151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.....

the Rs took advantage of those Dems changing parties to eventually take over the South....they did not support KKK activities....
sure they did they waved a magic wand and:

The dems no longer were involved in the kkk.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.....

the Rs took advantage of those Dems changing parties to eventually take over the South....they did not support KKK activities....
sure they did they waved a magic wand and:

The dems no longer were involved in the kkk.

flick your fingers somewhere else dufus....i never said that...
Here's some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

Too bad for you that you can't brush away the truth, kid.

The KKK always has been a right wing Christian terrorist organization, and deeply infected both parties.
dude I know the truth and you are trying to make it magically disappear off of you!.. But it ain't gonna happen no,

So dude, you can post up one thousand lying points of view and it ain't changing your parties history bubba.

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Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.....

the Rs took advantage of those Dems changing parties to eventually take over the South....they did not support KKK activities....

Not as a whole they didn't. See earlier posts on Reagan, Bush and Nixon. Just as Democrats didn't act as a unit either. If anything Democrats were way more bipolar, coddling hyperconservatives in the South while keeping a stable of Liberals in the North. That's why they had all those internecine revolts back to 1860 that Republicans really never had with the exception of 1912.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.......


Who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Barry Goldwater- the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate
Ronald Reagan- Republican President.
George Bush- Republican President.
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.......

Now to continue on with this discussion- I noted that Reagan and Bush both opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act- Reagan opposed all of the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960's.

Republicans were indeed for Civil Rights in the 19th Century- but not exactly what we would consider 'civil rights'- here is the description by the author of Civil Rights Act of 1866

It provides for the equality of citizens of the United States in the enjoyment of "civil rights and immunities." What do these terms mean? Do they mean that in all things civil, social, political, all citizens, without distinction of race or color, shall be equal? By no means can they be so construed. Do they mean that all citizens shall vote in the several States? No; for suffrage is a political right which has been left under the control of the several States, subject to the action of Congress only when it becomes necessary to enforce the guarantee of a republican form of government (protection against a monarchy). Nor do they mean that all citizens shall sit on the juries, or that their children shall attend the same schools

The first significant Civil Rights legal change since the 1880's was in 1941- by FDR- followed by executive orders by Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy- and Johnson.

Executive Order 8802 was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 25, 1941, to prohibit racial discrimination in the national defense industry.

Executive Order 9981 was an executive order issued on July 26, 1948, by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services

Executive Order No. 10479 (18 FR 4899) is a directive by President Dwight Eisenhower that created the Government Contract Committee. Issued on August 13, 1953….The order directs that all qualified candidates seeking employment on government contracts or subcontracts will not be discriminated against due to their race, creed, color, or national origin.[1]

Executive Order 10925, signed by President John F. Kennedy on March 6, 1961, required government contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin."[1]

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1]

Both Republican and Democrat Presidents were taking action- but it started with Democrats.

Eisenhower successfully passed the first significant legislation- the 1957 Civil Rights Act- but it didn't have much teeth.

Johnson passed the following(all opposed by Ronald Reagan)
1964 Civil Rights Act.
1965 Voting Rights Act
1968 Civil Rights Act.

Democrats in Congress passed the Civil Rights Restoration Act- over Reagan's veto.
the Rs took advantage of those Dems changing parties to eventually take over the South....they did not support KKK activities....

Pogo has already pointed out that the KKK was active within Republican circles outside the South.
Here's some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

Too bad for you that you can't brush away the truth, kid.

The KKK always has been a right wing Christian terrorist organization, and deeply infected both parties.
dude I know the truth and you are trying to make it magically disappear off of you!.. But it ain't gonna happen no,

So dude, you can post up one thousand lying points of view and it ain't changing your parties history bubba.


Know what's cool? Besides the Ignore list I mean?

Popeye-boi puts these lame gifs of people laughing because he can't handle the facts or document the myths. So I just right-click on the lame image, choose "AdBlock Plus block image" --- poof. Nothing there.

Damn that works well.

Almost half of the dems in the senate...
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.......


Who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Barry Goldwater- the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate
Ronald Reagan- Republican President.
George Bush- Republican President.
The tards attempt to make "KKK" and "Democrat" synonymous. As if the KKK supports affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, and all the other Democratic planks.

You have to be more than stupid. You have to be WILLFULLY stupid. You have to actually work at it.

The KKK endorsed the Republican this year, not a Democrat.


And as I just showed, the KKK had deeply infected both parties by the 1920s.

