17 Republican Governors Approve More Refugees for their states

This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
Immigrants usually have a vested interest er rest in being successful. The process itself also tends to to self select for enterprising, hardworking, flexible people. The process of uprooting and leaving behind all you knew, not to mention the journey itself for some people weeds out the weak.
AND----my company has at least 25% immigrants who have trouble speaking English.....they are not making much $$$ at all --they are taking jobs away from Americans

What Americans are they taking jobs from if they are being paid shit wages?
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
Immigrants usually have a vested interest er rest in being successful. The process itself also tends to to self select for enterprising, hardworking, flexible people. The process of uprooting and leaving behind all you knew, not to mention the journey itself for some people weeds out the weak.
many reasons to cut immigration
simple: more workers = lower pay and higher prices....the immigrant capital of the US [ Cali ] proves it--New York also is up there:
almost botton 4th in poverty--also there schools were mucho overcrowded



In reality, the only jobs impacted (as in wages are driven lower by a fractional amount) are those typically taken by Americans lacking a high school diploma - this is in itself a small, very vulnerable group of Americans.

Otherwise - wages are not lowered by immigrants, particularly skilled labor.

If you're talking about "immigrant capitals" Texas is right up there with California, as is Florida and Nevada not far behind

Right now...we have more jobs and not enough workers with the right skills or the willingness to do hard work at low wages.
To put this into perspective, between 2018 and 2019, the number of refugees admitted to the U.S. from travel ban countries skyrocketed by almost 784%.

I don't think so.

The number of refugees in 2018 was drastically cut and fewer were actually admitted (under quota), 2019 the same.

Pretty shameful.
The post 1998 GOP strikes again....

What do "we" care about?


Who do "we" not care about?


Thank you, post 1998 GOP, for once again demonstrating that there are words, and there are actions.....

The post 1998 GOP = all it cares about is ISRAEL

We are talking about refugees. What the fuck does Israel have to do with refugees coming into the US?

The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States

Refugee-importing GOP governors are screwing America harder right now than Soleimani and Iran ever have.

They are not screwing anyone except racists who want to keep America white. Clearly they are following their Christian beliefs. Try reading the parable of the Good Samaritan.
And what's wrong with keeping America white? It was 90% or more white until 1965... and that's what our founding fathers intended for it to be.

If you are that concerned about the melanin content of human skin...pass out free bleach.
The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States

Refugee-importing GOP governors are screwing America harder right now than Soleimani and Iran ever have.

They are not screwing anyone except racists who want to keep America white. Clearly they are following their Christian beliefs. Try reading the parable of the Good Samaritan.
They are screwing every American who needs a better paying job, moron. Politicians are paid to follow their christian beliefs. They're paid to do what the voters want, and none of them want the country to import cheap foreign labor.
They are following their Christian beliefs. If you call yourself a Christian, you are a fake Christian. They are screwing no one.

The real irony is most Latin American immigrants are STAUNCH Christians and socially conservative.
REFUGEES don't live in a foreign country forever. Where are these imaginary "refugees" coming from, and under what conditions can we, the AMERICAN people, expect them to return HOME.

Please restore the definitions of "refugee" and "immigrant." Is that so damn hard?

Yes. They can and do, according to the rules laid out by the Refugee Act of 1980 which covers the settlement and absorption of refugees in the United States and which for the first time clearly defined "refugee" on the definition created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees.

Refugees are not the same as those groups who come here under "temporary protected status".

Sorry you don't like them, we, the AMERICAN people, supported it.

I have no idea what you think it should be "restored to" since there were no clear prior definitions before this.
We, the American people, have changed our minds.

No. YOU have. You don't speak for all of us, and neither do I. So speak for yourself.
REFUGEES don't live in a foreign country forever. Where are these imaginary "refugees" coming from, and under what conditions can we, the AMERICAN people, expect them to return HOME.

Please restore the definitions of "refugee" and "immigrant." Is that so damn hard?

Yes. They can and do, according to the rules laid out by the Refugee Act of 1980 which covers the settlement and absorption of refugees in the United States and which for the first time clearly defined "refugee" on the definition created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees.

Refugees are not the same as those groups who come here under "temporary protected status".

Sorry you don't like them, we, the AMERICAN people, supported it.

I have no idea what you think it should be "restored to" since there were no clear prior definitions before this.
We, the American people, have changed our minds.

No. YOU have. You don't speak for all of us, and neither do I. So speak for yourself.
Your side lost the election.
The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States

Refugee-importing GOP governors are screwing America harder right now than Soleimani and Iran ever have.

They are not screwing anyone except racists who want to keep America white. Clearly they are following their Christian beliefs. Try reading the parable of the Good Samaritan.
They are screwing every American who needs a better paying job, moron. Politicians are paid to follow their christian beliefs. They're paid to do what the voters want, and none of them want the country to import cheap foreign labor.
They are following their Christian beliefs. If you call yourself a Christian, you are a fake Christian. They are screwing no one.
I'm an atheist, so that horseshit doesn't work on me. I owe foreigners nothing. They are screwing everyone in this country who works for a living. They are taking jobs and lowering wages.

