151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Interesting that the OP is celebrating the anniversary of the KKK.
Democrat history you democrats don't want discussed.....

We get it....and so are many more Americans....

Let me ask you a question you won't answer.

If your grandfather was a pedophile, does that make you a pedophile?

Let me ask you a question...

Since the democrat party is a racist party...if you are a democrat voter does that mean you are a racist too......?

False premise. You lose.

True premise...the democrat party is the party of racism....from the top down......try to hide from it...but you can't hide from the truth.
Interesting that the OP is celebrating the anniversary of the KKK.
Democrat history you democrats don't want discussed.....

We get it....and so are many more Americans....

Let me ask you a question you won't answer.

If your grandfather was a pedophile, does that make you a pedophile?
You get a chicken pizza for Christmas?

So your answer is no.

Then why would someone's great great grandfather being a slavery supporter make you a supporter of slavery?
Democrats, who at the time were conservatives, and etc.

You twits want to say it was conservatism that made democrats own slaves...in order to smear modern conservatives with slavery and hide the true racism of the democrats....

The democrat conservatives wanted to conserve the practice of slavery.......they went to war to keep it....

Modern American Conservatives, like the Republicans of the Civil War era wanted to conserve the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights....and the belief that all men are created equal...

So this lie that democrat conservatives wanted to conserve the same thing as Modern conservatives is a lie to hide the actual, and on going, racism of the democrat party.

So you're federal government supremacist like Lincoln? The Supremacy Clause over all?

The confederate states fired on the United States...starting the War......the war they fought to keep slavery...had the democrats not started the war to keep their slaves Lincoln would not have had to fight the war....

So you think Robert E. Lee was a liberal.
Interesting that the OP is celebrating the anniversary of the KKK.
Democrat history you democrats don't want discussed.....

We get it....and so are many more Americans....

Let me ask you a question you won't answer.

If your grandfather was a pedophile, does that make you a pedophile?

Let me ask you a question...

Since the democrat party is a racist party...if you are a democrat voter does that mean you are a racist too......?

False premise. You lose.
You're a democrat....you lose....
Interesting that the OP is celebrating the anniversary of the KKK.
Democrat history you democrats don't want discussed.....

We get it....and so are many more Americans....

Let me ask you a question you won't answer.

If your grandfather was a pedophile, does that make you a pedophile?
You get a chicken pizza for Christmas?

So your answer is no.

Then why would someone's great great grandfather being a slavery supporter make you a supporter of slavery?
We're you pleased?
Democrats, who at the time were conservatives, and etc.

You twits want to say it was conservatism that made democrats own slaves...in order to smear modern conservatives with slavery and hide the true racism of the democrats....

The democrat conservatives wanted to conserve the practice of slavery.......they went to war to keep it....

Modern American Conservatives, like the Republicans of the Civil War era wanted to conserve the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights....and the belief that all men are created equal...

So this lie that democrat conservatives wanted to conserve the same thing as Modern conservatives is a lie to hide the actual, and on going, racism of the democrat party.

So you're federal government supremacist like Lincoln? The Supremacy Clause over all?

The confederate states fired on the United States...starting the War......the war they fought to keep slavery...had the democrats not started the war to keep their slaves Lincoln would not have had to fight the war....

So you think Robert E. Lee was a liberal.

Lee was a democrat.
Democrats, who at the time were conservatives, and etc.

You twits want to say it was conservatism that made democrats own slaves...in order to smear modern conservatives with slavery and hide the true racism of the democrats....

The democrat conservatives wanted to conserve the practice of slavery.......they went to war to keep it....

Modern American Conservatives, like the Republicans of the Civil War era wanted to conserve the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights....and the belief that all men are created equal...

So this lie that democrat conservatives wanted to conserve the same thing as Modern conservatives is a lie to hide the actual, and on going, racism of the democrat party.

So you're federal government supremacist like Lincoln? The Supremacy Clause over all?

The confederate states fired on the United States...starting the War......the war they fought to keep slavery...had the democrats not started the war to keep their slaves Lincoln would not have had to fight the war....

So you think Robert E. Lee was a liberal.

Lee was a democrat.

Was he a liberal?
What difference does it make? Well it depends which part you're talking about.

No one alive today is responsible for things that happened 150 or 900 years ago.

Of course not. However people have a tendency to look back into the past and take offense at things in the past and make judgements based on the past.
Unless you are a bed wetting liberal then all whites are guilty today of slavery that ended over 150 years ago. They have stated it in no uncertain terms on campuses across this Country and in the Democratic party as well.

Which is not what I said or meant in any way.
Your party says it and liberals across the Country say it all the time.
So all the conservatives moved from the North to the South and all the liberals moved from the South to the North and that's where we are today?
No one alive today is responsible for things that happened 150 or 900 years ago.

Of course not. However people have a tendency to look back into the past and take offense at things in the past and make judgements based on the past.
Unless you are a bed wetting liberal then all whites are guilty today of slavery that ended over 150 years ago. They have stated it in no uncertain terms on campuses across this Country and in the Democratic party as well.

