brought to the forefront until Lincoln wanted to abolish it as a war measure. Secession had been discussed long before the war, as Pogo mentioned earlier.
You wrote this regarding SLAVERY;
I phrased it wrong, it [SLAVERY] was a factor, but not the biggest factor. It [SLAVERY] was only brought to the forefront of issues when Lincoln tried to free them as a war measure, for more man-power and to cripple the southern economy.
Then followed with this in your next post still regarding SLAVERY;
It [SLAVERY] wasn't the only factor, it [SLAVERY] wasn't even brought to the forefront until Lincoln wanted to abolish it as a war measure. Secession had been discussed long before the war, as Pogo mentioned earlier.
You have continually lied about the revisionist history you employ regarding the Confederate States, claiming in effect that slavery wasn't a very major issue for the BASIS of the secession of the 11 States turning against the Unites States in rebellion.

The truth lies within a portion of a speech given by the NEW Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens, just 10 days after the first seven (7) traitorous States ratified their new Constitution of the Confederate States of America (CSA) on Mar 11, 1861, just a few weeks before the TRAITORS opened fire on Fort Sumter. A portion of the speech;
“African Slavery: The Corner-Stone of the Southern Confederacy”

“The prevailing ideas entertained by him [Thomas Jefferson] and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature – that it was wrong in principle – socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away…Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error…and the idea of a government built upon itOur new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid – its cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man. That slavery – subordination to the superior race – is his natural and moral condition. This – our new government – is the first in the history of the world based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”
~~ The Civil War, Part 1; Why The South Seceded ~~

That portion of the speech pointing out 1) The concept with the US Constitution regarding the equality of man was wrong in principle 2) That the Confederate government was founded on the opposite of that principle and 3) The cornerstone of their new government was that slavery was the actual basis of the CSA!

If slavery was the cornerstone and basis of their new government and was the polar opposite of the US government principle of equality with its Constitutional guarantees, how can you possibly claim the subject of slavery played only a very minor role vis-à-vis the secession of 11 States the proclamations of their own leaders and the stupid, wasteful war that ensued? Slavery was the very CORE which drove the non-industrial agrarian bound economy of the pre Civil War South. So the economic argument you and another have tried to float is pure sophistry!

Further, even the CSA's own constitution gave slavery the absolute protection and leave to continue in perpetuity to which Vice President of the Confederacy Alexander Stephens spoke. See the following portions in that first Constitution of the CSA;
Article 1, § 9, Cls 4
Article 4, § 2, Cls 1
Article 4, § 2, Cls 3
Article 4, § 3, Cls 3
Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Pumpkin, you are just plain wrong trying to put lipstick on that pig of the South LIE that slavery played such an insignificant role as the springboard toward so many of the States seceding, entering into another compact with other turncoat States and eventually initiating a TRAITEROUS REBELLION. The historical record clearly shows you are wrong.
Will Donald Trump bring back that good old fashioned Southerner past time of lynching?

Actually that wasn't strictly a Southern thing at all.

Illinois... Indiana... Nebraska.... New England...
--- and then there's this (warning -- graphic content follows)


Those are a couple of workers from a traveling circus that were chased and lynched on the basis of, as was the usual case, rumors.

That's Duluth Minnesota, about as far away from the South as you can go without being in Canada.
If it matters ---which it doesn't --- Minnesota was a Republican state then.

Living in that town at the time was a kid named Abraham Zimmerman. Twenty-one years later he had a son, who grew up to write some music. A lot of music. One of those pieces of music described this very event, told to him by his father Abraham. Some may find the lyrics familiar:

They're selling postcards of the hanging
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
--- The circus is in town.

.... And the riot squad, they're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight from
Desolation Row

--- Bob Dylan "Desolation Row", 1965
"selling postcards" of lynchings was a real thing that was done. That and keeping body parts of the victims as souvenirs. And that sort of thing took place from the Gulf of Mexico to the Ontario/Québec border.
Those poor dead republicans....you fucking democrat kkk'ers are evil...

Again ---- Minnesota. The "Republicans" will be the ones facing the camera.
And again, it has nothing to do with their political party anyway. There's never been a lynching where some gatekeeper checked political party registrations at the door. Prove me wrong.
Wow. I said at least TWICE they didn't convert, idiot. I said it occurred through attrition. As the old conservative Democrats died off, conservative Republicans rose in their place.

