151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

151 years ago white men founded the KKK
Therefore all white men are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Southerners founded the KKK.
Therefore all Southerners are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Confederate veterans founded the KKK
Therefore all descendants of Confederate veterans are supporters of the KKK

IF you want to attack the Democratic Party for a supposed link to the KKK of 150 years- then you are a hypocrite if you do not also attack:
  • all white men
  • all Southerners
  • all descendants of Confederate soldiers and citizens
  • all fans of the Confederate States of America.
I look forward to seeing all of the condemnations of white men, Southerners, and the Confederate States by the OP and others.
Democrats even....
Yes, but the transition for the conservative Southern Democrats didn't start until 50 years ago, genius.

Hey Dumb Dumb, they still didn't convert to being Republicans at any significant percentage, Dumb Dumb...

Wow. I said at least TWICE they didn't convert, idiot. I said it occurred through attrition. As the old conservative Democrats died off, conservative Republicans rose in their place.

Please take a reading comprehension course.

Thank you.

Until about 1958 or so, both parties had an equal number of liberals and conservatives.

Not really, but keep telling yourself this...

Yes, really. Like I said, learn American history.

This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say you dumb fucks stay ignorant on purpose!
The Southern conservatives have moved from the Democratic to the Republican party through attrition. It wasn't done in one generation by way of defections, although there were some. Strom Thurmond being the most notable.

A Southern conservative more than 50 years ago was likely to be a Democrat. Today, a Southern conservative is more likely to be a Republican.

How do you think that happened, genius?

Or do you deny those Southern Democrats were conservatives back then. Please do. It would make my day.


The time frame is over a 150 year period, not just 50 years ago, genius...

Try keeping up...
Yes, but the transition for the conservative Southern Democrats didn't start until 50 years ago, genius.

Until about 1958 or so, both parties had an equal number of liberals and conservatives.

Learn some American history, would ya? Instead of getting your "knowledge" from propaganda mills.

Pretty much no Southern white male would have been caught dead being a Republican after the Civil War- it would have been considered the equivelant of going over to the enemy.

African Americans of course leaned Republican.

Starting in the 1940's, that changed, as African Americans started to move from voting Republican to Democrat, because of FDR and even more because of Eleanor- this was mostly in the North- because Conservative Democrats in the South prevented African Americans from voting.

The change started in earnest in 1964.

African Americans abandoned the GOP after the GOP nominated Barry Goldwater as President- because Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That was the beginning of the transition for Southern whites also. Strom Thurmond of course switched parties after the 1964 Civil Rights Act- going to the party that he felt most represented his view point.

The 1964 Presidential election was pretty startlingly so.


1968- Republicans swamped the country- and every Southern state except Texas and where Wallace won. Democrats were booted out of the South.


1972- was all Republican

1976- the South went with its favorite Son- and was the last time a Democrat won most of the South.

I have forgotten more than you will ever know, move along...

I have said many times you rubes have memories like that of goldfish. So no doubt you have forgotten whole volumes of propaganda which have been shoveled into your head.

That's why they have to keep repeating their bullshit to you tards, and why we get the same old topic like this one at least once a month.
151 years ago white men founded the KKK
Therefore all white men are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Southerners founded the KKK.
Therefore all Southerners are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Confederate veterans founded the KKK
Therefore all descendants of Confederate veterans are supporters of the KKK

IF you want to attack the Democratic Party for a supposed link to the KKK of 150 years- then you are a hypocrite if you do not also attack:
  • all white men
  • all Southerners
  • all descendants of Confederate soldiers and citizens
  • all fans of the Confederate States of America.
I look forward to seeing all of the condemnations of white men, Southerners, and the Confederate States by the OP and others.
Democrats even....
So- does that mean you are condeming white men, and Southerners, and Confederate veterans?

151 years ago white men founded the KKK
Therefore all white men are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Southerners founded the KKK.
Therefore all Southerners are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Confederate veterans founded the KKK
Therefore all descendants of Confederate veterans are supporters of the KKK

IF you want to attack the Democratic Party for a supposed link to the KKK of 150 years- then you are a hypocrite if you do not also attack:
  • all white men
  • all Southerners
  • all descendants of Confederate soldiers and citizens
  • all fans of the Confederate States of America.
I look forward to seeing all of the condemnations of white men, Southerners, and the Confederate States by the OP and others.
I have forgotten more than you will ever know, move along...

I have said many times you rubes have memories like that of goldfish. So no doubt you have forgotten whole volumes of propaganda which have been shoveled into your head.

That's why they have to keep repeating it, and why we get the same old topic like this one at least once a month.
The propaganda shoveled in your head tell you this....

