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16 parralle similarities between the 9/11 and covid ops hoax.

They did not have to because actually yes we do know what he was up to that whole time. They ( the soviets ) were very forthcoming with the details of his stay. In gthe aftermath of the fall of the USSR their aqrchives were released and every document pertaining to Oswald merely confirmed what they had always told us about his stay,

The commision was not given its conclusions they were told to investigate and find the truth PERIOD.

Yes you are entitled to your opinion, but facts are facts regardless of opinion and the commission had no prewritten conclusion. Unlike conspiracy theorists who always do while claiming otherwise.

Nonsense ... if we had facts about a conspiracy, we wouldn't need theories ... now would we? ...

Ever notice all Gandalf's political enemies experienced horrific painful deaths? ... every, single, one ...
dude this guy is a shill from langley.dont feed the trolls.
They did not have to because actually yes we do know what he was up to that whole time. They ( the soviets ) were very forthcoming with the details of his stay. In gthe aftermath of the fall of the USSR their aqrchives were released and every document pertaining to Oswald merely confirmed what they had always told us about his stay,

The commision was not given its conclusions they were told to investigate and find the truth PERIOD.

Yes you are entitled to your opinion, but facts are facts regardless of opinion and the commission had no prewritten conclusion. Unlike conspiracy theorists who always do while claiming otherwise.

Nonsense ... if we had facts about a conspiracy, we wouldn't need theories ... now would we? ...

Ever notice all Gandalf's political enemies experienced horrific painful deaths? ... every, single, one ...
dude this guy is a shill from langley.dont feed the trolls.
There are no shills from Langley and just because you lack the intellect to admit when you are outclassed does not mean you can tell others who to talk to
while I don't think covid is a hoax its real but the media has overplayed it along with democrats in general.
Its not as serious as they try to make it out. numb nuts like the mayor of ny putting old people in nursing homes hat were all sick made it much more of a problem, covid can kill but its normally only a real danger to people who have other health issue and that are older, the same as the flu is.
most young people under 40 really dont need to worry to much unless they have other health issues.
if it was up to Uncle blow hole and Pelosi our entire nation would be locked down and there would be stimulus after stimulus and our nation in a depression.
I've seen enough data to know that unemployment kills many more people

For every 1% of unemployment there are around 50,000 deaths from things like suicide to drug abuse to heart attacks.

So if there is 10 to 20% unemployment, depending on how long they want to lock down again, well..............you do the math, but it makes the Covid deaths look like a walk in the park. The only difference is, the media won't report any of it.

You are looking at millions dead.
the thing that I find incredible is there are at least two idiot morons at this site,one of them being a former mod,that can accept it that covid is a hoax but they cant accept the official story of 9/11 is complete bs either even after all this time and all the excellent threads out there in this section that have exposed it:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

    There are numerous striking 9/11 COVID similarities, ranging from before the operation/event happened (foreknowledge) to how it was covered up afterwards.

My long held "conspiracy theory"—and it is coming from the mind of one who was deployed to Iraq ahead of the 2003 invasion—is that 9/11 was a preparatory phase for UN Agenda 21—one of many, which includes COVID. Think about it. Without the restrictions and surveillance infrastructure and law enforcement joint task force coordination implemented by the Patriot Act, COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates would have less bite.

Now, on a personal note, I have long struggled within myself over my own role as a US Army soldier fighting in Iraq throughout several tours from 2003 to 2012. On one hand I can always fall back on the patriotic (get some) revenge for 9/11 justification. I also served a number of tours in Afghanistan, but that's a different story for later. On the other hand, I sometimes find myself hating myself for sneaking through Baghdad on the eve of the invasion, through a major city of a sovereign nation, and disabling AA artillery pieces with liquid nitrogen so as not to make a sound, and so that my own nation could more safely bomb the fuck out of said ancient city and kill tens of thousands of civilians. But . . . all is fair in love and WAR, and I was a soldier back then—and I loved my job. The guilt is a vicious cycle, really.

