151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

The puppet masters of the Right don't repudiate the Klan or the Nazis which have infected the Right in a straightforward way because they are silent supporters of the racist beliefs of the Klan and the Nazis.

They are slowly leading the tard herd into the far right camp.

They depend on the willful ignorance and stupidity of the tard herd so the rubes will swallow their big lies and half truths without question. The tard herd DEMANDS to be lied to.

If you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit that "Nazis are left wing" and that "the KKK is Democrats", then when you start parroting the racist beliefs of the Nazis and KKK, you tell yourself, "I can't be turning into a Nazi, because they are left wing! I can't be turning into a Klansman, because they are Democrats!"

That's what's up, boys and girls.

The tards are deliberately kept stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant of American history. The herd is being carefully led into the Nazi and KKK kamp.
you still yammering about the practically defunct KKK? talk about being a tard.....
The KKK always has been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization.

This is a simple fact the even simpler tards cannot reconcile themselves with. All the smoke and bluster they have tossed up cannot cover this fact up. This causes them much internal mental anguish and confusion, while providing intelligent people with much amusement at their willful stupidity.

Another simple fact is that both Republicans and Democrats were members of the KKK.
I've already provided links all through this topic, dumbass.

How is it possible you are completely unaware of the scope and breadth of the Klan in the early 20th century in both parties?

This is what I mean when I say your puppet masters depend heavily on your willful ignorance.

I would pity you if you were just ignorant. But I have nothing but contempt for those of you who are ignorant on purpose. I detest those of you who demand to be lied to by your propagandists.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.
Jesus, country, bible, sword. Yep. This photo screams "liberal".

Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.
and true.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.
the demodopes are like:

This is how propaganda works.

First, we make a list of all the facts. Then we strike out the fatal ones which would undermine the narrative we are trying to inculcate into the rube herd.

1.The KKK had a huge presence in the Republican Party.

2. The KKK is a right wing organization.

3. The KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

4. The KKK had a huge presence in the Democratic Party.

Now we have the tards repeat the one fact we want repeated, over and over, until the whole truth can never penetrate their weak minds.


And if you can get them to even talk like retards and say "Democrat Party" instead of the grammatically correct "Democratic Party", even better. That's just for our own personal amusement because we hold our rubes in total contempt and can make them say anything we want.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.
Here are some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

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Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
Here's some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

Here's some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

Too bad for you that you can't brush away the truth, kid.

The KKK always has been a right wing Christian terrorist organization, and deeply infected both parties.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.
the demodopes are like:


What a great picture of JC waving her hands to try to avoid addressing the topic.

Ah yes- its time for Christians to take responsibility for their KKK also.

So let me update my list of everyone who is alive who apparently 'owns' the KKK today- because 151 years ago people who were related to them founded the KKK
  • White men
  • Christians
  • Confederate veterans- and their descendents
  • Southerners
  • and maybe Democrats.
And we will give a hand wave for all of the Republican lead KKK movements in the last 151 years.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....

They did all that, but decades before '64 the Klan had heavily infiltrated the midwest, New England and the west, and when related to politics that meant Republicans. All of that is a consequence of which party is established in that area. If you were Klan in Georgia you were likely to be a Democrat simply because everybody, Klan or not, was likely to be Democrat. If you were Klan in Maine you were prolly Republican simply because everybody, Klan or not, was Republican. And the opposition to the Klan in the South came from other Democrats and opposition in Maine etc came from other Republicans.

Of course this is all coincidental, not causational.
The puppet masters of the Right don't repudiate the Klan or the Nazis which have infected the Right in a straightforward way because they are silent supporters of the racist beliefs of the Klan and the Nazis.

They are slowly leading the tard herd into the far right camp.

They depend on the willful ignorance and stupidity of the tard herd so the rubes will swallow their big lies and half truths without question. The tard herd DEMANDS to be lied to.

If you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit that "Nazis are left wing" and that "the KKK is Democrats", then when you start parroting the racist beliefs of the Nazis and KKK, you tell yourself, "I can't be turning into a Nazi, because they are left wing! I can't be turning into a Klansman, because they are Democrats!"