It was just a coincidence, right? Those Southerners are ALL RACIST, still to this day?

Declaring that the Democrats are the 'party' of the KKK is as rational as declaring that Southerners are the people of the KKK.

The KKK was founded 151 years ago by Southern white Confederate veteran men.

Some of whom might have been Democrats.

Do you blame all white men for the KKK?
Do you blame all Southerners for the KKK?
Do you blame all descendants of Confederate soldiers for the KKK?
Pogo thanks for playing along, 2 of these were never Democrat candidates, Condalezza Rice shows your desperation and she never ran for an elected office, so she really doesn't belong on here, but since you're so desperate I'll just leave it, only point out your flaw. So you can name 13 out of over 1,500 elected politicians over a 150 year period who changed from being a Democrat to being a Republican. It's safe to say you dug pretty hard to find these and it makes my point, over 90% of the elected politicians in the original 11 Confederate States were Democrats from the Civil War into the late '70's and remained Democrats, never switching parties...

Strom Thurmond - correct
Jesse Helms- correct
Trent Lott- wrong
Richard Shelby- correct
Sonny Perdue- correct
Dave Treen- correct
Buddy Roemer- correct
Billy Tauzin- correct
Richard Baker- correct
Woody Jenkins- correct
Rick Perry- correct
Bob Martínez- correct
Bob Barr- wrong
Phil Gramm- correct
Condoleeza Rice- correct and I like this quote of hers ("My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.")

George Wallace Jr.- correct
David Duke- correct

Pfft -- those are just a few that I knew -- you'll notice several Louisiana state pols listed because I used to live there -- but there are plenty more. Whether Condoleeza Rice ever ran for office is entirely irrelevant to whether she party-switched. You don't need to run for office to switch your party.

And AGAIN --- Nobody in the fucking world claimed this was going on for 150 years. To the contrary I said it didn't go on at all for exactly 99 years (meaning 1865-1964). Until Thurmond broke the ice. So why you keep demanding answers to premises nobody ever articulated continues to escape me.

And again, as also noted way back ---- politicians switch parties after their constituency does, Thurmond being the exception. That's because whether they want to be a Democrat or want to be a Republican, far more than either of those they want to get elected, whatever it takes That's also why you have politicians who are already Republicans running as Democrats when the constituency favors it. Ray Nagin for example. Frank Rizzo for another. Because, for the 4797th time --- the purpose of a political party is to consolidate power and get its stable of characters into office --- it is NOT to represent an ideology. It should be but that doesn't last more than at most a generation.

/completely offtopic
If only you democrats never started the kkk.....

if only you white men never started the kkkk.....
The KKK always has been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization.

This is a simple fact the even simpler tards cannot reconcile themselves with. All the smoke and bluster they have tossed up cannot cover this fact up. This causes them much internal mental anguish and confusion, while providing intelligent people with much amusement at their willful stupidity.

Another simple fact is that both Republicans and Democrats were members of the KKK.
Again, the conservative Democrats didn't become conservative Republicans by defection. They became that way by attrition. The sons of conservative Democrats grew up to be conservative Republicans.

A Southerner who is a conservative today didn't defect from the Democrats and become a Republican. He has always been a Republican.

The Klan has always been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization. Party affiliation is a sideshow for retards put on by their propaganda mills to keep them in everlasting ignorance of the right wing Christian DNA of that klub.

In the North, you were more likely to find a Republican Klansman than a Democratic one. And vice versa in the South.

It's all about where the Republican or Democratic Klansman resides on the political spectrum. And it has always been on the Right for the Knights.

That's what eats at the guts of the tards. So they avoid this truth at all costs, even at the expense of publicly shouting out their stupidity with topics like this one. Their anguish over these facts causing them to reflexively start idiotic topics like this one at least once a month in a futile attempt to bury their shame under a mountain of bullshit.

Indeed so, the attempt to live on one side of the political spectrum and simultaneously maintain its shit-fringe doesn't stink. This canard thread is a first cousin (at least) of the "Hitler was a leftist" revisionism.

You klansmen are idiots.....

You Nazi's are idiots.
It's funny how the modern day Southern conservative attempts to prove their KKK ancestors were Democrats.

