16yo boy could not have been raped - Fox

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Fox?s Tucker Carlson: ?Whiny? teen couldn?t have been raped by teacher because he?s a boy

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson on Thursday called 16-year-old male victim of a statutory rape by a high school teacher “whiny,” complaining that he “tattled” to the police and “ruined her life.”

The topic of discussion was the case of Joy Morsi, a Queens high school gym teacher accused of having sex with an under-aged student approximately 30 times over a six week period in school storage closets and in her car. Since the first report, another student has also come forward claiming to have had sex with the teacher.

Addressing the issue with the all-female panel on Fox’s Outnumbered, Carlson dismissed the notion that the male student was raped, calling it “ludicrous.”

“It’s ludicrous that we are calling this a rape. Are you serious?” Carson explained.” I’m not joking a tiny bit. I’ll tell you what’s wrong to this extent: he went and tattled to the police and destroyed her life. Are you joking? What a whiny country this is.”

Carlson, who has previously stated that sexual situations between male students with teachers would be, in the student’s mind, “the greatest thing that ever happened,” said the notion of statutory rape with a male student defied “common sense.”

“You’re this boy, and all of a sudden you’re a rape victim? You pursue an older woman, and have a relationship with her, and you’re a rape victim?” he said. “It defies common sense. And anybody who’s being honest with himself knows exactly what I’m talking about. We all have to pretend.”

Carlson admitted that it would be a different matter if the victim was a woman, causing panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle to state, “That’s a double standard.”

Where's trannysteve and the other RW liars? They should be all over this with their "libtard" crap.

Oh wait - its Fox and Tucker Carlson - ultra right wing nutters, so of course, the RWs here will agree with Carlson.

Oh wait,
Well I don't agree with him.
Now this kid wasn't forced and held down like we normally think of rape, but as far as the law goes, he was underage so it was rape.

And as I've been saying over and over in numerous threads like this, it's completely innapropriate to screw your students.

Fire her, then throw her ass in jail !!!
So what? He's wrong. No need to wet your pants over it
Fox?s Tucker Carlson: ?Whiny? teen couldn?t have been raped by teacher because he?s a boy

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson on Thursday called 16-year-old male victim of a statutory rape by a high school teacher “whiny,” complaining that he “tattled” to the police and “ruined her life.”

The topic of discussion was the case of Joy Morsi, a Queens high school gym teacher accused of having sex with an under-aged student approximately 30 times over a six week period in school storage closets and in her car. Since the first report, another student has also come forward claiming to have had sex with the teacher.

Addressing the issue with the all-female panel on Fox’s Outnumbered, Carlson dismissed the notion that the male student was raped, calling it “ludicrous.”

“It’s ludicrous that we are calling this a rape. Are you serious?” Carson explained.” I’m not joking a tiny bit. I’ll tell you what’s wrong to this extent: he went and tattled to the police and destroyed her life. Are you joking? What a whiny country this is.”

Carlson, who has previously stated that sexual situations between male students with teachers would be, in the student’s mind, “the greatest thing that ever happened,” said the notion of statutory rape with a male student defied “common sense.”

“You’re this boy, and all of a sudden you’re a rape victim? You pursue an older woman, and have a relationship with her, and you’re a rape victim?” he said. “It defies common sense. And anybody who’s being honest with himself knows exactly what I’m talking about. We all have to pretend.”

Carlson admitted that it would be a different matter if the victim was a woman, causing panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle to state, “That’s a double standard.”

Where's trannysteve and the other RW liars? They should be all over this with their "libtard" crap.

Oh wait - its Fox and Tucker Carlson - ultra right wing nutters, so of course, the RWs here will agree with Carlson.

Oh wait,

Wait....a RWr saying something stupid about rape? How odd.
Legally, it was rape, practically it was not. However, the legal aspect takes priority.
If it's technically rape because of the kid's age so be it.

