17 Republican Governors Approve More Refugees for their states

Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
so let's take that chance and make it easy for another 9-11...???!!!!hahahah = DUMB

They weren't refugees.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
there are not many American born terrorists
Almost all of the terrorist attacks in this country are from native born American citizens.
links please/lists
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Whitey has been way too responsible with their fertility rate while brown people have continued to fuck like rabbits never considering how they will pay for their litters of filth...Foreign filth have found a cash cow in stupid Americans who have programmed to believe we benefit from multiculturalism...These dumbmotherfuckers are willing to pay the worlds trash to settle here and ruin this nation.
Ain’t that right Issa ?

Someone must have left you at the curb when they took the trash. Isn't there a landfill somewhere waiting for you to infest?

In the meantime, I am glad for the diversity and vibrancy immigrants have brought to our country.

Good real Americans think good real Americans should benefit from those settling here...you know, since we fund and run the nation and all...weird concept huh...you wouldn’t understand.
REFUGEES don't live in a foreign country forever. Where are these imaginary "refugees" coming from, and under what conditions can we, the AMERICAN people, expect them to return HOME.

Please restore the definitions of "refugee" and "immigrant." Is that so damn hard?
They weren't refugees.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
there are not many American born terrorists
Almost all of the terrorist attacks in this country are from native born American citizens.
links please/lists

Do a search for United States and you'll find the vast majority of terrorist attacks in the US are domestic, not foreign-born.

Who shot up the Tree of Life?
Who opened fire on African Americans a Kroger grocery store in Kentucky?
Who shot at Republicans in baseball game?
Who sent pipe bombs to people critical of Trump?
REFUGEES don't live in a foreign country forever. Where are these imaginary "refugees" coming from, and under what conditions can we, the AMERICAN people, expect them to return HOME.

Please restore the definitions of "refugee" and "immigrant." Is that so damn hard?

Yes. They can and do, according to the rules laid out by the Refugee Act of 1980 which covers the settlement and absorption of refugees in the United States and which for the first time clearly defined "refugee" on the definition created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees.

Refugees are not the same as those groups who come here under "temporary protected status".

Sorry you don't like them, we, the AMERICAN people, supported it.

I have no idea what you think it should be "restored to" since there were no clear prior definitions before this.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
there are not many American born terrorists
Almost all of the terrorist attacks in this country are from native born American citizens.
links please/lists

Do a search for United States and you'll find the vast majority of terrorist attacks in the US are domestic, not foreign-born.

Who shot up the Tree of Life?
Who opened fire on African Americans a Kroger grocery store in Kentucky?
Who shot at Republicans in baseball game?
Who sent pipe bombs to people critical of Trump?
hahah--I knew you would fk up-
.....Those are not terrorists attacks!!! if anything, they are hate crimes, not terrorism
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
for sure the Tree of Life and Kroger shootings were not terrorism..so that leaves you with just 1 out of 4.....AND you equate almost 3000 murdered with some pipe bombs sent and 6 injured ??!! 3000 vs 6 injured????!!! HUGE diffference there
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
there are not many American born terrorists
Almost all of the terrorist attacks in this country are from native born American citizens.
links please/lists

Do a search for United States and you'll find the vast majority of terrorist attacks in the US are domestic, not foreign-born.

Who shot up the Tree of Life?
Who opened fire on African Americans a Kroger grocery store in Kentucky?
Who shot at Republicans in baseball game?
Who sent pipe bombs to people critical of Trump?
here's the real list for you:
..Boston Bombings- out of a population of 600,000 with just 1% islamic, the Islamics committed the bombing!!! REFUGEES that murdered 3 and injured 200
..Fort Hood
..San Bernadino
..Shoe Bomber
ALL muslim refugees/recent '''immigrants''' from the Middle East
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Those are the stupid Republicans who want more refugee settlement. They're neocon idiots like Bush, McCain and Ryan. Neocons are even worse than Democrats. They are too stupid to realize that 90% of refugees will end up voting Democrat.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
We are and were ALWAYS intended to be a nation of EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS and we were until 1965 and funny that's when America started its race to the bottom.