But let us get back to the reasons why some folks will swallow COVID as a hoax but outright dismiss 9/11 hoaxers as nut jobs. For one—EVERYONE wanted revenge on the bogeyman bin Laden, and everyone wanted to eat a slice of patriot's "pie" by waving flags at deploying troops. Everyone wanted to buy in to the post 9/11 slaughter and everyone was willing to sacrifice some of their American freedom if it meant no second 9/11 level terror attack. I do believe it is that simple. Bloodlust was running at an all time HIGH.

If we're being honest about it . . . well, I was one of those kinds of people. I had already been in the Army for nine years, was with military intelligence and special operations, and I wanted to bring the pain and we did; over and over again. Only now, in hindsight, can I finally admit my original suspicions about why 9/11 was allowed to happen or even orchestrated by our own leaders. It was and remains a hell of a thing . . .
Why not include 11/22? ...

Meh ... part and parcel of the Old World Order ... John Wilkes Booth had help too ...
Very good point on 11/22,we had a chance to be a free country again back then with the chance of having the people control the government as they are suppose to as the constitution states and that would be the case today had he lived instead of all these corporations controlling it as they do,all that hope of getting back to the constitution of the United States all changed and the world changed for the worse starting on 11/22,1963.

You really can't say that for sure. No way to know what would have happened if Kennedy had lived. But gauging just by the metric of foreign policy, his actions in escalating the Vietnam War and in directing and financing the Bay of Pigs via the CIA were pretty much on par with most of the Presidents in the military industrial complex era, and foretell a second term not substantially different from LBJ.
Why not include 11/22? ...

Meh ... part and parcel of the Old World Order ... John Wilkes Booth had help too ...
Very good point on 11/22,we had a chance to be a free country again back then with the chance of having the people control the government as they are suppose to as the constitution states and that would be the case today had he lived instead of all these corporations controlling it as they do,all that hope of getting back to the constitution of the United States all changed and the world changed for the worse starting on 11/22,1963.

You really can't say that for sure. No way to know what would have happened if Kennedy had lived. But gauging just by the metric of foreign policy, his actions in escalating the Vietnam War and in directing and financing the Bay of Pigs via the CIA were pretty much on par with most of the Presidents in the military industrial complex era, and foretell a second term not substantially different from LBJ.

Danm are you ever the ignorant one. LBJ esculated it,you have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media cause first off,kennedy tried to withdraw us from vietna,that is well known now,that was the main reason he was assassinated,he never sent in combat troops he only sent in advisors,LBJ sent in the combat troops. it was all over in the stars and stripes pentagon papers of headlines reading kennedy to withdraw from vietnam by end of 1965,johnson reversed his policys sheep andkennedy was lied to by the CIA,they tricked him into trying to invade cuba He INHERITED the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower and inherited vietnam from truman.the bay of pigs plan he was presented was vastly different than the one they presented to eisenhower,the one they prestned to eisrhower was designed to succeed,where the one to kennedy was designed so they would fail. They assured him there would be no military involvement needed and when it turned out they lied to him,they tried to get him to call out the military for an invasion.

so enough of your babble that LBJS policys were the same as kennedys nonsense. kennedy was even heard yelling saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds after they lied to him about the plans of the invasion.

thank god kennedy went through the bay of pigs invasion because after that happened,he stopped listening to the military and when the cuban misile crisis happened,he took the advise of his aides and listened to them and ignored the war monger hawks of the military who wanted and urged him to bomb cuba. Had that war monger Nixon been president,i guarantee he WOULD have bombed cuba and got us into world war three,he bowed down to the military same as LBJ.

come back when you learn the facts.
Why not include 11/22? ...

Meh ... part and parcel of the Old World Order ... John Wilkes Booth had help too ...
Very good point on 11/22,we had a chance to be a free country again back then with the chance of having the people control the government as they are suppose to as the constitution states and that would be the case today had he lived instead of all these corporations controlling it as they do,all that hope of getting back to the constitution of the United States all changed and the world changed for the worse starting on 11/22,1963.

You really can't say that for sure. No way to know what would have happened if Kennedy had lived. But gauging just by the metric of foreign policy, his actions in escalating the Vietnam War and in directing and financing the Bay of Pigs via the CIA were pretty much on par with most of the Presidents in the military industrial complex era, and foretell a second term not substantially different from LBJ.