What I'm wondering, perhaps Carlson also, is why the kid didn't report it after the first instance? Or the 2nd, 5th, 12th, or 27th time either?

For what it's worth if I was that age and the 'victim' of such treatment I wouldn't be thinking I'd been raped, repeatedly. I'd be thinking I'd hit the jackpot!
If it's technically rape because of the kid's age so be it.

What I'm wondering, perhaps Carlson also, is why the kid didn't report it after the first instance? Or the 2nd, 5th, 12th, or 27th time either?

For what it's worth if I was that age and the 'victim' of such treatment I wouldn't be thinking I'd been raped, repeatedly. I'd be thinking I'd hit the jackpot!

Said someone who has never been raped.

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Tucker Carlson is a prep school privileged arrogant moron, who just happens to get some things right. But not this time. Idiot.
Fox?s Tucker Carlson: ?Whiny? teen couldn?t have been raped by teacher because he?s a boy

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson on Thursday called 16-year-old male victim of a statutory rape by a high school teacher “whiny,” complaining that he “tattled” to the police and “ruined her life.”

The topic of discussion was the case of Joy Morsi, a Queens high school gym teacher accused of having sex with an under-aged student approximately 30 times over a six week period in school storage closets and in her car. Since the first report, another student has also come forward claiming to have had sex with the teacher.

Addressing the issue with the all-female panel on Fox’s Outnumbered, Carlson dismissed the notion that the male student was raped, calling it “ludicrous.”

“It’s ludicrous that we are calling this a rape. Are you serious?” Carson explained.” I’m not joking a tiny bit. I’ll tell you what’s wrong to this extent: he went and tattled to the police and destroyed her life. Are you joking? What a whiny country this is.”

Carlson, who has previously stated that sexual situations between male students with teachers would be, in the student’s mind, “the greatest thing that ever happened,” said the notion of statutory rape with a male student defied “common sense.”

“You’re this boy, and all of a sudden you’re a rape victim? You pursue an older woman, and have a relationship with her, and you’re a rape victim?” he said. “It defies common sense. And anybody who’s being honest with himself knows exactly what I’m talking about. We all have to pretend.”

Carlson admitted that it would be a different matter if the victim was a woman, causing panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle to state, “That’s a double standard.”

Where's trannysteve and the other RW liars? They should be all over this with their "libtard" crap.

Oh wait - its Fox and Tucker Carlson - ultra right wing nutters, so of course, the RWs here will agree with Carlson.

Oh wait,

It's not 'rape, rape" As said by a ton of liberals when Polanski raped Samantha Gailey. In fact it is still said today.

Polanski was not guilty of 'rape-rape', says Whoopi Goldberg | Film | theguardian.com

He is accepted in liberal circles as one of the best and brightest. People like Harvey Milk, who enjoyed young lovers, and Ginsberg who appeared in films for NAMBLA are put on pedestals.

It's not 'rape rape'. :(

The OP is rape, just as the above situations are, period.
God you guys spend so much time attacking these nebulous labels liberal and conservative, how is doing that even remotely interesting? Do you really believe you're going to convince the posters from the opposing ideology that oh you're right they do hate the poor or approve or rape or whatever stupid opinion you're trying to hang on them?

If you disagree with something another poster said then challenge them, what is the point of going after Whoopi-fucking-Goldberg said four years ago.
It's a quibble.

In a world where words retain their actual meaning, a woman cannot, in fact, "rape" a male since that would require the woman to have a penis and the male to have a vagina capable of being "penetrated."

It is possible for an adult woman to have sexual relations with a minor male "child" however. And that can still be quite criminal. But not a rape, unless the legal definition of "rape" has been re-tooled to mean something different than its original meaning. And I suppose SOME jurisdictions might have done that.

But what difference does it make. An adult having sex with a minor is still a criminal act. And a teacher (a person in a position of trust in our society) doing it to a student is still wrong on one or two levels beyond merely meeting the legal definition of one crime or another.