You can try to "prove" there were Democratic KKK members all day long, tards. Here's what you don't get: No one denies there were Democratic KKK member, you fucking morons.

It is YOU who are the ones in denial. It is YOU who are in denial the KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. It is YOU who are in denial that the KKK infected the Republican Party, too.

All you are doing is broadcasting your utter ignorance of American history, and showing off your willful stupidity in public. You are showing the whole world you are a useful idiot. A tool of your propaganda mills. A disseminator of half-truths.

The KKK is, and always has been, a right wing Christian extremist organization. Back in your political ancestors' day, Southern Democrats were right wing, and that is why the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic Party in the South.

As the Democratic Party shifted left after LBJ, and the GOP embarked on a strategy to capture the alienated right wing white voters of the Deep South, a great conservative migration occurred from one party to the other through attrition.

A conservative in the South in 1950 was likely to be a Democrat. A conservative in the South in 2016 is likely to be a Republican.


Unfortunately, all the bigots came along for the ride.

And that is why the KKK of today endorses Republicans like Judge Moore.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

_____ Klan leader has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Then there is Hillary's mentor KKK Robert Byrd Democrat Senator for 35 years.
‘For the KKK, Clinton is our choice’
Almost half of the dems in the senate...
Propaganda uses constant repetition to brainwash the mob. The pseudocon propagandists repeat over and over that Democrats founded the KKK. They repeat over and over again the KKK was Democrats.

This is what is know as a lie of omission, and it is a huge one.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards there was a huge KKK presence in the Republican party. They leave that part out.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a right wing organization.

The tards' puppet masters don't tell the tards the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization.

A critical component of propaganda is to get the tard herd to constantly rehash the half truths and lies so they don't stop to THINK about what is right in front of their faces. In this way, the tards stop seeing what is right in front of their faces.

And in this way, we get the hilarious result of the tards thinking "KKK" and "modern liberal Democrats" are synonymous.

you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.......


Who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Barry Goldwater- the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate
Ronald Reagan- Republican President.
George Bush- Republican President.
Almost half of the dems in the senate...
Not even close- 2/3's of the Democratic Senators voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
But thanks for showing how much you will dance to avoid dealing with the big GOP pivot- from being for Civil Rights- to nominating Presidential candidates- Goldwater, Reagan, Bush- who were against them.

The Senate version:[21]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The tards attempt to make "KKK" and "Democrat" synonymous. As if the KKK supports affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, and all the other Democratic planks.

You have to be more than stupid. You have to be WILLFULLY stupid. You have to actually work at it.

The KKK endorsed the Republican this year, not a Democrat.


And as I just showed, the KKK had deeply infected both parties by the 1920s.

You can try to "prove" there were Democratic KKK members all day long, tards. Here's what you don't get: No one denies there were Democratic KKK member, you fucking morons.

It is YOU who are the ones in denial. It is YOU who are in denial the KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. It is YOU who are in denial that the KKK infected the Republican Party, too.

All you are doing is broadcasting your utter ignorance of American history, and showing off your willful stupidity in public. You are showing the whole world you are a useful idiot. A tool of your propaganda mills. A disseminator of half-truths.

The KKK is, and always has been, a right wing Christian extremist organization. Back in your political ancestors' day, Southern Democrats were right wing, and that is why the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic Party in the South.

As the Democratic Party shifted left after LBJ, and the GOP embarked on a strategy to capture the alienated right wing white voters of the Deep South, a great conservative migration occurred from one party to the other through attrition.

A conservative in the South in 1950 was likely to be a Democrat. A conservative in the South in 2016 is likely to be a Republican.


Unfortunately, all the bigots came along for the ride.

And that is why the KKK of today endorses Republicans like Judge Moore.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

_____ Klan leader has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Then there is Hillary's mentor KKK Robert Byrd Democrat Senator for 35 years.
‘For the KKK, Clinton is our choice’

Do you really want to go there?
KKK Paper Endorses Trump
KKK Paper Endorses Trump; Campaign Calls Outlet 'Repulsive'
The Crusader, a newspaper affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan, and that brands itself as "the premier voice of the white resistance."

"While Trump wants to make America great again, we have to ask ourselves, 'What made America great in the first place?'" the endorsement reads, according to the Washington Post. "The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of what our forefathers did — but because of who our forefathers were. America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great."
Here's some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

Too bad for you that you can't brush away the truth, kid.