Did you sleep through history class?
Go look at the demographic reports...easy enough to do. Up until 1965 America was 90% or more WHITE.
So Trumpists, party of no more refugees, no more immigrants....what's your big plan for revitalizing dying towns, renewing empty urban areas, providing needed workers and paying taxes and into SS and Medicare so your aging asses get taken care of?
Do like Hungary and Russia have done. Provide incentives to have more children. Give them tax breaks when having more than 3 children,money per month, a down payment for a home. More Children means more workers eventually who pay taxes etc. Stop shipping jobs overseas and smaller towns wouldn't die. Stop giving tax breaks to Walmart and other big box stores and mom and pop stores who keep these small towns alive would stay in business. There are MANY things we can do.
Just as long as we don't let any of those bastards from California in, I'm ok with it.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
Immigrants usually have a vested interest er rest in being successful. The process itself also tends to to self select for enterprising, hardworking, flexible people. The process of uprooting and leaving behind all you knew, not to mention the journey itself for some people weeds out the weak.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
We are and were ALWAYS intended to be a nation of EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS and we were until 1965 and funny that's when America started its race to the bottom.


Did you sleep through history class?
Go look at the demographic reports...easy enough to do. Up until 1965 America was 90% or more WHITE.
So Trumpists, party of no more refugees, no more immigrants....what's your big plan for revitalizing dying towns, renewing empty urban areas, providing needed workers and paying taxes and into SS and Medicare so your aging asses get taken care of?
Do like Hungary and Russia have done. Provide incentives to have more children. Give them tax breaks when having more than 3 children,money per month, a down payment for a home. More Children means more workers eventually who pay taxes etc. Stop shipping jobs overseas and smaller towns wouldn't die. Stop giving tax breaks to Walmart and other big box stores and mom and pop stores who keep these small towns alive would stay in business. There are MANY things we can do.
Who cares what what color we were and are? It is just a bag full of Gene's. We have to many many people already, wedontneedto be breeders to support the Homeland's quest for less pigment.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
We are and were ALWAYS intended to be a nation of EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS and we were until 1965 and funny that's when America started its race to the bottom.


Did you sleep through history class?
Go look at the demographic reports...easy enough to do. Up until 1965 America was 90% or more WHITE.
So Trumpists, party of no more refugees, no more immigrants....what's your big plan for revitalizing dying towns, renewing empty urban areas, providing needed workers and paying taxes and into SS and Medicare so your aging asses get taken care of?
Do like Hungary and Russia have done. Provide incentives to have more children. Give them tax breaks when having more than 3 children,money per month, a down payment for a home. More Children means more workers eventually who pay taxes etc. Stop shipping jobs overseas and smaller towns wouldn't die. Stop giving tax breaks to Walmart and other big box stores and mom and pop stores who keep these small towns alive would stay in business. There are MANY things we can do.
Who cares what what color we were and are? It is just a bag full of Gene's. We have to many many people already, wedontneedto be breeders to support the Homeland's quest for less pigment.
Its not just skin color...you have obviously never studied genetics and science and race etc. You were just asking how we do all these things but now all of a sudden we don't need more people...sounds like just more anti white BS to me.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
Americans will work those jobs if they pay a decent wage. In my younger days I worked plenty of jobs like that.
The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States

Refugee-importing GOP governors are screwing America harder right now than Soleimani and Iran ever have.

They are not screwing anyone except racists who want to keep America white. Clearly they are following their Christian beliefs. Try reading the parable of the Good Samaritan.
They are screwing every American who needs a better paying job, moron. Politicians are paid to follow their christian beliefs. They're paid to do what the voters want, and none of them want the country to import cheap foreign labor.

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