I'm proud not to be a part of the democrat kkk party....you seem proud to be a part of it....
151 years ago white men founded the KKK
Therefore all white men are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Southerners founded the KKK.
Therefore all Southerners are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Confederate veterans founded the KKK
Therefore all descendants of Confederate veterans are supporters of the KKK

IF you want to attack the Democratic Party for a supposed link to the KKK of 150 years- then you are a hypocrite if you do not also attack:
  • all white men
  • all Southerners
  • all descendants of Confederate soldiers and citizens
  • all fans of the Confederate States of America.
I look forward to seeing all of the condemnations of white men, Southerners, and the Confederate States by the OP and others.
Democrats even....
So- does that mean you are condeming white men, and Southerners, and Confederate veterans?

151 years ago white men founded the KKK
Therefore all white men are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Southerners founded the KKK.
Therefore all Southerners are supporters of the KKK

151 years ago Confederate veterans founded the KKK
Therefore all descendants of Confederate veterans are supporters of the KKK

IF you want to attack the Democratic Party for a supposed link to the KKK of 150 years- then you are a hypocrite if you do not also attack:
  • all white men
  • all Southerners
  • all descendants of Confederate soldiers and citizens
  • all fans of the Confederate States of America.
I look forward to seeing all of the condemnations of white men, Southerners, and the Confederate States by the OP and others.
Democrats even....
Adding this to the mix:

Indiana KKK:

"Staunchly anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, antisemitic, and of course prejudiced against African Americans, the new Klan spread into Indiana in the 1920s under the Grand Dragon D.C. Stephenson. The second KKK was almost exclusively Republican in Midwestern states like Indiana as well as northern and western states like Maine and Colorado, although the KKK remained exclusively Democratic in the South. Under Stephenson's leadership, the Klan flourished in Indiana and took over both the Governor's Office and much Republican Party in the General Assembly. With over two-hundred and fifty thousand white males (approximately forty-percent of Indiana's population) paying their Klan dues in Indiana, Stephenson amassed a fortune estimated from two to five million dollars.

In the 1924 Republican primary elections in Indiana, almost all candidates nominated for statewide office were Klansmen. One African American newspaper stated "the Ku Klux Klan has captured boot and breeches, the Republican party in Indiana and have [sic] turned what has been historically an organization of constitutional freedom into an agency for the promotion of religious and racial hate.Nobody now denies the Ku Klux Klan is the dominating power in Indiana Republican politics.

In fact, the Republican party exists in Indiana today only in name. Its place has been usurped by the Klan purposes and leadership and issues."

Most blacks in Indiana in 1924 casted their first ever ballot for the Democratic Party, which had passed a resolution denouncing the KKK in its platform without mentioning the Klan by name. Blacks in other areas of the United States, in contrast, generally remained Republican until the following decade. Despite the influx of blacks into the Democratic party, Klansmen won most of the Indiana legislature and most statewide offices in the November 1924 general elections. However, once in office, the Klan-controlled legislature passed little to no anti-black, anti-Jewish or anti-Catholic legislation.

In 1922, when the Klan-dominated General Assembly tried to pass a Klan Day in the Indiana State Fair, Republican Governor Warren T. McCray vetoed the bill and earned the ire of Stephenson and the Klan. The peak of their power and influence was in 1925, when the Klan had McCray arrested, imprisoned, and thrown out of office on a charge of mail fraud and replaced with Republican Governor Edward Jackson, who was a KKK member. Stephenson is infamous for his words "I am the law in Indiana."

Indiana Republican Party - Wikipedia

The Political Realignment of Black Voters in Indianapolis, 1924 | Giffin | Indiana Magazine of History

KKK control the Colorado GOP -- including the Governor:

"After the general election of 1924, the republican governor, Clarence Morley, was a Klansman. Benjamin Stapleton, the mayor of Denver, consulted the Klan when making appointments. U.S. Senator Rice Means was elected with open Klan support. The state House of Representatives had a Klan majority. Klansmen marched and burned crosses in small towns throughout the state, from Great Plains through the mountains to the Western Slope. A city council, or the mayor's office, or the police and sheriff's departments, or the county government -- many fell under the Klan's control. "

Welcome to Kolorado, Klan Kountry

There's more where that came from...
It is interesting to look at the history of Republican Presidents and Civil Rights legislation.

I don't doubt the sincerity of President Eisenhower in pushing Civil Rights legislation.