That's what's up, boys and girls.

The tards are deliberately kept stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant of American history. The herd is being carefully led into the Nazi and KKK kamp.
you still yammering about the practically defunct KKK? talk about being a tard.....

It's been officially defunct since 1944. Officially. But of course that hasn't stopped its useful idiots from playing dress-up in their fantasy camps since then. Just as Forrest's order disbanding the first Klan in 1869 didn't stop the madness then.

But events after those official ends such as the bombings and murders of the 1960s, were just as real.

As far as who's "yammering" about it --- talk to the OP who put this fake story up, carrying a link that directly refutes it, and then repeated the same post three times.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.....

the Rs took advantage of those Dems changing parties to eventually take over the South....they did not support KKK activities....
The puppet masters of the Right don't repudiate the Klan or the Nazis which have infected the Right in a straightforward way because they are silent supporters of the racist beliefs of the Klan and the Nazis.

They are slowly leading the tard herd into the far right camp.

They depend on the willful ignorance and stupidity of the tard herd so the rubes will swallow their big lies and half truths without question. The tard herd DEMANDS to be lied to.

If you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit that "Nazis are left wing" and that "the KKK is Democrats", then when you start parroting the racist beliefs of the Nazis and KKK, you tell yourself, "I can't be turning into a Nazi, because they are left wing! I can't be turning into a Klansman, because they are Democrats!"

That's what's up, boys and girls.

The tards are deliberately kept stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant of American history. The herd is being carefully led into the Nazi and KKK kamp.
you still yammering about the practically defunct KKK? talk about being a tard.....

It's been officially defunct since 1944. Officially. But of course that hasn't stopped its useful idiots from playing dress-up in their fantasy camps since then. Just as Forrest's order disbanding the first Klan in 1869 didn't stop the madness then.

But events after those official ends such as the bombings and murders of the 1960s, were just as real.

As far as who's "yammering" about it --- talk to the OP who put this fake story up, carrying a link that directly refutes it, and then repeated the same post three times.
...and they also go by the name alt-right now.
The puppet masters of the Right don't repudiate the Klan or the Nazis which have infected the Right in a straightforward way because they are silent supporters of the racist beliefs of the Klan and the Nazis.

They are slowly leading the tard herd into the far right camp.

They depend on the willful ignorance and stupidity of the tard herd so the rubes will swallow their big lies and half truths without question. The tard herd DEMANDS to be lied to.

If you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit that "Nazis are left wing" and that "the KKK is Democrats", then when you start parroting the racist beliefs of the Nazis and KKK, you tell yourself, "I can't be turning into a Nazi, because they are left wing! I can't be turning into a Klansman, because they are Democrats!"

That's what's up, boys and girls.

The tards are deliberately kept stupid. They are deliberately kept ignorant of American history. The herd is being carefully led into the Nazi and KKK kamp.
you still yammering about the practically defunct KKK? talk about being a tard.....

It's been officially defunct since 1944. Officially. But of course that hasn't stopped its useful idiots from playing dress-up in their fantasy camps since then. Just as Forrest's order disbanding the first Klan in 1869 didn't stop the madness then.

But events after those official ends such as the bombings and murders of the 1960s, were just as real.

As far as who's "yammering" about it --- talk to the OP who put this fake story up, carrying a link that directly refutes it, and then repeated the same post three times.
...and they also go by the name alt-right now.
there's always some extremists in every party......a few unknown racist 'alt-right' guys on the right meeting in a basement.......and Obama, his Administration, and followers on the left.....
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....

They did all that, but decades before '64 the Klan had heavily infiltrated the midwest, New England and the west, and when related to politics that meant Republicans. All of that is a consequence of which party is established in that area. If you were Klan in Georgia you were likely to be a Democrat simply because everybody, Klan or not, was likely to be Democrat. If you were Klan in Maine you were prolly Republican simply because everybody, Klan or not, was Republican. And the opposition to the Klan in the South came from other Democrats and opposition in Maine etc came from other Republicans.

Of course this is all coincidental, not causational.


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