The KKK always has been a right wing Christian terrorist organization, and deeply infected both parties.
dude I know the truth and you are trying to make it magically disappear off of you!.. But it ain't gonna happen no,

So dude, you can post up one thousand lying points of view and it ain't changing your parties history bubba.


Yep- we can't change the fact that since 1964, the Democratic Party has been the party of Civil Rights, and the GOP has been the party opposing Civil Rights legislation- nominating 3 candidates for President who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
A greater percentage of Republicans, in both the House and Senate, voted for the Civil Rights Act, than the percentage of Democrats.

House Democrats: 152-–96 (61%-39%)
House Republicans: 138–-34 (80%–20%)

Senate Democrats: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Senate Republicans: 27-6 (82%-18%)

Even though Democrats were in the majority in both houses, they would not have been able to pass it at all, unless such large majorities of Republicans also voted to pass. Fortunately the Republicans came through and saved the bill from the defeat Democrats alone would have given it.

Democrats have always supported racism. From their founding of the KKK, to their current majority membership in it, to the majority support of racist legislation in Congress even today.

If I were a Democrat, I'd try to fake as many excuses for not associating racism with Democrats as I could, just as the leftists in this thread do. The truth is just too painful for Democrats... as usual.
Well, closer than you want to portray it, and almost double the percentage of Reps.
Almost half of the dems in the senate...
you fail to mention that the KKK Democrats were furious with Johnson when he backed the Equal Rights bill and headed over to the Republicans because they were for states rights.....that's how the Rs got besmirched with associations with the KKK.....
I've mentioned that more than once. And I do every month when these tards start this same old topic.

however the Rs have backed and supported equal rights since the beginning.....not for political expediency like the Ds.......


Who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Barry Goldwater- the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate
Ronald Reagan- Republican President.
George Bush- Republican President.
Almost half of the dems in the senate...
Not even close- 2/3's of the Democratic Senators voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
But thanks for showing how much you will dance to avoid dealing with the big GOP pivot- from being for Civil Rights- to nominating Presidential candidates- Goldwater, Reagan, Bush- who were against them.

The Senate version:[21]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
A greater percentage of Republicans, in both the House and Senate, voted for the Civil Rights Act, than the percentage of Democrats.

House Democrats: 152-–96 (61%-39%)
House Republicans: 138–-34 (80%–20%)

Senate Democrats: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Senate Republicans: 27-6 (82%-18%)

Even though Democrats were in the majority in both houses, they would not have been able to pass it at all, unless such large majorities of Republicans also voted to pass. Fortunately the Republicans came through and saved the bill from the defeat Democrats alone would have given it.

Democrats have always supported racism. From their founding of the KKK, to their current majority membership in it, to the majority support of racist legislation in Congress even today.

If I were a Democrat, I'd try to fake as many excuses for not associating racism with Democrats as I could, just as the leftists in this thread do. The truth is just too painful for Democrats... as usual.

Actually Bunky, you shot yourself in the foot with Post Number One -- the same one you reposted over and over and over --- that floats a myth in its first paragraph and then proceeds to provide a link that debunks the same myth, all in a single post.

As for that CRA vote, I got your count right here Sprinkles.

he original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NON-SOUTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NON-SOUTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)
By party: Solid support, both sides. Easy win.
By REGION: Holy shit. 96 to 4.

There's your significant pattern, Cletus. And that's when the South shifted from Blue to Red, as soon as Uncle Strom sent word that it was OK to do that.


>> 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats did. Indeed, Minority Leader Republican Everett Dirksen led the fight to end the filibuster. Meanwhile, Democrats such as Richard Russell of Georgia and Strom Thurmond of South Carolina tried as hard as they could to sustain a filibuster.

Of course, it was also Democrats who helped usher the bill through the House, Senate, and ultimately a Democratic president who signed it into law. The bill wouldn't have passed without the support of Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, a Democrat. Majority Whip Hubert Humphrey, who basically split the Democratic party in two with his 1948 Democratic National Convention speech calling for equal rights for all, kept tabs on individual members to ensure the bill had the numbers to overcome the filibuster.

Put another way, party affiliation seems to be somewhat predictive, but something seems to be missing. So, what factor did best [in] predicting voting?

.... You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation. What linked Dirksen and Mansfield was the fact that they weren't from the south. In fact, 90% of members of Congress from states (or territories) that were part of the Union voted in favor of the act, while less than 10% of members of Congress from the old Confederate states voted for it. This 80pt difference between regions is far greater than the 15pt difference between parties.

But what happens when we control for both party affiliation and region? As Sean Trende noted earlier this year, "sometimes relationships become apparent only after you control for other factors".