Except they aren't lowing wages but for ONE vulnerable demographic group - Americans without high school diplomas. And even then, the effect is marginal. What actually drives wages is more complex - multiple factors.
REFUGEES don't live in a foreign country forever. Where are these imaginary "refugees" coming from, and under what conditions can we, the AMERICAN people, expect them to return HOME.

Please restore the definitions of "refugee" and "immigrant." Is that so damn hard?

Yes. They can and do, according to the rules laid out by the Refugee Act of 1980 which covers the settlement and absorption of refugees in the United States and which for the first time clearly defined "refugee" on the definition created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees.

Refugees are not the same as those groups who come here under "temporary protected status".

Sorry you don't like them, we, the AMERICAN people, supported it.

I have no idea what you think it should be "restored to" since there were no clear prior definitions before this.
We, the American people, have changed our minds.

No. YOU have. You don't speak for all of us, and neither do I. So speak for yourself.
Your side lost the election.

So did yours.

And it may again.

More than half of Americans are not enamored with YOUR choice...something to consider if you pretend to speak for them.
This is nuts. Why are we building a wall to keep them out if other elected officials are letting them in through a different door?
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
Immigrants usually have a vested interest er rest in being successful. The process itself also tends to to self select for enterprising, hardworking, flexible people. The process of uprooting and leaving behind all you knew, not to mention the journey itself for some people weeds out the weak.
many reasons to cut immigration
simple: more workers = lower pay and higher prices....the immigrant capital of the US [ Cali ] proves it--New York also is up there:
almost botton 4th in poverty--also there schools were mucho overcrowded



In reality, the only jobs impacted (as in wages are driven lower by a fractional amount) are those typically taken by Americans lacking a high school diploma - this is in itself a small, very vulnerable group of Americans.

Otherwise - wages are not lowered by immigrants, particularly skilled labor.

If you're talking about "immigrant capitals" Texas is right up there with California, as is Florida and Nevada not far behind

Right now...we have more jobs and not enough workers with the right skills or the willingness to do hard work at low wages.
we also had a Middle Easterner as an engineer
--you are wrong, there are many skilled labor jobs taken by recent immigrants/foreigners
..I was about to ask our CO if not speaking English is a requirement !!!
..we also have a Honduran in the office--these are youngsters
..at my old work we had a Nicaragian engineer
..and don't forget these people have kids, then they have kids = it's exponetially bad...
AND if what you say is true, how come Cali is the craphole it is --expensive to live in---?

..it all adds up...don't forget, it's a security issue also
I disagree...the US not only needs immigrants but it is what is because of immigration. If the US halted all kinds of immigration let's say since the 50s the US will not be what it is. Every I look i see immigrants. We stole millions of brains from other countries, skilled workers and labor workers, that's why we are where we are since day one.
Just because more brown people are in, thats all what worries you it seems. Dont forget the first settlers and many white immigrants were criminals. War criminals, thugs and even terrorists that fled other countries to start a new life.
Yes, the United States wouldn't be what it is without immigration, and an alcoholic wouldn't be what he is without plenty of drinking. You're arguments don't provide any kind of rational justification for immigration.

importing high skilled labor is one thing. Importing ignorant peasants is another.

You failed to explain why we need immigrants.
Where do you live? Who will work in farms, stores, construction, low paying jobs,...?
Every where I turn I see immigrants working hard....and in the same town most homeless and addicts i see are whites. I invite your to west LA to see it with your own eyes.
Immigrants usually have a vested interest er rest in being successful. The process itself also tends to to self select for enterprising, hardworking, flexible people. The process of uprooting and leaving behind all you knew, not to mention the journey itself for some people weeds out the weak.
..here's another example:
..this African immigrant that had been at my work has been here about 10 years--and he barely understands English--how the F is this guy going to be successful?? THEN the jackass complained because he wasn't making enough $$$--but he can barely speak English !!!!!!!!


On the other hand, I work with multiple African students, of varying English skills, coming here for a higher education degree, then staying and finding jobs. In all cases, those who's English was poor to start with, improved notably.
....hahahhahaaa--but you just said they DON'T go to higher education--they take lower paid jobs....you are contradicting yourself
post # 82
In reality, the only jobs impacted (as in wages are driven lower by a fractional amount) are those typically taken by Americans lacking a high school diploma - this is in itself a small, very vulnerable group of Americans.
Stopping refugee resettlement is a winning issue, unless the GOP wants more and more Ilhan Omar-types elected.
"Could you imagine if the native Americans would of done this when the English 1st arrived in this country.....same thing!" - Wacky AOC

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