But then in 1964, the GOP nominated as their candidate one of the Senators who had taken a very public stand against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Not the first GOP candidate who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act the GOP would nominate:

Ronald Reagan
Reagan opposed every major piece of civil rights legislation adopted by Congress, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
Remembering Reagan’s Record on Civil Rights and the South African Freedom Struggle

President Bush
President Bush was running for Senate when the 1964 Civil Rights Act was being considered and ran on a platform opposing the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The Nation; When the Subject Is Civil Rights, There Are Two George Bushes

Richard Nixon actually supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and he also got a fair amount of African American votes because of it.
Wow. I said at least TWICE they didn't convert, idiot. I said it occurred through attrition. As the old conservative Democrats died off, conservative Republicans rose in their place.

It was just a coincidence, right? Those Southerners are ALL RACIST, still to this day?

You know this problem you have can be fixed if you just run backwards up against a wall until your head pops out of your ass!

Please take a reading comprehension course.

Hell I can tell you're dumber than hammered dog shit, what else needs to be comprehended?

Yes, really. Like I said, learn American history.

Look for the sake of your ego, go ahead and list the Liberal Republicans over the last 150 years, then we can see how that stacks up...

I have already told you, I have forgotten more than you will ever know...

This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say you dumb fucks stay ignorant on purpose!

You remind me of a kid who's Alligator Mouth overloaded his Parakeet Ass all the time, I'll bet your no different, you hide behind that keyboard with your Alligator Mouth and that Parakeet Ass...

Sooner or later it will catch up with you...
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The confederate flag is a symbol of slave owners dum dum
You didn't have to remind us you're an ignorant propaganda drone, it's already a well-known fact.
Only your silly party HAS a propaganda machine, dupe.
I had no idea that the MSM actually works directly with the RNC... oh wait, they don't. The MSM, as shown by the Wikileaks emails, works directly with the DNC, and takes orders from them. They are used to advance their agenda, which by definition is propaganda, making your statement, as usual, 100% false.

As a veteran of broadcasting over four decades let me assure you in no uncertain terms ----

Mass media takes its orders from one thing and one thing only and that one thing is ADVERTISING MONEY -- period, full stop, cue fat lady.

MSM is, for better or worse, and it's all worse, in the business for the purpose of making a profit. To that end it will broadcast whatever will sell --- because that's where its money comes from. :banghead:

That's the entire reason, and the ONLY reason, you have fake wrestling and naked people on an island and Dancing with the Who Cares. MONEY. Nobody, I guarantee you NOBODY makes money from a political party or an ideology. There isn't even a way to do that.
you lost me here gene. how is getting revenue from tv advertisers why they put on the air what they do? huh? MSM is all biased ass cheap shits with no class, no integrity and finally no intelligence.

I "lost" you because I posted something in English. That always loses you. Furthermore I wasn't even talking to you so get lost.
You didn't have to remind us you're an ignorant propaganda drone, it's already a well-known fact.
Only your silly party HAS a propaganda machine, dupe.
I had no idea that the MSM actually works directly with the RNC... oh wait, they don't. The MSM, as shown by the Wikileaks emails, works directly with the DNC, and takes orders from them. They are used to advance their agenda, which by definition is propaganda, making your statement, as usual, 100% false.

As a veteran of broadcasting over four decades let me assure you in no uncertain terms ----

Mass media takes its orders from one thing and one thing only and that one thing is ADVERTISING MONEY -- period, full stop, cue fat lady.

MSM is, for better or worse, and it's all worse, in the business for the purpose of making a profit. To that end it will broadcast whatever will sell --- because that's where its money comes from. :banghead:

That's the entire reason, and the ONLY reason, you have fake wrestling and naked people on an island and Dancing with the Who Cares. MONEY. Nobody, I guarantee you NOBODY makes money from a political party or an ideology. There isn't even a way to do that.
you lost me here gene. how is getting revenue from tv advertisers why they put on the air what they do? huh? MSM is all biased ass cheap shits with no class, no integrity and finally no intelligence.

I "lost" you because I posted something in English. That always loses you. Furthermore I wasn't even talking to you so get lost.
You gonna lynch him?
Martin Luther King Jr. on Republican racists: ‘Frenzied wedding of the KKK with the radical right’

On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.

While I had followed a policy of not endorsing political candidates, I felt that the prospect of Senator Goldwater being President of the United States so threatened the health, morality, and survival of our nation, that I could not in good conscience fail to take a stand against what he represented.

