17 Republican Governors Approve More Refugees for their states

Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
...good way for terrorists to get in --DUH

Except very few do that way. Most are homies.
so let's take that chance and make it easy for another 9-11...???!!!!hahahah = DUMB

They weren't refugees.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
We are and were ALWAYS intended to be a nation of EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS and we were until 1965 and funny that's when America started its race to the bottom.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
We are and were ALWAYS intended to be a nation of EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS and we were until 1965 and funny that's when America started its race to the bottom.


Did you sleep through history class?
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

The only war is in your mind. We're a nation of immigrants. Always have been. And there have always been the doom and gloomers and the ethnically paranoid.
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore

Funny. That's what I thought. But the rhetoric you lot spew about immigration is identical to what people said back then.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
...good way for terrorists to get in --DUH

Except very few do that way. Most are homies.
so let's take that chance and make it easy for another 9-11...???!!!!hahahah = DUMB

They weren't refugees.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
...good way for terrorists to get in --DUH

Except very few do that way. Most are homies.
so let's take that chance and make it easy for another 9-11...???!!!!hahahah = DUMB

They weren't refugees.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
there are not many American born terrorists
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
This is not about refugees. It is about the amount of refugees. Men and women that come here need to assimilate into the general population. That takes time. We have shut the door to immigrants in our history until that was achieved. But it is political now and one party has used it as a basis for votes. This is dangerous because people come here to forget the worse of their home nation and continue the same thoughts that got them here.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
"Greed?" That's your dumbass argument? The economy doesn't have opinions, moron. We don't need any more people.

Tell me, why would anyone want more refugees from shit hole countries? How do we benefit? If we don't benefit, why do it? It makes as much sense to ask why you don't beat yourself on the head with a hammer.

Just what the states need. More refugees who don't speak English and will be on welfare for God knows how long.

I hope that the Governors of those states pick and choose which refugees they will take into their States. I sure as hell would.
Whitey has been way too responsible with their fertility rate while brown people have continued to fuck like rabbits never considering how they will pay for their litters of filth...Foreign filth have found a cash cow in stupid Americans who have programmed to believe we benefit from multiculturalism...These dumbmotherfuckers are willing to pay the worlds trash to settle here and ruin this nation.
Ain’t that right Issa ?
Start recalls against these governors. It might take direct attack on refugee settlements also.
"Greed?" That's your dumbass argument? The economy doesn't have opinions, moron. We don't need any more people.

Wait! I thought this is the Best! Economy! Evar! I suppose Cult45 needs to work on their where their loyalties lie. Can't be on both sides of an issue and expect to be taken seriously.
The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States

Refugee-importing GOP governors are screwing America harder right now than Soleimani and Iran ever have.
Yet cons somehow think the R Party is better than the D Party, when clearly they are damn near identical twins.
if you say that to one of the more die hard ones,they get a little pissed....what they both think of each other is pretty dam near identical....
So Trumpists, party of no more refugees, no more immigrants....what's your big plan for revitalizing dying towns, renewing empty urban areas, providing needed workers and paying taxes and into SS and Medicare so your aging asses get taken care of?
Except very few do that way. Most are homies.
so let's take that chance and make it easy for another 9-11...???!!!!hahahah = DUMB

They weren't refugees.
......hahhaha--you didn't comprehend the post = ''make it easy'' !!!..we want to make it HARDER for terrorists to get in= that means cutting back on EVERYTHING= refugees/visas/legal and illegal immigration/etc
..we've go too much legal immigration as it is

The Refugee Resettlement Program is one of the hardest ways for a terrorist to get in.

The easiest, and most common way is being born here.
there are not many American born terrorists
Almost all of the terrorist attacks in this country are from native born American citizens.
Whitey has been way too responsible with their fertility rate while brown people have continued to fuck like rabbits never considering how they will pay for their litters of filth...Foreign filth have found a cash cow in stupid Americans who have programmed to believe we benefit from multiculturalism...These dumbmotherfuckers are willing to pay the worlds trash to settle here and ruin this nation.
Ain’t that right Issa ?

Someone must have left you at the curb when they took the trash. Isn't there a landfill somewhere waiting for you to infest?

In the meantime, I am glad for the diversity and vibrancy immigrants have brought to our country.

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