Danm are you ever the ignorant one. LBJ esculated it,you have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media cause first off,kennedy tried to withdraw us from vietna,that is well known now,that was the main reason he was assassinated,he never sent in combat troops he only sent in advisors,LBJ sent in the combat troops. it was all over in the stars and stripes pentagon papers of headlines reading kennedy to withdraw from vietnam by end of 1965,johnson reversed his policys sheep andkennedy was lied to by the CIA,they tricked him into trying to invade cuba He INHERITED the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower and inherited vietnam from truman.the bay of pigs plan he was presented was vastly different than the one they presented to eisenhower,the one they prestned to eisrhower was designed to succeed,where the one to kennedy was designed so they would fail. They assured him there would be no military involvement needed and when it turned out they lied to him,they tried to get him to call out the military for an invasion.

so enough of your babble that LBJS policys were the same as kennedys nonsense. kennedy was even heard yelling saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds after they lied to him about the plans of the invasion.

thank god kennedy went through the bay of pigs invasion because after that happened,he stopped listening to the military and when the cuban misile crisis happened,he took the advise of his aides and listened to them and ignored the war monger hawks of the military who wanted and urged him to bomb cuba. Had that war monger Nixon been president,i guarantee he WOULD have bombed cuba and got us into world war three,he bowed down to the military same as LBJ.

come back when you learn the facts.

Ok buddy, if you're going to get that worked up about it, have it your way. Just a side note, however... take it for what it's worth, but you might find that it's more effective to communicate your position if you don't come out slinging unprovoked insults at the people you're having a discussion with. I'm down to discuss most anything on here in earnest, but I have no interest in volleying torrents of childish insults that applies to 85% of the posts on here.
Why not include 11/22? ...

Meh ... part and parcel of the Old World Order ... John Wilkes Booth had help too ...
Very good point on 11/22,we had a chance to be a free country again back then with the chance of having the people control the government as they are suppose to as the constitution states and that would be the case today had he lived instead of all these corporations controlling it as they do,all that hope of getting back to the constitution of the United States all changed and the world changed for the worse starting on 11/22,1963.

You really can't say that for sure. No way to know what would have happened if Kennedy had lived. But gauging just by the metric of foreign policy, his actions in escalating the Vietnam War and in directing and financing the Bay of Pigs via the CIA were pretty much on par with most of the Presidents in the military industrial complex era, and foretell a second term not substantially different from LBJ.

Danm are you ever the ignorant one. LBJ esculated it,you have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media cause first off,kennedy tried to withdraw us from vietna,that is well known now,that was the main reason he was assassinated,he never sent in combat troops he only sent in advisors,LBJ sent in the combat troops. it was all over in the stars and stripes pentagon papers of headlines reading kennedy to withdraw from vietnam by end of 1965,johnson reversed his policys sheep andkennedy was lied to by the CIA,they tricked him into trying to invade cuba He INHERITED the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower and inherited vietnam from truman.the bay of pigs plan he was presented was vastly different than the one they presented to eisenhower,the one they prestned to eisrhower was designed to succeed,where the one to kennedy was designed so they would fail. They assured him there would be no military involvement needed and when it turned out they lied to him,they tried to get him to call out the military for an invasion.

so enough of your babble that LBJS policys were the same as kennedys nonsense. kennedy was even heard yelling saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds after they lied to him about the plans of the invasion.

thank god kennedy went through the bay of pigs invasion because after that happened,he stopped listening to the military and when the cuban misile crisis happened,he took the advise of his aides and listened to them and ignored the war monger hawks of the military who wanted and urged him to bomb cuba. Had that war monger Nixon been president,i guarantee he WOULD have bombed cuba and got us into world war three,he bowed down to the military same as LBJ.

come back when you learn the facts.
LBJ was following Kennedy
's policies when he escelated the war in Vietnam.

Kennedy was assassinated because one lone communist idiot got lucky. Kennedy actiually never said that about the CIa and had a good relationshop with them.

You know nothing of the facts and are wrong as always
IF y'all want some info on Kennedy, can I suggest someone/something besides corporate media ?