I don’t see a lot of wiggle room there myself, but imagine how many halfwits who heard about King being a Republican from Fox News or talk radio are strutting around today believing, repeating and arguing about this nonsense. Is the ignorance of the right funny? Tragic? Dangerous? I can’t tell anymore! It’s all three, no doubt.
Pogo thanks for playing along, 2 of these were never Democrat candidates, Condalezza Rice shows your desperation and she never ran for an elected office, so she really doesn't belong on here, but since you're so desperate I'll just leave it, only point out your flaw. So you can name 13 out of over 1,500 elected politicians over a 150 year period who changed from being a Democrat to being a Republican. It's safe to say you dug pretty hard to find these and it makes my point, over 90% of the elected politicians in the original 11 Confederate States were Democrats from the Civil War into the late '70's and remained Democrats, never switching parties...

Strom Thurmond - correct
Jesse Helms- correct
Trent Lott- wrong
Richard Shelby- correct
Sonny Perdue- correct
Dave Treen- correct
Buddy Roemer- correct
Billy Tauzin- correct
Richard Baker- correct
Woody Jenkins- correct
Rick Perry- correct
Bob Martínez- correct
Bob Barr- wrong
Phil Gramm- correct
Condoleeza Rice- correct and I like this quote of hers ("My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.")

George Wallace Jr.- correct
David Duke- correct

Pfft -- those are just a few that I knew -- you'll notice several Louisiana state pols listed because I used to live there -- but there are plenty more. Whether Condoleeza Rice ever ran for office is entirely irrelevant to whether she party-switched. You don't need to run for office to switch your party.

And AGAIN --- Nobody in the fucking world claimed this was going on for 150 years. To the contrary I said it didn't go on at all for exactly 99 years (meaning 1865-1964). Until Thurmond broke the ice. So why you keep demanding answers to premises nobody ever articulated continues to escape me.

And again, as also noted way back ---- politicians switch parties after their constituency does, Thurmond being the exception. That's because whether they want to be a Democrat or want to be a Republican, far more than either of those they want to get elected, whatever it takes That's also why you have politicians who are already Republicans running as Democrats when the constituency favors it. Ray Nagin for example. Frank Rizzo for another. Because, for the 4797th time --- the purpose of a political party is to consolidate power and get its stable of characters into office --- it is NOT to represent an ideology. It should be but that doesn't last more than at most a generation.

/completely offtopic

Any name in 1964 vs any name now, dupes. And some just switched parties DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Google it DUH.

Dig deep, your buddy Pogo did and only came up with 13 over a 150 year period, pretty weak...

AGAIN --- these are a few that I already knew; I didn't have to "dig" for any of them. Had I "dug" there would have been a lot more. How many more? I don't fucking know and I don't fucking care because it's not relevant to anything.

Last edited:
Pogo thanks for playing along, 2 of these were never Democrat candidates, Condalezza Rice shows your desperation and she never ran for an elected office, so she really doesn't belong on here, but since you're so desperate I'll just leave it, only point out your flaw. So you can name 13 out of over 1,500 elected politicians over a 150 year period who changed from being a Democrat to being a Republican. It's safe to say you dug pretty hard to find these and it makes my point, over 90% of the elected politicians in the original 11 Confederate States were Democrats from the Civil War into the late '70's and remained Democrats, never switching parties...

Strom Thurmond - correct
Jesse Helms- correct
Trent Lott- wrong
Richard Shelby- correct
Sonny Perdue- correct
Dave Treen- correct
Buddy Roemer- correct
Billy Tauzin- correct
Richard Baker- correct
Woody Jenkins- correct
Rick Perry- correct
Bob Martínez- correct
Bob Barr- wrong
Phil Gramm- correct
Condoleeza Rice- correct and I like this quote of hers ("My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.")

George Wallace Jr.- correct
David Duke- correct

Pfft -- those are just a few that I knew -- you'll notice several Louisiana state pols listed because I used to live there -- but there are plenty more. Whether Condoleeza Rice ever ran for office is entirely irrelevant to whether she party-switched. You don't need to run for office to switch your party.

And AGAIN --- Nobody in the fucking world claimed this was going on for 150 years. To the contrary I said it didn't go on at all for exactly 99 years (meaning 1865-1964). Until Thurmond broke the ice. So why you keep demanding answers to premises nobody ever articulated continues to escape me.

And again, as also noted way back ---- politicians switch parties after their constituency does, Thurmond being the exception. That's because whether they want to be a Democrat or want to be a Republican, far more than either of those they want to get elected, whatever it takes That's also why you have politicians who are already Republicans running as Democrats when the constituency favors it. Ray Nagin for example. Frank Rizzo for another. Because, for the 4797th time --- the purpose of a political party is to consolidate power and get its stable of characters into office --- it is NOT to represent an ideology. It should be but that doesn't last more than at most a generation.