It really is.
You have to wonder why the right wing propaganda mills and their parroting rubes don't straight up repudiate the right wing Christian terrorists of the Ku Klux Klan.

There's a reason they don't.

And then they turn around and whine about Muslims not repudiating Muslim terrorists!
The KKK always has been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization.

This is a simple fact the even simpler tards cannot reconcile themselves with. All the smoke and bluster they have tossed up cannot cover this fact up. This causes them much internal mental anguish and confusion, while providing intelligent people with much amusement at their willful stupidity.

Another simple fact is that both Republicans and Democrats were members of the KKK.

Ah yes- its time for Christians to take responsibility for their KKK also.

So let me update my list of everyone who is alive who apparently 'owns' the KKK today- because 151 years ago people who were related to them founded the KKK
  • White men
  • Christians
  • Confederate veterans- and their descendents
  • Southerners
  • and maybe Democrats.
And we will give a hand wave for all of the Republican lead KKK movements in the last 151 years.
Will Donald Trump bring back that good old fashioned Southerner past time of lynching?

Actually that wasn't strictly a Southern thing at all.

Illinois... Indiana... Nebraska.... New England...
--- and then there's this (warning -- graphic content follows)


Those are a couple of workers from a traveling circus that were chased and lynched on the basis of, as was the usual case, rumors.

That's Duluth Minnesota, about as far away from the South as you can go without being in Canada.
If it matters ---which it doesn't --- Minnesota was a Republican state then.

Living in that town at the time was a kid named Abraham Zimmerman. Twenty-one years later he had a son, who grew up to write some music. A lot of music. One of those pieces of music described this very event, told to him by his father Abraham. Some may find the lyrics familiar:

They're selling postcards of the hanging
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
--- The circus is in town.

.... And the riot squad, they're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight from
Desolation Row

--- Bob Dylan "Desolation Row", 1965
"selling postcards" of lynchings was a real thing that was done. That and keeping body parts of the victims as souvenirs. And that sort of thing took place from the Gulf of Mexico to the Ontario/Québec border.
Those poor dead republicans....you fucking democrat kkk'ers are evil...

Those poor dead men.....you fucking Christians are evil.

White men.


Right wing.



I wonder why the tards don't repudiate them in a straightforward manner. Hmmmm...
The puppet masters of the Right don't repudiate the Klan or the Nazis which have infected the Right in a straightforward way because they are silent supporters of the racist beliefs of the Klan and the Nazis.

They are slowly leading the tard herd into the far right camp.

They depend on the willful ignorance and stupidity of the tard herd so the rubes will swallow their big lies and half truths without question. The tard herd DEMANDS to be lied to.

If you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit that "Nazis are left wing" and that "the KKK is Democrats", then when you start parroting the racist beliefs of the Nazis and KKK, you tell yourself, "I can't be turning into a Nazi, because they are left wing! I can't be turning into a Klansman, because they are Democrats!"

That's what's up, boys and girls.

The tards are deliberately kept stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant of American history. The herd is being carefully led into the Nazi and KKK kamp.

White men.


Right wing.



I wonder why the tards don't repudiate them in a straightforward manner. Hmmmm...

And don't leave out the Confederacy - and Confederate Veterans.

All of those 're-enactors' proudly wearing the gray?

Clearly they are all KKK too......
The KKK always has been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization.

This is a simple fact the even simpler tards cannot reconcile themselves with. All the smoke and bluster they have tossed up cannot cover this fact up. This causes them much internal mental anguish and confusion, while providing intelligent people with much amusement at their willful stupidity.

Another simple fact is that both Republicans and Democrats were members of the KKK.
The KKK always has been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization.

This is a simple fact the even simpler tards cannot reconcile themselves with. All the smoke and bluster they have tossed up cannot cover this fact up. This causes them much internal mental anguish and confusion, while providing intelligent people with much amusement at their willful stupidity.

Another simple fact is that both Republicans and Democrats were members of the KKK.
I've already provided links all through this topic, dumbass.

How is it possible you are completely unaware of the scope and breadth of the Klan in the early 20th century in both parties?

This is what I mean when I say your puppet masters depend heavily on your willful ignorance.

I would pity you if you were just ignorant. But I have nothing but contempt for those of you who are ignorant on purpose. I detest those of you who demand to be lied to by your propagandists.

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