17 year old daughter of Congressman dies of heart attack…

Your blob/god pushed for the development of the vaccine you swear are killing people there ex-mod. So kindly go fuck yourself.
Your brain dead leader didn't follow Trump's plan your brain dead leader owns this shit.
At least once a year we hear about a High School Athlete who dies of a sudden heart attack. Even before the Vaccine. You all on the Right used to say that these were results of drugs and the pervasive permissive attitude on the Left. Now you blame the vaccine.

We hear endlessly about the dangers of Fentanyl from the Right. You are far more likely to overdose than die from the Vaccine.

But hey. Why deal in facts when you can deal with fear and innuendo just to badmouth Former President Trump.

I honestly don’t know what you have against Trump. But the vaccine is his and he assured us all it was wonderful and effective. Now. Are you going to claim that Trump lied? Are you claiming that Former President Trump was a party to the development of a poison vaccine?

I personally don’t believe that. But I’m willing to hear you out while you make the case. So please. Continue.

President Trump was lied to. He believed the CDC and FDA. It was his only big mistake as President.

Now we now they are lying scumbags, just like the rest of the Deep State agencies.

Many of us trusted our “intelligence” agencies back when they said Iraq had WMD. Yet they lied about it.

"Vaccines are the best defense we have against infectious diseases, but no vaccine is actually 100% safe or effective for everyone because each person’s body reacts to vaccines differently"
Goddamn, you are fucking hopeless.
“wE’rE sO gRaTeFuL fOr tHe vAcCiNaTiOn.”

experimental vaccine.

Vaccinated people


Vaccinated people

She was fully vaccinated

The shot is NOT a vaccine
Trump said it was a vaccine.

development of the vaccine

The (left leaning ) "Hill" says "she died peacefully in her sleep". How freaking insulting. You die peacefully in your sleep at 90 not 17.
The (left leaning ) "Hill" says "she died peacefully in her sleep". How freaking insulting. You die peacefully in your sleep at 90 not 17.
They are trying like hell to minimize the damage to the left. The fact she died from a blood clot that formed due to myocarditis caused by her recent vaccination is what we should all be pissed as hell about.
Your blob/god pushed for the development of the vaccine you swear are killing people there ex-mod. So kindly go fuck yourself.

Yeah, he did. And that is something he can take credit for. He didn't know at the time what sort of evil people he was dealing with.

We DO now.

And you are one of them.
Quite tragic.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on Friday release the state's analysis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, revealing an 84 percent "increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39." Florida "will not be silent on the truth," he said.
The guidance "recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old." In a statement, Ladapo said that "Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health. Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians."
Myocarditis. Swelling around the heart. SO, a blood clot is a good bet. It's happening in children of all ages... there is no reason to be
Myocarditis. Swelling around the heart. SO, a blood clot is a good bet. It's happening in children of all ages... there is no reason to be vaccinating people under 30 without an underlying condition.
My dearest friend of age 62 was a Covid overreactor and was on maximin anti clotting meds due to his bypass of 3 years ago. He had a stroke and died and his doctors are completely bewildered as to why he was clotted so badly. Doctors have not publicly decried the experimental injections just yet but it’s coming
Right now lib loons are desperately clinging to the frightened “I’m gonna die if you don’t get your shot” mantra because that’s a feeling and the facts have steadily been deserting them .
They are trying like hell to minimize the damage to the left. The fact she died from a blood clot that formed due to myocarditis caused by her recent vaccination is what we should all be pissed as hell about.
Absolutely correct fact but suspension of reality causes feelings and fears to push facts aside
The new normal, fully vaccinated teenagers dying of heart attacks:

Could be a cover for a fentanyl OD which would put even more blood on El Presidente's hands above that he has already accumulated!

Open Borders FTW!!
Because politics of the Democrats are getting young people killed with an experimental vaccine.
You contards are pathetic.
You just randomly assume the vaccine killed her.
Well, it's tragic,
but if that's what you believe,

then Thanks trump.
This is totally on you.
Failed Pandemic Response in ALL Areas.
trump sucks ass.

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