The case in question, though, comes under the NY State law. So, call it whatever you wish, but the truth remains. What she did was NOT "rape." And just to be clear, the woman is not CHARGED with rape, either.
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The official charges against her consist of:
PL 260.10 01 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Act Manr Injur Child < 17

PL 130.40 02
**TOP CHARGE** E Felony, 2 counts, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Crim Sexact3:actor>21victim<17

PL 130.40 02 E Felony, 2 counts, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Crim Sexact3:actor>21victim<17
CaféAuLait;9220877 said:
Fox?s Tucker Carlson: ?Whiny? teen couldn?t have been raped by teacher because he?s a boy

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson on Thursday called 16-year-old male victim of a statutory rape by a high school teacher “whiny,” complaining that he “tattled” to the police and “ruined her life.”

The topic of discussion was the case of Joy Morsi, a Queens high school gym teacher accused of having sex with an under-aged student approximately 30 times over a six week period in school storage closets and in her car. Since the first report, another student has also come forward claiming to have had sex with the teacher.

Addressing the issue with the all-female panel on Fox’s Outnumbered, Carlson dismissed the notion that the male student was raped, calling it “ludicrous.”

“It’s ludicrous that we are calling this a rape. Are you serious?” Carson explained.” I’m not joking a tiny bit. I’ll tell you what’s wrong to this extent: he went and tattled to the police and destroyed her life. Are you joking? What a whiny country this is.”

Carlson, who has previously stated that sexual situations between male students with teachers would be, in the student’s mind, “the greatest thing that ever happened,” said the notion of statutory rape with a male student defied “common sense.”

“You’re this boy, and all of a sudden you’re a rape victim? You pursue an older woman, and have a relationship with her, and you’re a rape victim?” he said. “It defies common sense. And anybody who’s being honest with himself knows exactly what I’m talking about. We all have to pretend.”

Carlson admitted that it would be a different matter if the victim was a woman, causing panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle to state, “That’s a double standard.”

Where's trannysteve and the other RW liars? They should be all over this with their "libtard" crap.

Oh wait - its Fox and Tucker Carlson - ultra right wing nutters, so of course, the RWs here will agree with Carlson.

Oh wait,

It's not 'rape, rape" As said by a ton of liberals when Polanski raped Samantha Gailey. In fact it is still said today.

Polanski was not guilty of 'rape-rape', says Whoopi Goldberg | Film | theguardian.com

He is accepted in liberal circles as one of the best and brightest. People like Harvey Milk, who enjoyed young lovers, and Ginsberg who appeared in films for NAMBLA are put on pedestals.

It's not 'rape rape'. :(

The OP is rape, just as the above situations are, period.

Polanski raped that girl and should be punished for his crime. Oh dear.....and I'm a liberal. Now what?
God you guys spend so much time attacking these nebulous labels liberal and conservative, how is doing that even remotely interesting? Do you really believe you're going to convince the posters from the opposing ideology that oh you're right they do hate the poor or approve or rape or whatever stupid opinion you're trying to hang on them?

If you disagree with something another poster said then challenge them, what is the point of going after Whoopi-fucking-Goldberg said four years ago.

You're right.

At its most basic, rape is not about the sex. It's the powerful forcing their will on a weaker victim. The sex of the victim isn't germane but saying that a 16yo had struck pay dirt is saying he's just a machine without feelings. He should have the choices we would demand for a 16yo old girl.

This is also what makes that disgusting old duck dynasty preacher slime on the hoof for preaching, in a church/religion setting that 15y/o girls should "marry" adult men.

As always, my opinion is that we should protect children from sexual predators.

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gawd give us a frikken break

obsess over your party, point out some the stupid and dumb they say and and do for a change

come on I dare ya

good ole luds back leading the charge of trash scraped out of the sewer
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His hardon is evidence that he wanted it.

You're kidding, right?

Fact is, an erection is an autonomic reaction and not dependent on desire. That's why quads can gave an erection and intercourse without being able to feel any physical reaction.

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