In this case, it becomes clear that Democrats in the north and the south were more likely to vote for the bill than Republicans in the north and south respectively. This difference in both houses is statistically significant with over 95% confidence. It just so happened southerners made up a larger percentage of the Democratic than Republican caucus, which created the initial impression than Republicans were more in favor of the act.

Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.

The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at Voteview.com, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.

That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever.

Now, it wasn't that the Civil Rights Act was what turned the South against the Democrats or minorities against Republicans. Those patterns, as Trende showed, had been developing for a while. It was, however, a manifestation of these growing coalitions. The South gradually became home to the conservative party, while the north became home to the liberal party.

... Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans. << --- The Guardian
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The tards attempt to make "KKK" and "Democrat" synonymous. As if the KKK supports affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, and all the other Democratic planks.

You have to be more than stupid. You have to be WILLFULLY stupid. You have to actually work at it.

The KKK endorsed the Republican this year, not a Democrat.


And as I just showed, the KKK had deeply infected both parties by the 1920s.

You can try to "prove" there were Democratic KKK members all day long, tards. Here's what you don't get: No one denies there were Democratic KKK member, you fucking morons.

It is YOU who are the ones in denial. It is YOU who are in denial the KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. It is YOU who are in denial that the KKK infected the Republican Party, too.

All you are doing is broadcasting your utter ignorance of American history, and showing off your willful stupidity in public. You are showing the whole world you are a useful idiot. A tool of your propaganda mills. A disseminator of half-truths.

The KKK is, and always has been, a right wing Christian extremist organization. Back in your political ancestors' day, Southern Democrats were right wing, and that is why the KKK was closely aligned with the Democratic Party in the South.

As the Democratic Party shifted left after LBJ, and the GOP embarked on a strategy to capture the alienated right wing white voters of the Deep South, a great conservative migration occurred from one party to the other through attrition.

A conservative in the South in 1950 was likely to be a Democrat. A conservative in the South in 2016 is likely to be a Republican.


Unfortunately, all the bigots came along for the ride.

And that is why the KKK of today endorses Republicans like Judge Moore.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

_____ Klan leader has given $20K to Clinton campaign

--- again, that's a wanker playing dress-up and stirring the shit. No doubt deliberately staining the waters of one side (which is btw loose talk, also undocumented) with the stain of the Klan in order to drive observers to Rump. Who by the way has no idea what we're even talking about, did they endorse him or what, because he has no idea about white supremacists even though sixteen years ago he directly denounced Duke by name.

Doubt that?
OK, show the class proof that this robe-wanker actually donated $20k (as if a hood would even have that kinda money) ---- and not just a link that he claims to have done that.

Then there is Hillary's mentor KKK Robert Byrd Democrat Senator for 35 years.

Then there isn't. Because there was no such thing as "KKK Robert Byrd Democrat Senator". He quit the Klan before running for office at all and before Hillary was even born.

Linear time. It ain't up for negotiations.
Here's some of those old liberal Democrats this topic is about. They must have been demanding more federal government in their lives, gun control, higher taxes, and affirmative action and food stamps for negroes.

Too bad for you that you can't brush away the truth, kid.

The KKK always has been a right wing Christian terrorist organization, and deeply infected both parties.
dude I know the truth and you are trying to make it magically disappear off of you!.. But it ain't gonna happen no,

So dude, you can post up one thousand lying points of view and it ain't changing your parties history bubba.


Yep- we can't change the fact that since 1964, the Democratic Party has been the party of Civil Rights, and the GOP has been the party opposing Civil Rights legislation- nominating 3 candidates for President who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Historically it has roots before that.
Most significantly 1948 when Thurmond and a bunch of Southern delegates walked out of the party convention after hearing too much "civil rights" talk for their liking from Truman, Humphrey et al.

And earlier -- 1936 when FDR took advantage of his popularity to break the party's two-thirds requirement for nomination, thereby removing the South's power to block candies it didn't like --- as it did in 1924, which was the longest political convention ever, requiring over a hundred ballots. That broke the racists' stranglehold and allowed the Democrats enough breathing room to piss off the South. And piss off the South they did.

More dates leading up to '64:
1952 - Thurmond endorsed Eisenhower.
1954 - SC Democratic Party kicked Thurmond off the ballot, requiring him to run as a write-in (which he won).
1957 - LBJ pushed, cajoled and shepherded that year's civil rights bill, pissing off the sons of the South again.

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