Which is not what I said or meant in any way.
Your party says it and liberals across the Country say it all the time.
So all the conservatives moved from the North to the South and all the liberals moved from the South to the North and that's where we are today?
Merry Christmas klansman....
Of course not. However people have a tendency to look back into the past and take offense at things in the past and make judgements based on the past.
Unless you are a bed wetting liberal then all whites are guilty today of slavery that ended over 150 years ago. They have stated it in no uncertain terms on campuses across this Country and in the Democratic party as well.

Which is not what I said or meant in any way.
Your party says it and liberals across the Country say it all the time.
So all the conservatives moved from the North to the South and all the liberals moved from the South to the North and that's where we are today?
Merry Christmas klansman....
With the Klansmen in the south. I guess they were the only liberals who stayed behind.
Unless you are a bed wetting liberal then all whites are guilty today of slavery that ended over 150 years ago. They have stated it in no uncertain terms on campuses across this Country and in the Democratic party as well.

Which is not what I said or meant in any way.
Your party says it and liberals across the Country say it all the time.
So all the conservatives moved from the North to the South and all the liberals moved from the South to the North and that's where we are today?
Merry Christmas klansman....
With the Klansmen in the south. I guess they were the only liberals who stayed behind.
If you say so klansman....
The KKK was started by former soldiers of the Confederacy,

which is the single most important reason you see so many conservatives so vigorously defend the display of the Confederate Flag.


Maybe we should ask NY since he is such an historical scholar-----> forget the KKK for a second..........remember when Kennedy had to send in the national guard, remember when all the water cannons were used on black people fighting for their rights? Which political party did virtually ALL of the people doing these transgressions belong to! Oh wait, wait, say it isn't so....you mean the charming, delightful, open minded, all inclusive DEMOCRATS?!?!?!?!?!

And now.........wait for it........we are going to hear all about how Democrats and Republicans switched sides, but this time, we are ready for them! Let us look back and see which politicians in control in the South switched party's-) If they didn't switch party's leftists, it didn't happen, now did it, lol. Be specific! And of course, we will show all the politicians who were in charge of the water cannons, and which political party they belonged to a little further down the road-) Once you delve into individual politicians, your whole phony theory falls apart, and you are laid bare as the party of racism!

Robert E. Lee was a Democrat. The conservative South celebrates his birthday every year.

88% of Mississippi voters voted for the REPUBLICAN candidate Barry Goldwater in 1964. Those were DEMOCRATS switching to the Republican party, at the ballot box,

because Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Use your fucking head for once.

More on Goldwater....notice how he voted for every other Civil Rights act except for the 1964 act......

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority | RedState

Goldwater had supported the 1957 and 1960 acts but believed that Title II and Title VII of the 1964 bill were unconstitutional, based in part on a 75-page brief from Robert Bork. But far from extending a welcoming hand to southern segregationists, he named as his running mate a New York representative, William E. Miller, who had been the co-author of Republican civil-rights legislation in the 1950s. The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Excellent, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, which political party is the race hating, race baiting party. They still are, just listen to them about white this, and white that. It is time for Republicans to educate this board, and others. We have the historical evidence, solidly on our side. They have their hokey, phony-baloney, switcheroo theory, that as long as you look who was firing the water cannons, and what party they remained with after they got put down, has their whole theory fall apart like wet tissue paper.

Do we all understand that the left has incited black America forever by promoting this lie, AKA.......lefty propaganda! Not only have they lied to them consistently, but besides doing transfer of wealth payments, they haven't done a damn thing for them. This is probably a purposeful action on their part, because keeping poor people on the liberal plantation is the only way they can get elected. It was no mistake that Reagan did his utmost to revitalize inner cities, and push black Americans as much as humanly possible into the middle and upper classes. It is also no mistake that he was voted for by 25% of Democrats for re-election, and the same coalition pushed in daddy Bush........who as a typical Republican squish, let everything go back to status quo. (read my lips, no new taxes)

Time to educate the Democrats on the fence on what kinda politic party they support, and starting on the left turned even further left through racism in the 60s and early 70s, is a great place to start!
Conservative southerns angry about reconstruction after the civil war. Of course, I don't expect you republicans to understand basic political history.

"At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.

The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans."

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS

Where's your evidence of your assertion that it Conservative Republicans founded the KKK? Or is just another of the Democrats attempts at historical revisionism?

I have shown you mine, now show me yours.
Stop your lying, Derelict. The vigilante KKK was a hard right ultra conservative terrorist organization.
The democrats are the most racist organisation in the world, today.
indeed by far

You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.

Negros were Republican up until the 1930's and the Depression. At the time, many of them lived in abject poverty, and FDR and the New Deal promised them a way out.

By the 1960's, a full 2/3rds of blacks were Democrats, and 1/3 remained Republican. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 another 30% moved over to the Democrat Party.

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?
Since that time, Democrat's revisionist history convinced blacks that Republican were responsible for slavery, and therefore the racists in society.

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