This Wednesday, May 12, at 7pm Eastern Time, we have the concluding presentation in our online conference “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination.” I will be making that presentation, which will be entitled “Regime Change: The JFK Assassination.” I invite everyone to attend. If you haven’t registered for the conference, you can do so at our conference website. A Zoom link will be sent to you. My presentation, which will be amplified by Apple Keynote slides, will be the most complete talk I have ever given on the Kennedy assassination. Forewarning: It will be around 2 1/2 hours long. So, if you’re a coffee drinker, it would be good to have a pot ready before we get started.

However, we have added one additional session to the conference on Wednesday, May 19, that will be a panel session entirely devoted to Q&A. It will primarily revolve around the political context of the assassination (as compared to the medical evidence in the autopsy that the U.S. national-security state conducted on Kennedy’s body). The panelists will be Douglas Horne, Michael Swanson, John Newman, and me.
Last week, Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s, delivered an excellent presentation about the war that was being waged between Kennedy and the Pentagon and the CIA over the future direction of America. In fact, I consider it one of Doug’s finest presentations on the Kennedy assassination and, specifically, the war that was taking place between Kennedy and his national-security establishment practically from the time he entered office.

Relevance today of the Kennedy assassination

Disclaimer: No, I've not listened to the above- however, I do know that the US gov't is the lyingest entity on the planet next to the corporate media - I have read (I don't do pod casts or long videos) many contradictions to the "official" narrative about JFK- as in M.A.N.Y.

The medical evidence, referred to in the above copy and paste, may not be hard evidence about who, but it is hard evidence that somebody lied- that somebody is a typical follow the money US gov't "official" bullshit-
I have read the medical evidence referred to- it doesn't jibe with the "official" lie -

I've had posters say, so what? That illustrates the absolute reason this country is in the position we find it in- complacency- I've also had many defenders of Israel chide me for questioning the holahoax numbers- even though they (the defenders) choose to ignore the near genocide numbers of the invasion of what we call the United States on the inhabitants who called it home- I've pointed out, the excuse is the same as the Manifest Destiny bullshit used to sell the near genocide then, for the invasion of the ME in our time- moral high ground bullshit- follow the money, see the agenda-

Now, you may say, so what?; what does that have to do with JFK?
To that I'll use a saying you may or may not be familiar with in reference to riding a Harley or playing a quality made guitar- if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand- you may, at this point say; that's a cop out- in response my reply is- figure it out yourself- I did and so have others- dots have to be connected that require more than 30 second sound bites and 3 sentences-

Or, you can choose to remain steadfastly under the thumb of the lyingest entity on the planet-
Yes, I learned Im confused.
Knowledge isn't biased in its origin- the way to stop being confused is through knowledge-
And responding to my statement out of context is irrelevant.
Truth and honesty are prudent for certain circumstances.
I do believe they they apply here.
Ive seen your "fence riding" post's, and your use of words, combined with your indoctrination, and it cant touch me.
You see, I have that Forrest Gump mentality.

Of course they fell into their own foot print. That's how gravity works. The planes didn't knock the builldings OVER.
That's how gravity works
Gravity working, at near free fall speed, requires nothing be in the way- as in, no obstruction- and you might want to consider - ALL controlled demolitions drop straight down into it's own foot print at near free fall speed- you might also consider the bldg 7 wasn't hit by a plane and had only minimal fire- you also, might want to follow the money to see the agenda - you might also want to consider, the "official narrative" touted by the 2 lyingest entities on the planet corroborate each other's lies, and, at the time, Bush jr was called being in charge, a Republican, not a friend to the media - there are other *considerations* as well, but, IF you really want to know you can do a little research on your own- use the search engine of your choice (and the videos posted here), and the links provided here New to 9/11 Research? and

1,270 Architects/Engineers Reveal Hard Evidence of Explosive Demolition at World Trade Center on 9/11

Of course one has to want to educate themselves- or, rely on the 2 lyingest entities on the planet- as of now, the choice is the choosers to make- personally, I don't buy the lies- I choose to believe outsiders, eye witnesses, people who earn their living (honestly), not a gov't source which has a 200 year history of lying as it's evidence- but, hey, I'm an analytical and curious person -

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