/completely offtopic
If only you democrats never started the kkk.....
Again, the conservative Democrats didn't become conservative Republicans by defection. They became that way by attrition. The sons of conservative Democrats grew up to be conservative Republicans.

A Southerner who is a conservative today didn't defect from the Democrats and become a Republican. He has always been a Republican.

The Klan has always been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization. Party affiliation is a sideshow for retards put on by their propaganda mills to keep them in everlasting ignorance of the right wing Christian DNA of that klub.

In the North, you were more likely to find a Republican Klansman than a Democratic one. And vice versa in the South.

It's all about where the Republican or Democratic Klansman resides on the political spectrum. And it has always been on the Right for the Knights.

That's what eats at the guts of the tards. So they avoid this truth at all costs, even at the expense of publicly shouting out their stupidity with topics like this one. Their anguish over these facts causing them to reflexively start idiotic topics like this one at least once a month in a futile attempt to bury their shame under a mountain of bullshit.

Indeed so, the attempt to live on one side of the political spectrum and simultaneously maintain its shit-fringe doesn't stink. This canard thread is a first cousin (at least) of the "Hitler was a leftist" revisionism.
Pogo thanks for playing along, 2 of these were never Democrat candidates, Condalezza Rice shows your desperation and she never ran for an elected office, so she really doesn't belong on here, but since you're so desperate I'll just leave it, only point out your flaw. So you can name 13 out of over 1,500 elected politicians over a 150 year period who changed from being a Democrat to being a Republican. It's safe to say you dug pretty hard to find these and it makes my point, over 90% of the elected politicians in the original 11 Confederate States were Democrats from the Civil War into the late '70's and remained Democrats, never switching parties...

Strom Thurmond - correct
Jesse Helms- correct
Trent Lott- wrong
Richard Shelby- correct
Sonny Perdue- correct
Dave Treen- correct
Buddy Roemer- correct
Billy Tauzin- correct
Richard Baker- correct
Woody Jenkins- correct
Rick Perry- correct
Bob Martínez- correct
Bob Barr- wrong
Phil Gramm- correct
Condoleeza Rice- correct and I like this quote of hers ("My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.")

George Wallace Jr.- correct
David Duke- correct

Pfft -- those are just a few that I knew -- you'll notice several Louisiana state pols listed because I used to live there -- but there are plenty more. Whether Condoleeza Rice ever ran for office is entirely irrelevant to whether she party-switched. You don't need to run for office to switch your party.

And AGAIN --- Nobody in the fucking world claimed this was going on for 150 years. To the contrary I said it didn't go on at all for exactly 99 years (meaning 1865-1964). Until Thurmond broke the ice. So why you keep demanding answers to premises nobody ever articulated continues to escape me.

And again, as also noted way back ---- politicians switch parties after their constituency does, Thurmond being the exception. That's because whether they want to be a Democrat or want to be a Republican, far more than either of those they want to get elected, whatever it takes That's also why you have politicians who are already Republicans running as Democrats when the constituency favors it. Ray Nagin for example. Frank Rizzo for another. Because, for the 4797th time --- the purpose of a political party is to consolidate power and get its stable of characters into office --- it is NOT to represent an ideology. It should be but that doesn't last more than at most a generation.

/completely offtopic
If only you democrats never started the kkk.....

Democrats didn't.

Prove me wrong.
Again, the conservative Democrats didn't become conservative Republicans by defection. They became that way by attrition. The sons of conservative Democrats grew up to be conservative Republicans.

A Southerner who is a conservative today didn't defect from the Democrats and become a Republican. He has always been a Republican.

The Klan has always been a far right wing Christian terrorist organization. Party affiliation is a sideshow for retards put on by their propaganda mills to keep them in everlasting ignorance of the right wing Christian DNA of that klub.

In the North, you were more likely to find a Republican Klansman than a Democratic one. And vice versa in the South.

It's all about where the Republican or Democratic Klansman resides on the political spectrum. And it has always been on the Right for the Knights.

That's what eats at the guts of the tards. So they avoid this truth at all costs, even at the expense of publicly shouting out their stupidity with topics like this one. Their anguish over these facts causing them to reflexively start idiotic topics like this one at least once a month in a futile attempt to bury their shame under a mountain of bullshit.

Indeed so, the attempt to live on one side of the political spectrum and simultaneously maintain its shit-fringe doesn't stink. This canard thread is a first cousin (at least) of the "Hitler was a leftist" revisionism.
So, the narional,socialists were not LWNJs? Do tell....:rofl:

You klansmen are idiots.....

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